Is Scarifice What Hamlet Wanted English Literature Essay

“One can survive everything nowadays, except death, and live down anything, except a good reputation.”Oscar wildle said during the time of great Plague where many people are dying instantly and what he meant is that people die but the stuff they did will never be forgotten. In play Hamlet, death of the characters is also like a plague that spreads. Many human beings lose their lives each day as a result of their own self-centered wrong doing; there are others whose deaths are a result of manipulation from the royalty. The real tragedy of Hamlet is not that of Hamlet or his family but of Polonius’ family because their deaths were not the consequence of sinful actions of their own but rather by their innocent involvement in the schemes of Claudius and Hamlet. 

A person sacrifice may make a huge change to the human kind. Martin Luther king Jr. sacrificed his life to help the people of his race to fit into the country. As the result many morn on the day martin Luther king died and celebrate the day he helped us. Hamlet was about to willing give his life to make justice against what happened to his father. The entire royal family was also greatly affected by Hamlet s revenge. Once the King, Queen, and prince were dead, no one else was left to take over the crown. Perhaps the murders were a selfish thing for Hamlet to have done. He did not consider the long-term affects his actions would cause. When he committed his first murder and subsequently his first act of revenge he certainly did not realize what events would follow and eventually lead to the demise of Denmark. Surely he did not anticipate Ophelia s death nor his mothers and certainly not his own. Hamlet most likely was not expecting the dozen or so deaths that came out of his revenge. Possibly he did not know of any other alternative to killing the King. Maybe he was too mad to clear his head and think of other alternatives. Hamlet was certainly a very intelligent individual so he defiantly could have thought of other ways to deal with his rage. It is understood that he came to the conclusion that the only way to solve the problem of his hatred and jealousy of his Uncle, now the King, was to kill him. As Polonius said Though this be madness, yet there is method in t (2.2.223). Perhaps Polonius was saying that Hamlet s revenge really did have some simple reasoning to it. If that was the case he should have dealt with it in a mature manner, and not brought so many people into the whole ordeal. The only people that really needed to be involved were Hamlet and his mother, the Queen. 

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Sacrifice might end suffering but causes more pain to the others who care and love you. Suicide is one of the leading causing deaths in youths. Once a child dies he/she will forget the pain he existed in this world but, the parents of the children will be devastating by the pain that caused them for the rest of their lives. Hamlets death not only caused the pain to his best friend but also changed the Fortinbras point of view on the war. In hamlet the character Ophelia, she kills herself by drowning underwater. Ophelila’s suicide devastated her brothers heart filled with so much sorrow and anger. Her death not only influenced his brother but also Hamlets mother because she wanted Ophelia to be her daughter in law.

After all, his behavior through a good part of the play is very erratic and violent, and generally the actions of a mad-man. I found after digging deeper into Hamlet s psyche, that he was perfectly sane and very intelligent. This is evident on several occasions where Hamlet admits to others that his madness was just a fascaute. More evidence that he was sane, was the fact that Polonius and Claudius both noticed that there was more to Hamlet s words and action than meet the eye. Sure, Hamlet s actions throughout the play make him seem mad, but in reality, this madness was just a tactic of his in his plan to get revenge for his father s wrongful death.

After hamlets death many people learned the lesson that people cannot be trust everyone cannot trust. Contrary to popular belief, the tragedy associated with Hamlet is not about Hamlet or his family. It is, however, about the tragic fate of Polonius’ family, whose deaths are not the result of any sins they omit but by their being manipulated by Hamlet and Claudius for reasons they are unaware of. Although the death of Polonius’ family stands out as being the most tragic, many other characters in the story are killed as well. In fact, the death of a character in Hamlet almost becomes commonplace near the end of the play.  Perhaps Hamlet had never been taught killing out of anger was wrong, maybe he thought it was the punishment his Uncle deserved. Maybe the most important thing though is to be at peace with yourself, be happy with yourself, and with your actions. This above all: to thine own self be true (1.3.84), that is all that you can hope for from Hamlet; that he was above all else, true to himself.

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