Imperative training and development methods in banking

The research is focusing on the Training and Development scheme suitable for the banking organisations in the UK. Training and Development of the staff is one of the dynamic functions of the Human Resource Management which is helpful to increase capability & potentials of employees in an organisation in the order to make them suitable & eligible for the performing of duties & responsibilities in an organisation. Training & Development function carries an imperative weightage in strategic management of the human resource in the organisations & every business is required to maintain a good scheme of the training & development strategy in the business in order to strive potential growth of the business [Hatson,2005]

Human Resource Management is one of the strategic function in the every organisation which increases the level of an organisation in the terms of the increase in productivity, increasing the quality & superiority, reduction in the costs, maximisation of profits. For the purpose of the making of a stable organisation a perspective focus of the organisation is to be given on Human Resource development strategy in the business [Arnold,2007] Training & Development function is one of the activity which can upgrade the organisation in the terms of the performance & ranking in the national & international market. There are the different methods, styles, techniques are available in the order to improve the learning & development of employees working in the organisation. Training & Development helps the employees to enhance knowledge as well as skills desired for the performing of job.[Morris,2006]

In the banking organisation strategic focus is made on the improving skills of employees through the use of an effective & efficient techniques of the training. It is the duty of the management of the banking organisation is to recognise & understand the skills & potentials available in employees so that to measure the fact that in which areas of the activities of the business training is required to be given to employees in the order to increase their potential capacity, on the basis of the understanding of the level of the employees it can be decided how the effective training & development scheme can be planned in the banking business to achieve an optimum results in the business [Fairbrother,2008]

Different techniques & methods are used by the business organisations to develop the effective scheme of the training & development in business Some techniques are based with in the environment of the business which improves the skills of the employees about to how to amend their skills for working in the banking business & some of the techniques are focusing on the employee development programmes in the external environment of the business organisation On going through the Training & Development aspect of the business following are the techniques of the Training & Development prescribed by the Human Resource Strategy in the business [Yakund,2009] –

a) In the Classroom Lectures

b) On the Job Training

c) Training through the Demonstrations

d) Job Oriented Training

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e) Continuous Professional Training & Development

The proposed research is focusing on strategic aspect of training & development in banking industries along with the discussing of the its need,requisites,time period , area of activity, suitability of the training method based on the human resource strategy in the banking business. For the purpose of the research & investigation LLOYDS TSB banking organisation has been selected in the order to focus on their corporate structural issues in the human resource strategy of the business. Training & development programme is impacted by the rime to time regulations & policies in the area of the business imposed by the govt. in the banking sectoral activities, on the basis of which suitable scheme of the training & development can be determined in the banking organisations, Economic environment is closely related to banking operations as when the interest rates on the loans are decreasing leading to increase in the capital investment rate in terms of the capital & lending banker is improving the business On the socialistic terms banking business can be more or less affected, when the new trends & operations are coming in the market they are leading to increase in the borrowings of the people which grows the business of banks. Technological factors are playing an active role in the day to day operations through the advanced software for the data management,CCTV, internal operational facilities.

Organisation Background

LLOYDS TSB is a popular bank in UK. More than 3000 branches are available in the all over the UK. Turnover of the bank is always at the optimum level & the bank is regarded as a leading banking organisation in UK More than 50 millions of the customer database, effective & efficient human resource strategic management with the supreme operational control in the business are the imperative features of the bank [Henry,2009] The bank is used invest in the scheme of learning & development to built employee career in the banking business operations& improve the day to day performance of bank in UK. They are giving the professionally recognised qualifications for the job role with expert knowledge management in the business [O’donnel,2008] However, the increasing demand for the replacement of employees due to retirements,transfers,leaving they feel emergent need to fill up the vacancies & imperative research is directed towards the objective of an optimum level of the performance in the banking operations through efficient & effective training & development programmes

Rationale of chosen topic

The area of research has been selected with the reference to the 4 years of experience in the field of the banking operations as a Branch Manager. In the working period it has been observed that when there is an increasing demand for the new staff in the bank training & development scheme makes its need in the order to carry out the business activities with giving the right strategic training to employees In this case it is the duty of the management is to first access capability of employees & then after to decide the effective method of the training & development, which is really a challenging task.

