Importance Of Team Building For Businesses Management Essay

For the professional and the personal growth, corporate team building always focuses to promote it. Working towards success, it is the basic and first step in giving the motivation working as a team with perfect co-ordination. Working on a single task for any business, games and other activities are the major part of the task for the basic purpose to draw them together from different educational and social backgrounds is considerable at a very significant value. For a common cause of joining the forces and to motivate to work in a partnership, there are some exercises for the team building which can be proved as a best medium for the whole purpose. For the sake development of better relationships between the employees and the company, the above discussed activities are formulated as a whole. And this doesn’t matter that what is the current position of the company.

In a particular place, the effectiveness for producing a harmonious relationship during the work and a friendly environment in a certain workplace, team building activities are produced because they are well known for all those activities. When it comes to work productivity, it is very important to boost up the morale of the employees and that is possible by aiming at those activities. Knowing that the environment in the workplace is something that they can be comfortable with is the responsibility of the superiors and this is one of the objectives when annual or bi-annual team building activities are carried out.

All companies desire to improve their profits and the best way to achieve this is to ensure that employees are striving for efficiency. In their observation, looking inward instead of outward strategies is better to meeting their company’s improvement. This can be achieved by having a consistently interrelated working relationship by their employees. As the level of efficiency and production will go higher as employees get to know the significance of being unified with the same objective of the business. Being a part of the team, the workers can estimate the level of their efficiency and only corporate team building can help them for that reason. Aiming on the strengths and the weaknesses, this activity could provide chance to the workers to understand in an appropriate way. Giving the explanation of these points it would show the way to the management to improve the weaknesses in all the areas. In the meanwhile, it will also provide the vision to the team, how to overcome on these weaknesses and use it for the purpose of the growth of team confidence

Building a better team can be possible by studying the complete area of the practical experience and academic studies. The way people interact each other is presented by the business psychologists in a detailed explanation. It is important to be a manipulator of human behaviour and mature psychologists to be a world class project manager there are some important factors that usually make an efficient and good team.

rewarding good team behaviour in financial and non-financial ways

celebrating successes,

making time to communicate with other team members

recognition of the value of other team members (whether they are key specialists or just non-specialist, junior assistants),

listening to ideas and advice from other team members,

desire to work collaboratively, sharing thoughts, ideas, concerns, etc,

friendship – enjoying working together with a common purpose,

supporting each other in recognition that the team’s success requires all members to be successful,

coaching junior members rather than bossing them,

shared belief in the value and achievability of the team’s goals,

awareness of the value of the individual’s own role and contribution,

team work is the need of the day and building a team is essential for the survival of the today’s competitive environment and in order to do that it is essential to build team.

Research Question:

“Is team building is one of most important factor for the success of today’s business?”

Research Objectives:

The objective of research is to

Understand team work and how it affect the objectives of the organization

To identify factor important for the effective team work

To analyze the contribution effective team can make towards success of an organization.

Literature review:

Katzenbach and Smith (1993) explains team as, It is a small group of people with some different skills who are bound to work together for a common objective, approach which they are holding and the performances to achieve their objective that’s is mutually accountable.

Hackman (2002) explains a team as having four characteristics like, over some defined time period getting a task with clear boundaries, clearly specified authority to manage the work in progress and clearly specified authority to manage, and the membership stability.

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There are also some other definitions of Team building by the different famous writers on teams, over the accountability and the mutual management that have factors in common like objective, common purpose and mutual agreements.

According to the Hackman teams with the stable membership performs better and he seems totally in the favor of team stability.

Hackman, Katzenbach and Smith seem exaggerating and arguing on the point that teams can better perform when they consist between four and six members and are small in number.

The both authors however, have been seen on arguing considerably best size of team consisting of maximum six members working in NHS for the better results.

Hackman believes that all the members of a team should significantly know that who is the part of the team and what is their rank that shows the common sense and our observations for the support of the fact that at many times teams within the NHS seem like a loose collection of the individuals that may come into the team and go out.

Within Primary Care Trusts such as General Practioner surgeries and cancer networks, this can be applied on the teams.

