Leaderships Importance To Any Organisation And Military Organisation Management Essay

Write why is leadership important to any organisation and to a military organisation

What does leadership means to me.

Short introduction on my past experience and appointment that help me form my current perspective on my leadership philosophy. For example. Discipline in BMT. Fighting spirit in OCS and lead by example of instruction during prof term. In early days, there is still no core values. Only thing I notice is the “role model” qualities from instructors. “Respect must be earned”.

” Leadership is responsibility accepted, not authority granted” Executives Series ADDP 00.6, Leadership in the Australian Defence Force. Chapter 2, 2.3, page 2-2 (22 Mar 2007)

Hence, I emphasized on “lead by example and knowledge”. This must lead in or build up to your current philosophy. Talk core value introduction in 1996(check date and details) and how it affected you as a leader

Define SAF definition of leadership

Define your own leadership and see whether can link or not. Using the three domains: Leader + People + Outcome.

Talk about why this is your philosophy. For example Values + Passion+ People. Or Passion+ Values + relationship building. Explain each importance. Support with facts and quotes. MSLF and MBTI? For example MBTI is ISTJ and it resonate with my emphasis on values? Verify this pls? Why I think this is important and what is the pitfall if I don’t do it well? If I don’t focus in building relationship, I can always use the authority as a commander to get things done. Although this is the easy, fast and convenient way to get things done fast and produce results, however, the downside is that this approach will not last and people will eventually lose their commitment to contribute as they feel unappreciated.

My philosophy is that leadership always start with oneself. The passion and drive one has and his values will determine what kind of leader he is. The next important domain is the leader’s relationship with his people. If these two domains are strong, they will automatically achieve the desired outcome.

“Control is not leadership; management is not leadership; leadership is leadership. If you seek to lead, invest at least 50% of your time in leading yourself-your own purpose, ethics, principles, motivation, conduct. Invest at least 20% leading those with authority over you and 15% leading your peers”.

-Dee Hock (website: http://www.leadership-with-you.com/leadership-quotes.html)

Building relationship is also a focus by the US Army called “Improvisional Leadership”. Improvisional Leadership: Setting the Stage for Future Army Leader Development

William G Colbert

Army; Dec 2010; 60, 12; ProQuest Military Collection

pg. 51

“Relationships that develop between leaders and followers in

organisations impact on job satisfaction, organisational performance

and turnover.” Executives Series ADDP 00.6, Leadership in the Australian Defence Force. Chapter 1, 1.20, page 1-19 (22 Mar 2007)

Passion. Define what is passion and why is it important

Passion is defined as “a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything” according to www.dictionary.reference.com

“If you’re passionate about something, it comes through in the way you speak, in the way you hold yourself, it even shows on your face.” Website: http://www.teamvision.com.sg/3%20Ways%20to%20Talk%20so%20Clients%20Listen.pdf. 3 Ways to Talk so Clients Listen by Robert Moment

Website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/passion

People (example on the structure of the paragraph)

Why people is important.

Show example that people is important. Use Project Cardinal in Airforce and use quote, e.g . “Leader without followers are not leaders”

Leaders do not abuse their followers

. . .for without followers there can be no leaders.

Leaders teach those who serve them.

. . .They are the caretakers of their federation and of their people.

Without people who care there can be no federation.

. . .Leaders are prepared to lead, lead with fairness and love,

while teaching others to lead.

Sifu Anne Radke, May 5, 1997 (http://www.uechi-ryu.com/ann_radke.htm)

“The third building block of the 3rd Generation SAF is developing our people. We recognise that our people are the key resource that will enable us to realise our transformation efforts.” Speech by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean at the Committee of Supply Debate 2010 (http://www.mindef.gov.sg/imindef/news_and_events/nr/2010/mar/05mar10_nr2/05mar10_speech.html)

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Explain how to influence the people


To set clear direction and let the people understand the rationale behind my thought for any decision

To understand and show concern for the people. This is to build a strong relationship and bonding between the leader and the people.

Explain which are the LCM that are important to make this happen.

Most important in term of people, concept and technology. People make a difference. Most difficult to understand and align because we cannot read their mind. Build team and cohesive. “Leader without followers are not leaders” Success formula is through sincere and truthful communication to understand them and build trust and bonding.

Explain which are the LCM or SAF LF that I need to focus to enhance my leadership effectiveness to realise my philosophy.

Use example or personal experience to support each.


