Influence of Developed Countries on Developing Countries



This research paper aims to demonstrate the importance of creativity in the treatment of innovation and progress in developing countries. Besides, to analyze the influence of developed countries over developing countries. On the other hand, to explain how the economic system, the educational system and the social system contribute the lack of creativity and innovation in societies with low economic resources. This research will be made through studies based on documentary research that expose the relationship between creativity and innovation. Among the aspects to be explored we have the limitations of educational system, which inhibits the progress of society because this system encourages the memorization and not in the development of creativity. Another important point to discuss is the lack of financial resources and the debt that many countries have in developing, the limited development of innovation. As a last point, the social environment that promote individualistic behavior and do not contribute to social improvement. In conclusion, this essay seeks to demonstrate the main reasons for the lack of progress in the developing countries and to propose possible solutions to encourage creativity in these countries.

Keywords: Creativity, Innovation, Progress, Developing countries.

What are the factors that inhibit innovation and progress in developing countries? Nowadays, creativity has a very important role in the development of innovation and progress of societies with low economic resources. However, many countries do not take into account and the development of creativity. In the case of developing countries its economic system and educational system do not do enough to encourage creativity among students. As a consequence, developing countries need to adopt the standards from developed countries to satisfy each of their needs for food, education and health. On the other hand, developing countries have a great disadvantage because of the imposed standards by developed countries, which do not allow developing countries to develop by themselves to get innovative projects or take their own ideas. In addition, Creativity is essential to innovation and progress. However, in developing countries through a series of problems caused by the economic crisis, the educational environment and the lack of initiative by the society. For this reason, the three main factors that inhibit the innovation and progress in developing countries are: First, the limitations of the education system. Second, the lack of economic resources. Third, the lack of enterprising attitude that prevents progress.

First of all, the limitations of education system are one of the main reasons of lack of the innovation and progress in developing countries. Currently, education system in many developing countries follows educational model and the standards of developed countries due to these countries have economic stability, a great amount of resources and the necessary power to completely dominate the educational system of developing countries. On the contrary, many developing countries lack the financial resources to satisfy the needs of their citizens. However, the real problem of developing countries is the lack of creativity due to this education system inhibit that students to develop their own skill and have the initiative to develop project innovative or make a change in the society.  In the article “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” (2006)  Robinson states that “system of public education around the world is a protracted process of university entrance. And the consequence is that many highly-talented, brilliant, creative people think they’re not, because the thing they were good at school wasn’t valued” (p. 1). Taking this into account, educational system hierarchizes the knowledge of students who cannot develop their creative abilities since the educational system stigmatizes everything that does not comply with its principles. In conclusion, education system inhibits the progress of society because it has more interest in academic capacities that in creative capacities. As a result, the two main limitations of educational system are: First, the lack of creativity in educative institutions. Second, standardized and traditionalist education.

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The lack of creativity in educative institutions

One of the limitations of the educational system is the lack of creativity in schools. Because these institutions follow an educational model based on the learning of the sciences which does not take into account the creativity in the development of knowledge. However, in the documentary “The Finland Phenomenon” (2013) Sean Faust expounds that “to learn to make use of knowledge, there should be no differences between sensory skills or academic skills because to learn you need both”. On the other hand, this Model of teaching does not promote the learning of creative subjects such as music, dance or art because to obtain a title does not need to be creative. But creativity plays a very important role in the development of innovation since it allows to create things without the need to have several knowledge. For example, William Kamkwamba despite not having finished his education with the help of creativity he managed to build a windmill that helped his family to have electricity. For this reason, schools should encourage creativity because it is an essential tool for the progress of society.

Standardized and traditionalist education.

Another limitation of the educational system is standardized and traditional education. Because many educational institutions follow a system of teaching based on memorization and repetition. However, in agreement with the documentary “The Finland Phenomenon” (2013) Sean Faust expounds that “it is important to understand the reasons that underlie things, to understand, to reason and to find the solutions for itself “. On the other hand, this educational system foments the competitiveness and the inequality between the students. As a result, many students drop out of school and are part of the group of unemployed. On the contrary, the students who continue their studies are subject to the strict evaluation system, which is based on a series of tests that aims to qualify the performance of students and categorize them into good or bad. However, the standards of this system do not prepare students for real life and for this reason is a traditional system as it prevents students from generating their own ideas and develop innovative projects that help the progress of society.

Second, the lack of economic another of the factors that inhibit the innovation and progress in developing countries because many developing countries have many debts with developed countries. As a result, developing countries do not have sufficient resources to develop projects or to generate ideas of change. One the main reasons for the lack of economic resources in developing countries is external debt because many of these countries need to borrow money from the most developed countries to cover their basic needs. However, In the article “Economic: principles and practices” (2001) Clayton explains that “when debts get this large, countries have trouble even paying interest on the loans. As a result, some developing nations are on the brink of default or not repaying borrowed money” (p.3).On the other hand, one of the most important factors for the development of innovative ideas is the material resource. In this case, many developing countries have a great variety of resources such as: minerals, petroleum which are the raw material of many international industries. However, despite having the resources to sustain its economy and progress. The two main reasons for the lack of economic resources are: First, the lack of economic autonomy. Second, economic dependence.

