Improving Education Systems though Art.

In the following text will be announcement about art and how it influences in develop of creativity and intelligence in the kids. The human being always has been in contact with the art since we were born for that reason art has a huge impact in us. Each people born with innate ability of create but with the pass of the years this has lost. When we incorporate art in academic develop the students have a best interpersonal relationship and also their brain development is better. In addition the implementation of art in the schools have been increasing obtaining excellent results to academic level and also there is a new technical for better our education system across of games. This technical is called “ludic learning” that is based in games of this forms the students can learning better are be more outgoing also put more attention in their classes because they are not stressful nor boring. There they develop their creativity and imagination. For this reason, art is fundamental for growth intellectual in the kids.

Since every human being had born with an innate ability of imagination and create. For that reason art, music, even sports always they were with us. The obsolete education system leaves aside our innate ability of relationship and its focus on the critical and rational thing. Subjects like mathematics, chemistry and physics have greater relevance than art, music and sports but this will change. All the people around the world are completely different is for this reason we need different form of teach because each people learn of different way. Art is a fundamental tool for better in the intellectual growth of the children.

The actual schools should founded the develop of art in the classes because of this form the kids can better their abilities like reason and their creativity and this away could be in the future a excellences people that they have good interpersonal relationship and also be good professionals.

Art could be work it since a very young age because it encourages develop children’s brain. Allowing them develop right hemisphere and so to have a vast intelligence to expand others skills like relationship between people, capacity for to lean others languages, even their self-esteem is better. Also, art acts positively in the life of the people because many people have fallen in drug addition, vandalism between others, but they have been able leave this thanks the positively encourage of art.

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When we grow up lost our innate skills of imagine and create, but if we develop the abilities of children since very young with games, paintings, etc. They can better these abilities. According to the National Institutes of Health, developmental milestones around age three should include drawing a circle and beginning to use safety scissors. Around age four, children may be able to draw a square and begin cutting straight lines with scissors. Many preschool programs emphasize the use of scissors because it develops the dexterity children will need for writing. For this way we can improving their develop of brain and have a better education though art. ( Lynch, G. 2012)

A report by Americans for the Arts states that young people who participate regularly in the arts (three hours a day on three days each week through one full year) are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement. To participate in a math and science fair or to win an award for writing an essay or poem than children who do not participate. (Lynch, G. 2012). When the art is in the schools the students are more relaxed because across of art they can express their ideas and feel more rested.

Nowadays our interpersonal relationship is broken because the people prefer their computer or use internet. But this can change across the art. Art is the door of our things and feelings. Many people cannot have a good relationship with words, this was because when they was children cannot express their feelings but if we teach kids others ways to express their feelings we can improve the interpersonal relationship. According to choreographer, Diana F. Green (2015) “Art like dance uses the body as an instrument” the body could be a form to express their feelings and for this way they improving their emotional intelligence.

Current research have revealed the importance of the art’s implementation in the schools as tool for intellectual growth in kids. In fact, the artistic disciplines are involved in pedagogical practices. They infuse the creative think in the children. Besides this develops a deep think, less systematic. Likewise, the children can find many ways for resolve a problem because art is joined with creativity and further enhances growth of the intellectual development.

There are many researches that exposes that children influenced for music have better grades in their schools. An article published in 2009 by Kimberly L. “music and apprenticeship” show that neuroscience society found some areas of our brain that involve movement and coordination are better in musical people and less in common people. In addition many experts recommend to parents make listen classic and harmonic music to their children. Of this away their sensory, emotional and auditory teaches is developed.


Through of time the education system has been changed. For this reason countries like Finland has art, music and sports involved the academic life of the students. They since have started their studies have a lot of hours for developing their imagination and creativity through of paint, play an instrument, write and others. Also, it has been implemented a new art of teaching called “playful learning”. This new form of teaching is based on touch with games. It makes the kids learn very quickly and better. In the same way, has been inserted in the school this method is getting huge results. The students pay more attention and are very outgoing in classes because when they make games like teaching they are more open to learning and their stress levels are drastically reduced. Between these playful practices, art is always present because it allows to expand our skylines on the subject of teaching.

According an article by the magazine Artz said “demonstrates intelligence’s relation to creativity, one that is vital for not only understanding creative thinking, but for improving it.” The creativity which encompasses art and imagination are tightly join to intelligence. At present it is not enough be only a genius, but also have the capacity to relate to people, of expanding your ideas, or create and invent.

In addition many people around the world thing that art does not have any bonding with the intelligence but this is not correct because the artist people development more parts of their brain that ordinal people.

Also, the art can take us away is so in the newspaper called “el comercio” it said “Quito urban places has transform in a canvas of a new form of language” (Flores G., 2016). Ecuador is changing its form of seeing this street art because art symbolizes for artist a form to express their feelings, a develop emotional intelligence. Is for that thanks to a lot of graffiti paintings in the capital has led Ecuador to be recognized internationally for its art.

In conclusion, the human being always had a need to show that their feelings of different forms. For that we born with an innate ability to create that it is reflected in the art. However, art for many years was separate from intelligence because thought that they are things completely different. Nowadays, and thanks many researches and experiments had been determined that art and intelligent go hand in hand. It is more people do not just involve the science, but also their art. They develop do not only left hemisphere, but also right hemisphere. It gives them as result the increase of some abilities that with the pass of the years and for many factors they had lost it.

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In addition, many experts say that stimulating babies with music, art and others positively affects the brain of the children as it enhances the cognitive response of the right hemisphere. It is for this reason that the implementation of art as an aid to improve intelligence has been incorporated in schools where children from an early age are motivated with games, songs, paintings, etc. To learn from what they have obtained very good results because the students are more relaxed and pay more attention to a didactic class than an absolute.

In addition, thanks to the involvement of art in schools, children are not only educated to be great professionals, but also develop as people because through art their ability to create and imagine, their interpersonal relationship improves are less systematic.

Fortunately art is no longer left aside, but rather placed as an importance in the development of the child since it has come to take the place that corresponds because without art, without creativity the intelligence would not develop completely, in fact the Creativity allows us to look at other ways, other ways to reach the same goal, this is extremely important in the intelligence of the people because it allows us to be human beings with a greater reasoning and a criterion more vast when making decisions.


Cooper, B. (2013, November 20). 8 Surprising Ways Music Affects and Benefits our Brains. . Retrieved November 19, 2016, from

Flores, G. (2016, January 09) El arte urbano de Quito es reconocido internacionalmente. Retroceded November 19, 2016, from

Jurvetson, S. (2013, January 21). The relationship between creativity and intelligence. Retrieved November 19,2016, from

Reyes, f. (2014, October 17). El aprendizaje lúdico: una novedosa estrategia de capacitación. Retrieved November 19, 2016,

Wai, j. (2011, April 12). If you are creative, are you also intelligent? Retrieved November 19, 2016, from


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