Introduction To Disaster Management

Disasters are seen as the effect of hazards on vulnerable areas. Hazards that occur in areas with low vulnerability do not result in a disaster.

Great damage, loss, destruction and devastation to life and property are the results of Disasters. The immeasurable damage caused by disaster varies with the geographical location.

In the concerned areas disasters have the following effects:

It completely upsets the normal day to day life.

Harmfully persuade the emergency systems

Depending on the intensity and severity of the disaster the normal needs and processes are badly affected and deteriorated.

Disasters are the effect of hazard on vulnerable or defenseless areas. Hazards that occur in areas with low vulnerability do not result in a disaster.

1.1.2 Types of Disasters:

Disasters can be classified as:

Natural disaster

Human-Made disaster

1) Natural Disasters:

Natural disasters are the result of biological, geological, seismic, hydrologic or meteorological conditions. They are a threat to, people, structures and economic assets

Few examples are:






2) Human-Made Disasters:

Human-made disasters are Emergency situations which are the results of deliberate human actions. They involves situations in which people suffers casualties, losses of basic services and means of livelihood.

Few examples are:

Oil Spill

An airplane crash


Civil strife

Major fire

1.1.3 Difference between EMERGENCY and DISASTER


A situation in which community is CAPABLE of coping is EMERGENCY.

Emergency situations are generated by a real occurrence of events that require immediate attention of emergency resources.

A situation in which community is INCAPABLE of coping is DISASATER.

Disaster situations are natural or human-caused events which causes severe negative impact on community.


1.2.1 Definition:

Hazard is a chance or possibility of being injured or harmed.


Hazard is the possibility of laying yourself open to loss or misfortune.

Hazards can be classified into two Modes:

Dormant Mode

Active Mode

1) Dormant Mode:

The situation that has the potential to be hazardous, but no people, or environment is currently affected by this.

For example:

An unstable hillside, has a potential for a landslide but there is nothing below or on the hillside that could be affected.

2) Active Mode:

An incident in which hazard has actually occurred, creating an Emergency situations or Disasters.

Classification of Hazards:

Hazard can also be classified as:

Natural Hazard

Man-Made Hazard

Natural Hazard:


These hazards are caused by a natural process.

Examples of some Natural hazards are:

1) Volcanic Eruptions:

Ashes and different toxic gases are expelled through volcanoes from deep

inside the earth

2) Droughts:

A part of a land suffers from lack of rain during specific period of time

which causes severe damage to the crops, soil, animals and people also.

3) Tsunamis:

Very large waves which caused by an Earthquake, Volcanic eruptions

smashes into a shore.

1.2.4 Man-made Hazard:


These hazards are created by humans.

Examples of some Man-Made hazards are:

Global Warming:

Projected increases in the Earth’s atmosphere’s average temperature. In the 20th century the Earth’s average temperature rose about 0.6 degree Celsius.


It is a kind of Sociological hazard. Crime is a breach of laws and rules. For example Breach of contract.

Industrial Hazard:

It is a kind of Technological hazard. Industrial hazards often have an environmental impact. For example Bhopal Disaster ( worst industrial disaster to date).


1.3.1 Vulnerability:


Susceptibility of a person, group or society to physical or emotional injury.


Person or group liable to injury.

As far as Hazards and Disasters are concern, the concept of Vulnerability is to link the relationship that people have with their environment to social forces and institutions and the cultural values that sustain them.

1.3.2 Capacity:


Within a community all the available resources, that can reduce risk level and disaster effects.

Frequent term used in Disaster is ‘Capacity building’.

Capacity building is the efforts to develop human skills within a community to reduce risk levels.

1.3.3 Risk:


Occurrence probability of a hazard that trigger a disaster with an undesirable outcome.

Risk involves an exposure to a chance injury or loss.

Risk generally described in terms of probability.

Risk can also be defined as the probability of a loss, risk depends on three elements:





1.4.1 What is Disaster Management?

Main idea:

To prevent disasters wherever possible or to mitigate or lessen those disasters which are inevitable.

Through Public awareness and Hazard management disasters could be prevented or mitigated.

1.4.2 What is Disaster Management cycle?


Disaster Management Cycle is a cycle which has phases to reduce or prevent disasters.

It is a cyclic process it means the end of one phase is the beginning of another phase, although next phase can be started before the completion of previous phase.

Some times several phases are taking place concurrently. During each phase, timely decision making can results in greater preparedness, better warnings, and prevent further disasters.

