Invention Of Telephone Changed Way People Interact English Language Essay

The invention of the telephone in the late 19th century in the United States changed the way people interact and communicate. This has been paralleled in the early 21st century with the advent of mobile phones. The cell phone has been created for adults to use business (Downes, and Aoki, 2003). This is a similar to cell phone in the early 20th century that where telephone engineers explained the telephone was made for business, but it was not for social conversation (Flinchy, 1997). Today the number of people use the cell phones growth really fast since the end of 20th century. Most families have cell phones and some of them are not use home phones.

Most people have cell phones than home phones in the United State. In the worldwide, It has more than one billion people use a cell phone. According to one of the industry analysts Wireless that from now to 2020 every one could afford a cell phone that they wish. American spend seven hours or more hours in a month talking on their cell phone on average. Cell phones become more important of American’s life that(Rosen, 2004). Today most of American families have cell phone. Most of them have cell phone and home phone, they carry cell phone when they go out and use home phone when they stay home. However, some of them use cell phone like home phone. Cell phone start to changed in the 1990s, it become cheaper, smaller, and more convenience. With the rapid spread of technology, people change they way of life with cell phone. They always carry phone whatever they go out, even at home

In 1985, according to Mobile Communications and Internet link, only 340,000 people have register to use cell phone, but it has more than 158 million people use the cell phone in 2003 in the United States (Rosen, 2004). As we could see more and more people use the cell phones today than we compare with the year 1985. One of the reason more people use the cell phone that it has more convenient than home phone.

On the other hand, medical field could use a cell phone to sent ahead of the hospital’s image to the injury. “in England, now popular for wireless technology that allows companies to remotely access meters or gather information Diagnosis. ” On-site construction workers can use cell phones to send pictures to contractors outside. Combined with the use of personal cell phones, to make appointments, locate a friend, check voicemail messages, or simply to check in at cell phone work now provides the unknown level of convenience (Rosen, 2004). Cell phones are not even for social use for today, but it is use for almost any business like the medical field, manufacture.

The number of cell phone use has increased to the point of dizziness, that there are social scientists for the foreseeable future, virtually any urban residents also own a cell phone

Talking phone while driving

In contrast, talking while driving become more popular, according to National Safety Council report that at least twenty eight percent of all car accidents cause by talking on cell phones while driving

and it is about 1.4 million car crashes, and it is about 200,000 accidents while text messaging(Goepel, 2003).

Estimates based on data from mobile phone use drivers from highway and traffic safety from major peer-reviewed studies quantify risk using mobile phones and texting while driving. A study released in January 2010 by the loss of data highways Institute (HLDI), a subsidiary of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), shows that traffic accidents are not reduction in California, Connecticut, New York and Washington, DC, three states and the government banned the use of driver handheld mobile phone. The study was based on an analysis of accident insurance claims for damage. Officials said more research is needed to clarify the findings, which go against the results of other research institutes.

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In September 2009, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Center for Statistics and Analysis released the results of the national security of the Occupying they use survey (NOPUS), which found that in 2008, 6 percent of drivers used handheld cell phone, the same percentage in 2007.(Law, 2010)

One in three (34%) texting teens ages 16-17 say they have texted while driving. That translates into 26% of all American teens ages 16-17.

Half (52%) of cell-owning teens ages 16-17 say they have talked on a cell phone while driving. That translates into 43% of all American teens ages 16-17.

48% of all teens ages 12-17 say they have been in a car when the driver was texting.

40% say they have been in a car when the driver used a cell phone in a way that put themselves or others in danger (Lenhart, 2010)

Cell phone was highest among 16-24 years old (8 percent in 2008, down from 9 percent in 2007) and lowest among drivers 70 and older (1 part percent in both 2007 and 2008). Handheld mobile phone use by drivers in the West by 6-7 percent from 2007 to 2008, but fell in the Northeast (5-4 percent), Midwest (6-5 percent) and the South (from 8 to 7 percent). Data on use of mobile controls were collected at random stop signs or stoplights only while vehicles were stopped and only during daytime. (Law, 2010).

