Importance Of Ethics In Information Systems Information Technology Essay

This perception of incompetence is part of a program largely hidden policy which has contributed to the development of different programs in computer ethics. In recent years, seems implicit perception that they are preparing for a career in IT may need remedial moral that affected some accreditation boards. Consequently, they were willing to mandate contained more and more ethics in computer science and computer engineering. They can also respond to the increased media attention to cases of abuse computer fraud and crime. Others require more ethical content because they believe that catastrophic failures of computer programs can be directly attributed to immoral behavior (Gotterbarn, 1991)

Information is a source of strength and, increasingly, the key to prosperity among those who have access to it. Thus, the development of information systems is also linked to social and political relations and thus the ethical aspects of how the information is used even more important. Electronic systems now reach all levels of government, employment and personal life to such an extent that even people who have no access to these systems have significantly influenced the way they are. The new ethical and legal decisions are necessary to balance the needs and rights for all. (Lynch 1994)

Ethics fill the gap and judicial decisions are lagging behind technology

As in other new technological fields, court decisions in the wake of technical progress. Ethics fill the gap that people how to negotiate the use of electronic information will continue. The following notes define the important ethical issues are being negotiated. Since the laws to decide on certain aspects of these issues were made, these notes should be read in conjunction with the legal issues of electronic information systems. (Lynch, 1994)

Ethical problems of electronic information systems

Ethics include moral choices of individuals in relation to other community standards of acceptable behavior and rules for members of the profession. Broad issues including the control of electronic information and access to information, privacy and misuse of data and international aspects. All of these extend to electronic networks, electronic databases, and more specifically the geographic information systems. Specific problems for each of the three, however, requires a bit ‘different ethical decisions. Networks, electronic information systems in general, and geographic information systems, in particular, are treated separately below. (Lynch 1994)

Computer Ethics Privacy Policy

Apart from the obvious criminal activity, the more subtle forms of computer activity can raise ethical issues. For example, the use of computers by employees for personal activities has been hotly debated, but no clear answers have been formulated that can be applied in all organizations. Most employees who use computers to maintain an email account and regularly check their email at work. In general, what is essential, as the company’s internal communications are often transmitted via email. However, employees may also receive a personal email account and spend their time working with the company computer to send and receive personal messages.

New technologies are only allowed to check e-mail, but the activities of the Internet, such as discussion lists, chat, and even web browsing. Although the companies may wish to ensure that their employees use the time for the company, monitor network traffic, hitting the ethical lapses, especially when the reasons to visit the Web site cannot be determined simply by knowing that a person went there. This problem will continue to switch away from the company. Concerns about state control or private ownership of individual activity on the Internet opens up a whole series of serious ethical problems. Given the context of a form of communication or visit the web site may be unknown outside of the monitor, is a significant possibility of a misunderstanding, misinterpretation and misuse of such information received. The conflict between privacy and control communications company email and other computer activity has been one of the most publicized ethical controversies team in late 1990 and early 2000. While companies argue that their own control systems to ensure appropriate and beneficial use of company time is needed to maintain competitiveness, the moral right to privacy has repeatedly stated. Privacy We can only quarter of 2011, but attacks on computer security are already on the rise. During the first three months of 2011, a software company Panda Security has reported that “about 73 000 new strains of malware (short for” malware “) on a daily basis. That the 26 per cent increase over the same period of 2010.

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While attacks by malicious software can take the form of viruses, adware and spyware, found that most strains are new Panda Trojans. “Trojan horses” were so called because, as the mythical wooden horse, they are “guests” through deception, and wreak havoc by looting your personal financial information. As Panda said: “Overall, the Trojans are still the most popular type of threat information, and is now 70 percent of all new malware. This is not surprising, since it is incredibly profitable for criminal fraud or steal money from users Internet banking channel from the on-line. ” This does not mean that we are confident Panda numbers: After all, making money by selling anti-malware protection. With respect to computer security, however, can never be too safe. So we’ve compiled tips top News Money Talks “to protect your computer against hackers … not insecurity. This may seem obvious, but the first step toward protecting your computer is just making sure it is equipped with antivirus software. News Money Talks “house technology guru, Dan Schointuch, reported several antivirus programs free antivirus software is a waste of money. Keep up to date. If you have antivirus software, but not always sure it’s always up to date, which could also provide confidential information on your computer to hackers. With new viruses that occur every day, a security software must be updated as often to help protect your computer.

If you do not regularly back up computer files, you risk losing all their malware attacks. There are three basic options: an external hard drive, online backup service, or a flash drive method Stacy, all explained in little or no cost ways to protect your computer. Surf protection. When you use a wireless connection, your data – possibly including passwords – literally floating in the air, and know how to listen on your computer. Although places like Starbucks and Panera Wi-Fi is safe for the public network. The easiest way to protect yourself is to connect only to protect the networks usually have a lock icon next to them and may refer to “WPA” or “WEP encryption.” These networks up to distort the data you are sending so you do not make sense to someone trying to steal it. Think of the complex. Some people use the same password for everything, while others make them too simple.

Dr. Phyllis Schneck, chief technology officer and vice president, Global Public Sector, McAfee, told the Homeland Security Committee this morning that the private sector should strengthen the protection of threat intelligence for the global exchange customers better protect public and private sector and critical infrastructure of the rapid escalation of security problems. By allowing private companies to share more, the government and industry can make more efficient use of the organizations of public-private partnership, they have created. She also testified to the Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on data networks, infrastructure protection and security technologies, a number of recommendations aimed at improving public and private sector information sharing is important to provide the government with the capacity it needs to respond to threats.

