Ibsens Life Portrayed In A Dolls House English Literature Essay

“A Doll House” by Henrik Ibsen, was a reflection of his life. The story’s central themes mirror the social and economic problems that Ibsen faced. From his parent’s joyless and dysfunctional marriage to his monetary deficiency, one can see the conspicuous distinction between his life and his works. The story inherently reveals his perception of marriage, his struggles with poverty, and his existential views which have manifested from his life experiences. It also exposes the stresses of modern life and truths about society that many people thought to be blasphemous, but suggests other significant issues in Ibsen’s life.

Ibsen was born on March 20, 1828, in the small Norwegian village of Skien. When he was eight, his father went bankrupt. This event made a deep impression on Ibsen and his family. His parents’ relationship suffered, causing his father to turn to alcohol and his mother to sink into a dark depression and become socially inactive for the remainder of her life. His mother was subservient to her imperious husband, which had become a vital theme in many of his works, including “A Doll House”.

The title “A Doll House”, suggests Ibsen’s perception of a woman’s role in society, which was influenced by his parents relationship. It implies that the marriage is superficial and seemingly pleasant on the outside, but lacks passion and depth on the inside. In the play, Nora, the wife of Torvald, explains her feeling of just being “a show for him”. “I’ve lived by doing tricks for you, Torvald. But that’s the way you wanted it. It’s a great sin what you and Papa did to me” (Ibsen, #1712). This reveals the reality of the struggles woman endured during that time. Women were always seen as inferior to men, and were never individuals of equal standing. In the play, Torvald refers to his wife, Nora, as “little”, and often compares her to a “squirrel” or a “lark”. These terms evoke demeaning representation that hints to the idea that Ibsen associates women as “play-things” and “amusement” due to the lack of respect he had for his mother.

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In the play, Nora, without Torvald’s knowledge, borrows money illegally for the trip they took to Italy when Torvald was ill. For years she worked to pay down the loan slowly. When Tovald discovers her deception, he becomes vehemently outraged that she would shame him by committing such an abysmal act. “Oh what an awful awakening! In all these eight years- she who was my pride and joy-a hypocrite, liar- worse, worse- a criminal! How infinitely disgusting it all is! The shame!” ( #1709). Could Ibsen be implicitly suggesting a way to better a marriage? He imperceptibly alludes that a marriage should be founded on truth and solidarity, and that a woman earns her respect through her commitment to her children and to her husband, and if there is no honesty, then she shames them all. From an early age, Ibsen only knew women to be compliant to men because of his parents. His mother was not one with a contumacious nature, and anyone who is would just disgrace the men. It is inevitable that any competent woman would want to be liberated from a marriage based mainly on the service of men.

Ibsen was a faithful believer of existentialism. It was tangible that he embraced individuality and autonomy because his works conveyed the truths about society that others were too afraid to admit. Nora was “in many ways still like a child” (# 1688). She was conditioned by her father to live a parasitical life of security and submissiveness. When she married Torvald, her purpose in life stayed the same. She remained his “doll” and never thought anything of it until Torvald discovered her secret. “But our home’s been nothing but a playpen. I’ve been your doll-wife here, just as at home I was Papa’s doll-child. And in turn the children have been my dolls. I thought it was fun when you played with me, just as I they thought it fun when I played with them. That’s been our marriage” ( # 1712). Her self-discovery is admirable. She has an epiphany and discovers there is more to life than being just a “doll”. Did society, in those times, have a hedonistic perception that inhibited women to live a life of conformity and obedience? Most plays written during that time were invariably ordinary and didn’t question the style of life.

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Ibsen’s existential views motivated him to incorporate them in “A Doll’s House”. Although he didn’t seem to have a lot of respect for women, he wanted people to vicariously identify with Nora. She longed to break free from her trapped marriage and become autonomous in every aspect of life. “There’s another job I have to do first. I have to try to educate myself. You can’t help me with that. I’ve got to do it alone. And that’s why I’m leaving you know” ( # 1712). All her life, she’s been prescribed rules and limitations to live by, and now she wants to liberate herself from all authority. One must look beyond the selfishness of the act, and at the aesthetic value of her decision.

Another recurring theme in Ibsen’s works is financial instability in middle-class families. After Ibsen’s father went bankrupt, he struggled for years to gain enough money to live a comfortable and secure life. It is a relevant theme in “A Doll House”, where Nora and Torvald become consumed by thoughts of money, and repaying their debts. At one part, Nora talks to Mrs. Linde, a friend from school, about how money world negate

any stress in her life. “To know you’re carefree, utterly carefree, to be able to romp and play with the children and to keep up a beautiful, charming home……” ( # 1675). She also says, “Won’t it be lovely to have stacks of money and not a care in the world?” ( #1671). It seems that she is obsessed with the idea of having excessive amounts of money. It could be interpreted as Ibsen’s desire to have money that he never had in his life, and shows his quintessential dream of gaining money for happiness.

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“A Doll House” has remained a timeless classic even today. It is a reflection of Ibsen’s life. Its themes emulate his parent’s unhealthy marriage, his existentialistic nature, and his financial instability. His parent’s relationship tainted his perception of marriage and a woman’s role in society, which had a significant impact on his plays. His fight to succeed in gaining monetary stability also influenced his works, and became a central theme in “A Doll House”. He desired to live a comfortable life with money, just as Nora and Torvald did. The obsession with money consumed him and his characters. He incorporated his existential ideals by creating an ending where Nora discovers her true purpose in life, which does not include her overbearing and superficial husband, Torvald. This realization shed new light on the truths of the roles of women in society and marriage.

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