Introduction Of Cyber Ethics Information Technology Essay

The extensive availability of computers and Internet connections provides unprecedented opportunities to communicate and learn. Unfortunately the most people use the internet as a powerful and useful tool for communication and education, some individuals use the power of the internet for criminal or terrorist purposes. It is minimize the harm that such individuals do by learning ourselves, and training young people, how to use the Internet safely and responsibly. The word cyber ethics refers to a code of safe and responsible behavior for the Internet community. Practicing good cyber ethics involves understanding the risks of harmful and illegal behavior online and learn how to protect ourselves, and other Internet users, from such behavior. It also involves teaching young people that may not realize the possible for harm to themselves and others, that use the Internet safely and responsibly. For example at an near the beginning age, children learn what it means to be honest, and to respect the rights and property of others. They are trained to not take what does not belong to them, and to be understanding of others. On the internet that is same basic rules apply to person. The information and relations below offer guidance and property for parents and educators and for young people so that they can develop good cyber ethics, and to get the most out of the exciting new world of the internet.

¿½ School work

use the internet to help you do your school work. The internet is the world’s biggest library. User can find information on about any subject from science, math and technology to language, art, history and more. When use information photos and other materials that you find on the internet in homework or research projects, make sure that user identify the sources of the information in foot notes, just as user would if used books in school library to get the information.

Don’t copy information from the internet and call it your own. It is sometimes tempting to copy information from the internet into your schoolwork, and toward present it as your own work. That is dishonest, just like taking somebody else’s jacket and calling it your own and it might be illegal too. Much of the information like pictures and other materials on the internet are copy righted which means that is belongs to someone else. If users take it without permission, or without identifying the source in a foot note that user are breaking the law.

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¿½ Music, video, games and copyrights

use the internet to study about music, video and games. There are many websites that user can find out about music by listening to sample tracks, sample movie videos, and be trained about new computer games.

Don’t use the internet to download or share copyrighted material. When something is copyrighted, it means that someone else owns it, and user cannot copy or share out it without their permission. It is dishonest and illegal to download copyright music, video, games or other materials. It is also dishonest and illegal to share copyrighted music, video, games or other materials over the internet.

¿½ Email and instant messaging

use the internet to communicate with friends and family. Email and instant messaging (IM) are good, enjoyable ways to communicate with your friends and your family. For all time make sure that recognize the people with whom exchange email and IM.

Don’t use the internet to communicate with the strangers. Do not use email or IM to talk to strangers. They might not be who they say they are, and if they are not, they are not nice people. Don’t present out your email or IM address to people you don’t know either online or in person. Don’t open email or email attachments from people don’t know. unwanted email may contain viruses that will damage your computer and the information on it.

Don’t make up to be someone else. Just as you don’t want others to cover their true identity with they email or IM don’t imagine to be someone else when user online.

Don’t be rude or use bad language when use email or IM, be thoughtful of others. Don’t be rude, mean or use bad language wouldn’t do that in real life, and you shouldn’t do it on the internet also.

Don’t give anybody personal information or passwords. Don’t tell people, especially strangers, more about them self than user would if met them in person. Don’t tell them that seem like, user age, where user live, user phone number, the school of user goes to, or any passwords that protect user computer or user private information.

¿½ For Parents

Don’t leave children to unverified people. Make confident that user know what sites children visit when they’re on the internet, and with whom they’re communicating on the internet. Look over their shoulder. Stay track of the websites they visit. There are websites and programs available that direct children to sites that are fun, interesting and appropriate and there are others that limit their browsing to suitable websites. The best control though is parental involvement. Make confident they understand acceptable behavior on the internet and make confident that they follow the rules.

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Do encourage the children to use the internet. The internet has lots good things to offer children. When used cleverly it is a great tool for information assembly and education and, via email and instant messaging, for practicing written communication.



Cyber ethics is different from cyber law. Laws are formal written information that applies to every person, interpreted by judicial system, and forced by the police. Ethics is an open rational concept that goes away from simple right and wrong, and look toward the good life. Cyber ethics refers to the rules of responsible behavior on the internet. Responsibly in everyday life, with lessons for example don¿½t take what doesn¿½t belong to you and do not hurt others. The responsible of user is:

1. Don¿½t use rude or hateful language.

2. Don¿½t be a bully on the Internet. Do not call people names, lie about them, send uncomfortable pictures of them, or do anything else to try to hurt them.

3. Do not copy information from the Internet and maintain it as yours. That is called plagiarism.

4. Stay to copyright limits when downloading material including software, games, movies, or music from the Internet

5. Don¿½t break into someone else¿½s computer

6. Don¿½t use someone else¿½s password.

7. Don¿½t challenge to infect or in any way try to make someone else¿½s computer unusable.


1. Thou shall not use a computer to hurt other people.

2. Thou shall not interfere with other people’s computer work.

3. Thou shall not spy around in other people’s computer files.

4. Thou shall not use a computer to steal.

5. Thou shall not use a computer to allow false witness.

6. Thou shall not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.

7. Thou shall not use other people’s computer resources without authorization or proper compensation.

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8. Thou shall not appropriate other people’s intellectual production.

9. Thou shall think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing.

10) Thou shall always use a computer in ways that make sure kindness and respect for fellow humans.


Cyber ethics is the moral, legal, and social issues relating to cyber technology. It examines the impact that cyber technology has for social, legal, and moral systems. It also evaluates the social policies and laws that have been framed in reply to issues generated by the development and use of cyber technology. There is a joint relationship here. Cyber ethics is a more perfect label than computer ethics, which may suggest the study of ethical issues incomplete to computing machines, or to computing professionals. It is more perfect than internet ethics which are limited only to ethical issues have an effect on computer networks.


1. Professional Ethics

2. Philosophical Ethics

3. Descriptive Ethics

The first different is Professional Ethics is cyber ethics is the field that identifies and analyzes issues of ethical responsibility for the computer professionals. Think about a computer professional’s responsibility in designing, developing, and maintaining computer hardware and software systems. Assume a programmer discovers that a software creation that has been working on is about to be released for sale to the public even though it is imperfect because it contains buggy software. The second is cyber ethics is a field of philosophical responsibility in designing, developing, and maintaining computer hardware and software systems. The analysis of the nature and social impact of computer technology and the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for the ethical use of the such technology. Philosophical ethics have three stages first is identify a particular controversial carry out as a moral problem. Second stage Describe and analyze the problem by clarifying concepts in addition to investigative the factual data associated with that problem. The third stage is apply moral theories and values to reach a position about the particular moral issue. The third different is a field of descriptive ethics that the professional and accepting perspectives both illustrate normative investigation into practical ethics issues. Normative analysis or studies are contrasted with expressive studies. Descriptive investigations statement about what is the case normative investigation evaluates situations from the vantage-point of the question.

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