Industrial training report


In this duration 20/4/2009 until 2/10/2009, I had been assigned to a company name SILVERLAKE SYSTEM SDN BHD, which is located at LEVEL 2A KPMG TOWER FIRST AVENUE, BANDAR UTAMA 47800 PETALING, SELANGOR to complete my internship. On the 1st day, I have been brief by their staffs at there about the rules of company and how their organization works. After that, we had assigned to follow different supervisors and department. I had been assigned to client’s side which is at KWSP building under team LEGAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS). On the 2nd day, I have to go there to continue my internship until 2/10/2009. Basically, my team at KWSP building is handling about a website name legal/panel that can let users/employees to perform their tasks. Those tasks are like approve, assign, and reject, accept case; work with case status, criminal, civil, court action; perform some calculation fees, date; some reports for review and etc. My team have 4 senior staffs and me 1 trainee. They had briefly told me how they perform their tasks and teach me a lot of knowledge about working.

Software Exposure (software used, projects or assignments completed)

During this industry training, I had used some software to do my tasks and projects. Example of software, iseries Navigator, IBM RPGLE software, Legal System, XML generator, SCITE version 1.63, Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft power point and hotmail (email). They had taught me how to use some software that I don’t know, so that I can do my tasks. Following, I will briefly describe how I use the software to do my tasks.

iSeries Navigator

I briefly describe iSeries Navigator is a powerful graphical interface to easily work with the iSeries server. To use iSeries Navigator, we need to have server connections that connect to the environments of our work. So we need a login ID and password to login to the environments, after we login, there will be a list of functions that we can use for perform our tasks. Example of functions like, security, network, databases, backup and etc, all those functions still have sub functions like run SQL script and etc. In here, I had been assigned some tasks on write SQL statements by using SQL Performance Monitor which is sub function of Databases tasks. This function can allows us to keep track of the resources that SQL statements use. Basically, I using this software to run some SQL statements, retrieve some useful data records to do reference, update, insert or delete some data records in the database. Example like update user’s details, insert new user’s details, for checking purpose and etc.

IBM RPGLE software

This is complex software that about back end system and also related to database. I didn’t learn this software before so they have to teach me more about this software and some useful commands to do my tasks. Example of the useful or important commands like dspff= display file fields, call function, and etc. This software is related to database, back end system and is very important, so they just teach me some simple and basic commands to retrieve some data, information for me to refer. I usually use this software to retrieve some useful information from database. For example, after I enter some command like dspff lg8068i (file’s name), then the system will show out the field’s name, length, position and text of the file we choose. This mean if we change the interface of the modules, example like want to add more fields or update something, then we have to use tis system to add the fields that we need. Example like we wan modify the text field’s length, we also need to modify using this system, change the length of the text that we want. After do any changes, then we have to generate the XML file again and replace it to the server. When generate XML file, we also have to refer the information from here.

Legal System

Actually it is system software of a web page, this system include screen display like views, pages, menus and etc; Scripts like javascripts, VBscripts; system customisation, system maintenance, user password validate and etc. All of these are use to build the EPF web page that we using now. This system software can let us create webpage, example like create buttons, textbox, dropdownlist, and write coding like javascripts,VBscripts, SQL query and etc. I had been assigned to write some javascript code for example some functions, event those things during my industri training. For example, I had to use this software to write some code to create a function for a dropdownlist to perform certain events. After select the value from dropdownlist, the function will perform some action according to the value that we select, for example, enabled a text field for us to modify and update the information or display some information that we need. I’m also writing the coding for others functions, example like if-else statement, display, get value and etc. Besides that, this system software also can let us maintain user’s detail for example user’s password, report maintenance. There is a part name maintenance view page for us to create, write or modify our coding and also test our coding or find error. After all had done, then save it in this system, then we can go the related page to test the function that we did just now.