The complete Disaster Management cycle includes the shaping of public policies and plans that addresses the causes of disasters and lessening their effects on people, property and infrastructure.



Disaster Management Cycle has four phases:

Phase 1- Mitigation

Phase 2 – Preparedness

Phase 3 – Response

Phase 4 – Recovery

1.5.1 Phase 1 – Mitigation: Goal:

The Goal of Mitigation activities is to get rid of or reduce the disaster occurrence probability, or to mitigate the effects of unavoidable disasters.


Mitigation refers to all actions taken before a disaster to minimize its impacts.


Public education

Building codes and zoning

Mitigation includes:

Reviewing building codes

Zoning and land-use management

Implementing preventative health measures

There are two types of Mitigation activities:

Structural Mitigation: It refers to constructing projects to reduce economic and social impacts.

Non-structural mitigation: They are the policies which raise awareness of hazards. Non-structural mitigation activities also encourage developments to lessen disaster impact.

Through Mitigation we can educate businesses and public in order to reduce loss or injury.

At home Mitigation activities:

In your home Strengthening vulnerable areas such as roof tops, exterior doors and windows.

In your home build a safe room.

1.5.2 Phase 2 – Preparedness: Goal:

The goal of Preparedness activities is: for any emergency situation, achieve a satisfactory level of readiness through programs that support the technical capacity of government. Definition:

Preparedness activities are the Plans/preparations made to save lives or property. Preparedness includes:


Systems of early warning.

Preparedness plans

Emergency exercises

Emergency communication systems

Public education

Through early warning systems people will react appropriately when any early warning is issued. Preparedness actions depend upon the incorporation of suitable measures for development plans at national and regional level.

To save lives and minimize disaster damage, individuals, government and organization develop plans and this all is done in Preparedness phase. Disaster Preparedness and Disaster


Disaster mitigation and Disaster Preparedness go hand in hand. To ensure that existing infrastructure can withstand the forces of disaster, disaster preparedness includes implementation of mitigation measures.

1.5.3 Phase 3 – Response: Goal:

The goal of Response is to give instant assistance to maintain life, improve health and hold up the morale of affected population. Disaster Response includes:

Assisting refugees with transport.

Give temporary shelter and food.

Establish semi permanent settlement in camps.

Repairing damage infrastructure.

The basic needs of people are more focused in Response phase until permanent solutions can be found.

1.5.4 Phase 4 – Recovery: Goal:

To help people restoring their lives and infrastructure as soon as possible. Types of Recovery Activities:

Recovery activities can be:

Short term recovery activities

Long term recovery activities

Until all system return to normal or better, recovery activities continues. Recovery activities in disasters include:

Building Temporary housing.

Public information.

Educating public about Health and safety education.

Concealing programs for people.


Economic impact studies

From recovery to long-term sustainable development there should be smooth transition.



1.6.1 EMS:

EMS is the acronym for Emergency Management System.

EMS can facilitate the effective management of Disasters.

Information Technology can improve the system of Disaster Management and support all the phases of the DMC (Disaster Management Cycle)

1.6.2 PHASE I: Mitigation and Prevention:

To reduce the impact of disasters, effective Disaster Management plays a key role.

Disaster Management uses different effective technological tools to help the process of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. For example:

Tracking system:

the cargo of Hazard Management (HAZMAT) can be track by advance Vehicle-mounted hardware and when shipment carrying Hazardous materials deviates from its route centers of Disaster Management issues notification to management centers.

Inventory systems:

For any emergency situations Inventory Systems ensures that the suffient supplies are available.

It monitors the inventory levels of important equipment and supplies and maintain the record of important supplies on regular basis in form of Databases.


For detecting and monitoring the hazardous cargo, Roadside Detectors are used. These Roadside detectors also confirm that cargo is not deviating for its route.

1.6.3 PHASE II: Preparedness:

Preparedness deals with the development of plans before any emergency or disastrous situations.

Emergency management system helps Phase II of DMC via technological services like:


It is a connection between ambulances which are responding and emergency medical facilities available very near.

By using telemedicine doctors can give advices to medical personnel for the treatment of those patients who are on the way to hospital.

Advanced ACN:

Advanced ACN is the acronym for Advanced automated collision notification.

They inform emergency personnel through vehicle mounted sensors and wireless communication about incidents like collisions or crashes. They also tell the incident’s exact location and characteristics.

1.6.4 PHASE III and IV: Response and


To provide immediate help or assistance to the population affected by disasters is the Goal of Response Phase. While the Goal of Recovery Phase is the restoration of people’s live as soon as possible after the disaster or any emergency situation.

