Introduction Of The Annual Awards Dinner

This assignment is about the administrative management that apply in an organization. In this report there are two questions to be assigned in regards on a task of planning the annual awards function for OCBC Al-Amin Bank Unsecured Financing Department. In the second question, the author explained what can be motivating employees in order to perform their jobs better and achieving organizational goals.

For this report, the author categorized the project into four sections. There are introduction, the annual awards function progress, the motivation and values of employees and at last, the conclusion.

On the first part introduction, the author defined what administrative management is and explained the importance jobs in the administrative management. The author has also explained the importance of the motivation that will affect employees on their direction intensity and persistence of voluntary behaviour.

In finding of question one, the author has assigned to plan OCBC Al-Amin Bank Unsecured Financing Department annual awards function. In this report, the author has explain the agenda of the annual awards, what are the current status and the problems that have occurred. The author has also recommended some of the solution for the problems and extra opinions to add in the function to makes the function better.

In question two, the author explain the importance of motivation exist in every organization and to know the ways to improve or maintain their job satisfaction. The author has provided two theories that emphasize the needs that motivation people and that can be learned by the management which are, the Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theories and ERG Theories. Furthermore, the author has explain the details the motivation of the employees what really motivates employees in terms of giving recognition or appreciation for a job well done, good wages, being in the know about the company matters and an understanding attitude from the management.

In conclusion, the author explained that being a office administrator are different and challenging. It’s requires a lot of ability and capability to get the task done and liaison with others. The author also explain that the management should discover and understand what are the need and drives of employees and providing employees a right motivation in order to allow them to perform better.


Executive Summary 1

Introduction 4

Answer to Question 1 5

Introduction of the Annual Awards Dinner 5

2.1.1 Annual Awards Agenda 5

2.1.2 Current Status 6

2.1.3 Problem Occurred 6

2.1.4 Recommendation 6

2.1.5 Summary 7

2.2 Answer to Question 2 8

2.2.1 Maslow Hierarchy Needs Theories 9

2.2.2 ERG Theories 9

2.2.3 Motivation Employees and Values 10

3.0 Conclusions 11

4.0 References 12

1.0 Introduction

Administration management is played an important role in an organization. It is the performance of management of business operations and it relies on management to accomplish organizational goals. Administrative management basically focuses on how a business should be organized and the practice an effective manager should follow which means it refers to the activities of higher level. In administrative management, it is concern with formulation of broad objective, plans and policies. It is also a decision-making function which decides what and when is needed to be done. This management is a thinking function because all the business project plans and policies are determined under it and the operation managers get work done under their supervision. The author has been assigned the task of planning the annual awards function for a company organization. This report is to written down the progress of the annual awards and report to the Management Team. This report is to show the understanding of report writing, planning and monitoring. In order to achieve organizational goals, Administrative Management has also looked into of motivation of the employee what really motivates employees to improve or maintain their job satisfaction.

2.0 Answer to Question 1

2.1 Introduction of the Annual Awards Dinner

The OCBC Al-Amin Bank Unsecured Financing department Awards Dinner Night is for those staffs that has excellence performance throughout the whole year. All the staffs are judged on their work performance, innovation, target achievement and overall performance. All of these performances are deserving of recognition to their excellence in achieving company targets, their contribution to the profession, and showing particular strength I in the category under which they won their award.

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2.1.1 Annual Awards Agenda

This function will be held on 4 November 2013. At the 9.30am, staffs from outstation will be departure from their state and head to One World Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Outstation staff will be arrive at 1230pm. For outstation staffs they will be checking in to the hotel room and get prepare for the dinner.

The dinner will be held at 7.30pm sharp. All the employees will advise to arrive half an hour early to register for lucky draw at the entrance and receive door gift. On 7.30pm, all the employees are arrange to be seated and the dinner will start on time. Our Head of Unsecured Financing Department, En. Muzir are invited to give speech and break the ice and the dinner begin.