For an instance most of the PCT’s explain General Practioners in their clinical community who sometimes don’t come for meetings and sometimes they come for meetings are rarely seen get involved in the basic process of the PCT.

It can also be applicable on the clinicians who consider themselves as team members but actually they cannot attend the meetings and the seminars.

Adair (1986) explains that the team is a small group of individual that always have a common objective and in that group the individuals share the skill they have according to their job that can be in common.

Smith and Katzenbach also highlight these essential skills which make an effective team and are called as complement skill:

1. Interpersonal skills

2. Problem solving and decision making skills

3. Technical or functional expertise

We can define the clinical team as, for the purpose of reporting the team:

A group of people who hold each other for the clinical outcomes and always account for their performances and their decisions are made collectively under the strategy of getting their common objective. These individuals have complimentary mixture of skills to maintain a common patient case load and work efficiently as a unit.

We believe this interpretation of a team building defines the main features from the literature by giving the clinical focus and that relates to patient care and clinical outcomes.

Categories of teams

Hackman categorises the teams in the following manner:

1. Teams led by Managers -. This is the kind of team which is very effective. Working under the instruction and the motivation of an individual who is not the part of the team itself

2. Team having self management- This is the team where team self managed and executes its task by itself. And it is led from within the team and managed and monitored by its own members working in it.

3. Self-designee teams – These kinds of teams have all same features like self managed teams and this kind of team is capable of making the team design and organisational structure.

This is established outside the team by the team work with in a specific direction according to the team task.

4. Self-governed teams – are teams which have all the characteristics of

Self-managing and self-designing teams but also establish the strategic

Direction of the team. In such kind of teams the Boards are sometime times working as self governed teams especially in NHS, they are very rare found outside the strategic committees and Boards.

In an organizational context the word team is used when people literally meant by the self managing and self designing teams in any context.

Manager-led teams have little in the way of team

Dynamics and are really a group of co-workers. Self-governing teams are rare

Outside of boards and board development is a very particular and specialist

aspect of team development.

Katzenbach (1998) explains the team and groups having some senior leadership are very rare called as true teams but they can execute any task as a good team when an important and major event occurs.

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.When a team effort is really needed and when it is required to operate in its best way under the leadership of Chief Executive, Boards can increase the performance by working out in this condition.

When one or more than one team member has the authority to optimise the performance of the management then in this case a Board cannot be explained as a team.

Katzenbach explains that the leaderships and the teams are always down the line to Chief Executives.

Smith and Katzenbach (2001) have explained the two styles of leadership like team leader discipline and single leader discipline.

. Single-leader discipline is that where the team is left and led by a single person elected from the team and that team leader has all the authorities to take decisions or that can give the facilities to the team in making different decision.

Team-leader discipline is that where the whole team make the decision for their common objective collectively.

Smith and Katzenbach explain that one cannot be used exclusively and no one is more important or superior than other.

There can be two situations like the context and the decision in which most of the teams operate in both styles simultaneously under the influence of the situation.

Benefits of the working as a Team

According to the Court and Enterkin (2001), there are two main benefits that always bring an efficient and effective team working in any workplace.

First of all, working as a team gives the capacity and the ability to the people working in the team to utilise their core abilities which really optimize their group coordination and increases the motivation.

And then secondly, working as a team gives chance to the manager to aim at the main strategic affairs rather than giving attention and supervising the team members.

Scholtes et al. (1996) explains any team performs like and individuals whenever:

creativity is needed

The task or process is cross-functional.

the path forward is unclear

more efficient use of resources is required

fast learning is necessary

high commitment is desirable

the task is complex

o-operation of others

Conclusions from the literature:

Effective teamwork can have a measurable impact on clinical care and on organisational outcomes

Doctors should be motivated to be the integral part of any programme of team leadership, but the consideration should always be given to the aspect of the major requirement.

Just not only the team leader should be involved in the activities of development but all the team members should participate to propagate the development.

Class room leadership should not be encouraged rather it should be encouraged On-site leadership development and that is more effective to get the results in development.

Organisational support is key and board-level commitment is likely to be

required to continue a development programme

Programmes should be evaluated in terms of behavioural change as well as organisational outcomes.

Theoretical framework:

Smith and Katzenbach(1993) conclude the benefits of the teamwork as following.

