Indian Art For Cultural Traditions Cultural Studies Essay

As we know India in famous for its culture and traditions. India is a land where there are full diverse cultures. Even geographically the cultures and tradition are suitable to India. The physical of India is so much matched with its cultures and tradition that I became forced to talk about the geographic region of India. Well, Indian art can be defined as the theological, hieratic or is the best of all as traditional. As India is a multi religious country so each religious has its own kind of arts and paintings. I would like to talk about some kinds of paintings in India. Mughal Paintings, Heena paintings, Acrylic paintings and painting texture. If there is a quality, richness, and innovativeness then Mughal paintings are highly admired. I liked Mughal paintings because of its style and unique.

Mughal love paintings are the most important sub-genres of Mughal paintings. This sub-genre of paintings is beyond imagination. In their paintings they have the splendid themes and a very unique style. The best thing I liked about Mughal love paintings is that it doesn’t resemble the realism. It is totally imagination and creativity. People love Mughal paintings because of its themes, luxury, sensuality and physical beauty. Mughal love painting is not only popular in India itself, it is highly appreciated all over the world.

Heena, usually in local language (Hindi) known as mehndi. All the female member of an Indian family is familiar to Heena paintings. Mainly during festivals all the girls and women paints their hands with the paste of Heena. Heena is a kind of flowering shrub. To make dye by Heena first of all the leaves are dried and later crushed to make powder. After that a paint brush or a thin plastic cone is used to paints in hands or any part of body. After applying the paint at least it should kept for three to four hours to dry. This type of body painting is from centuries and it will remain for centuries in Indian art history. It is a believe that if a bride painting is darker than her husband will give lots of love to their bride

Before writing about acrylic colors, I want to give a short description on ‘What is Acrylic?’ – Acrylic is a kind of plastic which looks like a glass, in fact the properties of acrylic is superior than glass in many ways. Basically acrylic is of two kinds: continuous cast and cell cast. Continuous cast is also known as extruded; continuous cast is a less expensive process. It is a kind of soft material and contains impurities and cell cast is a high expensive process with good quality. Acrylics are much stronger than glass in many ways. The weight of acrylic is half of the glass which makes works easy. As glass is scored, acrylic can be sawed. The output quality from acrylic is quite good than the output of glass materials. Acrylics have been more popular these days. In present world acrylics are used in malls, aquariums, hospitals. Of course in these days acrylics are used for renovation of interiors. If the thickness of acrylic is one inch than it is bullet resistant.

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Talking about color medium I like acrylic paints. Because acrylic color is extreme versatility. Acrylic paints are a kind of modern medium. It became popular medium in 1960s. The best thing acrylic color is the quality output and is comfortable for painting as it dries fast rather than watercolor and we can add new layers upon it without disturbing the first layer which means that the first layer doesn’t dissolve with second layer. To make a light painting we can add water also. When acrylic colors dry it comes in darker tone, to get lighter tone we must be careful on mixing color. By mixing water we can use acrylic color like watercolor and if we want to use like oil paints than we can use color direct from tube.

Painting texture: Texture plays very important role in paintings. It gives a character kind of feeling in artwork. The painting of the texture gives the visual effects and changes the mood of the art work. There is a famous artist in the history if painting texture, his name was Vincent Van Gogh.

Some pictures of the Indian Arts are:

Fig 1:,550×550,075,f.the-art-of-henna-body-painting.jpg

Fig 2:

Fig 3:

Being Indian before I was not having knowledge about Indian arts. As I did research on it and I went more deep and deep about it and came to know that our ancestor were so brilliant. They made us to feel proud to be an Indian. My research became fun and more interesting. And I am very much thankful to my faculty who gave us to do this kind of assignment.