XML Generator

XML Generator is software that can let us generate XML file, XML was designed to transport and store data, with focus on what data is. XML document is a string of characters. This XML Generator is done by that staffs who works at here. The XML file is save as notepad format, so we can edit it by using notepad. When we need to generate a XML file for a module, we need to login to RPGLE system to retrieve the data attribute from related table, for example like data field, length, data type and etc, and then copy the whole table to notepad and save it. After that, copy the notepad file to source folder of XML generator. After that, we can key in the request name, transaction code, action code, input field file, un-repeated field file, repeated field file and etc. After complete build, we need to replace this XML file for the old XML file in the server. There will be an interface of XML generator software at appendix part. We need to generate again the XML file if we had change data type; field or data attribute in the database, for example, add more data field, or like changed the field length of some data. After finish doing this, then had to doing testing on the field that we had modify or added. For example, we had change the data field length of description field, and then we need to test whether the field length can store the data that we had already set. XML basically is use for web services, parse data, and store data.

SciTE version 1.63

SciTE is software that we using here for write coding. SciTE have the feature of automatic syntax styling and it can hold multiple files in memory at one time but only one file will be visible. There are two panes in SciTE, the editing pane and the output pane. The output pane is located either to the right of the editing pane or below it. SciTE can perform commands to compile or run source files with the output from these commands directed into the output pane. SciTE currently is able to syntax style these languages: C++, C#, javascript, HTML and etc. We using this software to write those coding for example like javascript, SQL scripts, and others coding. We are using this software because it support many programming language and also have automatic syntax styling. Besides that, this software also can let us easily write our coding for example like it can let us easily control the alignment of coding and have coding line calculation; find and search function. All these functions can let us write coding with more efficient and effective.

Microsoft word

It is a useful software and is using for documentation tasks. I using Microsoft word to do documentation about print screen of all the modules or sub modules of the system, then briefly explain what is the condition and name of each of the modules. This documentation is done for users to let them understand the condition of those modules and how to perform their task by using those modules in the system. Besides that, merge field also done by Microsoft word, after insert merge field, we can show those information from database. Press alt+f9 will show the coding that hidden and we can modify and update it.

Microsoft Excel

I use Microsoft excel to write SQL Statements. They give me some task like write SQL scripts, they will give me all the information that I need to update and I will write my SQL scripts like update statement in excel. Actually write in excel is for backup purpose.

Microsoft Power Point

I am using this software to do some power point slide for user. In this power point slide, I have included some diagram example like activity diagram, and some flow diagram. I also using power point to show the flow of those activities, follow step by step and sequence so that the user can understand how the flow of activities go.

Hotmail (E-Mail)

My team was doing a project on sending inform email to users so they use my e-mail for testing purpose. I using my email to test the system is it will send a correct email to the user after doing some action; accept any case, any status changes or etc in the system. I have to check is it the information of the email that send to my mail is accurate when refer to the task that I had did in the module of the system. For example, I have to check the information like employee’s no, name, case file’s no, date and etc is it same with the case that I perform those tasks. After I perform some tasks, it will send an e-mail to my hotmail to inform me those latest update.

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Hardware Exposure (software used, projects or assignments completed)

During this industry training, I have been provided a desktop with specification pentium[r] 4 cpu, 3.06GHz, 1 GB ram and 80GB hard disk. Besides that, there is a share printer that can let us use for print documents.

Environment Exposure (e.g. working relationship with colleagues, clients, management, etc)

During this whole industri training, I was assigned to KWSP building to continue my training. The location of KWSP building is around Masjid Jamek, I always go work by taking LRT from Wangsa Maju, so it is very convenient. The environment of the KWSP is very good and also provides us a lot of good facilities. Besides that, the working environment is also very clean and comfortable. There are 4 trainees including me that had been assigned to KWSP building to continue our training. All of us had been assigned to different departments and do our tasks according to our team. For example, main task for BDS team is about database and our LEGAL team is about front-end like SQL, retrieve data show to user. My team need to communicate with users (workers) from KWSP because we need to get feedback from them about our system that performs tasks for them. So our team got a good relationship with those users from KWSP to make sure that the systems can perform tasks successfully without errors. Colleagues in my team are very good and friendly. After they giving me some tasks to do, they will explain to me how to do and also teach me if I don’t know how to do. When I got some problems or errors, they will teach me how to find those errors and teach me how to solve those problems. They always teach me a lot of useful knowledge about working and guide me when I had some problems. I really had learnt a lot of knowledge and gain a lot of working experience from them.