Emergency management System with the help of Technology can help the Response and Recovery phases through different systems and software like:

Scheduling and Coordination software:

In order to make the response process organized, structured and efficient complicated scheduling system can monitor and coordinate many response activities.

Early Warning System:

In transportation infrastructure a vast variety of sensors are used which provide an early warning systems.

This early warning system used to detect large-scale disasters and emergencies and also man-made disaster or technological disaster.

Large-scale disasters include earthquakes, tsunamis etc and man-made or t echnological disasters include HAZMAT incidents, act of terrorism, nuclear power plant accidents.

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Response management:

Emergency vehicle fleets can be track by Response management by using the technology of Automated vehicle location (AVL) and two-way communication between dispatchers and emergency vehicles.

Chapter No:2



According to [11] CRED (Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disaster), Belgium, defines Disaster as:

“A disaster is a situation or event which overwhelms local capacity, necessitating a request to a national or international level for external assistance”


Disaster is also defined as ‘Great damage, loss or destruction results from a sudden catastrophic event’.

Many [11] different types of events like weather or earth’s geology are represented by Disasters. There exist a close association between a disaster and extreme weather events like cyclones, floods, tornadoes etc. The database of disaster events are maintained by CRED. It maintained the disaster events from 1900 to present.

Possible causes of increment in disasters:

There [11] are many causes for increase in disasters but some common causes are as under:

Environmental changes related to economic development may affect the potential for disasters.

Change of Global climate from the build-up of greenhouse gases may lead to a greater frequency of extreme weather events (heat waves) in the future, as well as sea level rise. Several existing coastlines may be threatened in this event.

Industrialization without controls may increase the risk for technological disasters.

Consumption of fossil fuels with industrialization.

2.1.1 What are the Types of Disasters?

Disasters can [1] be broadly classified according to their:

Causes – Natural or Man-made disaster

Speed of onset – Sudden or Slow

Earthquakes, Cyclones, Tsunamis are the examples of Natural disasters. The two most

common examples of Man-made disasters are ‘The Bhopal gas release’ and the ‘Chernobyl nuclear accident’. Forest fires (initiated by man) may be another example.

There can be a sudden onset or slow onset of disaster. Sudden or Quick onset of disaster

means they can occur suddenly in time and slow onset of disaster means they may

develop over a period of time or gradually.


2.2.1 Definition:

Natural [1] disaster occurs naturally in proximity to, and pose a threat to people, structures or economic asserts. They are caused by biological, geological conditions or processes in the natural environment for example cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods etc. Few examples of Natural disasters are:





Now I will discuss above Natural disasters.

2.2.2 Earthquake:

Earthquake is the vibration of earth’s surface due to underground movements. Earthquakes also called as tremor or temblor. Sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust leads to a natural disaster called Earthquake. This sudden release of energy waves are called as seismic waves. Epicenter of earthquake is called as the origin point of these seismic waves.

Among the most unpredictable natural disasters people can experience, Earthquake is the one. During earthquakes tens of thousands of people are put in danger.

Some International Statistics of Earthquake:

More than half a million deaths worldwide caused by Earthquake between 1999 and 2009.

Each year more than one million Earthquakes occur worldwide.

Measurement of Earthquake:

To measure the size of an Earthquake there are many ways.

Some of these ways depend upon the damaged amount caused by the Earthquake and some depend upon seismic energy generated by the earthquake.

To measure earthquake there are two scales which are very popular:


Richter scale


Seismic waves are generated by Earthquakes these waves can be detected by a sensitive

instrument called Seismograph.

Nowadays Digital seismographs are high-technology seismographs which can record ground shaking over seismic amplitude and covers broad band of frequencies that is why they are also called as Broadband Seismograph.The study of Seismograph is called as ‘Seismology’.

Richter scale:

Earthquake’s intensity and magnitude can be represented by Richter scale.

If the intensity of earthquake is 3 on a Richter scale then that earthquake is not harmful.

Extremely harmful earthquake has the reading of 7 or above on the Richter scale.

Nowadays modified versions of Richter scales are used for earthquake measurement throughout the world. Richter scale is also called as Richter magnitude scale because it measures the magnitude of earthquake.

