Leaders And Their Context Management Essay

Using a range of relevant literature, explain how self awareness and continuous self development will help you fulfil your role as a successful manager in the future.

Self awareness and continuous self development can be used and helped in fulfilling my role as a successful manager. In order to answer this question a definition of what is self awareness is required . Self awareness can be defined as: “Conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires: The process can be painful but it leads to greater self – awareness. ” Soanes and Stevenson (2005 , p. 1601). Self -awareness covers awareness of our own strengths and weaknesses. Self development is defined as: “The process by which a person’s character or abilities are gradually developed.” Soanes and Stevenson (2005 ,p. 1602).

“Gaining an insight into one’s self is usually accompanied by greater insight into other people. More understanding of what makes oneself tick provides understanding of what makes other people tick too.” Bourner, (1996, p.16). Developing self – awareness will identify and push the boundaries of the comfort zone . A common definition of management is “getting things done with other people.” Bourner, (1996, p.16). Emotional intelligence plays a key role in understanding what makes oneself tick and other people tick. The five dimensions of emotional intelligence are : ” Self- awareness – The ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions and drives as well as the effect you have on others . Regulating feelings – The ability to control your disruptive moods and impulses; the propensity to suspend judgement , to think before acting. Motivation – A passion to work for reasons beyond status and money ; a propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence. Empathy – The ability to recognize and understand the emotional makeup of others; skill in dealing with the emotional responses of others. Social skills – Effectiveness in managing relationships and building networks; ability to find common ground , to build rapport .” Buchanan & Huczynski (2010, p. 225). Daniel Goleman (1998, 2005) , also argued that emotional intelligence is more important to career success than technical skills or rational intelligence. Emotional intelligence gives us an advantage at work and is particularly important for top management . Emotional intelligence can be learned and developed through experience. “How well a manager manages the part of the organisation which he is responsible depends on how well the self is managed. ” Bourner , (1996, p.16). “How well the self is managed depends on how well the self is known and understood.” Bourner, (1996, p.16).

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So how can i become more self-Aware ? Here are a few key ways to do so: “Test and know yourself better. Personality tests like “Belbin” Fisher, (2000). Myers-Briggs and Strengthsfinder, look at self- reflection , which leads to better self-awareness. Watch yourself and Learn. ” Tjan, (2012, p.1). In the classic Harvard Business Review article, “Managing Oneself” , Peter Drucker wrote, ” Whenever you make a decision or take a key decision, write down what you expect will happen . Nine or 12 months later, compare the results with what you expected. ” (Drucker, 1999, p.102 ). Drucker called this self- reflection process feedback analysis and credited it to a 14th -century German theologian. He said it was the “only way to discover your strengths.” Drucker, (1999, p. 102). Such analysis can be qualitive or highly quantitative. “The key for effective feedback analysis is to codify rationale and motivation and to reflect and assess final outcome.” Tjan (2012, p 2). As a manager you must be an observer of others’ strengths and weaknesses. The best teams are made up of people who understand and complement each other, having different skill sets. ” Intellectual honesty, rigorous commitment , and active truth- seeking are sine qua non to any self-awareness process.” Tjan (2012, p. 2).

There appears to be a strong link between “personal development” and “effective management .” We define effective management in terms of value added by managers to the organisation. Peter Drucker believed: “That the person who best helps develop other people is one who best develops himself or herself.” Drucker ( 2010, p. 9). Ten ways to continued self – development include :” Focus on achievement ( continuous improvement leads to excellence through self-motivation and self-direction.) , contemplate and reflect , become a mentor (there are mentoring possibilities in workplaces as well as within professional organisations ) , become a teacher ( no one learns as much as the person who must teach his subject) , volunteer ( volunteering will add new meaning to your life, as well as new challenges, new people , and different types of leadership opportunities) , learn how to learn ( do you learn best by reading , writing , listening , teaching others, or a combination of some or all of these methods? ), develop a parallel career ( such as teaching , writing , or working in a non – profit organisation) , practice systematic abandonment (aim to increase activities within your core competencies, areas of excellence) , get outside your four walls ( make the most of leisure opportunities. Drucker incorporated his love and appreciation for art, literature, and music into his life.), take the self-management challenge ( the one quality demanded of you will not be skill, knowledge , or talent , but character.) ” Drucker (2010, p.9 )

