India Biscuits Industryis


Suitation analysis:

India Biscuits Industryis the largest among all the food industries and has a turn over of around Rs.3000 crores. India is known to be the second largest manufacturer of biscuits, the first being USA. It is classified under two sectors: organized and unorganized. Bread and biscuits are the major part of the bakery industry and covers around 80 percent of the total bakery products in India. Biscuits stand at a higher value and production level than bread. This belongs to the unorganized sector of the bakery Industry and covers over 70% of the total production.

Major Players

The major players in the biscuit segment are:

* Britannia

* Parle

* Bakeman

* ITC Foods Ltd.

* Surya Food and Agro Pvt. Ltd.


Major Brands the major brands of biscuit are:

* Britannia

* Parle

* Bakeman

* Priya Gold

* Elite

* Cremica

* Dukes

* Anupam

* Horlicks

Even as Britannia Industries Ltd (BIL) is unwrapping a new advertising strategy for its relaunched brand MarieGold, Parle Products Pvt Ltd has roped in Ogilvy & Mather India to design the advertising plans for its yet-to-be launched brand Monaco Bites. With the entry of Hindustan Lever Ltd’s biscuit brand Modern Energy Biscuits, competition is hotting up in the Rs 2,500-crore Indian biscuits market.

For starters, BIL has recently relaunched its flagship brand MarieGold with value additions in a bid to rejuvenate the brand. Along with the relaunch, the company has also revamped the advertising and packaging strategy of the brand in the overcrowded category.

Strapped with a new tagline ‘Packed with wheat energy’, the new avatar of MarieGold in a new packaging hit the Indian marketplace just a few days ago. The company is still in the process of rolling out the relaunched brand across the country, inform sources from the company.

And to announce the relaunch of MarieGold, BIL is rolling out a multi-media ad campaign which includes press advertisement, television commercials and radio advertising, says Lowe India (Bangalore) vice-president Preeti Maroli. “We’ll be using all the media vehicles that are available. To start with, we have launched a television commercial in Hindi. Very soon, we will roll out print ad campaign first in Hindi. Later we will go for press ads in English,” she adds.

To support the mass media ad campaign for its relaunched brand, the agency will be using below-the-line activities too, says Ms Maroli. The agency also has plans to put up hoardings and banners as part of its outdoor media strategy. “As for our ad strategy, we have used the health plank to highlight the the benefit of wheat energy in the relaunched MarieGold. And of course, we have revamped MarieGold’s packaging strategy with the relaunch,” adds Ms Maroli.

On the other hand, Parle Products Ltd has hired the services of Ogilvy & Mather India to create communication plans for its new product called ‘Monaco Bites’. Says Ogilvy & Mather India executive director Nishi Suri: “Amid stiff competition, we won this new account. The other agencies in the fray were Everest Communications and Grey Worldwide. It’s a prestigious account as our client plans to launch ‘Monaco Bites’ in different flavours, including cheese.”

According Ms Suri, Ogilvy & Mather has been handling the ad account of Parle KrackJack for the last 15 years. “Our ad campaigns for Monaco Bites are still in the pipeline,” she adds.

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At present, Britannia Industries and Parle Products Ltd are considered dominant players in the overcrowded branded biscuits category Biscuit majors mapping out new growth strategies in India

The economic slowdown hasn’t dented this market. On the contrary, the food majors are splurging big time on the biscuits market.
To accelerate the volumes in the Rs 9,000-crore brandedbusiness market, three of India’s food majors plan to spend heavily. ITC Foods is working out a full-fledged plan to expand its manufacturing capacity, retail activities and brand activation activities. Britannia Industries Ltd (BIL), on its part, is focusing on consumer promotions and new launches to maintain its position in the overcrowded category. Even ParleProducts, which reportedly has 42% share in this category, is mapping out an aggressive growth strategy that comprises of re-launches, launches and high- profile television campaigns.

Clearly, the sector will face a whole lot of action in the next two months. The slowdown has not affected this sector. The sector will be registering a sound growth rate of around 15% this year, informed a Mumbai based analyst. The category has some strong regional presence like Priya Gold in the north and east, Cremica in the west and Dukes in the south.

On ITC’s plan, Chitaranjan Dhar, chief executive officer, ITC Foods informed that we will be exploring different opportunities for profitable growth. We are planning to reach out to selectmarkets in India.

According to Dhar, ITC is intending to expand its operations to meet the increasing demand for its biscuits brands. The company entered this sector about five years back. And now it is ranked the third largest player with a market share of over 12%.

BIL has launched a vigorous consumer promotion by enlarging the pack sizes of its flagship brand Tiger Glucose by almost 18%. The offer has helped Britannia sell more packs than competitors Parle and ITC’s Sunfeast.

Parle Products, on the other hand, is increasing its existingmanufacturingcapacity across the country. The company is concentrating on all brands with no less than 42% share in the branded biscuits market. The company is leading the pack now. In addition, Parle with a new advertising campaign is planning to re-launch Krackjack.

Apart from the ad campaign for Krackjack, Parle is also rolling out a high-profile ad campaign for its brand Monaco. The company had recently launched an ad campaign featuring Hrithik Roshan to promote the new alternate of Hide &Seek.

SWOT Analysis


* Fulfill one of our Basic Requirement among Air , Water , Food, Shelter

* Widely accepted in all Generations

* Easily available in various forms

* Provide good Instant Remedy for hunger in the form of readymade food

Preserves the non seasonal food and makes it available all throughout the year


* Decreases nutritional value

* Increases the cost of food product

* Industry and technology requires high investment

* Regular usage of processed food can cause alteration in health


* Increase economy of India

* Generate employment opportunity

* Good quality of Goods

* Provide competition to foreign companies

* Improve living standard

* Provide goods to nation at cheaper rate

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* Inflow of foreign reserve and funds for the govt.(taxes)


* Many companies are result oriented

* Increase in pollution

* Sometimes provide poor quality of product for more profit

* Lack of technology

* Unable to utilize all the resources efficiently

PEST analysis



Government provides subsidiaries to the biscuit industry.


