Impact Of Globalisation On Biodiversity Environmental Sciences Essay

Biodiversity is the diverseness in the different varieties of flora and fauna in a particular habitat. It comprises of the totality of genes, species and ecosystems in a specific place. It serves as a source of aesthetic and economic value, is used as food and related items, provides scientific information and replaces engineering solutions such as flood control and water pollution abatement. Bio richness thus is rated of higher preference to stand as a major factor for the future economic growth and thereby the overall sustainable development.

Globalisation is the concept where people, nations, technologies, businesses and networks are interconnected and interdependent politically, economically and socially unhindered by different time zones making the whole world as a unified globe. It helps in the increase of transportation and communication networks and allows cross border trade and resource movements. The international business activities and cross national treaties and agreements are done with much ease.

The question put forward was whether globalisation is a cause for the loss of biodiversity. The notion of globalising the world comprises of upgrading and furthering of all the sectors and spheres of economy. People started enjoying the luxurious lifestyles and became attached to opulent materials and drew pleasure out of it. This drastically depleted the natural resources and their fullness. Since bio diversity is the key factor comprising of both the biotic and abiotic factors in an environment, the loss of its magnificence will drastically affect the present pace and thereby indirectly strike hard on the future generations to follow.


The failure to proper recycling, inefficiency in the process of restoration of the near extinct varieties by newer fertility techniques, over exploitation of fossil fuels and enormous population growth have lead to serious troubles. Measures must be taken to search for the best breeding grounds and home habitats that would rejuvenate the endangered species. Ethical values and morale of people must be exploited for the protection of the extinct flora and fauna. The buffer zones must be encouraged to be set up for creating space between human intervention and original wild dwellings.

All the intergovernmental organisations and related institutions must come together to coordinate and participate in meetings and seminars annually or semi-annually to formulate plans and implement strategies to avoid the hidden disasters that could arise from the advancing loss of biodiversity and the rare species. The value of ecosystem balance and a sustainable economy must be essential for a stable economy. Thus a good effort must be taken to uplift biodiversity as it contributes to both utilitarian and non utilitarian grounds.

I take a mediocre stand in the preservation of bio diversity along with globalising the world extracting mutual benefits from both and contributing to a better economy. Thus a world would be possible enjoying the aspects of global benefits and equally valuing the bio assets.


The term ‘Globalisation’ creates a big difference in the entire aspect of revolutionising an economy. It would generate a new world where people would agree upon common grounds and come into harmony to deal with arising conflicts and disputes with ease. It would make the dream of unifying the globe with a single culture, heritage, human rights and standards come true. The economies will unite together for a common goal, purpose and intention to individually contribute to the overall general development of the communities. The people would come into the point of giving their best by becoming mutually accountable for each other and developing complimentary skills. Effective participation and shared leadership will be displayed by each and every one being to make their part become clear and true. There would be right use of power and its implementation by the right set of people at the right occasion.

Globalisation would make the technology to advance and grow in right proportions to all the sectors and areas in equalised amounts and contribute for the well being of its source. The cognitive, affective and behavioural patterns of economies will be furnished to contribute more and more to the well being of the nations together as a single unit with defined principles and etiquettes. The basic requirements of self actualisation needs, security concerns, sociability factors, status and dignity counts and general morale of the future generations will be revised and viewed upon in a different and broader perspective. The cross border issues and interstate matters will be held with concerns and peace treaties and negotiations would harmonise different colonies and related territories. Surely globalising the world is one of the most important factors required for inculcating a necessary change to the economy.

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Biodiversity on the other hand is one of the key factors comprising the earth to its entirety. It is the totality of genes, species and ecosystems together contributing to the biotic and abiotic factors of the planet. The richness of flora and fauna constitutes the green factor and spreads the value of aesthetic beauty. It is the basic building block of the earth and is the keystone element giving space for future growth and flourishing of newer breeds and varieties of species.

Since globalisation struck the heads of people, so did occur the excess loss of biodiversity. People began to enjoy the taste of comfort and foolish luxury. The age of Americanisation, Mc donalisation and computerisation paved way to more and more relaxed methods of living and effortless access to materials. It generated a pathway to ready and immediate entrée to the acquiring of the needs and wants of greedy souls. The corporate world and related institutions began to exploit the economy under the name of globalisation. Newer generations demanded latest and advanced gadgets to meet the competency levels and to satisfy the needs of emerging markets and labour forces. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, biomedical engineering, aeronautics, geospatial technology, genetics, fitness and holistic nursing, emergency and disaster management strategies, computer forensics, robotics and fields like artificial intelligence have created a yet different view in the whole living standards. The intensity, vastness and propensity of interconnectedness made possible through globalisation thus produced a huge impact on the present existence of people.