Finally I had finished my industry training in this semester and now is already started a new semester to continue study. During my training semester, I really had learnt a lot of knowledge from my colleagues and some working experience from them. I am glad to become their trainee because they really teach me a lot and when I got facing some problems, they willing to teach me how to solve it or help me to solve those errors.

This industry training really provides a lot of benefits for me. During this training, I had a chance to learning from them while working, besides that, I also know more about the working environment at outside. Other than gain knowledge about the programming language from my working place, I also learn more about teamwork from them. In working environment, work as a team is important for complete a project, so teamwork is important for working. Working is not same as study, in working environment; we need to have a good communication skill because when working, communications between employees or clients are very important.

I really learnt a lot of extra knowledge from my colleagues during my industry training, I really appreciate it and thanks for them in teaching me and guide me along this whole training. Besides that, I also thanks college for provide us a industry training so that we can learnt some knowledge and working experience before we going out for the real working environment. These really help us a lot in our future when we are ready for working.

Appendix(Monthly Reports)





Please tick ( Ã- ) or specify your answer where required.

1. Report For The Month Of :

(Ã- ) Apr ( ) May ( ) Jun ( ) Jul ( ) Aug ( ) Sep ( ) Oct

2. Student Details


Course : (Ã- ) AIA ( ) AIB ( ) AIT

Telephone No. : 012-6514834

College Supervisor : Ms. TAN LAY AIK

3. Company Details

Company Name : Silverlake System Sdn Bhd

Telephone No. : 03-7721 6002

Location of Training : Level 2A, KPMG Tower,

First Avenue, Bandar Utama,

47800 Petaling Utama, Selangor.

Company Supervisor : Ms. CHIN YEN LING

Supervisor‘s designation : ______________________________________________________

Allowance : RM 600

Accommodation provided? : ( ) Yes (Ã- ) No

4. Feedback

Is the training beneficial? : (Ã- ) Yes ( ) No


5. Monthly Progress Report

Nature of Work (tick all that apply): ( ) Programming ( ) Networking (Ã- ) Support () Others

Give a brief description of the work/assignment done during the month – breakdown by week.

Week 1 (From 20-4-09 to 24-4-09 )

On the first day, I have been brief about the training rules and regulations of the company. Then they start assign us into a team in different department. I have been assign to collection department. On the next day, I have been assign to client side which is in KWSP company to continue my training. My department is work with Legal System(LMS), they brief and teach me about how the system work. They give me a documentation to read and understand how to use the system.

Week 2 (From 27-4-09 to 30-4-09 )

I was been called back to the main company for this week. The first day, they given the task to prepare documentation for the screen of the ODBC bank project. The project is builded by RPGLE and they teach me how to retrieve data from it. Then I needed to capture the sample screen and arrange it in the standard format of documentation. The following days , I been assigned a new task for testing the legal module of the KWSP project which builded by eTP. I need to test the system like an end-user to see whether the system can perform all those functions or not. They also give me a list to check the system see whether got miss out any important fields or functions.

Date: 4-5-09 _ Signature: _______________






Please tick ( Ã- ) or specify your answer where required.

1. Report For The Month Of :

( ) Apr ( ) May (Ã- ) Jun ( ) Jul ( ) Aug ( ) Sep ( ) Oct

2. Student Details


Course : (Ã- ) AIA ( ) AIB ( ) AIT

Telephone No. : 012-6514834

College Supervisor : Ms. TAN LAY AIK

3. Company Details

Company Name : Silverlake System Sdn Bhd

Telephone No. : 03-7721 6002

Location of Training : Level 2A, KPMG Tower,

First Avenue, Bandar Utama,

47800 Petaling Utama, Selangor.

Company Supervisor : Ms. CHIN YEN LING

Supervisor‘s designation : ______________________________________________________

Allowance : RM 600

Accommodation provided? : ( ) Yes (Ã- ) No

4. Feedback

Is the training beneficial? : (Ã- ) Yes ( ) No


5. Monthly Progress Report

Nature of Work (tick all that apply): (Ã- ) Programming ( ) Networking (Ã- ) Support () Others

Give a brief description of the work/assignment done during the month – breakdown by week.