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The research activity will focus on the human resource aspect of the training & development which will analyse all the imperative needs & necessities in terms of the training & development function with the focusing of the strategic impact of the suitable , feasible & acceptable scheme of the training & development for the selected banking organisation as a best outcome of the Human Resource Management function.

The selected area of the research is one of the strategic issue observed in the personal experience in the working profile of the banking organisation. It executes an effective norms of the planning ,organising,directing,staffing & controlling in the banking business with the effective strategic management It will be helpful for the prospective of the career plan in the banking operations.

Research Questions

a) What is the scheme of the training & development is available in the LLOYDS TSB at the present?

b) What are the weaknesses in the scheme of the training & development in LLOYDS TSB which has created the need to research?

c) What are the possessions available in LLOYDS TSB to implement the scheme of the training & development? What are the other requisites?

d) How the imperative method of the training & development will impact the performance of the LLOYDS TSB?

Research Objectives

1) To study & analyse the present scheme of the training & development in LLOYDS TSB.

2) To find out the weaknesses in the scheme of the training & development in LLOYDS TSB which required the imperative research planning.

3) To find out the resources available in the hands of the banking organisation along with the new requisites in the order to implement the scheme of the training & development.

4) To study & analyse the impact of the training & development on the performance of the LLOYDS TSB

Literature Review

There is a management induction programme is available when any one joins the LLOYDS TSB, it is starting with the induction programme & continuous through out the career of employees, there is a fantastic range of the product specially designed in the order to increase the efficiency level of employees in the job performances with the preparing them for an executive role, Online learning & performance helps the manager to agree with the objectives with the use of the balanced score, however, the recent period of the retirements of the experienced employees, leaving of the jobs in due course of the seeking opportunities outside, transfers to the some extent have created the necessity of the filling of the new employees in the business & for the new entrants in the employment there is a highly need of the training & development facilities in the business for the staff promotion & development [Meredian,2009] Human Resource Management is playing an imperative role in the strategic management policy making, it decides the needs & requisites of the business in the order to achieve the potential employees which can be suitable , feasible & acceptable in the working conditions of the banking business profile, training & development programmes are always helping to increase the capability, capacity, understanding & the supremacy of employees in the Banks in the order to execute day to day activities of banking operations. [Philip,2010]

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The research is an exploratory & conclusive one making a strategic focus on the suitable method of the training & development for the LLOYDS TSB. In order to focus on the strategic analysis research will be using the case study method approach developed by Yin(1994) in his methodological study of the research & development. Following are the motives of the case study method developed —

a) Aiming the targeted case study on the basis of the internal environmental aspects & the psychological conditions of the newly recruited employees

b) Accomplish the objectives of the developed cases with the focusing on the particular situation in the case.

c) Collect & classify the evidences in the support of the cases as per the environmental circumstances & situations.

d) Construct an effective & feasible conclusions, recommendations & implications focusing on the situations given in the case study.

Case Study Method is considered as eligible in this in this research technique as it studies the research objective in the different situations with having impact of the different situations in the area of the research. Grounded theory will be used in the order to study the behavioural aspects of the employees & management to draw acceptable conclusions.

Data Gathering

Gathering of the data will be based on the interviews & questionnaire methods. Regular survey & observation will be taken in the organisation in the area of the research. Along with that knowledge acquisitions in the area of the research will be made with the reading of books,journals,magazines,artcles relating to the area of activity of the research.

Data Analysis

Switching Path Analysis Technique [SPAT] will be used to analysis the data .Quantitative & qualitative information will be analysed on the nature of the data. Cause & effect relationship will be developed among the variables in the assertion. Useful software will be Statistical Package of the Social Sciences [SPSS],MS WORD,EXEL,POWERPOINT.

Resource Requirements

For the collection of the organisational data regular visits will be made to the bank for taking of the interviews & the raising of the questionnaires to the employees working in the organisation to avail the information with the taking permission from head of the department. Regular survey & analysis will be taken of operational activities of the bank in the regular visits. Regular visits will be made to the public libraries in the order to gather data from the books,articles,journals,magazines in the area of the research.

Time Scale

Apr May June July

Planning Weeks













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