Huge areas got cleared by excess amounts of deforestation and replacement of the space with new constructions and buildings. The prevention factors were suggested by planting quick growing trees in the place of the cut trees. But quick growing trees demanded adequate quantities of surplus water which was impossible to be provided in such high proportions. The typical example was of eucalyptus trees that required enormous gallons of water sources for its growth. Since it was a difficult move, it finally lead to a stop to the immediate growing of trees after mass felling.

The activities like mining of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum from marine environments and the oil spills extended the hands of humans onto the natural habitats of the species dwelling inside the oceans. In a way the activities disturbed the entire food cycles in ocean environments. The plants that grow in the surface absorbs the contaminated water which harms the small fishes that depend on plant ingredients for their survival. Hence the luminous and bizarre creatures that grow in the twilight zone gets harmed which again spoilt the bigger predators that dwell in the bathypelagic zone and the abyssal zone. An incident occurred in California where a particular breed of pink pelicans got wiped out within few months due to the excess amounts of pesticides that was sprayed onto the rivers that was the main habitat for the pelican population in that region. As a result of the toxin, the plants got infected that automatically created problems to the fishes in that environment. So when the pelicans whose main food was fishes, consumed the fishes as in normal ratios, the toxin entered their body too. Since the energy transfer occurs based on a 10 percent law, the quantity of toxic chemicals that penetrated into the pelican body also. The chemical had a substance inside it that eliminated the cause of formation of coating for the eggs formed inside the pelican bodies. As a result, when the eggs fell onto the ground, broke due to the absence of the hard shell around. Since newborns were not produced, the species got extinct with the current population.

The introduction of exotic species is yet another important factor that lead to the extreme loss of biodiversity. The exotic species are introduced for better resilience and adaptability factors with the environment. They display greater survival capacity with their advanced body adjustments and resistance capabilities. A typical example was the bringing in of the population of mongooses in a particular village to reduce the disturbance of snakes. After a period of time, the mongooses wiped off the snakes but as a result of the complete extinction of snakes in that area, there occurred extreme multiplication of rats and rodents since there was an imbalance in the food chain. The end result was snake control but excess population of mice. Hence the theory is that never cause problems to the natural co-existence of species as it would create other uncontrollable troubles in the future.

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The International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed the latest trends of biodiversity loss with the help of figurative graphs and ratios. According to the studies, the results obtained were that 21% of mammals, 28% of reptiles, 37% of freshwater fish, 70% of plants are under serious threat. Among the 33 largest biotic deltas, almost 24 are in a heavy sinking stage. From the conclusions of United Nation Environmental Programme (UNEP) yearbook, a rounded figure of US 50 dollars fish stocks have been depleted. The Amazon activists and reporters have given their analysis on almost 80 percent of the timber forests being sold illegally for personal gains under the disguised name of globalisation. The increasing industrial activities and factory outlets have created havoc in the nearby neighbourhood regions and the rivers and lakes in the vicinity. Excess toxic wastes and chemicals gets drained out onto the lands and the water sources. As a result of this toxic secretions, the fertility of the grounds are lost and it penetrates onto the inner regions of earth through crevices and holes. Thus the water table gets affected and the deeper roots of giant trees and plants sucks the venom into it causing great trouble in the entire nutritional cycles and food chain. When surface run off and soil erosion occurs, the chemicals flows onto the rivers and its tributaries producing chaos and confusion to the fish stocks and marine plants. The evaporation process absorbs these harmful and unhealthy poisonous chemical substances onto the atmosphere. The rain when occurs causes acid showers and expelling of dangerous gases onto the surface of the earth’s layers. Many of these unbalanced cycles have contributed to the climatic changes and melting of polar ice caps thereby flooding the low lying regions. Ozone depletions and noxious gases have still been hot topics in the immediate future.

