Leaders Adolf Hitler And Saddam Hussein History Essay

The initial similarity they shared was in foreign policy as both dictators only had a handful of allies and ignored requests from other countries leaders. Hitler especially once he was firmly in power, totally disregarded the limits installed on Germany at the Treaty of Versailles, such as the ban on Germany to have any air force or submarine, and could only possess an inconsequential naval force of just six ships and an army of a mere one hundred thousand men. Additionally, they were not to have any forces placed in the Rhineland; the narrow piece of land running next to the border with France. Hitler condemned such constraints enforced by the Versailles Treaty and recommenced the national military draft the initial move in defiance against the treaty. The subsequent invasion of the Rhineland followed soon after, declaring that it had always been part of Germanys historical fatherland. The invasion of Poland the followed to conquer the countrys national resources to bolster Germanys military. Germany was still reeling in huge debt from the First World War. Likewise, for Saddam Hussein in 1990 – despite constant international warnings – he invaded to annex Kuwait with the excuse that Kuwait was historically part of the greater Babylonian empire, and laid claim on Kuwaits rich abundance of oil.

To gather support from their followers, they laid the blame for their economic problems on those states that were against them and also on particular groups inside their own countries. Hitler sent millions of Jews to their deaths in arguably the biggest genocide of all time. This is directly comparable to Husseins chemical attacks against the Iraqi Kurds in his own country, where thousands of people were gassed to death by baring the full brunt of Husseins chemical warfare arsenal. Any opposition from a religious source was nullified by state control and Hitler made the upper echelons of the clergy to swear allegiance to Nazi rule or be faced with brutal consequences. Dietrich Bonhoeffer the German theologian who boldly criticised Hitlers leadership was arrested in 1943 and later hanged by the Nazi regime. Similarly, Hussein who wanted the full compliance of the Shiites in Iraq, ruthlessly slaughtered any disobedience from them as he showed by the mass murderer of Shiites who revolted when the Iraqi army press forward to Kuwait. Saddam and Hitler always maintained that they were faithful servants for their profits, i.e. Mohammed and Jesus. They interpreted the religious writings to serve their individual purposes and goals. Both dictators cunningly misled the international community to mollify them while developing their sordid plans.

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Hitlers lies were no where more evident than regarding his military build up, its equipment and manpower. Hussein, also lied continuously and constantly infringed the no-fly zones enforced following the 1990 Gulf War, and (foolishly) when blamed of possessing WMDs he declined to cooperate and give the sufficient information to the international community; a move that arguably was a defining factor which ultimately led to his demise. Both leaders stubbornly violated international laws and were both boldly pompous of being able to manipulate the international order. Appeasement was a strategy that British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tried to use with Hitler; the UN stamped sanctions on Saddam Hussein that were in reality appeasements because the sanctions werent effective enough to deter Hussein.

A further comparison between these two leaders was a united global response. When Hitlers belligerence became stronger Europe realised that it needed American help to stop Germanys advance. Though America was not easily convinced and didnt really step into the war until Japans attack on Pearl Harbour. Roosevelt was ambivalent in entering a war that he felt was not of great concern to America and wanted to stay out of Europes own problems. As suggested above, America did not enter the war until the Kamikaze assaults on Pearl Harbour.

Throughout Husseins stubborn breaches of the resolutions set by the UN in 1990, the Americans frequently pressed for international response to implement those resolutions. Nevertheless, the Americans found it tough to convince the European antiwar and Arab supporter groups. Similarly, straight after the 9/11 attacks on America, G.W. Bush pushed for the UN to rapidly put resolutions on Iraq, otherwise he would have no other avenue but for the United States to act by itself. In the end, a coalition of a handful of countries led by the U.S gave Saddam forty eight hours to get out of Iraq; an order which was completely rebuffed. So after buying more and more time by playing political Ping-Pong with the international community, finally, in March 2003 Iraq was attacked. Many states in Europe were initially against the move and did not feel that it was a responsibility that they had, which ironically bares similarity to the World War II when you reverse the roles between the U.S and Europe.

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Hitler and Hussein both strongly taught the fighting to the death morale and tried install this mindset into their troops psyche. This is interesting for the simple reason that neither dictator was a good example of such valour, in a show of cowardice they opted to go into hiding whilst their troops were being outgunned and overran in combat.

And when Hitler finally grasped that the German army was defeated and his capture soon to follow, he took his own life.

While Hussein took a different path to that of Hitler, instead of committing suicide he decided to go into hiding and was found and arrested in December 2003.

Saddam Hussein funded Yasser Arafats PLO to commit murder and terrorism against the Jews, likewise, Hitlers genocide against the Jews in Europe. Extreme hate for the Jews was the major motivation shared by Hitler and Hussein.

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