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Bird and Osland 2006 defined what effective managers do: ” Perceive, analyse, diagnose – decode the situation. Accurately identify what managerial action would be most effective in the situation. Possess the behavioural repertoire and flexibility to act appropriately, then do so.” Bird & Osland (2006). Pedler, Boydell and Bourgoyne (1986) suggest that there are 11 attributes of qualities which are possessed by successful managers: ” Command of basic facts, relevant professional knowledge, continuing sensitivity to events, analytical, problem solving and decision making / judgement skills, social skills and abilities, emotional resilience,proactivity, creativity, mental agility, balanced learning habits and skills, and finally self knowledge. ” Pedler, Boydell and Bourgoyne (1986).

In the future I will manage a team of chartered quantity surveyors and construction dispute resolvers , therefore I need all of the previous mentioned skills of self- awareness and self- development in order to successfully manage my team and myself. Pedler (2007, p.21) CPD is also important to me as an RICS member and a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitration and Chartered Institute of Building, I have to complete 47 hours per year and keep an up to date diary with current developments in construction law and Arbitration practise; this is critical in an ever changing world and evolving construction industry. I have recently joined the CMI , Chartered Management Institute to become a better manager, and enhance my employability.


Barker, D. (1993) The Management Charter Initiative . An Interim Assessment. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. Volume 18, issue 2.

Barker, D. (1993). Management Charter Initiative. Personal Competence model. Leaders & their Context Module Workbook. Retrieved 10th Dec 2012. www.newcastlebusinessschool.co.uk.

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Bratton, K, V. Dodd , N,G. (2010). The impact of emotional intelligence on accuracy of self-awareness and leadership performance. Leadership & Organisational Development Journal . Vol. 32 No. 2, 2011. p. 127-149.

Belbin. (2012) Belbin Team Role Report for. Simon Gregg-Noel. Retrieved 04th Oct 2012 from www.belbin.com.

Bourner. T. (1996). Effective management and the development of self- awareness : a plain manager’s guide. Career Development International, 1 / 4 , p. 14-18.

Buchanan. D. A. Huczynski . A. A.(2010). Developing Self. (7th ed) . Essex. Pearson.

Drucker. P. (2010). Self-Development. Leadership Excellence. p. 9.

Drucker. P. (1999). Managing Oneself. Harvard Business Review. p. 100- 109.

Duval , S. Wicklund, R, A . (1972) A Theory of Objective Self Awareness. New York and London. Academic Press.

Fisher, S. (2000). Control and Belbin’s team roles. Personal Review. Vol. 30 issue 5. p. 578-588.

Goleman. (1998). The Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. Leaders & their Context Module Workbook. Retrieved 20th Nov 2012. www.newcastlebusinessschool.co.uk.

Honey and Mumford. (1984/1992). Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles Questionnaire. . Leaders & their Context Module Workbook. Retrieved 10th Dec 2012. www.newcastlebusinessschool.co.uk.

Howarth, B. (2012). The Engagement People. Residential Programme 2012/13. Personal Learning Log. Northumbria University , Newcastle Business School. P’s 26, 43, 54.

Insights. (2012). Simon Gregg-Noel Personal Profile. Retrieved 7th November 2012 from www.insights.com

Peck, D. (2009). Self-Aware Leadership. It leads to sustainable effectiveness. Leadership Excellence . p. 9.

Pedler, M. (2007). A Manager’s Guide to Self Development. (5th ed), Berkshire. McGraw-Hill Professional.

Powell, L. (2008). The Mindfull international manager. Cultural Intelligence questionnaire. Leaders & their Context Module Workbook. Retrieved 10th Dec 2012. www.newcastlebusinessschool.co.uk.

Soanes.C. Stevenson. A. (2005). Oxford Dictionary of English . (2nd ed.) , London: Oxford University Press.

Tjan. A. (2012) . How leaders Become Self-Aware. Available at: http://blogs.hbr.org/tjan/2012/07/how-leaders-become-self-aware.html. (Accessed : 18th Oct 2012)

Using the attatched template, write three separate critical incidents to reflect upon the findings and implications from three self analysis toolkits from the module (e.g. Belbin, Emotional Intelligence, Management Competencies, Personality tests).

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