Impact Of Existing Legal Regulatory And Ethical Consideration Business Essay

The success of an organization depends on its efficiency the efficiency of an organization depends on its employees. Efficient employees always make the work done effectively. This is the key factor of a company. So recruiting efficient employees has been considered one of the most important jobs for a manager. If an organization doesn’t take its HRM responsibilities seriously, work performance and goal accomplishment will suffer. The quality of an organization is, to a large degree, merely the sum of quality of people it hires and keeps. Getting and keeping competent employees are critical to the success of every organization, whether the organization is just starting or has been in business for many years. Studies say that efficient HR department could be a competitive advantage for a firm. Achieving competitive success through people requires a fundamental change in how managers think about their employees and how they view the work relationship. It involves working with and through people and seeing them as partners, not just cost to be minimized or avoided. High-performance work practices lead to both high individual and high organizational performance. The common thread in these practices seems to be a commitment to improving the knowledge skills and abilities of an organization’s employees increasing their motivation; reducing loafing on the job; and enhancing the retention of quality employees while encouraging low performance to leave.

Job description and specification : job description is a written statement of what a jobholder does, how it is done and why it is done it typically describes the job content, qualifications that a person must possesses to perform a given job successfully

As a HR assistant 50 retail group my job is to choose some sales assistant. So the job content of a sales assistant is to sell goods to the local customers help them to buy things. They have to be very much enthusiastic. Job specification states that the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform the given job successfully. It identifies the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to do the job effectively. The job description and the job specification are both important documents when managers begin recruiting and selecting. The qualities needed for sales assistant are given bellow: sales assistant must be,

organized, reliable, trustworthy, a good leader as well as take directions well, good communications skills, like to help people, patient, listen well, polite, have good math skills, able to delegate, able to train and motivate a staff, and able to work hard.

Impact of existing legal regulatory and ethical consideration:

Recruiting the right people is the key to the success of many organizations. These organizations ensure that the processes and procedures involved in recruitment and selection meet their needs and are legal. In this unit, learners will develop an understanding of the impact of the regulatory framework on the recruitment process. Potential applicants may decide to apply for a post based on the quality of information that they receive. Details of the post will usually be the first communication they have with the organization. It is important that the organization makes a good first impression on potential applicants to ensure that they attract sufficient applicants of the right caliber. Learners will develop their knowledge of the types of documentation

used in an interview process. A structured and planned selection procedure is crucial to the success of the selection process. The impression a business makes may determine an applicant’s decision to accept an offer of appointment. Staff conducting the interview will also be forming their impressions of the applicant. It is important that interviewers are well organized and prepared. They will need to be familiar with the details supplied by the short listed applicants, and use effective communication and listening skills during the interview.

In this unit, learners will gain experience of the interview process through taking part in an interview. Organizations’ with effective recruitment and selection processes and practices in place are more likely to make successful staffing appointments. In competitive labor markets this is a major advantage that well organized-businesses will have over their competitors.

Section process: selection is an exercise in prediction. It seeks to predict which applicants will be successful if hired. Successful in this case means performing well on the criteria the organization uses to evaluate employees. In filling a sales position, for example, the selection should be able to predict which applicants will be able to effectively oversee and manage the organization’s computer network. A decision is correct when the applicant was predicted to be successful and proved to be successful on the job, or when the applicant was predicted to be unsuccessful and would be so if hired. In the first case, we have successfully accepted; and the second case we have successfully rejected. Problem arises when errors are made in rejecting candidates who would have performed successfully on the job or accepting those who ultimately perform poorly. These problems can be significant

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Evaluation of selection process: there are different types of selection devices. Managers can use a number of them to avoid selection and rejection errors.

These selection processes are given bellow:

Application form

Written test

Performance simulation test


Background investigation

Physical examination

Since our objective is to select sales assistant our target to recruit the most competent and energetic applicants. So how can we judge the applicants what selection process will be perfect. Though it doesn’t need any mental work or any complication we decided only the application form, performance simulation tests and interviews.

