IT Professional: Legal, Ethical and Professional Principles

Assessment Task Scenario

Aroha Memorial Headstones Inc. is a local manufacturer of personalized memorials and headstones Auckland and Nation-wide. This is a family owned and operated business offering dependable quality, value and service. Their clients mostly come from Northland, Waikato, the Bay of Plenty areas and the pacific islands.

Aroha’s office at Manure WA has five computers, a server and two printers. They design the memorials using special software and then pass it on to their production factory at Papa Kura.

As the business is growing, Aroha now requires a website to do their trading online. They intend to sell personalized headstones through their website to customers throughout the world. They also intend to establish branches in various cities in the North Island and a web portal to link all these branches.

You are now hired as a graduate IT professional at Aroha to manage their computer networks and IT demands. You are also required to create a website to meet their business requirement in 3 months’ time. You need to have constant formal meetings with Mr. John Salesa, Managing Director of the company, Ms. Pania Palmers, Head of Operations and Mr. Abraham Watson’s, Head of Productions while you are developing the website for their inputs and requirements.

Your responsibilities for this role are:

  • Computer network support
  • IT services management
  • Customer Services ( Face-to-face and Over the phone)
  • Database maintenance and backup
  • Website design and development
  • Website maintenance after it is up and running

You are a member of Information Technology Professionals (ITP) NZ (previously called IITP NZ) and follow their code of conducts while working as an emerging IT professional.

Section 1- Professionalism, Social Responsibility and Ethics

1.Identify the criteria for professionalism in NZ computer industry as identified by the Information Technology Professionals (ITP) NZ. Elaborate in brief.

2. Howdo ethics play a key role in your professional behavioras an IT graduate?

3. Summarise all tenets of the ITP NZ Code of Professional Conduct.

4. Identify various that ethical dilemmas may arise for you while working at Aroha, while following the various tenets of code of professional conduct.

5. How can you be socially responsible computer professional at Aroha while still working for the financial benefits and growth of the company? Provide some examples.

Working as an IT professional in Aroha I have  to take responsibility  of the financial and  for the growth of the company, as well as I have to act on various social responsibilities for the welfare.

As being an IT professional I must establish the quality of product which we make and also its my duty  to look after the company and its cost of production .instead of  having  responsibility we must educate the people . By doing this , we can be socially  responsible  financially as well as for company. THE IT professional can instruct  as to public policies with the help of technical knowledge .

The IT professionals have the duty to  give service for the people from different walks of life  in the society

Such as irrespective of  gender, age, culture ,discrimination and disability . Accessibility  is one of the most important  rules that an IT professional  act upon.  It implies on the availability when required. I would like to present an example  an old guy came to buy an computer he asked an IT professional to give pc he knows nothing about the pc as he said he is not a computer guy but he want pc with good features now it depends on the seller that he will sell expensive pc for the benefit of the company or sell pc with good features which suits the buyer as well as also contribute for the growth of company.

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As being an IT professional  of Aroha I have the commitment to provide equity and accessibility to the

People from all walks of life particularly the employers and customers  in the society  with different cultural background , age , literacy level, disabilities and sexual orientations. The people with these drawbacks  must obtain the services which is given to other  people . sadly they are not capable to the same services just because of their disability.

I should be equitable to the different cultural values, age, level of literacy, disability and sexual orientation

By giving them importance  and fulfilling their requirements  and needs.

Accessibility relates to equity .the meaning of accessibility is  being available to the needy people . so working as an IT professional  it’s  our responsibility to fulfil the requirements of  needy people who don’t get the

Same services as other people get because of their disability.

For example:  the people who are blind and can’t read  it’s  my responsibility to  for hearing them  and  support their needs and expectations.

6. How can you provide equity and accessibility for customers and staff with diverse cultural backgrounds, age, literacy level, disabilities and sexual orientations while working as an IT professional at Aroha? Provide some examples.

Section 2 – Privacy and Security Issues

7.Your responsibilities in Aroha includes providing network support, managing IT services, customer support, managing database and having regular backups along with the project of website design and development for initial 3 months’ time.

Why do you think privacy and security issues will be vital while working as an IT professional at Aroha?