What if the government ran a health campaign to discourage people from eating too much fatty food?



Purchasing power of people has increased in India


If there is a big economic downturn in your market? Would consumers switch to cheaper options?



Public demand for health biscuits


Public are now aware of fatty food.

Communication objective

Create awareness among 90 % of target audience:

To make people aware of new product that has all daily required nutrients that are needed for the body through continues advertsiment in newspaper, magazines, TV and radio

Message is a biscuit that can keep u fit and fulfil Ur body with all nutrients.

Create an image among 70% of target audience:

To create an image that will differenciate the product for all other competing products of its kind and create an image of a health related product. Contains fewer fats as compared to other compititors.

Develop preferences among 60 % audience:

To develop people preference to this product by telling them the benefits of this product.

Stimulate purchase intentions

To make people think throught promotional program that product worth of buying.

Stimulate trial of new product among 40 % of target audience

To make people to try the product by following extensive sales promotion and personal selling like coupons and sales presentation.

Budget allocation

Percentage of the budget is stated for indicating the allocation

Estimated budget: 50000000

Promotional budget estimate (in lakhs)


TV Commercial 50 lakhs

(Production & broadcasting)

Newspaper advertisement 8 lakhs

(Design & publishing)

Magzine 10 lakhs

Radio advertisement 20 lakhs


Exhibition(venue & Setup, etc) 50 lakhs

Direct Marketing

Mailing(design, printing & postage, etc) 4 lakhs

Personal selling

Sales presentations 20 lakhs

Sales meetings 5 lakhs

Incentive programs 85 lakhs

Sales promotions

Contests; Games; Lotteries; premium and gifts;

Fair and trade shows; coupons;

Rebates. 100 lakhs

Sponsorship programm

Entertainment programs in TV

Sponsoring pollution awareness programs

Rallies to make people aware of health 100 laths

Miscellenious expenses 48 lakhs


The campaign objectives of n-bickies.

Advertising strategy

Advertising design :story board to tell the about the product as an important aspect of life

Type of appeal : emotional.

Target audience : all age group.

Message strategy :n-bickies

Meaning : n means nutrition and bickies means biscuit

Tag Line : charge up yourself

Media selection: television, newspaper, magazines, Internet, etc.

The Unique Selling Proposition

The biscuit that contains very less fatty acids.

The biscuit that has all nutrients which are needed for body everyday.

Will complete daily requirement of body for nutrients.

Other promotional tools strategy

What other promotional tools to be selected and why?

Personal selling

Sales presentations

Sales meetings

Incentive programs

Public relations

Seminars: will give seminars on the topic of nutrition which are required for our daily needs. How i can increase our immune power and how can we keep our self healthy and how n-bickies buscuit helps your family with this.

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Charitable donations: will donate money to the areas where maximum people suffer from nutrition problem thus relating it with our product.

Publications: will release a monthly publication of what achievements are made my company.

Community relations: Our aim is to increase their knowledge and understanding of what we do and our aim is at giving people the nutrients of everydays life, so that they can feel part of “our community” and where appropriate join with us

Sales promotions

Contests: will organise contests which will be on the theme of heath awareness and n-bickies biscuit will make people aware of this.

Games: will organise games at major areas like universities, government offices on the name of n-bickies buscuits.

Lotteries: will tie up with some very gud brands and n-bickie buscuits will be distributed as lotteries.

Premium and gifts: will distribute this product as gifts and premium when a product is bought.

Fair and trade shows: will organise fair and trade shows

Coupons: coupon will be distributed in mall, on the purchase of various good which.

Rebates: rebate will be implemented at staring stage to enforce sales.

Samples: will distribute samples to know the taste of the product.

Sponsorship programm

Entertainment programs in television and radio.

Sponsoring health awareness programs

Rallies to make people aware of health.

Direct marketing

Catalogs: will distribute catalogs which will communicate all the best features of my product.

Mailings: will mails people the catalogs of the company and product so that if they are interested they can contact us directly.

Telemarketing: will communicate our product throught tele calling also.

E-mail and voice mail: will email all the target market so that they are aware of our product.

THE objectives for various promotional elements


Objective: Educate audience and inform them about new product

Audience: For every age group

Timing: all allowed and determined by budget

Tools/media: television, radio, newspaper, magazines

Public relations

Objective: inform educate, create and maintain

Audience: Target groups mainly all age group.

Timing: ongoing

Tools /media: coverage by major news media, publications, articles in local news papers.

Personal selling:

Objective: maintain large powerful base of supports and get feedback about product at same time.

Audience: local, regional, national.

Timing: ongoing, year round promotion.

Tools/media: door to door selling

Sales promotions

Objective: to motivate target audience to try or buy product

Audience: target audience all people who are health conscious.

Timing: ongoing at all the day times.

Tools: cupons, rebates etc

Implementation strategies

For television advertsiment the spot that will be bought is between 5-7 p.m. Monday -Friday.

For radio the spot that will be bought is between 6 to 10 a.m. And 5 -8 p.m. Monday- Friday.

Creative tactics for print advertisement


Creative tactics for television

Vedio: the visual will communicate the message given by buscuit that it is give the most benifits compared to others and will provide you with all nutrition which is required for everydays life

Audio: the audio will be created which will force consumer to see the vedio and will help an appropriate mood

Jingle used: gear up with n-bickies.

Company: N-bickies


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