2.2.3 Tsunami:

Ocean [1] wave generated by submarine earthquake, powerful volcanic eruption or underwater landslide is called Tsunami. Tsunami [12] often generated by earthquake in a subduction zone (an area where an oceanic plate is being forced down into the mantle by plate tectonic forces). Tsunami also called as seismic sea wave. Sudden Large displacement of water causes Tsunami. Tsunami travels at a great speed across the open ocean and builds into large deadly waves in a shallow water of a shoreline. Tsunamis consist of multiple waves with an extremely low period and wavelength.

The [1] largest earthquake event recorded in Samoa was on 26 June 1917, measuring 8.3 on the Richter scale. The event originated in Tonga (approximately 200km south of Apia) and it triggered a tsunami of 4 to 8 metre run-ups in Satupaitea, Savaii. The tsunami arrived less than ten (10) minutes from its point of origin, meaning it travelled at a speed of more than 1,000km/hr. Hence, when an earthquake occurs, you must listen to the tsunami warning, for example, people living in low-lying coastal areas must relocate to higher and safer grounds immediately.

Tsunami speed:

Tsunami in a pacific ocean can travel at speeds up to 450mph (half of the speed of sound). The height of Tsunami waves are about 30 to 100 feets.

Damage caused by Tsunami:

Substantial [13] amount of damage can be caused by Tsunamis. Entire coastal villages can be destroyed by a single Tsunami. It can remove all the sand from the beach sand which took hundred of years to accumulate.


The approach [13] of Tsunami can be determined by many technological methods but

nature has its own methods of warning people. If in a certain area the coastal water is abnormally high or low, then this is the warning for Tsunami.

2.2.4 Floods:

Flood occurs when [1] large amount of water flow from river or from broken pipe onto a previously dry area. The origin of flood can be very [11] quick or they may develop over a period of days or weeks following an extended period of rain or quick melting of snow. Flash flood have sudden onset. Drowning is the main hazard from flooding. This is most common in flash flood. The common risk factor for flash flood victims is driving in an automobile, many victims of flash flood drown within their vehicle.

Health concern from flooding:

A longer [11] term health concern from flooding is the development of disease from inundated sanitation stations. Large floods pose a hazard to existing sanitation and drinking water systems.

Importance of Flooding:

For [1] local ecosystem, flooding can be environmentally important. For example some river floods bring nutrients to soil such as in Egypt where the annual flooding of the Nile River carries nutrients to otherwise dry land. Flood also affect economy.

How to mitigate impact of flood:

pre-event [11] measures:

early warning for flash flood events

public education on flood hazards like automobile driving

post-event measures:

maintaining proper sanitation system

proper control of population

2.2.5 Cyclones:

Chapter no 3



The Advanced Information Technology plays a great role in planning and implementation of different measures for the reduction of hazards. The advanced information technology includes:


Remote Sensing

Satellite Communication


The quality and analysis power of natural hazards can be update by Geographic Information System (GIS). In the selection of mitigation measures GIS can direct development activities.

The identification of hazardous areas and before time warning for many future disasters can be done by Remote Sensing

Communication satellites contribute a lot to provide communication in emergency situations and timely relief measures.

For hazard reduction the addition of space technology inputs into monitoring of natural disasters and mechanisms of mitigation is very important


The management of emergencies concerning all hazards, including all activities and risk management measures related to prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.

Emergency management can rebuild and restore society back to functional level in no time after a disaster.

The basic purpose of emergency management is to:

1) Save as many lives as possible

2) To protect and preserve the environment

3) To protect the economy

3.2.1 Emergency Management System:


It is a technological tool used to improve and enhance the Emergency Disaster Management.

Emergency management system can help Disaster Management in several areas, such as:


To ensure that the warehouse is stock with all the items needed for national survival in any disaster, before any overseas help arrival.


In first aid and shelter management train personnel.

Evacuation Plans:

Testing of General disaster and Evacuation plan.


To establish reliable Communication system.


To establish effective Transportation plans for example transportation through air which facilitates the ‘food delivery supplies’ process to the victims of affected areas which are cut-off from any vehicular traffic.

Examples of Emergency Management System at work:

Management of Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT):

By means of Air, Sea and Land, EMS provides secure transportation of dangerous and hazardous materials.

EMS uses special devices for tracking the shipment of HAZMAT.

Emergency medical services:

EMS notifies the emergency personnel with important and valuable information on emergency incidents. For example EMS is equipped with automated collision notification system to detect vehicle collision.

Recovery and Response:

EMS has efficient Sensors which can detect natural disasters and warn population before hand.


Through Information Technology the suffering of the disaster victims can be minimized.

There are several tools of Information Technology which are useful in the management of any disaster.