One of the conditions necessary to ensure public order and traffic safety, prevent traffic accidents in traffic is not always observed the way, especially those who control the means employed to speed , hold the steering wheel, a good response. however, when the users of the cell phones, then secure the above conditions have been so many people ignore. They just drive just use a cell phone, not even just listening but also search list, press … eyes on the screen rather than looking at the road, sight, hearing, brain focused on something irrelevant to the drive (observation, drivers), just cause traffic safety just awkward situations of uncertainty.

Cell phone problems

The source of the latest, most visible and most controversial in the driver’s attention is mobile handsets. For many motorists, so that a driver is talking on the phone to see red. mobile phone is ready for 20 years and is now everywhere-Mobile Telecommunications and Internet Association says there are 137 million subscribers in the United States. Cell phone use by drivers has become very popular: According to NHTSA, at any time of day, 500,000 passenger car drivers are talking on mobile phone handsets.(Law, 2010)

This adds up to many miles of driving people do not have to give full attention to driving. And cell phones are not the only culprit: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has found that using hands-free phones are also contributing to attention deficit. (Goepel, 2003)

Legislation to address the perceived dangers of using mobile phones behind the wheel has been adopted in many places. Australia, Austria, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Switzerland have all mobile phone use is restricted by the driver. (Goepel, 2003)

In the United States, legislation to restrict cell phone use in cars has been introduced in both the House and Senate. In some states, only New York had passed laws prohibiting the use of handheld cell phones for drivers, although other states are considering similar legislation. In California, Nevada, and Utah, bills prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving have failed.

Cell phone impact Young people

According to the research, teens view their cell phones as more than just an accessory, it is also show four out of five teens use cell phone than before. The research also show the sense of security that teens said about 80 percent of the cell phones have. They are also prefer texting over the phone then talking on the phone (“Cell phones impact,” 2008). We could see more teens use phone like the things they must have in their life. Cell phones could impact all social life of teens. When the phone is no longer a luxury item, the parents are willing to equip their children for easy communication.

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On the other hand, Harris Interactive study that teens say a cell phone as the most popular social status or of a person, outranking jewelry, watches and shoes. The study also found that cell phones are fast becoming a necessity in society youth. It is about 57 percent of teens view their phones as a key to their social life (“Cell phones impact,” 2008). In addition, It is about 80 percent of teens that carry a wireless device, and it is about 57 percent of the teens that carry a cell phone to improve the quality of life. And half of them said a cell phones become a new form of the entertainment and it is about 30 percent of them use a cell phones to play games.

On a more serious note, 80 percent of teens surveyed said their cell phone provided a sense of security while on the move, confirmed the mobile phone has become the safety net when you need one of his trips (79 percent), getting important information (51 percent), or just help someone in trouble (35 percent). (“Cell phones impact,” 2008)

one indispensable in the life of a mobile phone

In fact, most of them students are using cell phones away from the original intention of the parents. Refused to stop at the hearing referred to, many children fall into “addiction” to explore the utility function of “to love” like watching movies, listening to music, surf the web … These jobs account for so much time that they forgot to do my homework

Text message on cell phone

On the other hand, with the new teens culture that teens are using cell phone to alternative messaging conversation between teenagers. Teens could spend the same amount of time to compare with talking and text messages per month. According to research fourty seven percent teens said if the function of the message on cell phone end that their social life would be end too (Law, 2010).

