Improving Kings Medical Center

Kings Medical Center provides various health services within the City and its locality. They have sites in three location (Staten Island, Queens, and Manhattan) spread across the City and have enlisted our service to develop their Information System. Their requirement included elements covering a Web site, Networking, Management Information System (MIS) and a Database. They have reviewed their organization structure and their strategic plan has revealed the need to reconstruct their functions, services and human resources application

We are a dedicated medical institution, aiming to provide the highest quality care for our patients and maintain a relaxed, friendly and comfortable work environment for our staff and other users. We guarantee the well-fare and safety of our patients as our priority and ensure confidentiality of all nature.

The commitment of our staff, physicians, volunteers and community partners to our mission, allows us to maintain a quality standard of caring, promoting wellness, relieve suffering and restore health as humanely as can be done. In consistence with the best service available we will ensure the highest value to all our users. We endeavor to treat all our patience and client fairly, efficiently and with the care and respect required to satisfy their needs and accordingly.

Vision The vision of king medical center is to provide place for extraordinary achievements and Significant infrastructure growth.

The vision of the king medical center is to provide large facilities of medical therapy.

Organizational Chart The organizational chart of the medical center describes the overall organizational structure .This describe the administrative structure from top to the bottom like director to the peon. The director is the top of the organizational structure and there is multiple divisions like energy and plan divisions.

Current Situation and Problem/ Opportunity Statement

•Improving the appointment system and reducing walk-ins to a minimum

•Assigning doctors to patient

•Creating and implementing a web site

•Eliminate redundancy within the filing system and implement software and applications to regulate normalcy and consistency

Critical Assumption and Constraints

.There must be specified proposal which include identifying the earliest possible state including critical assumptions and revenue drivers, operating cost, social and environmental factors.

.There is regularity, legislative and relevant acts which may impinge the proposal need. Which may identify including information?

.There is information which can describe sensitivity of assumption need which is to be provided.

Analysis of Options and Recommendation

•Keeping machines on standby when not in use

•Ensure all medical closet are secured

•Accessories should be stored in designated area and appropriately to eliminate risk

•Provide security at each site

•Sign posting at each location


Preliminary Project Requirement

There must be more attractive environment and higher perceived quality.

There should no time gap for significant relationship between the perceived wait times.

There should be project and its impact on existing infrastructure.

Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis

The project was allocated a budget of $800,000. The labor cost percent includes a forty hours per week at a rate of $100 per hour for the project manager, other team members between $80 – $90 per hour (according to experience and qualification) and consultants at a rate of $150 per hour. Other consideration of the project will cover the outsourcing of software and other services costs. The discount rate for this project is 8%, reflecting the estimate after the discounted costs and benefits have been implemented.

Schedule Estimate

We estimate one year to complete the project and will be providing additional maintenance and technical support throughout an agreed period. We will be managing and monitoring the operation of applications and recommendations across the organization.

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Potential Risks There are several potential risks on project evaluation like cost assessment risk and time bound project have the overrun risks.

The potential risks are the risk that can occur simultaneously which can identified during running phase.

This type of risk can affect the running schedule of the project and also affect the cost of the project.

Weighted Decision Matrix


Assign a project manager

Develop a business case

Identify key stakeholders

Prepare project charter

Hold project kick-off meeting


Hold team planning meeting

Prepare team contract

Prepare scope statement

Prepare WBS

2.4.1 Create Milestones

Prepare schedule and cost baseline

Determine task resources

Determine task durations

Determine task dependencies

Create Gantt chart

Identify, discuss and prioritize risks

Develop project plans

Review project plans

Approve project plans


Analysis Task

Collect data on organization

Collect information on project

User inputs

Internet site contents

Templates and tools



User requests feature

Web site design

Web site construction

Web site testing

Web site promotion

Web site roll-out

Project benefits measurement

Design Task

3.2.1 Collect detailed requirement for all programs

3.2.2 Design network program

3.2.3 Design database

3.2.4 Design MIS

3.2.5 Design Web site

3.10 Implementation Task

3.10.1 Network

3.10.2 Database

3.10.3 MIS

3.10.4 Website

3.11 Training

3.11.1 Employees’ training

3.11.2 Technical Support

3.11.3 Access Security Specification

3.4 Testing

3.4.1 Test programs

3.5 Roll Out and Support

3.5.1 Support User

3.5.2 Roll out New programs

3.5.3 Technical Support

Monitoring and Controlling

Project reports

4.2.1 Change request report

4.2.2 Organizational process assets’ updates

4.2.3 Project document updates

4.2.4 Project management plan updates

4.2.5 Status Reports

3.2.6 Control changes


Final project report

Final presentation

Sign-off on project

Lesson learnt reports

Financial Analysis for Kings Medical Center Project

The financial Analysis for the king medical center is depend on recourse and the financial fund and time validation ,human effort etc.

The financial analysis is depend on operational cost and the project risk assessment ,project structure and managerial elements of project.

The risk type and identification affect the project cost and running time and risk exposure is time taking process so financial schedule affected by risk. The financial analysis depends on the risk assessments.

Project Charter

Project Title: Kings Medical Center Project

Project Start Date: April 28, 2010

Projected Finish Date: April 28, 2011

Budget Information:

A budget of $800,000 has been allocated to fund the project over a one year period. This cost will be used up to fund the All in One (AIO) Tech development team, consulting personnel, hardware and software purchase, and utility fees. An initial estimate requires a total of 40 hours per week labor cost, considering that the team works a standard eight hour day shift.

Project Manager: Foxy Brown, 646-238-1224, [email protected]

Project Objectives:

The goal is to provide a complete IT Infrastructure overhaul to Monroe Medical Center. In doing so, employees will be able to retrieve and update patients file and information accordingly, assign a doctor to groups of patients, produce departmental reports, and share information across all locations within a reasonable time frame. An online appointment system will also be created to minimize patient waiting time and improve the system for walk-in patients.