In this Report I am focusing the following Information Technology tools used in Disaster Management:

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Remote Sensing

Global Positioning System (GPS)

3.3.1 GIS in Disaster Management: Introduction:

GIS is the acronym for ‘Geographic Information System’. For Disaster Management GIS can work in many ways, such as:

They are the kind of information system which are well capable of storing, integrating, analyzing, editing, sharing, and displaying the information which is geographically-referenced.

GIS can create the interactive queries, edit data and different maps and can easily present the final results of all these operations.

The quality and power of analysis of assessments of natural hazards can be improved by GIS. In the selection of mitigation measures, emergency preparedness and response action, GIS also guide and assist different development activities.

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Applications of GIS:

For the following activities GIS applications are very useful.

Creation of hazard inventory map:

At all the district and inter-municipal levels, the developmental project’s pre-feasibility study can be very efficiently done by GIS.

To locate important facilities:

Through GIS we can take information on physical locations of drains, shelters and other physical facilities.

Management and Creation of associated Database:

Planners can make projects at feasibility level. These projects can used to make risk maps for existing cities, disaster preparedness planning and relief activities after disaster.

Vulnerability assessment:

To expand Disaster Management organizations by creating awareness of disaster with government and public is done by innovative and interactive technology tool GIS.

Emergency shelters and the use of GIS:

Shelter [1] operators use GIS technology to take the personal details of persons being housed at the shelters.

GIS technology would also give information to the shelter operators on the general makeup of the shelter like that how many children, adults, disable or any special occupant are in the shelter or need shelter.

Relief Distribution and the use of GIS:

GIS generate maps of the affected areas where bunch of victims are located then with the help of these maps ‘food drops’ processes will take place. These maps will also identify the unique needs of persons within these bunches.

Vulnerable areas:

The areas which are prone to disasters are highlighted by GIS. This will help the disaster managers to do planning before the occurrence of disaster and it also facilitates the coordination of efforts during and after the event.

GIS Advantages:

There are more advantages of GIS than challenges. Some GIS advantages are as under:

It can [1] represent spatial information over a wide geographic area.

To take more detailed view of contents GIS uses 3D graphics.

Integration of different information of geo-spatial can be facilitated by GIS. Information of geo-spatial includes maps, models and other forms of graphics.

GIS distributes updated informaton. It also efficiently analyzes, collects and manage that information.

For individuals who wants to use GIS only little tranning is required. This

feature of GIS makes it versatile and easy to use. Challenges of using GIS in Disaster Management:

GIS [1] can sometimes reveal personal and people-specific information which can significantly affect people’s life.

Form GIS information sometimes vital and hard decisions have to be taken in the best interest of affected people.

To get the output which is meaningful and useful from the system, large amounts of inputs are required.

GIS delayed the decision making process during emergency because it require huge amount of information and vast amount of time to analyze that information.

Disaster Management Cycle and GIS:


To [1] realize the need for planning which is based on the present risk is the most important stage of DM. For forward planning GIS plays a key role. GIS provides a structure for disaster managers to view spatial data by computer based maps.


For structural and non-structural mitigation, GIS can play very important role. Areas which are at risk are spatially represented by GIS.

GIS also identifies the risk level associated with particular hazard.

Disaster managers use GIS to determine the level of mitigative structures that should be in place given the vulnerability of an area or population.


GIS can play a vital role in the identification of resources and areas which are at risk.

The link between partners and critical agencies is established by GIS and the use of GIS in the establishment of that link will help disaster managers to know the location of stations of relevant partner agencies.

In the context of Disaster Management, maps of GIS can provide information on the human resources present in an Emergency Operation Centre as well as on the ground personnel such as security, health providers and other key responders. This is particularly useful since the technology can help with strategic placement of emergency personnel where it matters most. Through GIS we can make sure that communication networks and road infrastructure are capable of handling the effects of disasters


By using GIS, users can take accurate and reliable information of the location of an emergency situation from GIS and in this way GIS can save lots of time needed to determine the location of trouble areas. Once the issues (issues like routes to the area) are known GIS can provide quick response to affected areas.

To point out evacuation routes and other evacuation matters in emergencies, GIS can be used as a floor guide.


GIS can provide a synopsis of what has been damaged, where, and the number of persons or institutions that were affected. To the recovery process this kind of information is quite useful.

Remote Sensing in Disaster

Management: Introduction:

In Remote Sensing [1] a recording device (which is not in physical contact with the object) is used to get the information about an object or phenomenon, that recording device uses EMW (Electronic Magnetic Waves) radiations.

