Improving Employee Relations and Reducing Labour Unrest


It can be seen that several trends are occurring within the hospitality and tourism sector that suggests companies must to pay attention to increase in labour unrest, high turnover, interest in unionisation and difficulty in obtaining high quality recruits issues. Reducing employee all these issues and keeping important employees from leaving, human resource experts face this challenge daily. Reviewing various parts of business and taking suitable action will help business reducing unwanted problems has arisen. The hospitality and tourism industries are one of the most cut throat and competitive industries in the world. Usually, human resources manager of this industries have their hands full all the time because of employee complaints [] . However, It can be cited that it is to be seen a few human resources management guidelines for hospitality and tourism that can wipe out some of the troubles that plague most hospitality and tourism human resources managers.

It is to say that the human resources management for hospitality and tourism is also very important in the area of employee services. On the other hand, management should ensure that the employee can come to the human resources whenever they have an issue or problem. It can be seen that most of the human resources managements implement different activities and games to make the working environment more fun and interesting. It can be seen that Human Resources managers are faced up to some problems which are related to the above question. As Human resources managers that all we now every society has a notion of decent work [] .

This essay suggests to facilitating the applications of international labour standards for eliminate the above issues which are arisen in the field of hospitality and tourism. This report attempts to illustrate how the issues of globally arisen, reasons and problems solving through human resources concepts. On the other hand this suggests new strategies to overcome the issues.

Human Resources planning

It can be described as a systemic process of matching the skills, interests and talents of individuals with the long term object and economic opportunities in the society [] . When creates a human resources plan needs to involve the relevant community sectors. Therefore, their input and participation will lead to strong community support. Human resources plan’s object is to ensure a good fit between program designs and the results that are sought.

A human resource planning faces some major challenges. Impatience with human resource planning is always a challenge. On the other hand that the public expectations may be unrealistic and they look for jobs as an immediate outcome. Furthermore, human resource plan must struggle between the need to be methodical and well thought out over several years.

It is clear that human resource planning include benefits as well. This would benefit both communities and other partners to share the benefits, risks and training costs. Human recourse planning makes it easier to evaluate progress and it helps to present partners, funders, community members with effective information about the progress.

Increasing the Labor Unrest

Labor unrest is expected to continue in the field of hospitality and tourism. Trade unions intensify their fight is related with over job retention, wages, and the liberalization of the labor market. Labor analysts say that this trend is likely to be hit by labor disputes and a wave of strikes, especially during wage negotiations [] . It can be seen that strikes generally have arisen their highest and that most of the unrest is in the public sector [] . Labor unrest action is result of labor disputes, retrenchments and the planned amendments to labor law in the public and private sectors could lead to increased protests.

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On the other hand labor unrest can be defined as a state of affairs when employees are not satisfied with the existing terms and conditions of employer [] . Employees demand higher wages while the employer does not wish to do so. The results are frustrations and grumbles from workers against the management. The employees expect human treatment from the management. Labor unrest can be defined as a social phenomenon of enormous complexity.

Interesting of Unionisation and representation

It can be noticed that hospitality industry also has been involved with unionization of employee. They hold massive campaign against employers challenging work rules. Some work rules interfere with employees’ rights to organize and union activity.   Unionization represents employee at work. Their main objects are to improve and protect worker’s pay and conditions of employment. Employees campaign to change and invent the laws and policies which will benefit working employees. It is inevitable that unions exist in the world. An individual worker’s power is very low to influence on decisions making about his or her job. Therefore, workers come together by joining with unions that is more power and chance of having a voice and influence.

Difficulties of high qualified recruits

It is to say that obtaining in high quality recruits in the field of tourism and hospitality has been difficult in recent years [] . As an example that China’s luxury hotels struggle not only to retain existing employees but to attract new recruits as well. Even convincing qualified but inexperienced candidates to enter the hospitality industry is a challenge. More people prefer to do jobs like medicine and law other than hotel management’s service-based positions. Therefore, to find right candidates that hotels use Internet and newspapers advertisement. But, it is to that often about 90% of applicants are not qualified for advertised hotel jobs. Therefore, some hotels rely on some firms who screen candidate’s talents.

On the other hand hotels use to make close relationships with nearby vocational colleges and universities to find permanent employees and interns. Recruiting processes can be included interviews with high-level managers, and training typically involves a general overview followed by department-specific instruction.

It can be noted that there are common challenges when recruiting people and hard fill vacancies. There are some reasons to get more difficulties when recruiting people. Some people have low interest or no response to particular job advertisements. Some of them are unfamiliar with the advertised jobs. There are no local tertiary institutions supplying graduates with the required qualifications.

