Importance of education

Education is defined as the act or process of educating and knowledge, skill or value gained from one generation to another by a learning process. As is traditionally believed, education is essential to developed one mind by enlighten the understanding, correct the temper and help to form a good manners and habits of youth. Besides, education can concern as a training to trains the youth into what society deems and fit them with usefulness in the future steps as a productive member (Teacher Mind Resource, 2001/02). For example, training can take the form of lectures or self-study to develop more general skills and knowledge that can be used in a variety of situations for their future. Therefore, we require education to encourage and increase our knowledge, skills and information.

Today, the world is changing rapidly and the importance of education in the world cannot be minimized. Firstly, the important about education is knowledge gaining. By knowledge gaining, it has generally been found that people who have educated are more mature and more able to think deeply about the problems that confront us in daily life (Teacher Mind Resource, 2001/02). For example, education makes us to become right thinker, shows us how to think and how to make decision in our life and future. In addition, education also enables to receive information all around the world, to acquiring himself with the past history and receive all necessary information regarding to present. It is also possible to make use of obtained information to enable a person interpret correctly the things that perceived. As a result, education is not only the lessons in textbooks but also the lessons of life.

Secondly, education is important because it equips us to realize our dream. Through education, it may provide high quality of career opportunities. It helps a person to get a better job with a better salary and enjoy a better life. Currently, industry sector requires employees who are well educated and expertise in their field. As a result, education becomes a qualification measure for employment into any sector of the industry (Oak, M., 2008). People who have attained higher education are more likely to have a better career choice compare to those who has lower education qualification. Subsequently, it can improve one quality of life when obtained a better job. For example, those who graduate as a master degree can get much higher wage, salary or level of job position in the organization.

Thirdly, education can be lend to a good manner, right behavior and civilized. It helps us to develop physically, mentally and socially. Through education, one can be more mature and capable of planning for their futures and taking the right decision in problem solving. In addition, education is also let us greater understanding of different cultures of all races of people in this world (Oak, M., 2008). For example, Malaysia is a country that consists of many races, cultures or religious. We realize that different races have different cultures and way of thinks. In this way, education can improve the tolerance between different races of people in order to lives harmony and peacefully by understanding other culture or religious more deeply.

In recently, demand for a tertiary education is rapidly growing in the whole world. Through tertiary education, it is taken to mean anything from university level and beyond. This is because we realize that it is essential for everyone to be educated up to at least tertiary education level for career purpose. It is true that if you are educated and you graduate as the honor degree or beyond any professional field, you are surely to have larger probability to be a part of good organizations, institutions, and companies. Besides, the amount of better employment opportunities that are available for the tertiary education is definitely higher than secondary education qualification (McGuire, J., n.d.). Nowadays, business is full of competency and most of them is consists of high technology, so it is necessary to need professional that expertise knowledge and skills to operates the business process well. Therefore, it is difficult to get into this business area without a tertiary education qualification. For example, a person that only has a secondary education qualification will not have much knowledge or skill in professional field as a person that graduate in higher education. However, getting a tertiary education qualification is not necessary should success but it will makes our life much more easily compare to those who just obtain high school graduate. As a result, continuing the education has greatly enhances the opportunities for success when you have been graduates.

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Besides, the global economy is becoming increasingly more competitive nowadays. Therefore, in order to survive in this global market, tertiary education such as college or university level is necessary to enhance one personal skills or knowledge that unable to gain from a secondary education. As explained above, the tertiary education can provide expertise knowledge or specific skills in certain subject area and allow ones to perform well in the particular specialized field. Many activities held by the college or university can help student to develop skills that needed to succeed in higher education or eventually a business career. In this way, people who has ability with high knowledge and skills are able to produce their professional in their respective job prospects in this global market. Thus, they might able to work well in the competitive environment after finished their studies. As a result, the quality of business management as well as labor forces will be increase to fulfill this competitive global economy.

In addition, tertiary education can improve or enhance ones social skills. The tertiary education is not just about job proficiency, thought higher education, ones can understand how to be involved in society to communicate and the ability to handle or interact with people well in cooperation. Besides, it helps student learn to live with a colorful array of personalities. They have abilities to foster and cultivate ethical behavior and attitude such as self-discipline, self-esteem, honestly and fairness. In addition, confidence of student graduate with tertiary education qualification will be built up compare to those who are secondary qualification. For example, once students have gained the specific knowledge or skills, they are then empowered to choose their life in the future.

Currently, every organization wants to attract the most qualified employees and match them to jobs for which they are best suited. However, many enterprises are too large to permit close contact between top management and employees. Human resource or labor relations manager provided this connection between both parties. In this part, Human resource department performed the administration function of an organization, such as handling employee benefits question or recruiting, interviewing, and hiring new staff in unity with policies established by top management (Cole, G.A., 1990). For example, organization gives bonus payment to employees based on year to year performance of individual jobholder. Moreover, other employees benefit policies such as food services, medical benefit, provision of cars, sick pay schemes also included in the remuneration scheme of organization to motivate the employee (Bennett, R., 1991).