“The morale of soldiers comes from three things: a feeling that they have an important job to do, a feeling that they are trained to do it well, and a feeling that their good work is appreciated and recognised.” United States Army Field Manual 1, 2005


“People will only follow willingly if they are convinced that what they are doing has a purpose and is ‘right’ in respect to their beliefs.” Executives Series ADDP 00.6, Leadership in the Australian Defence Force. Chapter 2, 2.20, page 2-8 (22 Mar 2007)

Note: Can use BG Neo’s value based leadership as support.


As an officer, all along I have this belief that leadership development is not important as we as officers should already have the required attributes in-born in us (to be a leader) and that is why we are chosen to be an officer in the place. To me, leadership will come naturally when we are given the command appointment. After gone through several lessons and reading on leadership, I realised that my belief is wrong. I never really put into deep thought what are this leadership qualities and attributes of a leader. To me, the SAF core values served as a good enough guideline to be a good officer and leadership qualities will naturally be exhibited from these qualities. Leadership is more than qualities and attributes. It is about a set of behaviours, of which this set of behaviours have been carefully thought through by the SAF, deemed appropriate for the leadership development in SAF context.

People is the most precious and important thing in the SAF, as compared to concepts and technology because it is the people that can make a different to the survival or fall of SAF. This is where leadership is important as I believe choosing the right leaders and carefully grooming the leaders through a structured LD framework will ensure SAF progress in the right direction and ensure the effective protection of the nation when the time calls for it.

What leader means to me.

I have been searching for the answer for many years before I come to CSC and after reading the leadership articles and reflecting on it, I am fully convinced and subscript to the SAF leadership definition, ” “. However, I would like to modify the sentence a little to make it truly reflect my thoughts and belief on leadership. To me “leadership is the process of influencing people to align their heart and mind to accomplishing a common purpose/mission/ task. ” Although this sentence sounded short and simple, therein lies many qualities and attribute of a leader to make this sentence work.

To me, leadership challenges involves:

-highly contextual. Is all about balance and situational dependent.

– often in reality, a mixture of leadership and management role

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– is a journey. Constantly seeking what is the gap and area of improvement.

– Leadership is at all levels and everywhere. Can be a section commander, can be a CO.

Two most factors of leadership not discussed in the leadership model:

1. Passion

2. Truthful and sincere.

Why is leadership important I SAF. (leadership ensure SAF is effective in protecting the nation and ensure SAF is aligned to the SAF Mission)


Build diplomatic relationship (quote SAF mission) MINDEF Website, www.mindef.gov.sg,

Build deterrence image. Show that we are professional and serious in what we are doing, especially in multi-lateral exercises.

High training standard and operational readiness

Ensure SAF is always up to date with latest evolving demand and challenges by setting the right direction for the SAF

As we transforms, new concepts, technology and human resource policy introduced into the systems. We need strong leadership at all level to ensure synergy of all these efforts.

Nation Building – NSF heavy. Build in them the correct values purpose, attitude and will to fight.

” Leadership is not a necessary process to ensure military orders are obeyed. Leadership is, however, a necessary process to ensure commitment to purpose and bolstering the will of others to continually pursue military objectives, even when unobserved. Without leadership, the will to fight is neither seeded nor nourished and therefore quickly wilts.” Executives Series ADDP 00.6, Leadership in the Australian Defence Force. Chapter 2, 2.13, page 2-6 (22 Mar 2007)

“The most dependable guarantee of our Independence is a strong SAF.” Dr Goh Keng Swee, September 1984

Gain public confidence and

Show of soft power?


Effectively Protecting the sovereignty of the nation from adversary. Singapore has come a long way since 1965 to become what we are today. More than 40 years of hardwork in Nation Building. Enjoy peace, high standard of living. (protect nation and protect future of the nation)

Minimise lost of life in war (NSF and NSmen) by making sound decision.