Teens say the message has the important advantage because it offers more options, including multitasking, speed, the option to avoid verbal communication, and because it is fun – in that order . With over 1 billion messages sent per day, which is no surprise that 42 percent of teens say they can even text blindfolded, the study revealed. (Law, 2010)

Cell-phone texting has become the preferred channel of basic communication between teens and their friends, with cell calling a close second. Some 75% of 12-17 year-olds now own cell phones, up from 45% in 2004. Those phones have become indispensable tools in teen communication patterns. Fully 72% of all teens2 — or 88% of teen cell phone users — are text-messagers. That is a sharp rise from the 51% of teens who were texters in 2006. More than half of teens (54%) are daily texters (Lenhart, 2010)

“Teens have created a new form of communication we call it a message. But in essence it is a reflection of how teens want to communicate to suit your lifestyle they are all about speed multitasking, security and control. “, Mr Joseph Porus, Vice President and Chief Architect, Technology Group, Harris Interactive. “Young people in this study are crying for individuals and control exactly what a wireless device or plan can do for them.” (Law, 2010)

Teens with unlimited texting typically send and receive 70 texts per day, compared with 10 texts a day for teens on limited plans and five texts a day for teens who pay per message (Lenhart, 2010)

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With the technology change so quickly that impact the cell phone. Now, cell phones have more function and feature that with compare before. On the medical field, people use cell phone to make appointment and check voicemail message or email too (Rosen, 2004).

The poll found that teens send 440 text messages a week on average – 110 of them during class. That works out to more than three texts per class period. The findings also reveal a split in perception between teens and parents: Only 23% of parents whose children have cellphones think they are using them at school; 65% of students say they do(Toppo, 2009).

use mobile phones more and more use is also very rich. Of course, features the teen is the most used messaging.

Inconclution, cell phones have impact American life more than we think it before. It is impact with teens that use cell phone to text message than talking over the cell phone. Today cell phones are one of the importance teens life. They always carry phone where ever they go. Cell phones could make more accident when they driving while talking on cell phone or texting.

More and more

Some young age growing up, the clones, like to float, representing the … Friends can not see my phone is also wanted. Many of you buy the phone not to call, message to parents, family times when you really need, which mainly calls, instant messaging conversation, dating, hanging out friends drag, do not Where as: recording, photograph badly.

Besides classes, students can not prohibit the use of the phone. But with students trying to use the phone during school hours, adversely affecting the teaching hours and classes, the teachers, the school usually take measures to educate and treat serious, not to let it re- performance. Even in more mobile phone when you bring in the installed content, images, “black”, then released, passing each other to see, comment intently at the game, including during school hours.

ven students today still use mobile phones to “terrorists” threatening the teacher via text message, the plant. Many of you neglect, omission, more education on the decline, weak … partly caused by the “lovers”, misuse, excessive phone. In class, teachers have relaxed, less strict, with students blatantly message, watch phone, which affect the quality of teaching – of teachers and students.

Especially, it should be banned, thorough handling of students taking advantage of the phone to spread, spread unhealthy content, images, clips of violence, pornography … On the other hand, schools need to report the same parents to be responsible, to see the damage when using the phone during school hours and other harmful things.


Cell phones impact teen life, says harris interactive. (2008, Sept 15). Retrieved from

Downes , E, & Aoki, K. (2003). An analysis of young people’s use of and attitudes toward cell phones.

Flinchy, P. (1997). Perspectives for a sociology of the telephone. The French Journal of Communication, 5(2), 149-160.

Goepel, J. (2003, May). Your car: driving, accidents, and your cell phone. Retrieved from

Law, L. (2010, March 24). Personal injury and cell phone use while driving. Retrieved from

Srivastava, L. (2005). Mobile phones and the evolution of social behaviour. Behaviour and Information Technology, 24, 111-129.

Harris, I. (2008, Seot 23). Cell phones key to teens’ social lives, 47% can text with eyes closed [Web log message]. Retrieved from

(Harris, 2008)

Toppo, G. (2009, June 17). Survey: many teens use phones in class to text or cheat. USA , Retrieved from

Lenhart, A. (2010). Teens, cell phones and texting. PewResearchCenter Publications, Retrieved from

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