Leisure time activities for overseas students


The purpose of this study was to find out that leisure time activities have decreased among overseas students after coming to Australia and explored the hypothesis that leisure time activities has decreased among overseas students as compare to their home country. A survey was conducted on 50 students. Participants were selected randomly from the same course and a standard questionnaire was given to the participants. The questionnaires consist of 14 close ended questions. The results showed that overseas students engaged in leisure time activities on weekend in Australia. Where as in the home country they engaged in both. In addition to this, in Australia participants spend their most of time by doing outdoor activities and talking with friends. The result suggests that respondents do not have enough time to do their leisure time activities in Australia as compared to their home country. Universities should provide some activities to student on campus so that they can enjoy leisure activities in college in their spare time.


Leisure time is universal, something that every human being needs. It constitutes a period of free time that may be spent in any manner one chooses. Leisure time activities play a significant role in the daily life of students who have the heavy burden of study. By doing different types of leisure activities, like playing, reading, surfing the internet students achieve a feeling of well being and also gain more knowledge as well as having change in their life. For overseas students leisure time activities help them reduce stress and improve the relationships.

Most people agree that leisure time activities hold an important role in student life.ABS (June 2011) showed that in 2011, more than 64% of Australian students aged 15 years and over are more interested in sport activity as it increase physical recreation and social interaction Moreover, Grahme and poyrazli (2007) researcher suggest that financial problems are experienced by majority of international student when they live in other country. In addition to this Barratt and Huba (1994) analysed that international students attempts to make friends and solve problem and improve communication.

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A lot of research has been conducted on leisure time activity. However, there are serious weaknesses in their results. Previous researcher ABS (2011) and Grahme and poyrazli (2007) have shown problem with Australian and international students they have not compared the what problem or activities has changed among students after they go to study overseas. In addition to this, overseas students face many problems like, language, eduction, and home sickness when they study in other countries. Moreover there was not a fixed aged group or sample for research to prove their hypothesis.

The purpose of this study was to find why leisure activities have decreased among international students after coming to Australia and the hypothesis was the leisure time activities decrease among overseas student in Australia as compared to their home country.


On Thursday 1st May 2014, a survey was conducted on 50 students. Who were enrolled in EAP 5 Academic English course at UWS College, Westmead campus. The survey took the form of questionnaire. This was devised and piloted in class with other students. Necessary questions were modified to produce the final version.

The questionnaire consisted of 14 close ended questions. The first three were demographic questions where the respondent had to state gender, age and nationality. Whereas the rest of questions were related to time, place and different types of leisure time activities. The participants represented four different nationalities mostly from India. Male and female was participated but the majority were female.

All ten EAP 5 classes went to the IELTS centre. Where seats were allocated according to class. Students started distributing their questionnaires EAP5H administrated their questionnaire to classes E, F, G and I and returned to their seats. The whole process lasted 1 hour. .

At the end questionnaire was collected then data was collated and converted into percentages for use of further analysis.

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Figure 1

Figure 1 represents days in which participants engage in leisure activities.

It is clear seen in Australia that most of students engage in leisure activities on the weekend. However, in home country most of respondents spend their time in weekdays and weekend. There were an equal proportion of participants that engaged during weekdays in their leisure activities in both countries.

Thus, in Australia majority of participants engaged in weekend where as in home country they engaged in both days for leisure activities.

Figure 2

Figure 2 illustrates the group with whom participants spend their leisure time.

It is seen from the graph that in Australia majority of participants spend their leisure time with friends followed by family. On the other hand, in home country equal percentages of participants spend their leisure time with friends and family.5 % participants in Australia spend the leisure time alone as compare to home country.

Overall, in home country friends and family is a best group for participants to spend their leisure time as compare to Australia.

Figure 3

Figure 3 represents place used for leisure time activities.

It is clear from graph that in Australia majority of participant used more outdoor activities and half of them preferred to do indoor activities. However, in home country most of respondent used indoor as well as outdoor activities in their leisure time.

Hence, in home country majority of participant do indoor and outdoor activities in their leisure time as compare to Australia.

Figure 4

Figure 4 illustrates time for leisure activities to students.

It is seen that in Australia most of participants agree that they not have enough time for leisure activities in addition to this only 20% of participants have time to do leisure activities in contrast to that in home country majority of students have enough time for their leisure activities and only list of participants do not have time for leisure activities.

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Thus, in home country participants have enough time for leisure activities as compare to Australia.


The aim of this research was to find why leisure time activities have decreased among overseas student. The hypothesis supported the study that leisure activities have decreased among international student after they come to Australia.

A main finding was mostly consistent with study of Barratt and Huba (1994) they detected that international student attempts to make more friends. This could be because international student do not live with their family so they can express idea and views with friends and it help to solve them problems.

A next significant finding was quietly similar with study of ABS (2011) they stated that in Australia student are preferred to do more outdoor activities then indoor .A likely reason for this is, that if they go out and do the activities it have to referees their mine and improve communication by communicating with other people.

The finding supports the hypothesis. In the comparison of two countries surveyed. The respondents agreed that they do not have enough time to do leisure activities in Australia and they broadly engage in leisure activities on weekends. A possible reason for this, students have the burden of study and work in weekdays. Whereas in weekend students are free from all and they get more time to do their activities.

A significant limitation in this research was that the questions are not well design. The sample size was too small to make generalization and all respondents are from the same college and course. Further studies should be carried out with large sample and survey conducted at different universities to investigate that leisure time activities has change among overseas student. The recommendation of study that universities should provide some different type of activities in campus so student can do in their spare time.

Akanki Patel

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