Labour turnover

According to Abelson [] that a range of factors have been cited to be consistency linked to labour turnover. These include job satisfaction, organisational commitment, alternative opportunities and intentions to quit. Apart from tenure and age, personnel characteristics of employees appear to have little relationship to labour turnover. It can be seen that there many causes for labour turnover. It is caused labour market conditions and economic conditions as well. It is difficult to manage directly general causes for involuntary labour turnover. However, it is important that voluntary turnover also is caused by high stress, non-competitive compensation, unpleasant physical or interpersonal working conditions, poor direct supervision and monotony [] . One of the best options to reduce labour turnover is to monitor the potential leavers during the hiring process. Salih Kusluvan cites that unprofessional human resource management practices are also caused for labour turn over [] . High level of stress also contributes towards employee turnover. It is caused by demands of customers, long hours of work and work time pressure. Furthermore, that is the entry of a new competitor in the tourism field actually stimulated employee turnover.

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It is vital that Human resource managers have to assess the current impact of labor turnover, identify turnover rates, and compare turnover rates with internal or external standards for addressing employee turnover. Therefore, hospitality and tourism human resource management can use this information regarding negative employment characteristics as part of their pre-employment selection process in order to recognize job candidates who are likely to these characteristics. Before selecting the employees that Human Resource Management need to review their own recruitment strategies. Specify their recruitment goals. On the other hand, Human Resource managements have to make sure that their recruiting activities consider not only career requirements but organizational culture factors as well. It indicates [] that workers’ unenthusiastic emotional responses to job situations do predict voluntary turnover. An employee is less likely to give up the job, if these reactions are generally positive. On the other hand, an employee is more likely to give up the job if these reactions are generally negative. These candidates can be monitored out early process in the hiring them, thus saving further hiring costs, and causing for decreasing subsequent labor turnover.

New Strategies to improve employee relations

The human recourses managers have their hands full all the time because of employee high turnover rate and complaint. It can be suggested that few steps that would help to eliminate some of the problems that plague most hotel human resources managers.

It is very important to choose the right person for each job. However, this would be one of the hardest tasks of the human resources manager. It can be seen that only low skill level people apply to many jobs offered in a hotel. Human resources manager’s job is to make sure that the employee chosen for the job will do it correctly. This can be easily done through the interview process.

It is vital that make sure each employee enjoys working in the field of hospitality and tourism. Human resources managers should provide all of the training and supplies and supplies that they require to fulfill their job effectively. On the hand, employee may complain that they are required to do too many jobs that they do not have the training or tools to do it with. Therefore, human resources managers have a duty to take the time and money to train their employees and equip them properly will have a much higher retention rate.

Human resources managers must be friendly with employees and that would lead to feel them that they work in friendly environment. It will produce better work as well. Employee likes to be noticed when they do a good job so catching employees doing their jobs properly is an important part of being a human resources manager.

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One of the most important things at workplace is employee and employer relationship. Human resources managers have options to improve their relationship with their staff. Hotel employee would like to be comfortable with their hotel employer stand for. Therefore, HR managers can implement some new strategies to build up better relation with their staff.

Employees would like to recognize the company principles. Today workers are very opinionated about the ethical and moral issues in business today. They think about such things as employee rights and employee privacy. Therefore, it is better to having a set of guiding principles. It helps to create a framework within which to develop principle-centered procedures and policies after following these principles. That would be helpful to solve employment related issues.

On the other hand, Employees very concern to know their employer cares about their concerns and opinion. It is very important to have a mechanism for finding out what hotel employees care about, if you are going to create a better employee relationship. Conducting an employee opinion surveys is the best way to find out these.

Employees want to be involved and productive. Creating an employee participation teams are would helpful for this object. It facilitate to the employee interacts with other members of the industry, the greater the employee will be bound with the company.

Workers want to be recognized and appreciated for a job well done. It can be used a link performance with rewards. There are all altered kinds of strategies that can be used to link performance with rewards. This would lead to spirit and encourages people to work as a team.

It is to be noted that employees are very concerned about competitive salary. An employee should have to value the skills, knowledge, and abilities of the industry. This is to ensure that company’s salaries remain competitive. It is useful of conducting annual salary surveys, consistent pay practices, establish fair, and ensure the whole compensation package is competitive, not just the basic salary.

It is the duty of the management that employees have challenging work. Natural People like to be challenged. They would like to have new challenges. Presenting an organizational challenge to the employees encouraged thinking and creates excitement within the organization. On the other hand, that is important to give them knowledge about the company’s effectiveness and its activities.

Management can provide assistance in balancing their work and family need. It is very important to support their lives and providing assistance to balance their lives mean that the management able to build relationship with employee.

To summarize, building a strong employee relations program means that you create an environment which delivers what people want today. They want to feel good about who they are, what they do and where they work. These points should give you a starting point to begin thinking about an employee relations strategy for your organization. In creating that strategy, you will find the answers to some of your organization’s perplexing human resource issues.

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