Week 1 (From 1-6-09 to 5-6-09 )

Last week I had learned and write some SQL statements for the program to retrieve data from the database. So this week, I continue doing my work on SQL statements. In this task, I am using a program name SQL analysis to check whether my SQL statements is correct and can retrieve data from database. By using this program, we can update and check the data in the database that we want. So in this week, they give me a task to update those selected data in the database by using this program. Besides that, I also have to retrieve those selected data from database and check whether those data are correct.

Week 2 (From 8-6-09 to 12-6-09 )

At last week, they already teach me how to generate XML files. We need to generate again the XML file if we had change data type, field or data attribute in the database, for example, add more data field, or like changed the field length of some data. They are using the RPGLE system to add data field or change those data’s field length for a table. So after they had done any changed to the table, we had to generate again the related XML file by using the XML generator. After generate again the new XML file will be replace the old XML file and store it in the server so that the interface of the web page will be changed too. After finish doing this, then had to doing testing on the field that we had modify or added. For example, we had change the data field length of description field, and then we need to test whether the field length can store the data that we had already set.

Week 3 (From 15-6-09 to 19-6-09 )

In this week, they teach me how to find out what are those errors and see the error occur in which data field. In the server, there was a folder store the trace file that can let us know what is the related attribute included when we perform an event by clicking a button. This trace file is keep trace the event that we perform according to the user’s ID that we use for testing. In this trace file, we can know which field had occurred errors, for example we had key in the information in the field and we found that got error occur when we try to save it. If this happened, we can go trace file and find out which data field had occurred error. This is very useful because we can easily and quickly find out the field that had occurred error and can fix it. Every time we click a button for example like save, next confirm and others, then the trace file will keep track what is the data included and where the data store.

Week 4 (From 22-6-09 to 30-6-09 )

In this week, I do the same tasks like what had I done last 3 weeks. After they did any change for example like add new data attribute or modify data attribute like length, then I had to generate again the related XML file and replace the old XML file and store it into the server. After that, I will do the testing for the part that already changed, test whether it can perform correctly and no error occurred. If got error, then I had refer to the trace file that store in the server to find out what is the error and which related field occurred the error. If I can’t solve the error, then I had to ask them for help and teach me how to solve it. This is the time that I learned from them while solving the problem.

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Date: 30-6-09 _ Signature: _______________






Please tick ( Ã- ) or specify your answer where required.

1. Report For The Month Of :

( ) Apr ( ) May (Ã- ) Jun ( ) Jul ( ) Aug ( ) Sep ( ) Oct

2. Student Details


Course : (Ã- ) AIA ( ) AIB ( ) AIT

Telephone No. : 012-6514834

College Supervisor : Ms. TAN LAY AIK

3. Company Details

Company Name : Silverlake System Sdn Bhd

Telephone No. : 03-7721 6002

Location of Training : Level 2A, KPMG Tower,

First Avenue, Bandar Utama,

47800 Petaling Utama, Selangor.

Company Supervisor : Ms. CHIN YEN LING

Supervisor‘s designation : ______________________________________________________

Allowance : RM 600

Accommodation provided? : ( ) Yes (Ã- ) No

4. Feedback

Is the training beneficial? : (Ã- ) Yes ( ) No


5. Monthly Progress Report

Nature of Work (tick all that apply): (Ã- ) Programming ( ) Networking (Ã- ) Support () Others

Give a brief description of the work/assignment done during the month – breakdown by week.

Week 1 (From 1-6-09 to 5-6-09 )

Last week I had learned and write some SQL statements for the program to retrieve data from the database. So this week, I continue doing my work on SQL statements. In this task, I am using a program name SQL analysis to check whether my SQL statements is correct and can retrieve data from database. By using this program, we can update and check the data in the database that we want. So in this week, they give me a task to update those selected data in the database by using this program. Besides that, I also have to retrieve those selected data from database and check whether those data are correct.

Week 2 (From 8-6-09 to 12-6-09 )

At last week, they already teach me how to generate XML files. We need to generate again the XML file if we had change data type, field or data attribute in the database, for example, add more data field, or like changed the field length of some data. They are using the RPGLE system to add data field or change those data’s field length for a table. So after they had done any changed to the table, we had to generate again the related XML file by using the XML generator. After generate again the new XML file will be replace the old XML file and store it in the server so that the interface of the web page will be changed too. After finish doing this, then had to doing testing on the field that we had modify or added. For example, we had change the data field length of description field, and then we need to test whether the field length can store the data that we had already set.

