Leadership styles in youth work

Team members Questionnaire’s Analysis

Q1: Who makes the decisions in your team?

It can be seen that the maximum support goes with the team leader making decisions with the help of his teammates. This shows that the team leaders use the participative form of leadership which is a part of the democratic style. This ensures effective decision-making. (Leadership Styles: Democratic Leadership Style, 2008)

Q2: Are team members punished if they don’t achieve the set goals?

The answer to this question shows that most agree with the fact that the team members are punished some times. So, this means that the team leader does give warnings and a chance to improve as well before coming to any conclusion. As next majority is with never punishment, the team leader seems to be lenient.

Q3: Are team members rewarded when they achieve goals set for them?

About 50% of the population says that the leader awards for good work. This indicates that the degree of motivation amongst the employees is really high and the competition to excel is also which is highly essential in the success of any firm. It also builds up the morale.

Q4: Are team members allowed to be involved in setting goals and are rewarded for achieving those goals?

The majority goes with the fact that team members are never allowed to set their own goals. This means that the goal of the organization is definite and the team leader expects the members to follow them with complete zest. Though he rewards for good performance but not in case of own ways.

Q5: Are team members allowed to be rewarded for setting their own goals and achieving them?

Many employees feel that there are situations when team members are rewarded for even setting goals. This shows that during situations of dilemma, it can happen. But still maximum feel that this never happens. Hence, one can see that leader only consults team members, but final decision is his.

Q6: Does your team leader involve you in decision making about various strategies to be implemented in the company?

This question again proves the same fact that the team leader involves the members in taking decisions. This means that he does believe in the members in giving suitable suggestions to his targeted goal. The second majority is with sometimes, which means that as per as the effectiveness of the suggestion, this participation is allowed.

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Q7: Does your team leader encourage you to do something innovative in the company?

Most of the employees are with the fact that innovation is mostly preferred. This shows that the leader goes as per as the situation of the industry. In this dynamic environment, one must give chance to innovate. Hence, this again is an indication of the use of democratic, participatory style of leadership. (Leadership styles in youth work, 2010)

Q8: Does your team leader share important information which helps in making decisions for the project?

Here, maximum feel that most of the times, the team leader shares important information. This indicates that the team leader gives enough chances for the leaders to come up with their suggestions. It not only is good for the company but also adds up to boosting the morale of the employees to a larger degree.

Q9: While implementing various strategies, employees are free to make suggestions.

The answer shows that even in the case of making strategies, the employee are allowed to give suggestions. This indicates a cordial relationship that exists between the leader and the employees. It also makes it less prone for the team leader to take wrong decision.

Q10: Are you satisfied with the way decisions are made by your leader?

There are about 70% of the employees who are sometimes satisfied and 25% who ate satisfied all the time. This indicates that there are a few experienced members in the team whose suggestions are kept prominent and the others are given equal chances to develop that maturity in the future.

Q11: Are you satisfied with the leadership qualities that team leaders have at Dnata?

About 45% are always satisfied with the leadership qualities and 50% at times. This is a very high percentage indicating the proficiency of the team leader to a large extent. Hence, overall, the team members seem to be satisfied with the way the team leader has been doing his work with respect to the members.

Team Leaders Questionnaire’s Analysis

Q1: Who makes the decisions in your team?

The team leaders feel that they are lenient enough as half of them allow the employees to take the decisions themselves and the other half allows their participation in the decision-making process. This indicates both democratic and Laissez-Faire approach of leadership. (Leadership Styles, 2008)

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Q2: Do you punish team members if they don’t achieve the goals set?

Most of the team members show their strictness towards non-fulfillment of the organization goals. This is because 50% feel that they always punish members for the same. There is an equal proportion of non-punishment and punishment sometimes. So, by and large the leaders are strict in their means.

Q3: Do you give rewards to team members when they achieve goals set for them?

As far as rewards are concerned, half the population is inclined towards giving the same. This shows that the proclivity for a better performance exists in the leaders. They feel that by giving rewards, the motivation of the employees would go high and they would give better consequences for the team in the future.

Q4: Do you allow team members to be involved in setting goals and reward them for achieving those goals?

Here again, 50% of the team leaders allow their team members to be involved in setting goals and also rewarding on achievement. This is contradictory to what the employees feel. This means that the leaders do give an option but it is the experience of the members that lacks where their suggestions don’t seem appropriate.

Q5: Do you allow team members to be rewarded for setting their own goals and achieving them?

Here again, 50% of the team leaders sometimes even reward the employees for setting their goals. This shows that as and when they feel that it is worth appreciating, they do so and when they feel it is not they don’t. So, the leaders seem to give opportunities to the members.

Q6: Do you encourage your team to participate when decision making is required in the company at various levels in order to help them in implementing the ideas?

50% the leaders allow this always and 50% allow this sometimes. This means that half of them are confident about their team members totally and the other half go according to situations. When they feel that the situation is right, they allow this participation.

Q7: Do you always eager to do something new in the organization which means that you always encourage your employees towards thinking something new and innovative?

Here 75% of the leaders always have a view of allowing the members to think innovative. Once again, we can see that they do this as per as the dynamic nature of the society where innovation is the major tool to success. This is in accordance with what the employees feel. Hence, the importance of innovation is certainly not doubtful amongst the leaders.

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Q8: Do you always explain intricacies and various aspects of tasks to the team members that are to be done in the project which is given to their team in order to make them aware about what exactly the present scenario is and what needs to be done in future?

About 75% of the leaders agree with the fact totally. This shows that they are extremely helpful to the team members in doing their jobs; this doesn’t only prevent failures but also helps the employees to add on to their capabilities. This is a booster for the employees in the organization.

Discussion and Recommendation

The above analysis of the questionnaire distributed amongst the team members and the team leaders at Dnata indicates that the organizations have leaders who solely follow the democratic styles of leadership. Some of the leaders are participatory and there are even more who allow the Laissez Faire approach where the employees themselves take the decisions. This concludes two facts. The first of these is that there is an abundance of leaders who have faith in the employees and the other thing is that the leaders move according to the dynamic style of the environment where every suggestion of the employees matters to a large extent. (Democratic Leadership, 2007)


The following are the improvement ideas in the company, Dnata:

The leaders allow participation of the employees but at the same time they should also have a control mechanism where they check the fact the members do not take advantage of the situation by cheating the team.

As per as the last question asked to the leaders, they assist the members in every intricacy of the company. This is not recommended at all times as the members might not be able to develop a self-learning capacity which can be extremely harmful for the team. This can even be dangerous during adverse situations.

Finally, even for those leaders who haven’t established a cordial relation with the employees, should begin doing so it can be effective for better communications.

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