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They also discussed the impact of two major cyber-attack that managed to extract billions of dollars of intellectual property of U.S. corporations information technology and energy. The first, Operation Dawn, was a series of sophisticated cyber attacks that targeted Google and at least 20 other companies. Mr. Schneck also testified Night Dragon, a series of cyber attacks on the world’s oil, energy and petrochemical companies orchestrated with the apparent intention of stealing confidential information such as details of the operation research, exploration and financial data. He talked about McAfee’s Global Threat Intelligence, which provides information on threats most comprehensive in the industry and how it is used to detect and correct both the Dragon and Aurora night cyber attacks. With visibility in all key threat vectors and views on the latest vulnerabilities in the computer industry, McAfee Global Threat Intelligence correlates the data collected in the real world of millions of sensors around the world and provides real-time and often predictive of protection through integrated security solutions. During his testimony, Dr. Schneck also made several recommendations to the Committee to strengthen the protection of critical infrastructure cyber-attacks:

– The challenge of cybersecurity facing our country is a serious matter that requires a change in the way both the cooperation of public and private sectors. Large IT companies and their customers are well positioned to serve as early warning systems to identify and help address the cyber-attacks as cyber security in real time the immune system. But only the government can implement the whole complex of organizational measures and policies needed for data analysis and distribution in the private sector to fight against the growing threat of cyber security.

– Private companies that need secure ways to share the large painting without losing the confidence of the government research or to create a material event for shareholders, so that the most important safety information fast action. This is the human element of the Global Threat Intelligence does this speed machine. You will need both to win the cyber opponents, designed to damage our way of life.

– High level of situational awareness is vital for the safety of our global cyber security systems and ensure our national security. Policies that enable businesses and governments to work together with global threat intelligence (eg, the combination of cybernetics, energy, financial and others) to improve the correlation and capacity forecasts are essential to the ability real-time response on the network switching and routing fabric must be undertaken.

McAfee is a leading networking solutions for the federal government. The company has introduced Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Host Based Security System Solution, which offers five-plus million desktops, servers and laptops in the United States Department of Defense. Which detects and counters against known threats to the enterprise architecture Ministry of Defense. McAfee, also managed the field Host Based Security System Solution and distribution for the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) and the U.S. Air Force. Dr. Phyllis Schneck, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Global Public Sector, McAfee, said the Committee on National Security that private sector companies need greater protection to share the global threat intelligence to better protect the public and private sector clients, and critical nfrastructure in the rapidly expanding information security challenges. By allowing private companies to share more, the government and industry can be used in a more effective cooperation between the public and private organizations, they have created.

Dr. Schneck, testified to the Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on data networks, infrastructure protection and security technologies, a number of recommendations aimed at improving public and private sector information sharing is important to provide the government with the capacity it needs to respond to threats. He also discussed the impact of two major network attacks, which managed to recover billions of dollars in intellectual property rights of U.S. companies with leading technology and energy. The first, Operation Dawn, was a series of sophisticated cyber attacks targeted at Google and at least 20 other companies. Dr. Schneck also testified on Night Dragon, a series of cyber attacks worldwide petroleum, energy and petrochemical companies orchestrated the apparent purpose of stealing confidential information such as details of the operation, exploration of research and financial information. He spoke of McAfee’s Global Threat Intelligence, which offers the most complete information about threats to the industry and how they are used to identify and correct both Aurora and night operation cyber attacks Dragon. The visibility of all threat vectors and display the latest key vulnerability of the entire IT industry, McAfee Global Threat-related intelligence with real data collected millions of sensors around the world and provides real-time, and often predictive, protection through the integrated security solutions. During his testimony, Dr. Schneck also made a number of recommendations to strengthen the protection of critical cyber attacks since:

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The cyber challenge facing our country is a serious matter that requires a change in how public and private sectors work together. The larger technology companies and information of their customers are well placed to act as early warning systems to identify and help address cyber-attacks and cyber security in real time the immune system. However, only the government can implement the complex set of organizational responses and policies to enable data analysis and distribution in the private sector to combat the growing threat of cyber security. Private companies are protected ways to share the big picture without losing the trust of the government or research material to create an event for the shareholders so that the most important safety information fast action. This is the human element of the Global Threat Intelligence does this speed machine. We need both to win the cyber opponents, designed to damage our way of life. Wide situational awareness is critical to ensure global information networks and to ensure our national security. Policies that allow businesses and governments to work together, using the intelligence of the global threat (eg, a combination of cyber-energy and other financial information) to improve the correlation and predictive capabilities are critical to respond in real time within the network switching or routing of the fabric must be continued.

McAfee is one of the leading security solutions to the federal government. The company has implemented Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) on the basis of a solution for Home Security System, which offers five million pieces and more, servers and laptops throughout the Department of Defense. Host Based Security System monitors, detects and counters against known threats to the SU Department of Defense enterprise architecture. It also managed to put in place and implementation of the security system Home Base Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) and the U.S. Air Force. McAfee, a wholly owned subsidiary of Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC), is dedicated to the largest companies in the world of security technology. McAfee delivers proactive and proven solutions and services that help protect, networks, and mobile devices worldwide, so that users can securely connect to the Internet, browse and shop the Web more secure. Backed by its unparalleled Global Threat Intelligence, McAfee creates innovative products that empower users, businesses, public sector and service providers, which could prove compliance, protect data, prevent disruptions, and continuously track and improve vulnerability to their safety. McAfee is relentlessly focused on continuing to find new ways to keep customers safe.

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