Impact Of Social Media On Business Commerce Essay

Social media or in other words New Media defines social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, Youtube along with many more sites that engage users to participate in,comment on and create content as means of communicating with their social group,other users and public.It can take place via a computer(like laptops and netbooks),tablets(like iPads,iTouch and others) and mobile phones(smart phones).Social media in today’s world has become a global phenomenon.

Social media in today’s world is a part of any business, no firms are able to sell there products without the help of social media because social media is a mass communication media which takes the detail of quality and price of the product to the consumers.

Hence social media helps the firm fully to bring the profit in from the business .

1Agnihotri, Raj; Kothandaraman, Prabakar; Kashyap, Rajiv; Singh, Ramendra. (2012). impact of social media on business. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. . 32 (16), p333-348.

This article is very interesting, it provides useful information about the history of social media and it explains how social media impacts business.

It has useful information about the impact of social on business

In different fields of business.

I will use this source in my final essay because it explains about different terms for example sales management, business intelligence, business planning and many more.

Furthermore, it explains how the organistaions achieve goals using social media. It’s a fastest growing process in business organizations which sketches a goal in an organizations.

However social media is a very important tool which explains how to maintain tasks in various fields like a salesman to maintain a job in a better way to create a job value.

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This article is giving me different ideas how the business is done with the help of social media. As you can see this article has the common points about the social media marketing strategies, firms strategies, business planning and sales management.

Dave Ray . (2010). The Positive Effects of Social Media. Available: Last accessed 28th oct 2012.

This site explains about the positive impact of social media on business.

It explains how to use social media for future online business whatever it may be, a product or marketing which will pay you dividend at the end of the day.

This site also gives information about how social media has grown in the world wide mostly in business, as you can see nowadays no business runs without the help of social media.

However using this site for my final essay will be more useful because it point out how the business firms use networking websites to keep in touch with customers, examine the, and know there taste and preference .

Therefore this website is giving me different ideas and it clarifies about different networking social and business oriented social network websites and it also throw light upon how the firms achieve their goals with the help of social media networking websites ( for example facebook, twitter and myspace)

john souza. (2011). social media features for a boost in business.Available: Last accessed 28th oct 2012.

I am taking this site as my source because it gives me detail about social media features which helps the firms to improve their business.

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It illustrate about various social media websites like facebook, twitter, linkedin and youtube.

For example: facebook pages helps the enterprise in advertising their product on their pages which are liked by many members and whenever a commodity is liked by a member it goes on his/her personal profile therefore the enterprise freely advertised and it saves the cost of the commodity.

As well as in twitter, if an account is upgraded to professional then their will be many members to tweet you which means more profit for the firm.

Therefore I should use this source in my final essay because it defines social media in a better way and it teaches how the business firms make their brands name popular and how they make they profit by using social media network pages .

Catherine Lovering. (2010). Negative Effects of Social Media on Business. Available: Last accessed 27th oct 2012

I am taking this article as my source for the final essay , different articles explains different things as this explains me how social media creates problems for business firms .

In these days no company can use negative products as they are noticed by media, because if they do, media makes negative stories about their products which creates a big problem for the company and company is publicized with the bad name in the market .

Social media is a big part of the business ,social media invites everyone to its community employees, labors and consumers . social media makes difficulty for the companies to say about their brands that are negative, because customers are openly invited to media and they would comment on the brands that defamatory .

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Thus, using this article as a source in my final essay will be more helpful then any other because it points out many negative topics about social median negative impacts on business and how does it creates problem for companies like speaking of unauthorized workers on organization’s behalf.

Rodriguez, Michael; Peterson, Robert M.; Krishnan, Vijaykumar. . (2012). impact of social media on business. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. . 32 (14), p365-378.

In this article Michael, Robert and vijay kumar has explained how the social media influence business firms.

“According to Neilson company(2010), social media users world wide grew nearly 30 percent in 2010, from 244 million to nearly 315 million users. Research from Gartner’s consumers technology and markets groups forecasted that global spending on social media would total $14.9 billion in 2012(Gupta 2011)” (…EbscoContent… )

Therefore, as the use of social media rises, the price of the product also rises and the customer who are called king of the market tend to change to its substitutes of that commodity which has the deserving price rather than the commodity that is advertise through means of social media.

This article has discussed about the negative impacts of social media which says that because of social media many big business firms loses its customers every year for many different reasons.

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