Leadership in Paramount Furniture




I am working in the paramount furniture and our organization running from 1989. We make a sofa sets, bed, bed sofa with New Zealand products. The organization located in 12 F&G Dalgety Drive, Wiri, Auckland, New Zealand. The email address is [email protected] and our website is www.paramountfurniture.co.nz. I am the leader of one team in paramount furniture. The vision and value of paramount furniture are, we are make sure we will be one of the best furniture company in the New Zealand, making new and loyal customers with good quality of products, open new branches in out of the Auckland, the paramount furniture making a plane dealing with international companies and making good quality of products for customers. My team members are apricate with visions and values. They follow the all rules and regulations, they all are honest, hard worker and all are good communicator. I received feedbacks from customers about the products and then I held a meeting with my team member for telling their performance about their work. All customers are happy with the paramount furniture’s products so that means my team member understand the company’s vision and values.

I am the leader of the one team in paramount furniture and I applied some time participative leadership while working in a team. It is good leadership style with working in the team on project. For example, When I need some suggestion regarding the project work, I asked to my team member give their own views then after the team members review I put all member’s views on the project and which idea is good for project, so I going with those ideas. In this way team member work with me and they give lots of ideas about the project work.

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Some time I working with autocratic leadership. For example, if any team member didn’t follow the rules of company so I mark their absent according to the company’s handbook. Either if any team member come late daily I mark their absent for first tea break and said to him get out from here now. In this way, all team member will follow the company’s rules and they concentrate on the project work, if they concentrate on the work the project will be finish easily in managed time.

The work start in paramount furniture at 9o’clock and I reach there at 8:30 am and set all the things about the work. I wear company’s uniform while working which is showing the health and safety and all members come factory come early and wear proper uniform and all members know about the vision and values of paramount furniture so, all are working hard in factory and making a good products and new customers also. when we start working on the project, my behavior for my team members is like a friend and a family member not like a leader. In this way, all team member feel free and they work very well on the project. Good communication is the big difference between a company with a vision and values statement and a company with a clear sense of vision is that a company with a clear sense of vision to his employees who have very strong alignment with the organization’s core values.

According to the working style I have made the vision plane for my team members I know it will be good for achieving goals and objectives. With the help of this plan all team member can concentrate on the project and they work according to the vision and values of the company. On the other hand, in the paramount furniture there are different people from different culture who are   working and I have to understand all the culture because it is important for me and for company’s production. If I understand all people’s culture they apricate with me and doing work properly. In this way, I can motivate the all member easily and terms to achieve the company’s goals and objectives. Moving further, first I gave the coaching to all team member about the project and how we can make it fast and easy and manage the time.

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If we work in a team our behavior should be very friendly and we should treat all team members like a family members. I am the leader so I should know about which member’s behavior is good or bad and if anybody have a bad behavior it’s my responsibility to teach them about good behavior in team. For example- there is 2 boys which are in my team they fight every time while the working and they didn’t do work properly so one day I called those boys in meeting room and listen their problems. They didn’t talk with each other after the meeting I solved their problems. Then I called meeting of team members and ask everyone if anybody have any problem with anybody tell me and I also told about the work in discipline with the team members.

                             Task 2

Section 1

  1. Behavioral expectation– I making a gathering meeting of all my team members and give the information what does the vision and values of our company have and what they expected from you, the all vision and values also related with the client’s needs, I give the all discussion which should be good at all time for the team members in the project working. I also told about our team rules to all members like-
  1. All members should be come factory at a time.
  2. Good and positive attitude with other members.
  3. Hard working while work in a team or on a task.
  4. All worker should be wear proper uniform while working.
  5. No mobile phone using while working.

Performance agreements

After finish the project I made performance agreements for all the members. This agreement shows their Responsibilities, outcomes and Actual performance.

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Minutes of meeting

In the meeting, we decide the problem about the work with all team members and then give the possible solutions for solving the problem also tell about the work process according to the time management.

Date-  7-03-2017

Time-  10:00 am to 10:30 am

Place-  Paramount staff room

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