Impact of Policies on Health and Social Care Setting

2:1 Explain the implementation of national polices, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant to your work in the health and social care setting

In my  place of work it imperative  that we follow the guide line,  I will be looking at national polices ,legislation ,regulations and codes of practice that was implement to help staff and health care provider to care and support our client . the safe guarding act look at provision to reform the law that associate with the care and support for adult also to support carers ,it provide polices that governor the health and social care setting  on how to safe guarding adult from harm and abuse or neglect, safe guarding mean protecting an adult’s right to live in safety .It is all about all different group of people and organisations working together to make sure abuse is stoop and prevent from happening to the vulnerable people in the society and if they are experience neglect that someone is aware of it and do something about it .it is of hotter most important that adult in the care setting is made to feel valve regarding their views and wishes. Valuing people identified some of the situation facing people living with learning disabilities as poor coordinated service lack of choice for people with disability get insufficient support and help to care and support them self.

Quality protect was introduced in 1988 as the government’s main initiative to improve children’s social service. While applauding the attempt to improve services attention is drawn to four areas on which progress will depend better performance indicators, the extent and quality of research based evidence. The expansion of professional’s social work training and user feedback and involvement. The first of the Quality protects objectives on promoting secure attachment is highlighted and the evidence for the current emphasis on adoption is considered. The article concludes that the extent of progress that is being made to help children and families in difficulty will need to be assessed by systematic research as well as by routine service performance indicators (2002)

The Protection of Vulnerable Adults scheme was introduced by the Care Standards Act 2000. It aims to ensure that no one is allowed to work in the care sector if they have ever abused, neglected or otherwise harmed vulnerable adults in their care or placed them at risk.the Care standard Act was change to the Care act in 2014

Under the Care Act, local authorities have new functions. This is to make sure that people who live in their areas:

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Receive services that prevent their care needs from becoming more serious, or delay the impact of their needs

Can get the information and advice they need to make good decisions about care and support

Have a range of provision of high quality, appropriate services to choose from

Provision for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme is made in Part 7 of the Care Standards Act 2000. At the heart of the POVA scheme is the POVA list. The POVA scheme will act like a workforce ban. From 26 July 2004, individuals should be referred to, and included on, the POVA list if they have abused, neglected or otherwise harmed vulnerable adults in their care or placed vulnerable adults in their care at risk of harm.
People with dementia should expect support from workers who can confidently provide care which is tailored to their needs and interests, which minimizes stress and encourages independence and choice. This requires a higher level of understanding and of knowledge and skill, not only for the social care workers but also for those who provide practice supervision and management. To build the social care workforce needed to support the increasing number of older people with dementia, we must be creative in securing the most resource efficient workforce development solutions that will have the greatest and most sustainable impact on social care practice. Underpinning this approach to workforce development is a commitment to the fundamental principles and standards of social care.

The Code of Conduct provides a clear set of standards. It is essential to protect people who use health and care services, the public and others from harm. The code ensures you can:

 Promote and uphold the privacy, dignity, rights, health and well being of people who use health and care services and their carers at all times.  Work in collaboration with your colleagues to ensure the delivery of high quality, safe and compassionate healthcare, care and support.

  1. be sure of the standards your worker is expected to meet

2 check that your worker can fulfil the requirements of their role, behave correctly and do the right thing at all times

3 identify areas for continuing professional develop

 The describes how workers should behave.It states the standard of conduct expected of all healthcare support workers and adult social care workers in England. The code outlines the behaviours and attitudes that people who use care and support should expect from those workers signed up to it. The Code of Conduct is voluntary, but is seen as a sign of best practice.The Code of Conduct sets the standard of conduct expected of healthcare support workers and adult social care workers. It outlines the behaviour and attitudes that you should expect to experience from those workers signed up to the code. It helps them to provide safe, . The Code of Conduct is voluntary but it is seen as a sign of best practice. Guidance documents to help you understand or implement the Code of Conduct are also available.

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My duty as care worker is  to make sure that I treating my client with respect and dignity ,also treating them as individuals

Respect your client confidentiality

Maintain clear professional boundaries

Inform my colleagues of changes

Work with others as a team

 Uphold and promote equality, diversity and inclusion.

Working in  the health and social care sector I am learning new information about polices and procedure on how I am working and caring for my client I will carry out these polices by adhering to them by taking them in to account when I am working with the vulnerable client to sure they are treated with dignity and respect and feel value .

(AC2.2) Explain how local policies and procedures can be developed in accordance with national policy requirements.

Working in  the health care setting you will come across different policies and procedure that governor the health and social care setting  looking at safeguarding  and health and safety.

.We have to develop  educational  program that all staff and volunteers have to under take  so they will have a better idea how to deal with them

At the end of any training and group discussion, ask participants to complete a short quiz to show they have understood the information

Make sure the training have information  about the policies and procedures, and where to access them, interduce them in  your induction  programs, or into your volunteer handbook if you have one.

Create posters or process charts to post around the workplace to keep key messages firmly in mind

Regularly upgrade in  policy or procedure in internal newsletters or at team meetings.It’s important that staff and volunteers , new and existing member  understand the function of your policies and procedures, which is to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

Also have  section that outlines the details of the policy  who is responsible for actioning or implementing the policy, when it needs to be done by and which documents are needed to up date the policy. Also to inform new staff and volunteers that they will have to have a (DBS) disclosure and barring service before they are able to work with vulnerable individuals. The care standard act 2000 updated to care act 2014.

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There can be no secrets and no hiding place when it comes to exposing the abuse of vulnerable adults. The Government’s White Paper, ‘Modernising Social Services’, published at the end of 1998, signalled our intention to provide better protection for individuals needing care and support.this is being taken up though the care standard act bill. Also The Data Protection Act controls how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government. Everyone responsible for using data has to follow strict rules called ‘data protection principles’. They must make sure the information is: used fairly and lawfully.

2:3 Evaluate the impact of policy,legislation and codes of practice on your organisation policy and practice.

Legislation and code of practice work together with my organisation policy to make sure that individuals are care for in accordance with the policy and procedure that governor the health and social care sector .There are numbers of principle that support the organisation policy like ,Equality act,safeguarding act,and human rights act 1998 . most health and social care setting will keep a watchful eye on the new laws and legislation to see when they are updated or change because if they are not aware that the policy as change they could be in breach of the legislation that governor their organisation and that could have serous effect on there business.

In my  work environment, the code of practice ensures that the action of  professional comply with required company standards. This helps to identify and manage risks in order to ensure safety. A code of practice also helps to protect individuals with  quality services . Violating a code of practice in any profession may have legal consequences both for the organisation and the person preforming the act. So as we work in this sector we are reminded that our job is to support and care for our clients and safeguard them from harm and abuse.


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Hawort E et al (2010)Health ans social care  published by Pearson uk

Rushton A, Dance C (2002)  access online 1/2/17

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