• Any individual on the team, the experience and the mandatory skills can be brought together by exceeding of those team members.

.There is many facts that enable any team to work in a multitasked environment for example customer services, innovation and the quality assurance.

• Teams create communications that can give a real support on the burning issues and solving the problems and developing the clear strategy to attain the objectives.

• In accordance with the enhancement of the economic and the administrative aspects of work this is the team that provides the social dimension to the individuals.

• They believe that only the teams will not solve all the problems and teams can not be the every individual’s future and the current needs of the people.

They also argue that when they are not applied in appropriate way they could be “wasteful and disruptive”.

Smith and Katzenbach explain that where it a strong personal commitment to each other’s success this can be possible only bye they high level of team performance.

Kur (1996) Explains that in the area of influence, the high performance teams are more likely to be consistent in giving the satisfaction by fulfilling the needs of the customers, employees as well as investors too.

Here, Kur agrees with Smith and Katzenbach’s by explaining them as a human oriented personality, the basic need for the interpersonal relationships.

Moger and Rickards (1999) explain seven very important features of any high performing team as follows:

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(i).Learning from experience

(ii). Network activators

(iii).Resilience to setbacks

(iv).Ownership of ideas

(v).Creative climate

(vi). Shared vision

(vii).Strong platform of understanding

Kipp & Kipp (2000) explained their six factors in identifying the relative health of the organization or the team that are as follows:

(1) Goals – What constitutes “success” for us in this situation and overall?

(2) Role – What is expected of us and what do we expect of each other?

(3) Rules – What are our agreements on decision making, work ethic,

Follow through, etc?

(4) Relationships – How do we handle conflict, ambiguity, rumor, secrecy,


Research design and methodology:

Research will be carried out using both primary as well as secondary source where in primary source I will interview real life people and try to learn their views on team building through following questions.

Do you like to work in team or prefer to work individually

Have you ever worked in team

What is your experience on team work

Do you believe team work improve effectiveness and efficiencies or vice versa

Secondary research will be carried out by the through studying the existing literature in the form of books, journal articles etc.

Data collection and analysis techniques:

Do you like to work in team or prefer to work individually

In response to this question 70% of people interviewed said they will prefer working on their own instead of team while 20% said they will prefer to work in teams while 10% were unsure

Have you ever worked in team

Of the total people interviewed 90% people said they had experience of working in the team while 10% they said they cannot recall any instance of working in team

What is your experience on team work

In response to this question 70% of people interviewed said there experience was positive while 25% said they will prefer to work in team again while 5% were unsure

Do you believe team work improve effectiveness and efficiencies or vice versa

In response to this question 80% of people interviewed said that they believe team work improve effectiveness and efficiency and effectiveness in task in hand while 10% said it doesn’t while 10% were unsure.

Research conclusions and recommendations:

Clearly from the primary research support the theories that team work bring not only from more improved outcomes but also increase the learning experience of individuals involved .

Even though these features can b seen very easily, but still they don’t explain the really dynamic team and the major process.

We have already analysed that he groups who has been described as a very efficient and effective self managed team. But the reality is that when it was interviewed it becomes clarified the team is the group of some dedicated clinical individuals who are well controlled and are led by an efficient and intellectual leader.

Most of the times these kinds of features of a team are mostly seen in the hospital and the medical teams, where there is a single dominant leader according to its knowledge and experience and rest of the team are working in terms of solving the problem and decision making.

And the other members of the team try to implement the decisions made by their team leader who is subjected to make the proper strategy in the light of his past experiences.

Team building is very important step s in order to succeed in today’s competitive world as effective team increase productivity together with increasing the motivation of team members and a mark of significance in team building exercise is that it create positive competition in team members while improving the productivity and performance of team member and bringing more productivity to organization and bringing more motivation to employees and their creating a win- win situation where not the organization they are working for is benefit but also the learning and interest of employees in the work of assignment to them in accordance with their capabilities increase and therefore they are more satisfied and more willing to work while less likely to leave company.

Therefore having conducted this research though on small scale provide a valuable and significant starting point for further research In that area and therefore in order to further investigate and elaborate this information gain from this study more large scale work should be carried out .

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