Skills and attributes needed for leadership:

Leadership has been of interest since the early days of people gathering together in groups to accomplish goals. There are two different theories regarding leadership. These are trait theories and behavioral theories

Trait theory says the intent was to isolate traits that leader possessed and non-leaders don’t have. Some of the traits studied included physical structure, appearance, social class, emotional stability, fluency of speech and sociability. Despite the best efforts of researchers, it proved to be impossible to identify a set of traits that would always differentiate leaders from non-leaders. Seven trait associated with the effective leadership including


The desire to lead

Honesty and integrity



Job-relevant knowledge


Manager versus leader: Perhaps there was a time when the calling of the manager and that of the leader could be separated. A foreman in an industrial-era factory probably didn’t have to give much thought to what he was producing or to the people who were producing it. His or her job was to follow orders, organize the work, assign the right people to the necessary tasks, coordinate the results, and ensure the job got done as ordered. Managers appointed to their position. Their ability to influence to employees is based on the formal authority inherent to that position but leaders are appointed or emerged from or within a group. They are able to influence other beyond authority.

Different leadership styles in different situations:

Leaders are often responsible for structuring their roles of others in organization. Anthony bourdain, chief executive at New York’s les halles restaurant, and his highly disciplined staff thrive on a hierarchical structure that is in some ways at odds with increasingly flat structure of corporate organizations. Bourdans likens his model to the military with a rigid chain of command.

Ways to motivate staffs to achieve organizational goals

Empowerment gives an employee an extra advantage. For this they feel free to work freely so managers need to acknowledge the enforcement of the empowerment. There are different types of reward system these are followed by the different companies and they are frequently used by their managers. They are very important to achieve the goal of an organization. The effective reward system should be introduced in organization. There are two types of rewards these are extrinsic rewards and intrinsic rewards. They are discussed below:

Extrinsic rewards:

Extrinsic rewards are paid by the persons of outside of the individual and they are made unexpected. They are used by the supervisors and managers. They can be paying bonuses and a surprise off day or may be promotions or special assignments etc.

Intrinsic rewards:

Intrinsic job are dependent on the interests of the particular job. It can be the interesting job or the competitive job or self-developments it is self-stimulus not dependent on others.

To motivate behavior, the organization needs to provide an effective reward system. An effective reward system has four elements:

rewards are made that can satisfy all types of employees

rewards must be compatible to the employee’s needs

rewards must be seemed lucrative

Rewards have to be placed perfectly

And the timing should be perfect

Some American first introduced this rewards system. But they are not perfectly adjusted by the managers. So need to be adjusted by the needs of the employees. If they fail to satisfy the employees it will ultimately bring nothing. So they customized their rewards system according to the employees need. After all employee’s work should be valued if they feel that they are not seek the attention the company will suffer in a long run.

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Assessment of the benefits of team-working in organization: in every organization team working is considered one of the best ways to accomplish the objectives. In our organization team working has been practiced for a long time. Some effective results come from team working when more people are involved in a job more ideas and more effective ways come out. It increases and efficiency and ultimately it gives a better result.

Again it ensures more involvement among the peer that’s why all think that they are the part of the organization that ultimately reduces the turn-over in the organization. It increases employee satisfaction

it also develop new skills and finds a easy way to do to work which also help to acquire new skills. It also accelerated the speed of the work an individual that will do in a slow process. After all many new ideas and theories come out from this process that helps an organization to achieve the goal and make it successful in a long run.

Conflicts and difficult situation that I have faced: sometimes it may happen conflicts arises from different situation

it should be admitted that any conflict can be arise. Actually conflicts are not a bad thing it has some advantages. When conflicts arise it may happen that the conflicts are happening repeatedly. Then it may give an absolute solution. And it can be used for further situation. Conflicts arise from the different people. Because people have different view and perception they assess the same situation in a different way. So it is natural to arise conflicts. So it is a effective way if we give the same attention for each personal views and opinion. That’s how the conflicts can be solved. There are some vital points if they are followed it will help to solve the conflicts.

Acknowledge the conflict:

First the conflicts should be acknowledged. It may happen that at the first level of conflict the situation could be quite normal and trivial. But there are differences between the employees. If it is solved then the conflicts would not be raised.

Discuss the impact:

If it is discussed the demerits to the employees I think it will be effective to the employees to understand the situation

Agree to a cooperative process:

Everyone must be cooperative to this fact. No one should be so rigid to his opinion. Everyone has opinion and you have to be respectful to the opinion of others. Then the employees will understand the situation. There will be same value of opinion of others.

Agree to communicate:

Everyone should be communicative no one has the right not to communicate with others. Peoples need to talk with other for their strong values and opinions. And that will help to understand people where they are come from.