Week 3 (From 15-6-09 to 19-6-09 )

In this week, they teach me how to find out what are those errors and see the error occur in which data field. In the server, there was a folder store the trace file that can let us know what is the related attribute included when we perform an event by clicking a button. This trace file is keep trace the event that we perform according to the user’s ID that we use for testing. In this trace file, we can know which field had occurred errors, for example we had key in the information in the field and we found that got error occur when we try to save it. If this happened, we can go trace file and find out which data field had occurred error. This is very useful because we can easily and quickly find out the field that had occurred error and can fix it. Every time we click a button for example like save, next confirm and others, then the trace file will keep track what is the data included and where the data store.

Week 4 (From 22-6-09 to 30-6-09 )

In this week, I do the same tasks like what had I done last 3 weeks. After they did any change for example like add new data attribute or modify data attribute like length, then I had to generate again the related XML file and replace the old XML file and store it into the server. After that, I will do the testing for the part that already changed, test whether it can perform correctly and no error occurred. If got error, then I had refer to the trace file that store in the server to find out what is the error and which related field occurred the error. If I can’t solve the error, then I had to ask them for help and teach me how to solve it. This is the time that I learned from them while solving the problem.

Date: 30-6-09 _ Signature: _______________






Please tick ( Ã- ) or specify your answer where required.

1. Report For The Month Of :

( ) Apr ( ) May ( ) Jun (Ã- ) Jul ( ) Aug ( ) Sep ( ) Oct

2. Student Details


Course : (Ã- ) AIA ( ) AIB ( ) AIT

Telephone No. : 012-6514834

College Supervisor : Ms. TAN LAY AIK

3. Company Details

Company Name : Silverlake System Sdn Bhd

Telephone No. : 03-7721 6002

Location of Training : Level 2A, KPMG Tower,

First Avenue, Bandar Utama,

47800 Petaling Utama, Selangor.

Company Supervisor : Ms. CHIN YEN LING

Supervisor‘s designation : ______________________________________________________

Allowance : RM 600

Accommodation provided? : ( ) Yes (Ã- ) No

4. Feedback

Is the training beneficial? : (Ã- ) Yes ( ) No


5. Monthly Progress Report

Nature of Work (tick all that apply): (Ã- ) Programming ( ) Networking (Ã- ) Support () Others

Give a brief description of the work/assignment done during the month – breakdown by week.

Week 1 (From 1-7-09 to 10-7-09)

In this week, they are giving me a task about documentation. All I have to do is print screen all the modules or sub modules of the system and paste those capture screens in Microsoft word. After that, I have to briefly explain what is the condition and name of each of the modules. This documentation is do for users to let them understand the condition of those modules and how to perform their task by using those modules in the system. I have to briefly explain the steps, what those conditions are, and what the modules can perform. I also have to briefly explain the selections or actions that the modules have. Actually this documentation is do for those users to understand what is the use of the modules and how they can perform their task like key in details, date, and other information by using the system.

Week 2 (From 13-7-09 to 17-7-09)

In this week, they teach me how to use the software, name iSeries Navigator. This is software that can connect to our server and it is also link to database. In this software, there is many function that related to network, databases, file system, backup, and some basic operations. They briefly explain to me about what those important functions are and what the purpose of doing those functions. After that, they giving me a task to do, it is about run Sql script and retrieves and check data. The first step I have to do is write my Sql script in excel according to the condition that I need. After that, they give me a condition and i have to write update and insert Sql script in excel. After finish write, I have to make sure that those Sql statement is correct before run the Sql script. When run Sql script, if got any errors, we can refer to the error messages and fix it. The purpose of doing the Sql script in excel is because we need to do a backup copy of the Sql script that we write or modify. Beside that, we also can use tis software to run some Sql statement to retrieve or check data that we need.

In this week, I have learn more about the back end system which is RPG system – SiPFS batch menu, I had learn this last few weeks ago, but this week is learn more command and know more about the system. Example of the useful or important commands like dspff= display file fields, call, and etc. After I enter some command like dspff lg8068i(file’s name), then the system will display the file fields from the library that store the file. For example the system will show out the field’s name, length, position and text of the file we choose. The system will show all the field’s name, length, position and text definition that using in the module. This mean if we change the interface of the modules, example like want to add more fields or update something, then we have to use tis system to add the fields that we need. Example like we wan modify the text field’s length, we also need to modify using this system, change the length of the text that we want. After do any changes, then we have to generate the XML file again and replace it to the main server.