The Awards will be giving out while the dinner is going. There are eight awards is going to be giving out. The very first awards is the Top 10 targets achieved awards, coming next will be the Top 5 sales increment awards, the third is the Best Area Target Achieved Awards, Outstanding Area Performance Awards , Best Customer Satisfaction Awards, Longest service Awards, Outstanding Area Manager Performance, Outstanding Staff Performance of the year. Lucky Draw will be given out in every 5 minutes of break time.

Later, the planner is organizing a performance competition open to all state of staffs to participate in the competition. Each of every state will perform a drama and our judges, the leaders of the department will finalized who will be the winner of the night.

2.1.2 Current Status

The team has plan for the venue and has confirmed and booked by the planner. Food and Beverages has confirmed and organized by the Hotel as well as the decorations. In addition, the hotel also arranges 15 rooms for 3 persons to outstation staffs. The planner has also informed and confirmed with the speaker En. Muzir. En.Muzir has been told that how long the speech will be given and the theme of the award night. The planner has also invited the famous MC in Malaysia, Mr. Bernard Hiew to become the Host of the night. The planner is going to order the trophies for all the awards and the lucky draw gifts.

2.1.3 Problems occurred

The problems that the planner having is the transportation for outstation staffs due to some of the staffs request to have car pool to go to Kuala Lumpur. The management has provide transportation for outstation staffs but some of the staffs feel that is it more convenient for them to car pool to go to the dinner. For those staffs that want to car pool to dinner that cannot claim for the mileage, the team has bring up this issue to the Human Resource department for adjustments and allow the staffs to claim the mileage. Furthermore, the management yet to register a license and made booking for the bus transport to the annual awards dinner. Besides of that, the price of all trophies has gone up and cause over budget. The members of the management will going to negotiate with the dealer and discuss about the budget. Furthermore, the prizes of the lucky draw are yet to be confirmed due to the budgets is not enough for the earlier budget that the team plan.

2.1.4 Recommendation

The management team should urge the confirmation from HR approval on the staffs claim mileage of car pool to the awards dinner in order to confirm the numbers of staffs who car pool to awards dinner and team will have the budgets and arrangement for those employees who wants to have transportation provide by the management. The budget should be confirmed as soon as possible so the lucky draw price will be confirmed as possible in order to purchase earlier. In addition, the team will have discussion on the dinner and the team will plan to have some ice breaking session for all the employees. Purpose of this session is to break the level wall and allow employees and top management to have the communication and to fell that we are work under a team as like a big family. The team has come out with some suggestions and we will plan when is the right session to add this ice breaking session.

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In short, overall the annual awards dinner night is going well. The few of the problems will solve it wisely and as soon as possible in order the progress will run smoothly without any errors. The team has planned the dinner well and organize the how will perform to the awards dinner and where the decision to be made. The team has also monitored and controlled the progress and to minimize the shortfalls to happens on the dinner progress. Last, the team leads the employees to develop to complete the task given and problem solving to results the dinner will complete on time given.

2.2 Answer to Question 2

Every individual has needs that motivate themselves through life’s journey. Motivation may be defined as the psychological process that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior. (Kinicki, 2008) Motivation is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals and the results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors. Therefore, motivation is difficult to understand because it is inferred from one’s behavior and you cannot actually see it or know it in another person. Every level of management people in the organizations are forced to play many roles and given a timeframe to handle and complete many tasks. Effectiveness is crucial as it affects the climate of their organizations. Therefore, it is important to know the ways to improve or maintain their job satisfaction.

Manager has to understand and guiding employees drives and needs. Drives are instinctive tendencies to seek particular goals or maintain internal stability. Needs are defined as physiological or psychological deficiencies that energize or trigger behavior (Kinichi, 2008). Understanding the dynamics of employee motivation theories is important. Motivation can cause goal-directed behavior as human behavior is acting this way. These are theories that emphasize the needs that motivation people and that can be learned by the management.

2.2.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs Theories

Abraham Maslow (1908 – 1970) along with Frederick Herzberg (1923-) introduced the Neo-Human Relations School in the 1950’s, which focused on the psychological needs of employees. Maslow put forward a theory that there are five levels of human needs : (1) Physiological, (2)Safety (3)Belongingness, (4) Esteem, and (5) Self-actualization.