Western Art

Many things changes with the time. From ancient age to modern age we have came across to much type of multiple arts and movement. Many of them became new creation or transformed to other style. The references will b left for details if everything is not covered. If there is a talk about the art history than the most important term would be an art style which covers European history in the end times of middle ages to the start of modern world. The time period of art style was 14th century to 17th century. Basically Western arts were originated in west during 3000 BC. Most of the part of the world is dominated by western art. In history this is one of the oldest courses. Being the oldest course in the art history, western arts is more in high-tech zones like electronic media and the equipments for the development of creative. This horizon is also known as Electronic Arts. In 1300 AD, the history of western art examined as visual art and architecture which reflects as a human interaction and physical environment. In 1851, an artist was born with the name Mattawan from New York. He has won the first prize in Western Art Assoc. and a gold medalist and writer also. In this way the generation of western art continued. One of the earliest painters that was picked up such as anti-racism. Her name was Marie Guillemine Benoist, a Neo-classical female painter of French. During 1800, she completed a Portrait of a Black Woman, featuring an African slave-turned-servant lady.

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Leonardo da Vinci, was the main person who represented all the humanistic values during this period of era with the help of his arts, science and writing. Renaissance, this was the time in which each expression and worldly experience became two main themes. It is an Italian origin and later was known as European arts movements.

Below there is a list of different movements which symbolizes the different periods of western art.






Abstract art




There are many other more movements but these movements are mostly discussed on this topic. A short description of each movement is given below.


The word mannerism is derived the Latin word ‘Maniera’, the Italian word. Mannerism was developed in Florence and Rome between 1520 and 1600. The movement gained favor in most of central and northern Europe and northern Italy.


The origin of Baroque was in Italy and France, Spain, Germany and Netherlands adopted it later. Baroque was applied in the art of period in late 1500s to late 1700s. The wide range of artists and styles is covered by Baroque.


Fauvism, a French style of painting, also known as French Faucisme. It was flourished in France from 1998 to 1908. Fauvism used pure colors and was applied straight from the tube. Fauvism was mostly for those artists who were a transitional or in learning stage.


The beginning of Cubism was in 1908. It is most radical, innovative art in twentieth-century. It is completely a conception of beauty. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque were the inventors of Cubism.


At late 19th and 20th century Expressionism took birth. It was opposed to academic standards in Europe. Expressionism is mainly refers to show the emotions in arts. “The Starry Night” of Gogh, was the earliest and famous painting.

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Abstract art

Abstract art, early 1960s to late 1940s. This kind of art movement took place during American post-world war II. This was the first American movement which was influenced worldwide.


1909-1914 was the timeline of Futurism. The appearance of manifesto gave the beginning of Futurism. The presenting style of Futurism was modern an technological. With the development of Cubism, Futurism was highly inspired and went beyond techniques. The origin of Futurism was Italy and was highly influenced in France and Russia.


The beginning of surrealism was during 1924. This was the artistic movement which bought all the artists and philosophers in hunt of sense of expressions of unconscious. Surrealism became popular after the French artist Andre Breton.

I would like to talk more about Impressionism and Expressionism.


The title of the painting ‘Impressionism’ was given by Claude Monet in 1872. After two years in Paris, he laid all his works independently in exhibition. Slowly impressionism became famous and it spread all around and widely used to describe the unique style of these artists. This is a movement which is the origin of French painting, also called optical realism. The scientific interest in the visual experience and the light effect made this movement optical realism. Impressionism took birth in late 1850’s to late 1890s. After 1880 there was the rise of Neo-Impressionism. Neo-Impressionism outgrew the Impressionism.


Expressionism is a kind of art movement which describes the type of art it would be taking out our own ideas, feelings on a piece of paper in sense of paintings. Expressionism was stared late 19th century and early 20th century. It was opposed to academic standards in Europe. Expressionism is mainly refers to show the emotions in arts. “The Starry Night” of Gogh, was the earliest and famous painting. Most of the artists used their paintings to express their internal feelings and expression. Many art languages such as intense emotions, shapes and abstraction, to come out their feelings.

Some of the arts painting of western art are:

Mannerism art

Fig 1:

Baroque art, Rinaldo and Armida: artist Anthony van Dyck 


Fauvism art, Market Church at Evening: Lyonel Feininger


It was very much fun and interesting to do research on art history. I came to know many things about the art of our world. I am thank to my faculty who gave us to do essay on arts. And to all the artist who gave us to think in different way.

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