Genetics have been another field that has brought in greater danger in the present scenario. Though it has played an important lead role in globalisation and its effective measures by raising improved varieties of cattle and stock, yielding better quality crops, producing healthy and resistant breed of animals and plants, genetically modified and reengineered products for the nourishment and proper intake of nutrient enriched food materials, it has also displayed itself as a necessary evil. Better varieties of crops and breeds of cattle are produced by artificial techniques and methods of cross breeding and genetically modifying the genital regions of livestock. Disease resistant and pest resistant varieties of crops and related types have lots of preservatives and chemicals added onto it to give the extra juicy and luscious appearance, which are too harmful for the normal metabolic activities to be carried on the human body if consumed above optimum limits. Nowadays Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), whoppers and double beef pattie burgers have constantly filled the stores, restaurants and bakeries. People are so addicted to the junk food that there is no way to make them realise the harm it can cause to their delicate skin and body. The heavy dose of calories that gets added onto the body can cause dangerous health hazards like obesity, chronic rise in blood pressure, heart attacks, palpitations and nervous breakdowns. The fat molecules when deposited around the vital organs can cause bad and alerting symptoms of body disorders. The hybrid cattle might produce milk, flesh and wool in much higher proportion than normal and original breeds. But the milk, flesh and related products will be full of injected hormones and dangerous equalisers. It is not the quantity that has to be counted and taken into account, but the quality and health parameters.

Pollution has been yet another factor that has created problems for the people. Excess gas emissions, automobile exhaustions, ejection of chlorofluorocarbons and toxic chemicals onto the surface of the air causes respiratory disorders and nasal blockages. The people living along the roadsides and nearby factory buildings develop skin, eye and nose irritations followed by excess breathing problems. The wildlife too gets affected with extreme inhalation of toxic gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxides. The pressure thus generated around the valves of respiratory tract for sometime can even lead to a state of unconsciousness and if continued death. Lungs have a minimum capacity to filter out the unwanted toxins from the general pollution. When it exceeds the limit, the victim gets subjected to chronic unrecoverable ailments.

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The red list has cited an alarming number of hotspots all around the world. Rare and last of some of the keen species have gone extinct due to the high levels of human interventions and penetration onto the natural habitats and dwellings of the collection of species. The main trouble occurs when a particular breed of species completely vanishes from the earth. There is no means to bring it back onto the surface again into full strength. Therefore the best option is to protect and preserve the last survivals and constantly work for its maintainance and upbringing. One wouldn’t know the true values of an asset until otherwise it is fully gone from the visibility of our eyes. Thus make the maximum effective utilisation of resources without causing harm to their balancing cycles and its self capacity to replenish itself. Usage is not a problem, but the way of handling it is the right method to be practised by individuals.

Hence globalisation has brought about lots of positive outcomes but at the same time created havoc and disorder on the other end. Clear cut ideas and its implementation is yet an art that has to be handled and practised by the world and its inhabitants for the well being of the future and the effects to follow. If one does create an issue, he is fully responsible and liable to suffer the consequences that are to follow by his/her deeds. It has played a very important role in the destruction and devastation of the biotic reserves and its richness.


Globalisation is a true and positive measure that has made a huge impact on the entire assembling of the world as a unified globe. The effects and measures of its implications and scheduling have brought about lots of benefits to the world as an economy. People have gone forward into thinking seriously about the whole idea of globalising the world due to the increased chances of benefit factors and the thought of a better world has made them go for it.

Every aspect has a positive part and a negative part. The positive side is that it has lead to liberalisation of trade, made technological advancements, built, stronger cross border relations, harmonised the economies despite of cultures shocks, communication barriers, age and gender bias, class disparities and rich poor inequalities. Globalisation as in itself is a key criteria expanding and extending its roots onto newer and fresher aspects of better chance and change factors and looks forward for innovative ideas and opportunities. The negative side is that the basic nature of globalisation is that whoever stands on its way is removed and destroyed in the process of advancement. So whether it is an industrial progress or a technological plant construction, no matter what, the surrounding areas and the nearby habitats are deeply destructed and devastated. The advancements are invariably achieved by whatever means. There may be many institutions and greedy eyes whose intentions are fixed to draw profits and money under the disguise of progress and emergence as a sole and supreme power.

According to me summing up all the aspects covered till now, I go with my stand point proposition as to draw positive benefits from both the parties as both are interlinked and connected to each other. None can stabilise without the other. So giving space for the growth of both simultaneously can only bring about an actual change in the development of economy. Biodiversity is important for the continuation and survival of life and globalisation is required for the regular and constant growth of the existing life. It is true that damage may occur on any of the grounds, but make it a point that the damages affected are less and that the positives overpower the harms followed.

Effective strategies and plans can be brought about to implementing right lengths of standards and formulation of techniques to sustain the growth of biodiversity and globalisation parallely. Scheduling and making proper plans as to conserve and preserve the balance of the existing species and creating the environment for their full fledged revival are very important for the future advancement of generations. All the environmental organisations and institutions must cordially work together in establishing a common ground and reap out the necessary outcomes for the mutual benefit of all the economies together as one.

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