Physiological needs- The basic needs of an individual which includes food, clothing, shelter, water, self-preservation. These are the needs relate to the survival and maintenance of human life.

Safety needs- These needs are also important for human beings. Everybody wants job and emotional security, protection against danger, safety of property.

Belongingness needs- These needs emerge from society. Man is a social animal. These needs become important. Such as the need of love, affection, belongingness, friendship, conversation.

Esteem needs- People focus on such matters like self-respect, recognition and respect from others after they meet their social needs.

Self-actualization needs- These are the needs of the highest order and these needs are found in those person whose previous four needs are satisfied. The needs for self-fulfillment to develop one’s fullest potential to become the best one.

2.2.2 ERG Theory

ERG theory of motivation is re-categorized Maslow’s hierarchy of needs into three simpler and broader classes of needs:

Existence Needs- These include need for basic material necessities. In includes an individual’s physiological and physical safety needs.

Relatedness needs- These external esteem include the aspiration individual’s have for maintaining significant interpersonal relationships, getting social to public fame and recognition. Maslow’s social needs and external component of esteem needs fall under this class of need.

Growth needs- These include need for self-development and personal growth and advancement. Maslow’s self-actualization needs and intrinsic component of internal esteem needs fall under this category of need.

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Satisfied employees are a key ingredient to a successful company. Traditional thinking follows that more you pay someone the more loyal and satisfied they are in their job. But, the truth behind employee’s motivation is a more complicated mix. Employees are more demanding. For a lot of people, money is a motivator, but money is not the biggest one.

2.2.3 Employees Motivation and Values

The purpose of every company plans to organize an annual awards night for employee not only allow the employees to have fun and rewards them but, it is an the other way to motivate the employees to work even hard for next coming year. In order to motivate employees to give their best in their work, appreciation and recognition for a job well done; which is why annual awards exists. Recognition and praises are to make employees feel good about their work and accomplishments. These specific behaviors are recognized in result to reinforce effort or result to help the business growth.

The Second common and crucial motivations are the good wages. Company can determines a compensation strategy such as, bonuses, profit sharing and any other program that relates to compensation. This is to make the employees to know and understand every aspect of their compensation plan. Money is typically not a motivator to every employees but it will becomes a real motivator only if an employees is not making enough money to meet their basic needs. Then, the employees will do what is necessary to make money to survive. addition, do provide them with challenges, opportunities for development and advancement, recognition, prestige or a place that they can feel proud at work.

Besides of that, people want to feel that are part of something bigger than their job. Being in the know about the company matters are crucial. Company can make announcement during the annual awards night to announce financial and economic trends and issues, current company goals and future plans. Furthermore, every team can have discussions or communication about current and new services offered, key customer and their needs or expectations. All of these areas would helps employees feel informed, and made the employees to have the best possible decision based on the information given by the company instead of coming to work to achieve company targets and receive paycheck.

Last but not least, company should make an understanding attitude from the management. An understanding attitude should be reflected in the way an employees receive correction and discipline. The true opportunity for every manager in this area is actually in everyday conversation and interaction. During the conversation the manager will be able to determine whether the employees are truly care and understand or not. In addition, making work interesting and planning a career path for them like advancement opportunities, good working conditions would demonstrate that a manager has taken into consideration an individual employee’s strength and talents prior to assigning the work.


As my conclusion, Management is a very different and challenging job. Being a good office administrator to organize a annual awards function requires more than technical skills. It requires an ability to get the work done through others; planning and strategizing; organizing; controlling and developing and leading the entire team. In organizing this function the author has also stress to be a good figurehead, liaison, disseminate information and function effectively. It also requires that the author has the right human and conceptual skills, the right values and the right motivations. Motivations is vital and probably the dominant factor in order to maximizing employee engagement and performance. (Hill, 2008) Employees are motivated by the same things. The management has to try to discover what really drives employees, recognizing that employees have complex needs and drives the needs by setting achievable goals, clarifying expectations and offer feedback along the way. Besides of that, the management is also responsible for configuring financial rewards, providing formal or informal recognition to let the employees feel that they have values in this company and do their best to continuing serve the company better.

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