“In war you have to make decisions, which could mean the life and death of men under your command. Without steel in your soul, you might try to seek an easy way out which is just not there. When you fail, you endanger not only the lives of your men but the safety of the entire Army, indeed the Republic itself.” Dr Goh Keng Swee, former DPM and first Minister for Defence, speaking to SAF officers at a promotion ceremony, 30 Nov 73

“During conflict, the leader will have to suppress his or her own fear and deal with the fear and stress in his/her team or crew. Post conflict, the

leader will have to comprehend and deal with the burdens carried by many.” Executives Series ADDP 00.6, Leadership in the Australian Defence Force. Chapter 2, 2.24, page 2-10 (22 Mar 2007)

A calm and confident leader can help servicemen reduce fear and stress during operation

Insight of Leadership (need to show how you apply in the course to improve your leadership skills and future when you hold new apt also)

1. Linkages between SAF LF and SAF LD and Experiential Learning Model. SAF LF and SAF LD is mutually reinforcing. SAF LF tells us the “What” while SAF LD tells us the “how” and the leader will use the Experiential Learning Model as a method for the SAF LF and SAF LD to reinforce each other. (lesson 1-2)

2. Overlapping roles of leader and manager. Quote BG Ng Chee Khern. (lesson 1-2)

My question

Values is important. SAF core values inculation effort. Do we believe that Core values can be inculcated if a person does not have the required core values or SAF effort is to reinforce what the leader already has. Do we believe that values stem from belief and attitude and it is difficult to change or instill these? (lesson 1-2)

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How to measure of the effectiveness of the LCM? (lesson 1-2)

How does pragmatic , technical expertise, culture intelligence, extending influence. Is technical expertise same as professionalism overlapping?(lesson 1-2)

<<Mentioned the advantages of traits approach from Northhouse book and recognise that traits is dependent on the situation. Hence, SAF can design a Combine Traits approach and SAF LF (since SAF LF is largely based on Skill approach) What are the challenges and potential pitfall? Use these combinations to determine the desired leader for command, staff and instructional appointment. SAF’s approach on leader is that leader is largely made. Hence SAF LF came out to help improve leadership skills. Does SAF in anyway believe that leader is born and if there is this belief, is there a tools for SAF to determine the “desired leader” (for assessment and selection) using a combination of SAF LF and Traits approach framework? (lesson 3-5)

The importance of EQ in SAF leadership development. Mentioned in two book that EQ is important aspect of leadership. (1) Northhouse (Traits approach) and ADF (chapter 1, 1-14). Does SAF recognise this as an important aspect of LD and plan to weave it into SAF LD? For example, to build interpersonal effectiveness, one has to improve his/her EQ.(lesson 1-2) or (lesson 3-5) also can.

“Character, built on an individual’s values and attitudes, includes such things as social capacity, interpersonal skills, personal integrity, conscientiousness, self-assurance and trust-worthiness. Many of these ‘social awareness’ character traits are combined in what is now being called Emotional Intelligence, (see annex B to this chapter). Clearly it is a leader’s character that best engenders follower trust.” Executives Series ADDP 00.6, Leadership in the Australian Defence Force. Chapter 1, 1.19, page 1-14 (22 Mar 2007)

Sample Questions


Question 1: How is the effectiveness of leadership of an individual measured and administered according to the SAF Leadership Development doctrine?

Question 2: Why are there different requirement of skills for each services in the SAF LCM?

What are the strength and weaknesses of the SAF Leadership Framework and how can we test its usefulness?


How is the Leadership-Management-Command philosophy going to look like in a Networked enabled 3rd Generation SAF with more capable soldiers?

Is Values-Based Leadership able to co-exist with Pragmatic Leadership?

What are the competencies and values required for a particular Leadership Style?

40038- checked


3 Questions

When will the 360 degree feedback be fully implemented?

How wide and deep will the 360 degree feedback be implemented (pegged to performance appraisal and ranking)?

How will the leadership development program be evaluated for effectiveness?

40082- checked

40114- checked


Q1. Are there any specific leadership traits to a particular leadership style?

Q2. Is it better to be more task- or people-oriented in the SAF?

41004 – checked


Q1. Is there a command/leadership/management combination to be effective in the SAF?”

Q2. How can SAF leaders achieve values alignment from their followers, thereby resulting in higher follower motivation?”


Is the SAF leadership framework applicable in non-military context?”

With the knowledge of the various aspects of leadership, how then do we know when to apply which style, or a combination of styles, to achieve the most effective leadership outcome?”

41041- checked


1. Can there be a standard list of preferred personality traits for the application

of three conceptual levels of leaderships in SAF?

2. With the transformation to 3rd Generation SAF, should there be a

established framework in SAF to guide the leaders on the application of

Leadership, Management and Command?




How will the Military Domain Experts Scheme

(MDES) affect Leadership in SAF?

To what degree should

SAF depend on values inculcation in a leader’s development? Related is

therefore should leaders be chosen based on innate/apparent values


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