 Working as an IT professional in Aroha  as a network support,  IT services, customer support and service

Back up of data and how to design the websites within three months  I consider that security and privacy issues are indispensable priority. When I am employed in in these jobs there are opportunities for operating data of customers. In workplace I am genuine to the customers for not checking the data and it must be secured.

It is our responsibility to maintain the privacy and security of customers data.

Under the privacy Act 1993 New Zealand  government legislation  the IT professionals  have important duty to keep the customers data safe and securely. Security is important for storage of data ,design of website and development .the data should be secured  from the hackers .

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Section 3 – Relevant Government Legislations

8.Identify the relevant government legislations (Act) for the following issues. Outline the purpose of the legislation of the and the implications relevant legislation for you as an IT professional while working in Aroha. Cite examples where necessary.


Relevant Act identification

General purpose of the legislation (Act)

Implication for you


Privacy act


The purpose of thisact is to promote and secure the privacy of individual

,To  investigate the complaints of the customers privacy .and to disclose the information

It handles the personal data of the customers and its our duty to protect it in safe location, so on one cannot misuse it.

Resource Management

Resource management

Act  1991

The purpose of this act is to promote the sustainable management of physical and natural resources

Safe guarding the life by using natural resources like air ,water and soil

Office information

Official information

Act 1982

The official information approach is designed to promote asses to information held by various government agencies

People living in NZ got right to get the

Personal information from the administration of rules and regulations.

This act made the official information

Clear to the public.


Copyright Act


No one copy our material like literacy ,musical films, sound

And video

It is administered by interested property policy unit of the ministry of economic

Development. According to copyright

Act, while working as employee at Aroha headstone company, It is not in the rule to copy the same way that  revealed in other headstone companies


Consumer rights

Consumer guarantees

Act 1993

The consumer guarantee act protects consumers by making replacements ,repair and refund

We set minimum standards to provide best service to consumers as they want.

And must  have right to secure the interest of consumer who make a visit to company

Health and safety


To secure people from harm at work by taking

The safety measurements

At work place

Hygiene in workplace which is important for us and comfortable of customers

Section 4 – Treaty of Waitangi

9. Study the student workbook on the Treaty of Waitangi and discuss the implications for you as an IT professional for each of the following treaty principles.

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i) Partnership

ii) Participation

Iii) Protection

Again, you need to think about the various responsibilities you have been given at Aroha and try to find out some examples how you can incorporate the principles of the treaty while working at Aroha.


As an employee of aroha the treaty concept of partnership outfits the learning and ability of  the assorted individuals who can add to IT, including families and other IT individuals. As an IT professional I must

Work together with Maori and non-Maori, transform, implement, review policies, practices and methods Working collaboratively with those community will increase to share power, control, and for making decision

And help to understand handout that Maori make in IT industry.

     It is also a good chance to have knowledge  about their heritage culture and tradition, language, treasures of maori and other community . If we know all those things it will be very easy to mix with them And the mistakes we commit in a new community will be reduced.

2. participation

         It means communication of chance  and  results.  As an IT professionals and  bodies

Administering IT talented need to understand how to take part and contribute as dynamic subjects through

Chances to investigate and value the rich and diverse, language , and legacies that shape  their ways of life

As new Zealanders.

      IT professionals must practice informed civic participation. Participation also underscores positive

Maori association at all levels of IT industry to understand this standard, the desires and representation of maori people group are obvious in arranging and executing IT arrangements and strategies.

3. protection

          As being  an IT profession who has been working in new Zealand myself  is being grateful

   for protecting the maori people’s  heritage , interests, values, and other  tongs . Identity

  , language , and culture are most important  expressions to be a socially mindful for IT professionals.

                IT professional ought to consider on important issue of culture checks by  having an assurity

         of knowing , respecting  and esteeming where different partners are the place they came

          from and expanding on what they carry with them.

      As a component of their making personalities , IT professionals and bodies representing IT professionals

      In new Zealand need to see newzealand’s exceptional bicultural legacy.

          Last but not least , all IT professional must know the maori and having the knowledge and experience

    Of significant maori customs and tradition  and their valuables for the well being of  foreign professionals

     in new Zealand.

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