The Goal of EMW or Electromagnetic Waves is the transportation of information and energy from one place to another. Cellular networks, Microwave ovens and x-ray machines used EMW.

Remote Sensing include man-made sensors, these sensors are attached to satellites and aircrafts. Instead of viewing a far away planet from earth, the

sensing equipment is usually high above looking down at our ‘distant’

planet – earth. Distant in this context can mean just a few hundred feet

overhead or miles above the earth’s surface Applications of Remote Sensing:

Remote Sensing is one of the developed and successful tool in Disaster Management.

Some applications of Remote Sensing are as under:

By using Remote Sensing the hazard and risk modeling of many disasters like

Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes and disease pandemics can be done.

We can use Remote Sensing based early warning systems for many natural

disasters like Floods, Tsunamis, Earthquakes etc.

After disaster, damage assessment can be done by Satellites and airborne sensors. Remote Sensing Advantages:

The Advantages of Remote Sensing are as under:

The users of Remote Sensing do not have to be in direct contact with the danger zones.

This technology saves lots of time.

Remote Sensing technology can gives the clear image of very large area of land.

It can easily detect features at wavelengths which are even not visible to naked eye.

For forward planning and reconstruction of any affected area, Remote Sensing plays an important role by giving clear and large image of those areas.

By using Remote Sensing the reappearance of the same event in the future can be prevented.

It can help in damage assessment monitoring.

We can routinely and regularly obtain and record data.

Classification of Remote Sensing:

There are [1] three regions of Wavelength in Remote Sensing:

Reflective infrared and Visible Remote Sensing

Thermal infrared Remote Sensing

Microwave Remote Sensing

Brief description of the above wavelength classification for Remote Sensing is given below:

Reflective infrared and Visible Remote Sensing:

Everyday light and infrared lasers are the most common applications of the reflective infrared and visible Remote Sensing with wavelength range of 0.4 to 0.8 micrometers.

For the comparison of before and after events of disaster we can use visible Remote Sensing.

Thermal infrared Remote Sensing:

We can image temperature differences by using infrared sensors. Temperature differences like thermal pollution in rivers or temperature differences near any volcano can easily represented by using infrared sensors.

Infrared sensors developed a fact that all objects emits Electromagnetic Radiation, these Electromagnetic Radiation are called as ‘blackbody radiation’.

These blackbody radiation has a particular wavelength which is proportional to the temperature of the surface of an object.

We can also see the particular part of electromagnetic spectrum (EM spectrum are the series of electromagnetic waves with particular wavelength) by using infrared sensors.

Microwave Remote Sensing:

The other type of Remote Sensing is the ‘Microwave Remote Sensing’. As the name implies, it uses microwaves for Remote Sensing and these waves are not only less affected by atmospheric conditions but also they can image beneath or through objects.

There are two board categories of Remote Sensing:

Passive Remote Sensing

Active Remote Sensing

Descriptions of these two categories are as under:

Passive Remote Sensing:

This kind of Remote Sensing uses sensors. These sensors detect the reflected or emitted Electromagnetic Radiations from natural sources for example Sunlight.

Active Remote Sensing:

The sensors used in Active Remote Sensing detect reflected responses from objects that are irradiated from artificially generated energy sources for example Radars or sonar devices used by ships and imaging systems.

Challenges of using Remote Sensing:

Challenges for using Remote Sensing are as under:

To build and operate Remote Sensing system is not cost effective.

Activities which are small sized are difficult to outline on Remote Sensing imagery.

Expert skills may require to interpret the data obtained from Remote Sensing.

Resolution is often coarse.

Special Sensors with very high spatial resolution are required for regions which are small size.

Disaster Management and Remote Sensing:

Professionals [2] for Disaster Management can use Remote Sensing to make the effective project planning very much possible and more accurate now then ever before.

The aim of experts in Disaster Management is to monitor the situation, simulate the complicated natural phenomenon as accurately as possible so as to suggest better contingency plans and prepare spatial databases.

Proper Disaster Management which includes disaster preventions, disaster preparedness and quick and sufficient disaster relief can sufficiently reduce the impact of natural disasters.

Countries which have more advance warning systems and building codes can do successful remote sensing of the earth to predict the occurrence of disastrous phenomena and to warn people on time.

With the increase of natural disasters and man-made disasters it is necessary to use technological advances to lessen the effects of disasters.

Remote Sensing can be very useful to mitigate the effects of Natural Disasters like Earthquakes, Flooding, Hurricanes, Volcanic eruption and Landsliding.

