Intellectual Property Statement of Ethics

Intellectual Property Statement of Ethics

Akhil Reddy Leburu

Trine University

Author Note

Akhil Reddy Leburu, Graduate Student(MSIS), Trine University


This paper briefly describes about intellectual properties and ethical statements which plays an important role in the society. Intellectual property defines the creativity of a unique skills of an individual. Plagiarism is taking someone’s work without giving credit to them. This is the most ethical statement that everyone should follow.

Keywords:  Intellectual property, Plagiarism.

Intellectual Property Statement of Ethics

Intellectual property is defined creative thinking that is implemented by humans such as images, movies, research etc. Innovators, artists and business owners are granted certain rights to a variety of untouchable assets for the specific period. Intellectual property provides patent to industries, designing, copyrights and for innovative inventions. “Intellectual property is an intangible asset to a company; it gives confidence to the business partners and financial institutions to collaborate or to invest with an organization“. Intellectual property can be protected by the copyrights, the term original in the copyright law means it is originated with the author so that it protects one’s own ideas or creations or inventions (IPOS, 2016). The main purpose of protection of copyrights and related rights is to encourage and reward creative work.


           Plagiarism is obtaining someone’s work and not giving back the credit. It can be identified easily and avoided by copyright laws. There are several reasons for plagiarism that include; laziness of the people leads to the stealing of other person ideas and works, people who rush to do things in last minute are meant to do things that would make easier, lack of knowledge on proper citation, various topics availability on internet so that people can easily copy required content in the manner with paraphrasing it that leads to plagiarism, lack of knowledge on understanding the effects of plagiarism and attitude, procrastination are also reasons for plagiarism. “It someone copy’s other information which leads to the loss of their ability to think, knowledge on research work or task and loss of improving their written skills (, 2014)”.

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Ethical and responsible uses of intellectual property

The main purpose of using intellectual property is encouraging people towards learning and to provide opportunity towards new inventions. Intellectual properties can be protected with different tool which include; copyrights, trademarks and patents. Copyrights provides protection to the works of creators such as books, music, songs, films, computer programs, paintings, databases, advertisements, maps and technical diagrams”. The patent is only right granted for the innovations. It helps to decide the owner of the patent. So, the owner can have the right to exchange their copyrights in the market.

Unethical uses of intellectual property

Most of the organization or individual persons used other’s creations or brand names without taking any permission from authorized persons that leads to destroying of civilization, it can’t be used for illegal activities such as creating cultural differences, illness, spread diseases which result in human death and unethical usage of one’s intellectual property creates legal issues so that intellectual property should be utilized in specific manners. Many people download the content like music, movies and games etc. from the unknown source without taking from the original sites that affects the people who dedicate their time and money for in making those happen.

Four statements of self-best practice
  • I do not just copy and paste the data from any source, I will quote the statement which is referred and name the source.
  • I will use the plagiarism tools that are available online and review the text.
  • I will think in a creative way that is unique from others.
  • I will make a copyright of my work for future purposes.
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Actions for ethical usage of intellectual property

  • I will share the details of original author while using their writings in prescribed format.
  • I would like to identify the unique work of others and share.
  • Plagiarism tools can help to identify the text format whether it is copied or not.
  • I would like to protect intellectual property to give credit for the authors and to encourage creative thinking.

Actions to avoid unethical usage of intellectual property

  • I wouldn’t encourage the plagiarism by destroying the rules and regulations which are formed by the university.
  • I wouldn’t use intellectual property when writing a paper or for the research work.
  • I won’t use un-copyrighted prints or movies to respect of original authors or makers.

Government of United Kingdom. (2014, November 18). Exceptions to copyright. Retrieved January 27, 2017, from

IPOS. (2016, Sep 21). What is Intellectual Property and what are the different types? Retrieved Jan 27, 2017, from (2014). WHAT IS PLAGIARISM? Retrieved Jan 27, 2017, from

WIPO. (2016). What is Intellectual Property? Retrieved Jan 27, 2017, from

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