Impact Of Training On Performance

The working title of the study is initially drafted as – Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance and the Organisation – Case Study of MOBILINK. In particular, the research will focus on how training and development affects the performance of both employee and the Organisation. Employees are increasingly demanding change, choice, flexibility, and variety in their work; suggesting that with the de-layering of organizations and empowerment of individual employees, the future for both the organization and the individual lies not in promotion to successively higher levels of management, but rather in developing the value of the individual as human capital (Seidler, 1996). The value of human capital is enhanced by acquisition of higher performance potential such as new tasks, functions, and KSAPs (knowledge, skills, abilities, personal attributes) (McGregor, 1988).

The paper discusses in detail the research proposal of the topic. Training and Development (T&D) basically deals with the acquisition of understanding, knowledge, techniques and practice. In this research proposal, the background and problem of the study are presented; the objectives of the study are formulated. Here, vital concepts, questions and assumptions are stated. Finally, the methodology to be used is discussed.

Research Problem:

The key problem that will be addressed in this study is how T&D affects the performance of both employees and the Organisation. The following research questions will be given answer to in the course of the study.

Discussion of the Employee Training and Development in MOBILINK. i.e. In what specific ways does T&D improve the performance of the staff and organisation.

Discussion about other supportive elements or approaches that enhance the Training and development requirements according to the globalisation.

Conclude the effects as much as the benefits that the employee can get and the positive return for the business in carrying out of training and development.

I will use the case study method that will permit my study to observe, evaluate and

formulate its own analysis concerning to the subject of training and


Purpose of the Study:

The purpose of the study is to simply establish the sound answer on the effects of the training and development on employees and the organisation. The research specifically examines the employee training and development program within the Organisation and their positive return to the business. Moreover the study provides discussions made by other authors regarding employee training and development.

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The study believes that training has a big relationship on the level of understanding, knowledge, and skill of an employee. In other way, the training also creates a big advantage for the organization in their incorporation that can be admitted as part of the organizational system. In addition, the training can comes in different forms and should not be stick in one training strategy or techniques for there are many reasons that might trigger to its development.

Objectives of the Study:

The primary objective of this study is to investigate how effective is employee training and development at MOBILINK. In employee training and development literature, human resource is the greatest source of the improvement of a business. Likewise, it is necessary to study the current practices in company training and development that are supposed to contribute to the enhancement of the employees’ skills and organisational performance. To address this objective, the researcher will conduct a survey on the new employees’ perception of their training under Mobilink. Moreover, the survey intended to find out if new employees were satisfied with their jobs in their first four weeks in the company. In addition, management personnel were interviewed to evaluate their views on effective employee training and development program and on employee retention and attrition.

Literature Review:

Business leaders are always looking forward for the success of the organization and therefore, they should create a kind of strategy that can undergo the midst of challenges (Meek, 2007). Historically, the training suggests that there are benefits that the training might deliver in the entire organization. One predictable result is the improvement in the level of performance of the people. Another is the minimization of the organizational cost and the capacity of the employees to answer the consumer needs (Shea, 2008).

Many people have seen Training and Development as inseparable but according to the report ,Developing the Developers by Megginson & Pedler (1991) its been shown that most managers viewed Training & Development as different and wanted to keep them as two separate terms. This report made the following definition;

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Training: The relatively systematic attempt to transfer knowledge or skills from one who knows to one who does not know.

Development: Working with individuals or organisation to enable them to cross a threshold which has qualitative significance to them and their life.

The importance of employee training and development has long been recognized as a crucial issue for businesses (Ford et al., 1997).There are many elements involve in perusing the training and development in an organization. In organizational view, the active employee involvement and training is considered as one of the strategic concerns of the organizational leaders. Organizations personalized different training and development processes and procedures that can achieve the best result in the business’s sustainability. People, as the key for the organization, are the main target of the training therefore the training among the business leader help them to provide the valid reason in creating the appropriate decision for the entire organization or/and have a great impact on their managerial skills and styles (Johnson, 2001; Farvaque, et al., 2009)

Furthermore, the training and development for some business analysts were considered as a partnership or enhancing the employer-employee relationship (2009).

Human capital is treated as a key to success for all industries. Human Resource Management practices play a pivotal role to gain profitability and market share that ultimately enhance the organizational performance in long run (Qureshi, 2006). But in the current scenario, enterprises are facing problems in terms of scarcity of brilliant workforce, dramatic rise in Retirements, poaching of key people by competitors, and increasing turnover. As the business environment becomes increasingly competitive, organizations need to focus on improving all areas of their business especially human

capital because the performance of the people employed has a major impact on profitability (Lloyds, 2010).It is now commonly accepted that employees create an important source of competitive advantage for firms. As a result, it is important that a firm should adopt best T&D practices to make best use of its employees. The above trend has led to increased interest in the impact of HRM on organizational performance, and a number of studies have found a positive relationship (Gelade and Iivery, 2003).

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Research studies have demonstrated that training has a positive influence on organizational performance. Zwick (2006) stated that increasing the training intensity has a positive and significant effects on establishment of productivity.

In the same way Bartel (1991) also demonstrated a direct and positive relationship between productivity and training program. The amount of training is an important antecedent for firms who wish to improve their productivity (Savery and Luks, 2004).

But Cunha (2002) found no significance of training on organizational performance.

Role of Theory:

Training and Development has been increasingly used in the literature as well as in the

Business world as a critical concept redefining the borders between business, society and

state. Extensive literature exists on the concept of T & D. For the purpose of my research, I will use the theories developed about it.

Methodology and Methods:

Research Approach:

I will get most of my research information through the books, Journals, Internet and newspaper articles. It can come from some Official documents provided by the clients such as information about their system, IT infrastructure, training facilities and others. Information can also come from official policy manuals, plans and other stuff which is not confidential.

Sampling Plan:

Sampling involves taking a certain number of people to get them participated in the research by taking their opinion about a matter or conduction interview about the topic under research.

To add to emphasis to the study’s purpose to analyse respondent’s opinion, interviews will be conducted from relevant persons in Mobilink, & for this purpose researcher will go to Pakistan in February for getting the require data in Mobilink.

Data Acquisition Method:

Primary data will be collected with the help of Questionnaire. The questionnaire had three sections such as demographics, HRM practices and perceived organizational performance sections. The responses for questions made use of different methods like tick-boxes, circling answers and inserting their own comments and suggestions. Demographic section will base on tick boxes while other two were based on five point liker scale ranging from 1. Strongly disagree, to 5. Strongly agree. Initially, for pilot testing 15

Questionnaires will be floated to evaluate the reliability and validity of questionnaire. Then it will be distributed to target group of respondents.

Project Planning:

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