Remote Sensing and Earthquake:

We can use Remote Sensing Technology (RCT) for seismic risk mitigation purpose. Remote Sensing like Satellite imagery can be used for earthquake preparedness. On good resolution satellite imagery, Active faults and Structures associated with earthquakes can be well identified. Structural and non-structural hazards can be identified and minimized by using remote sensing technology. For example by using LandSat imagery tool we can identify and minimize the effects of Structural and Non-structural hazards.

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Countries which are more prone to earthquake use Satellite Remote Sensing Technology (RST) for early seismic warning.

The quality [1] of aid that can be provided after an earthquake can be considerably improved by using Remote Sensing. After major earthquake has taken place the search and rescue activities are best affected by remote sensing.

Remote sensing can also used for doing deep searches in the areas which have considerable amount of debris and collapsed structures.

Recent Development:

Nowadays Airborne and Satellite RSTs can be used for gathering damaged information

Remote Sensing and Volcanic Eruptions:

Around [2] the globe there are 500 active volcanoes and by using remote sensing we can do seismic monitoring of these volcanoes. Through remote sensing Disaster managers can continuously monitor the volcanic activities by doing limited field work.

Remote sensing also enables vulcanologists to significantly reduce the amount of field work and saves efforts and money.

Remote Sensing and Flooding:

The Second most [2] common and widespread natural disaster is Flood.

For [3] flood monitoring remote sensing has become the key tool in recent years.

Disaster managers can identify flood planes and areas which are prone to flood on a remotely sensed imagery.

Remotely sensed imagery generates images which help professional in mapping the high and low risk areas and in assessing the damages to the properties in flood affected region.

In flood management remotely sensed data can be used to forecast floods and this will mitigates future damages.

Remote sensing allow [1] users to view what is taking place in affected areas, without jeopardizing their safety, since they will not actually be on the site.

By using remote sensing technology we can highlight features of the geography that make the community susceptible to the hazard. Using remote sensing Response workers can gather important information for doing rescue and relief efforts without physically being present at the site.

Remote Sensing and Hurricanes:

Disaster [1] managers uses Remote sensing for hurricane forecasting which will help them to estimate the likely number of storms for a given years, intensity and possible level of destruction.

Remote sensing is useful in any stage of the hurricane in mitigating the deadly effects of hurricanes.

Remote [1] sensing can allow planners to ascertain data about the features of watersheds to include drainage and density. Once obtained, this is useful information as it provides information on the capacity of the watershed to deal with the volume of water-flow that could result from rains associated with the storm.

Remote sensing can provide good resolution spatial data on hurricanes which can gives wealth [4] of information for assessment, analysis and monitoring natural disasters like Hurricane, Tornados and Cyclone damage from small to large regions around the globe.

After the Hurricane experts can monitor the recovery progress and determine the change in landscape by using remote sensing.

Remote sensing saves lots of time in a way that it will allow experts to study larger land mass in no time.

Coastal flooding and storm surges which results in hurricanes can be better mapped using remote sensing. Disaster managers, Emergency management and community planners can be better prepare for hurricane impacts on their regions by using the tools of remote sensing.

Remote sensing and Landsliding:

Landslide [1] can occur independently or with other hazards like earthquake, flooding etc.

Using remote sensing technology in landsliding disaster managers are better able to prioritized and target mitigation and preparedness activities for their area.

Once [1] major portions of land shift out of place, access to and general visibility of the affected

area is usually severely restricted. Remotely sensed images under these conditions are useful tools in assisting planners. It presents a picture of what has taken place, and aids in the decision making process regarding the future of the affected area.

Where assessment of an area is limited due to debris and mudflow from a

landslide, remote sensing could penetrate dense areas to provide critical


On [5] local and regional scales remote sensing can greatly help in investigations of landslides.

For landslide investigation remote sensing can be used in two stages:

landslides detection and classification

monitoring activity of existing landslides

Remote sensing can help greatly in predicting future landslide occurrences and this is important for those who reside near unstable slope.

Global Positioning System (GPS) in Disaster Management: Introduction:

GPS [1] or Global Positioning System refer to Global Navigation Satellite System or GNSS developed by Defense Department, America. Initially only US military can use GPS but in 1980s it was extended for commercial and scientific worlds.

For navigational and positioning GPS tool is widely used. GPS include navigation on land, in air and on sea.[5] By using GPS technology tool we can detect first stage disaster and suggest mitigation measures. In Landsliding Boundary of landslide area can be determine by GPS.