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Human resource also consults with top management regarding strategic planning and leads the organization in suggesting and changing policies. In addition, they also play important role in increasing the business performance and decrease the job turnover in an organization. In this way, human resource department can help an organization effectively use employee skills, provide training, and development opportunities to improve those skill and increase employee satisfaction with their job or working condition (Brech, E.F.L., 1975). For example, human resource department can provide management training to employees in a certain area such as problem solving technique, interpersonal skills or specialist knowledge that needed in an organization. Therefore, it can be improve worker competencies, equip them for higher level work, and increase the quality or output of an organization.

Presently, many college or universities have programs leading degree programs human resource administration or human resource management. Most prospective human resource specialist should take courses in compensation, recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, as well as courses in principles of management, organization structure, and industrial psychology. A combination courses in the social science, business, and behavioral sciences is useful for human resource management because some job may require a more specialist knowledge on those specific area (Wichita State University, 2009). Besides, other relevant courses include business administration, public administration, psychology, sociology, economic, and statistics. Courses in labor law, labor economics, labor history, and industrial psychology also provide a valuable background for the prospective labor relation specialist (World Wide Learn, 1999-2009). For example, under labor law, the right or obligations of the worker and the employer between one another are mediated through the contract of employment. In addition, knowledge of computer or information systems is very useful for employees in the organization. As a result, based on the above mentioning explanation, the courses that offer by college or university is very important for students to generate in the requirement of human resource department in this new era.

The educational background of human resource and labor relation manager or specialist varying considerable, it is reflect on the diversity of duties and level of responsibilities. In recently, many employer look for the college or universities graduated who have a better education qualification. Therefore, a degree holder became a must to entering a job or executive in human resource department (World Wide Learn, 1999-2009). Many labor relation jobs require graduate study in industrial or labor relation. A strong background in industrial relation is highly desirable for contract negotiator or mediator. Besides, background in law also is popular for an executive of Human Resource Department who must interpret the rule and regulation of employee. The Master degree in human resource, labor relation or business administration with an application in human resource management is highly recommended for those seek general or top management level.

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Besides, a good personality is an important aspect for an employee to be recruited. Through higher education, a good graduate student usually has a well focused on their work or job, while they also active participate in activity that organized by the organization or top management. In addition, a successful graduate student is also an employees who are able to self-motivate, hardworking, enthusiastic and organized the work effectively and efficiency. Therefore, the employee can achieve the short or long term goal of the organization. Additionally, a graduate student of higher education qualification has an ability of independent but also capable of working in a team or group. Moreover, they are a good communicator which has abilities to interact well with other people inside and outside their work unit to get job or work done.

Nowadays, tertiary education qualification became the basic requirement to entering human resource or labor relation. Human resource field demand a range of specialist knowledge and skill. Tertiary education is importance to the human resource or labor relation division because it provided professional knowledge or skills that needed to perform the administration function well. For example, a successful graduate college or university student able to handle well in their administration daily duties such as entering data, information searching and schedule arranging. Through tertiary education, employee can improve their personal qualities. They are able to speak and write effectively when get a job or work done. Besides, higher education may advance employee to higher position or level in the department. For example, an employer usually seeks for graduate student with Master Degree to be their middle or top manager because they have abilities to problem solving and decision making. Therefore, they are able to make short or long term decision about the overall of the organization and establish the objectives, policies, and strategies for organization.

As a conclusion, tertiary education is increasingly important for an employee or student to get a good job as a starting point in a competitive business environment. In this way, employees with higher education eventually equip with higher knowledge, skills or information. Therefore, they will be more easily to attain success in their career as well as earn more respect in the society.

Referencing – textbook

1) Bennett, R., 1991. Manegement. 1st ed. London: Pitman Publishing Limited.

2) Brech, E.F.L., 1975. The Principles and Practice of Management. 3rd ed. New York: Longman Group Limited.

3) Cole, G.A., 1990. Management: Theory and Practice. 3rd ed. London: DP Publication Limited.

Referencing – electronic source

1) McGuire, J., (n.d.). Importance of College Education. College View, [online]. Available at:

[Accessed 24 November 2009]

2) Oak, M., 2008. Why is Education so important? Buzzle.Com, [online]. Available at:

[Accessed 24 November 2009]

3) Teacher’s Mind Resource, 2001/02. The Meaning of Education. [online]. Available at:

[Accessed 23 November 2009]

4) Wichita State University, 2009. Human Resource Management. [online]. Available at:

[Accessed 24 November 2009]

5) World Wide Learn, 1999-2009. Guide to College Majors in Human Resources. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 24 November 2009]

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