Clarify positions:

Conflicts may arise the position should be clear. The team has the different opinion they have to clarify their say. And they have to be respectful about other option. Each have unique view. But they articulate it there will be no problem.

If the suggestions are followed the conflicts will be avoided. But if they arise it is very effective way to avoid them firstly talk to the employees. Find out the problem or why the conflicts have raised. Then talk to the employees. Then fix the problem.

Effectiveness of my company: as a HR assistant I have to admit that it is very difficult to make everyone happy. Team management is very hard job where you have to keep your eyes to everyone. I myself think that if anyone has the integrity he can be successful. So it is the question how perfect I am. I personally think that I am not 100% successful some bad decision I have to make that went against to my worker but I had to do it for the betterment of my firm.

Needs of individuals:

Needs assessment for educational purposes refers to the identification of discrepancies between

Prevailing knowledge, skills, and performance levels and the desired levels. For example, needs represent gaps between the level at which judges and court personnel are able to perform and the level at which they should be performing. Needs assessment isn’t a single instrument or action, but an overall strategy or plan that over time utilizes a variety of instruments and methods to identify educational needs. A comprehensive needs assessment strategy includes collection of information from a variety of sources and employs a range of methods. Needs assessment should be used in concert with program evaluation to provide an ongoing determination of whether or not educational activities are satisfactorily addressing the needs identified. The distinction between needs assessment for educational purposes and competence assessment is important. Identification of educational needs enables educators to develop programs to address deficits. It does not provide information of sufficient breadth or depth to attest to professionals ‘competence to practice. Determining what constitutes an educational need is different from determining what constitutes competence; the two must be considered separately.

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Types of needs:

Specific needs may be described in several ways. Felt needs occur when an individual senses that something is missing, while expressed needs are present when the individual not only is aware of the gap, but can verbalize it. Self-determined needs are those subjectively identified by an individual, as contrasted to assessed needs, which have been objectively identified. Normative needs refer to an individual’s skill level in relation to a recognized standard, whereas comparative needs describe an individual’s skill level in comparison to that of another individual or group. Difficulties working within practice constraints may be reflected in process needs, which indicate that although an individual may have the requisite knowledge and skills to perform a task, he or she cannot function adequately within the organizational system of the practice setting. Anticipated needs reflect expected changes in the content, scope, or process of practice. These distinctions can be applied to group, as well as individual,


Success of assessment process: different individuals have different needs so it is very difficult to make all of them happy different types of needs let them give efforts to do the work sincerely. There are many step in need. First of all comes physical needs then comes social need. If step one is not fulfilled step two won’t work as a motivator.

Conclusion: Knowledge, skills, and performance present themselves as potential areas for assessment, and all are valid. In assessing needs for certain individual educational programs, relationship to practice may be of minimal importance. An overall needs assessment strategy to guide judicial education, however, must

Include some attention to practice-oriented needs — those areas of daily practice in which individuals exhibit weaknesses that could be modified by educational interventions.

All practitioners have knowledge needs; new knowledge is constantly being created. Judicial

Educators need not conduct formal assessments to determine the need for new knowledge, but rather must keep abreast of new laws, policies, and procedures, and offer educational activities to convey them. On the other hand, knowledge that judges and court personnel are presumed to have acquired through previous education and experience may represent an area of need and should be investigated. Facts

Learned some time ago may have faded, or they may be viewed differently if revisited from the perspective of a different career stage. And while a solid knowledge base is not sufficient to ensure good performance in daily judicial practice, it is essential.

If judicial educators’ goal truly is to assist in improvement of professional performance, they must get as close as possible to assessing that performance. Ideal assessment of performance in any profession is direct assessment of individuals’ practice behaviors. Stringent observation and evaluation of the professional’s daily practice in the work setting offer a clear picture of strengths and weaknesses, and hence of the areas in need of educational intervention. Unfortunately, such assessment is highly resource intensive and therefore out of reach for most, if not all, organizations seeking to identify practitioners’ educational needs.

Assessment of skills offers one alternative. It is substantially closer than knowledge assessment to measuring weaknesses in practice. Skills involve application of knowledge referred to above and may require integration of a number of facts and concepts. Without the ability to translate knowledge into the skills required in daily practice, no professional can perform effectively. Careful assessment of skills can provide an accurate measure of individuals’ abilities to apply their knowledge in the manners necessary

to perform successfully.

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