Week 3 (From 20-7-09 to 24-7-09)

Week 4 (From 27-7-09 to 31-7-09)

In this week, I am doing testing on what we had done for this month. I am testing the part of sending inform email to users. I testing the system is it will send a correct email to the user after doing some action; accept any case, any status changes or etc in the system. I using my email to do this testing, so it is easy for me to refer to what had I done in the system. They give me some condition to test, after accept any case or information in the module, it will be send a information email to my hotmail, so I can check is it the correct email that we need. I have to check is it the information of the email that send to my mail is accurate when refer to the task that I had did in the module of the system. I have to check the information like employee’s no, name, case file’s no, date and etc is it same with the case that I perform those tasks. If got any errors and problems, I will tell them and they will explain to me how to solve it. After this testing, I also have to do some others testing by different modules.

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Date: 3-8-09 _ Signature: _______________






Please tick ( Ã- ) or specify your answer where required.

1. Report For The Month Of :

( ) Apr ( ) May ( ) Jun ( ) Jul (Ã- ) Aug ( ) Sep ( ) Oct

2. Student Details


Course : (Ã- ) AIA ( ) AIB ( ) AIT

Telephone No. : 012-6514834

College Supervisor : Ms. TAN LAY AIK

3. Company Details

Company Name : Silverlake System Sdn Bhd

Telephone No. : 03-7721 6002

Location of Training : Level 2A, KPMG Tower,

First Avenue, Bandar Utama,

47800 Petaling Utama, Selangor.

Company Supervisor : Ms. CHIN YEN LING

Supervisor‘s designation : ______________________________________________________

Allowance : RM 600

Accommodation provided? : ( ) Yes (Ã- ) No

4. Feedback

Is the training beneficial? : (Ã- ) Yes ( ) No


5. Monthly Progress Report

Nature of Work (tick all that apply): (Ã- ) Programming ( ) Networking (Ã- ) Support () Others

Give a brief description of the work/assignment done during the month – breakdown by week.

Week 1 (From 3-8-09 to 7-8-09)

In this week, they teach me more about software iSeries Navigator. This is software that can connect to our server and it is also link to database. In this software, there is much function that related to network, databases, file system, backup, and some basic operations. Last month, they had already briefly described those functions to me. Actually this week, i also did work about SQL statements same as last month, but this week is modifying some user’s details. So i had to retrieve those related user’s details from database and modified those details that had been changed. After that, i had to update all the details to the database again. After this, they had told me about backup system which is important for database. We need to backup every time when we had to some changed to the database or every week 1 time. They just told me how they backup and briefly told me the importance of backup.

Week 2 (From 10-8-09 to 14-8-09)

In this week, i had given a task from my leader which is prepared a power point slide. After their meeting, he briefly told me about what should i did in my power point slide. He explain the how was the flow of the case to me and want me to draw a diagram to simply explain the flow. The diagram that i draw is just like what we had learn at college, something like sequence diagram, got users, activities, swim lane and etc. I draw the diagram according to the flow of the case that my leader explains to me, it is almost same as what we draw at college. Besides that, i also had to add in some words to explain how the flow goes and what should be performing 1st, stage by stage.

Week 3 (From 17-8-09 to 21-8-09)

Actually in this week, I have learn more about the back end system which is RPG system – SiPFS batch menu, same as i had learn this last few weeks ago. But this week, i just learn and see how they did their task using RPGLE system, because the task is important so they didn’t let me do and just ask me to see how they perform the tasks. The task is about replace the old interface module with the new interface of a module which is done from front end. What thing of a module had been changed in front end, also need to change in back end because back end is for retrieve information from database to show at front end for user view. All the fields, labels, definition should be in correct sequences and locations, so that the information can be retrieve from database and display it in the correct location which is at the front end for user’s view.