Space segment of GPS has 24 well-spaced satellite groups; these 24 satellite groups orbit the earth two time per day and allow people with ground receivers to point out their exact location on earth with high accuracy.

Due to the low cost of GPS receiver it is used globally. Receivers or devices have GPS equipment receives transmission from at least few of the satellites and can able to distinguish very precise positioning data (

In earth [6] sciences GPS plays an important role. For weather forecasting and global climate studies meteorologists uses GPS. During and between earthquakes the tectonic motions can be measured by GPS. Applications of GPS to Disaster Management:

There is [5] no restriction of weather for using GPS, it can be used anywhere any time and this makes GPS very useful in disasters. It has a reliable level of precision.

During emergency situations GPS incorporated with GIS to cover real-time activity. In all phases of Disaster management Cycle GPS is very useful and plays a vital role.

In Emergency Disaster Management GPS plays an important role by tracking emergency vehicles and supplies. Emergency vehicles have GPS receiver and location is overlayed onto a map. For precise [7] positioning of the rescue teams and vehicles during disaster GPS stations can be well utilized as a base stations.

Through [5] GPS experts can monitor the height of waves. GPS units are fixed to buoys and the height of the units are can be determined to within centimetres any significant change in wave height or velocity can trigger an alarm for a tsunami or sea surge.

With the help of GPS, volcanoes can be monitored. Disaster managers can measure the deformation of the ground by using GPS and made conclusion about volcanic activity.

These GPS stations can be utilized as base stations for precise positioning of rescue teams and vehicles during the disasters. Advantages of GPS:

The Advantages of [10] GPS are as under:

Structural problems in buildings and road can be detected by GPS. It also predicts disasters like Flooding, earthquakes etc.

GPS system in a car or in a plane ensures that you will never lost.

It streamlines supply chains and truck movement. it can track goods at any point of time and predict accurately when goods will reached their destination.

Some [9] GPS systems allow you to search the local area for nearby amenities, such as hotels, restaurants and gas stations. This is extremely helpful in some situations.

GPS [9] devices are perfect for water navigation. In situations where underwater hazards are a problem, GPS devices allow boaters to steer around hidden dangers. Disadvantages of GPS:

Besides lots of advantages GPS have some important disadvantages also[5]. Some of these disadvantages are precision is affected by the number of observable satellites present, the obstruction of the observation point, and the monitoring of installed GPS receivers which have been placed out in the field.

Obstacles like buildings and trees can deflect the GPS signals and this will causing your position on the GPS screen to be off by as much as 100 feet. Atmospheric conditions also affect GPS accuracy.

GPS [9] signals are not completely accurate. Obstacles like buildings and trees can deflect the signal, causing your position on the GPS screen to be off by as much as 100 feet. Atmospheric conditions (such as geomagnetic storms caused by solar activity) may also affect GPS accuracy Disaster Management and GPS:

For disaster management and mitigation GPS is one of the most important developmental and planning tool. Disasters which are in their first stage can be easily detected by using GPS tools.

GPS is also an effective tool for monitoring natural disasters.

GPS and Earthquake:

The [6] size of an earthquake can be measured by GPS and this is done by investigating the total distance that a station has moved in an earthquake by comparing its position prior to the event with its position following the event.

According to scientist there is a relationship exist between amount of displacement caused by an earthquake and magnitude of earthquake. Scientist use this relationship to find out the size of an earthquake by using technological tools of GPS.

GPS can [6] make very accurate measurements and due to this scientists can record millimeter-scale slip on faults that cannot ordinarily be measured. GPS advance tools can be very useful in:

Emergency preparedness and response improvement

Determining of aftershock risk areas following major earthquakes

Prevent destruction of buildings, property and infrastructure

Provide better geophysical models.

GPS and Flooding:

For [7] natural disaster like Flooding GPS has the potential of doing rescue and relief operations during and after Flood.

The integration of location based spatial mapping system: GIS, with GPS can directly give the map of the area being covered. The Video Mapping System, a digital video camera directly linked to a GPS receiver can give us the complete picture of the region. This will allow improved image interpretation, which is very useful for Flood hazard mitigation and management.

GPS [8] technology helps flood plain managers to:

Perform risk assessment and hazard identification

Take proactive measures to actually reduce flood risks

Produce GPS Elevation Certificates which help home owners recognize their true flood risk and obtain best-value flood insurance to reduce their financial


Help accelerate Federal disaster assistance funding when flooding actually occurs.

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