Main Project Success Criteria:

The project is scheduled to be completed within one year at the provisional cost of $800,000. The end product of this project is guaranteed to support the overall functionality of Kings Medical Center operations. This will assist them to negotiate lower premiums and track improvements in patients waiting time among other requirements they have stipulated. It will also provide solid evidence for other benefits, such as improving morale and productivity. Additionally, the project should be able to pay for itself within two years of completion. It must also have a positive net present value (NPV) and a 50% or greater return on investment, in order to be considered a successful project. Additionally, the project payback must not be beyond 2 years.

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· Select a project manager and project team

· Identify project requirements and list milestones to meet accordingly

· Incorporate best practices methodologies

· Incorporate excellent testing procedures

· Use corporate standards in all application development

· Using a prototyping approach to development

· Provide training and develop support procedures

· creating a highly specific and detailed documentation

Integrated Change Control The integrated change control is the process which can be implemented during the all changes which involves in running state in project. It is quite often implement over the course of a project life cycle.


Requirements Document The requirement document for project scope document is resource, financial status, time schedule, and operational cost structure, estimation time for each module.

The requirement document must have the work breakdown structure and time estimation graph.

It can also describe the overall structure with financial status.

Requirements Management Plan The requirement management plan utilize the proper resource for running status of any hospital effectively and efficiently. It can also describe the requirement of different modules and resource management.

Requirements Matrix for Kings Medical Center Project The requirement matrix for king medical center project depends on several phase and resource allocation graph .The requirement matrix is depend on supply and demand of resource and operational cost. The requirement matrix is sparse matrix for resource allocation to different module and reduces the overall operational cost.

Scope Statement (Version 1)


Work Breakdown Structure for Kings Medical Center Project The work breakdown structure is known as hierarchical discrete structure which divides the work task in different small module. Thus work breakdown structure for the kings’ medical college project can be subdivided task like operational cost which having subtask the doctor’s fee and medicine cost, bed charge, equipments cost etc.

WBS Dictionary The WBS dictionary must include the overall subdivided task and which type of structure tree or list .The WBS dictionary describes the how the work breakdown structure correlate to each other which is the master task and which one is slave task.

Milestone Report Kings Medical Center Project The milestone report of kings medical center project is describe the achievement of the center which is the best of the previous report .The milestone report is known as master copy every other report must be compare from this milestone report ,this can give estimation cost and resource handling idea in brief.

Gantt chart The Gantt chart is known as the chart which can specify the project completion time and resource allocation to different module. The Gantt chart describe the different small module start and end time this also describe analysis time and result this contains the day by day data and store it and compare by historical data.

Network Diagram The network diagram describe the day by day activity and recourse allocation by network diagram by network diagram we describe the minimum activity path to reduce the cost effort there is critical path method and project evaluation review technique use for estimation.

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Work Schedule The work schedule describe the overall running schedule for different task and it can specify the resource allocation to each activity the work schedule is to use reduce cost & time effort .

Activity Assignments The activity assignment is known as assign resource to different task and activity. The activity assignment insures that the correct task is handling by the specified specialist person.

Time Management Contingency Strategies The time management contingency strategies is to use the reduce time effort and make project effective and beneficial. These Strategies is to use assumption of minimum time effort in which sequence we can gain minimum time effort.


Project cost estimate The project cost estimation is done by Gantt chat or by the histogram or by the CPM &PERT. The project cost estimation is done with respect to the earned value and actual cost or planning cost. There is graph analysis between the earned value and the actual cost.

Project cost baseline The project baseline cost is theoretical or real construct it capture and approved budget structure distributed overtime. The baseline may incorporate during changes in the project running schedule.

Earned value The earned value describes the how much part of cost and time is spent till the analysis time. The earned value analysis is useful for estimation how much time and cost in feature needed to complete the project in under budget and specified time.


Quality Standards/ Requirements The quality standard is measured by quality assurance like ISO 9000.The quality assurance is achieved by The effectiveness and efficiency .Quality standard /requirement is gain by the ISO certificate for the health care the IWA 4:2009 certificate issued, for medical devices ISO 13485:2003 certificate needed.

The Seven Basic Tools of Quality The seven basic tools for quality control is Pareto chart which shows the bar graph and insures which factors are more significant. The Histogram which represent the bar diagram and histogram representation of each activity. Scattered data which represents the graph pair of numerical data’s. Control chart and check sheet for analyzing the data. Cause and affect diagram and stratification which control the study of individual data.

PROJECT NETWORK MANAGEMENT This is the tool for the understand to project management cycle there is the graphical representation of the project life cycle various activity in the project form a network diagram which specify the project duration for each separate activity.

PROJECT DATABASE MANAGEMENT The project database management stores the every information during project execution state and keeps each activity record day by day. Thus the project database management system stores information of resources and the durations to complete a task.

PROJECT WEBSITE MANAGEMENT Project website management is done according to database and information which is retrieval day by day activity the database updating can also be done by the website .Thus the project website management must insure to display current database.

Appendix The UNICEF child protection program

The king George medical College, Department of cancer therapy India.

The all India medical Association, New Delhi India

Policies There is research center establishment for H.I.V

To provide best facility perform cancer chemical therapy.

Glossary Glossary of Genetic Terms, Genetics Education Center, Univ. Kansas Medical Center

Biotechnology Glossary, SDPatel and S Maulik, GeneEd, Celera (not available Sept 2002)

Genome Glossary, Department of Energy (DOE)

Dictionary of Genetics, Science and Technology, graphics, searchable, Academic Press (not available Sept 2002)

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