Week 4 (From 24-8-09 to 28-8-09)

In this week, i just had fewer things to do which is just done testing on what we had done. In this month, they had modify something about the sending inform email module, so I am testing the part again for make sure it is work. I testing the system is it will send a correct email to the user after doing some action; accept any case, any status changes or etc in the system. This time they had changed some function of the module which is the module can send inform email to many user in 1 time. This module can select which user we need to send them an inform email for the task that we had done for example like accept a case. I have to check the information like employee’s no, name, case file’s no, date and etc is it same with the case that I perform those tasks and check whether it send to a correct user’s email. Others than this testing, i had also did others testing example like create a subcase.

Date: 3-9-09 _ Signature: _______________






Please tick ( Ã- ) or specify your answer where required.

1. Report For The Month Of

: ( ) Apr ( ) May ( ) Jun ( ) Jul ( ) Aug (Ã- ) Sep (Ã- ) Oct

2. Student Details


Course : (Ã- ) AIA ( ) AIB ( ) AIT

Telephone No. : 012-6514834

College Supervisor : Ms. TAN LAY AIK

3. Company Details

Company Name : Silverlake System Sdn Bhd

Telephone No. : 03-7721 6002

Location of Training : Level 2A, KPMG Tower,

First Avenue, Bandar Utama,

47800 Petaling Utama, Selangor.

Company Supervisor : Ms. CHIN YEN LING

Supervisor‘s designation : ______________________________________________________

Allowance : RM 600

Accommodation provided? : ( ) Yes (Ã- ) No

4. Feedback

Is the training beneficial? : (Ã- ) Yes ( ) No


5. Monthly Progress Report

Nature of Work (tick all that apply): (Ã- ) Programming ( ) Networking (Ã- ) Support () Others

Give a brief description of the work/assignment done during the month – breakdown by week.

Week 1 (From 1-9-09 to 4-9-09)

In this week, I do the same tasks as before which is write my SQL statements in excel according to what we need to update for the records. After that, they give me those records data that need to be update and ask me to write update SQL statements to update those records in database. After finish write, I have to make sure that those SQL statement is correct before update those records to database. When run SQL statements, if got any errors, we can refer to the error messages and fix it. The purpose of doing the SQL statements in excel is because we need to do a backup copy of the SQL statements that we write or modify and also for refer.

Week 2 (From 7-9-09 to 11-9-09)

In this week, I just do some testing and find out which part got error or inaccurate information when perform some actions. Example like, after assign this case to another department, we need make sure that the case details are send to the system of the department correctly and accurately. This is about a web link to another web, mean a case after accepted and assigned the case to an employee of a department, according to their employee login ID. Then after assigned, we need to use the employee ID to login and check whether got the case a not. Then continue testing, we can accept the case or reject the case, but there will be a message return to main web page either the case is accepted or rejected by the employee. This is the basic flow of how the system works. If got error or inaccurate information, then I had to try to find what is the problem or error and inform them.

Week 3 and 4 (From 14-9-09 to 25-9-09)

In these 2 weeks, I had been taught how to write javascript coding. After that, they give me write some javascript code for example some functions, event those things. I had been assigned to write some javascript code to create some functions of the system, for example create a function for a dropdownlist to perform certain events. After select the value from dropdownlist, the function will perform some action according to the value that we select, for example, enabled a text field for us to modify and update the information or display some information that we need. Javascript code is almost same as Java, only got a bit different, so when I do my task, I have to refer to some code example that had been done by them. When got error, they also teach me how to find out the error and solve it, for example, “alert” this code is for us to find out which line or statement of coding got error, then we can solve it. I just write the coding for some functions, example like if-else statement, display, get value and etc. After finish those coding, then had to run the javascript to make sure it can work. All this coding is done in the program, there is a part name maintenance view page for us to create, write or modify our coding. After all had done, then save it in the program. Then we can go the related page to test the function that we did just now.

Week 5 (From 28-9-09 to 2-10-09)

Last week training in here, less task to do, only do testing on what we had done for last 2 weeks. Test whether the coding can run and perform the action that we want, for example after select the value from dropdownlist, then it will auto prompt out some related information or enabled some textfields for us to modify the information. Make sure the entire update button is work and that information will update and store in database. Besides that, I also test the error messages that will prompt out if the there is something inaccurate and wrong. In this week, I only do testing part.

Date: 2-10-09 _ Signature: _______________


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