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The lack of economic autonomy

One of main reason for the lack of economic resources is the lack of economic autonomy due to  that developing countries do not have economic resources. Therefore, developing countries do not have the economy to make their own decisions. As a result, they have to be subjected to the system of developed countries. On the other hand, developing countries lack autonomy because the level of education of the population is not appropriate. In the article “Latin America Needs to Improve Access to opportunities to Win Poverty Fight”(2016) Calvo explains that “low education and income, as well as living in rural areas, remain important barriers for access to economic opportunities and mobility from one generation to the next ” In other words, developing countries may be autonomous when the index of education and resources financed allows society to be self-reliant.

Economic dependence

Another reason for the lack of economic resources is economic dependence due to developing countries adopted system economic of developed countries.. For this reason, developing countries cannot afford their resources because some of the resources of these countries are destined to pay the debts. As a result, the raw material of these countries contributes to the industrial development of the developed countries. Thus, limiting the opportunity to develop innovative projects in poor societies. However, In the article”A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill” (2007) Childress explains that” William Kamkwamba has built three windmills in his yard here, using blue-gum trees and bicycle parts.”(p.1).Taking this into account, she shows that to innovate not is necessary to have a lot of money only is need have creativity.

Third, the lack of enterprising attitude is another of the factors that inhibit the innovation and progress in developing countries because society focuses on mechanizing students so they have convergent thinking which follows social standards and does not allow students to make their own decisions and lose the ability to think freely. In the article “Scientists Are More Creative than You Might Imagine” (2014) Ossola states that “Scientists don’t usually have a reputation for being very creative. They have to adhere to the scientific method, use statistics and data, and carefully measure their results activities that would appear to take the magic out of the creative process” However, taking this account currently we live in a society where knowledge is stigmatized and to be a scientist or a professional is not necessary to be creative but to accumulate information and knowledge. As a result, Developing countries limited their own progress by social stereotypes and social environment are themselves who put barriers to creativity and innovation.

Social standards

One of the reasons for lack of progress is social standards because society does not approve of creativity because it is supposed to violate social norms. Furthermore, social system limits children by making them adopt convergent thinking and loses their creative abilities. For example, one of the most introduced social standards states that to progress one must have a degree as an engineer or doctor. On the other hand, activities like dancing or drawing do not lead to any progress. In the documentary “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”(2006) Robinson states that “We stigmatize mistakes. And we’re now running national education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. And the result is that we are educating people out of their creative capacities.” .In conclusion, social standards limit the development of innovation because they prevent people from constructive thinking and generate innovative projects.

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Social environmental

Another reason for the lack of the progress is social environmental because society does not allow students to learn about what real life is like and inhibit their creativity by preventing them from having their own vision about things. In addition, society encourages competition among students. However, in the article “The case for disruption in Latin America’s classrooms ” (2016) Sagal states that the children need different skill such as  “collaboration, creativity and problem-solving and character qualities like persistence, curiosity and initiative. Skilled jobs are increasingly concentrated on effectively analyzing information to solve problems. “Therefore, if society fosters these skills in children in the future they will be the forerunners of development.

To sum up, creativity is a determinate factor in the innovation and progress of developing countries. On the other hand, both the educational system and the economic system have been influenced by the developed countries because they have many economic resources. As a result, societies with low economic resources depend on the progress of the developed countries because they do not have the power or the economy to lead a stable life Additionally, the innovation and progress of these societies is limited by three factors; external debt, lack of creativity in the education system and lack of initiative on the part of society. As a consequence, the developing countries are disadvantaged compared to the developed countries. However, if the developing countries will implemented creativity would eliminate the barriers of innovation and societies with low resources can have a better life. Therefore, in my opinion there are three feasible solutions that would allow the development of creativity.  I would like to explain that his topic is important because it means the fact that inhibits the progress of developing countries. In addition, it describes the disadvantages of developing countries. To conclude, I think that developing countries need to investigate more and create more because this is the way to progress and reach their economic and social objectives.


Childress, S. (2007, December). A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, electrifying a


Clayton, G. (2001) Economics: Principles & Practices. Retrieved from

Faust, S. (2011, March). Education system of Finland [Documentary]. Retrieved  from

Ossola, A. (2014). Scientists Are More Creative Than You Think. The Atlantic. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from scientist/382633/

Robinson, K. (2006, February). Do schools kill creativity? [TED talk]. Retrieved from:

Segal, S. (2016, May). The case for disruption in Latin America’s classroom. Retrieved from:

The Work Bank (2016, October) Latin America needs to improve access to opportunities to Win Poverty Fight, Revised from:

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