Looking At The Character Development In Macbeth English Literature Essay

Macbeth is a tragedy, written by William Shakespeare. It was written during 1601 and it was a radical dramatic change during that period. The whole play expresses Macbeth’s link to the witches’ world that brings prophesies to him and how his lady deals with him. Often Shakespearean works are not easy to understand form the first time, the readers need to analyze what he wrote for the generation of writers who come after him. So Macbeth can be read more than once for its much rich interpretation. In what follows, I will focus on the aspect of Macbeth which represents prophesies that have come from the three witches and their respective relationships between them and between Macbeth, Banquo and Lady Macbeth.

In this dialogue it is obvious that Macbeth feels happy and proud of himself. However, when he wishes to know more about his destiny, the three witches vanish. According to Longman Dictionary prophecy is denoted as: “Prophecy is a statement that tells what will happen in the future, often made by someone with religious or magical power” [4] . It is worth mentioning those prophesies are unfinished information as regards to Macbeth expectations. Usually, when the three weird sisters want to start any prophesy, they know exactly when they will appear. They choose the suitable time to inform Macbeth who will be a king of Scotland and for Banquo, who will be the father of kings; however he will not be king himself at all. Especially, that is happening when Macbeth and Banquo come back from the battlefield. So through Macbeth’s victory in the battle, the three witches exploit Macbeth’s condition to ignite in him his desire for being king, particularly that he would love nothing more than to be part of the royal decree. “But probably Macbeth had these thoughts in his mind even before his meeting with the witches.” [5] On the other hand, this kind of inspiration is growing little by little when the Macbeth sends a message to his wife about what happens to him. In this case which is the story climax, Lady Macbeth is seeking to convince and support him for authority to kill Duncan, the King of Scotland, at the time when he visits Macbeth’s castle. Later Macbeth is required to keep his fault to avoid himself away from the penalty of his offense. “The Witches are summoned to leave, but they do not leave without stating that what is normally ” fair” will be “foul,” and what is “foul” will be “fair” [6] .In the previous expression, the reader is considering the contradiction between foul and fair. It is clear that Shakespeare uses the paradoxical statement to build the beauty of these conflicting words to convey the meaning in an indirect way. Fair may depict beauty, consistency, morality; which seem to be factors which are missing in their lives. Moreover, foul may depict all the wrongdoing that encompasses them and their bad judgment that has resulted in their doom. The juxtaposing of both terms and their explicit expression of how they will represent the other goes to explain that what was once, will no longer be. One could argue that these changes were due to the mishaps that have infected their lives, and their error in judgment that has lead to their despair. So, when all witches using this phrase, it seems they would like Macbeth to think deeply of what they mean afterwards.

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The consequences of the Witches on Macbeth, Banquo and Lady Macbeth

1. Macbeth

In our life, when some people want to target their desires they are trying hard to get what they want, even if those things will cost them their lives. This is exactly the same thing that happened to Macbeth’s life. In this paragraph, it is important to place a spotlight on how the three Witches became existent in Macbeth’s life and how his attitude towards the three witches’ prophesy.

“Enter three Witches.

First Witch: 

When shall we three meet again?

In thunder, lightning, or in rain?

Second Witch: 

When the hurlyburly’s done,

When the battle’s lost and won.

Third Witch: 

That will be ere the set of sun.

First Witch:

Where the place?

Second Witch:

Upon the heath.

Third Witch:

There to meet with Macbeth.” [7] 

The witches in Macbeth attempt to reach their goals by prophesying Macbeth’s future and it seems they wish to lead him to his destined path. How is it useful for the reader to think why those witches are suddenly appearing and disappearing in Macbeth? According to Wills,” that is only part of the witches’ activity. They are busy about many things. Macbeth is only one item in their agenda.” [8] The appearing & disappearing in thunder and lightning for the witches are being used for thrilling purposes. They want Macbeth to still believe in them and never stop asking them for more questions from time to time. That is why Shakespeare keeps showing and hiding them. “Undoubtedly, Macbeth draws on numerous sources concerned with witchcraft, and on a variety of popular views of magic and prophesy”. [9] Through Macbeth, the three witches represent uncertainty of meaning in their speech. They do not have one stable dialogue in order for one to understand what they mean. Even to the characters of the play or to the readers and audiences. It is noticeable that, the explaining of their words seems completely ambiguous and paradoxical. This makes Macbeth believe what they said without any doubt in relation to his ambition for being the king, however, indeed they are confusing him without him noticing that. ” According to Muir and Edwards they said: ” Those who survey the history of witch-definition in Macbeth are liable to find the identity of these ladies equivocal to their prophecies.” [10] 

2. Banquo

According to Banquo he said:

“Were such things here as we do speak about? 

Or have we eaten on the insane root 

that takes the reason prisoner?” [11] 

In addition to Macbeth, Banquo also had prophecies explained to him by the witches, but of a different means. His reaction to prophesy does not resemble Macbeth’s. Yes, he had his ambitions; however he was absolutely worried and afraid of those witches. He wonders if they are truthful or not before he decides to do anything, by contrast with what Macbeth did when he kills the king later. He can not understand what the witches mean and he usually thinks that prophesy is impossible. “He does not feel completely innocent: we find him to be quite afraid and unable to speak.” [12] Banquo knows that Macbeth is contemplating being a king, so he makes an effort to warn his friend from these prophesies. Yet Macbeth does not care about Banquo’s warning because he wants to fulfill his desire and he can not stop his bloody thoughts. This insistence inside Macbeth does not start when he meets the witches. It is already inside him but the fact that the witches are trying to stimulate him to fulfill his desire by expressing what was already in the heart of Macbeth. That’s why Macbeth does not regard their prophecies with little attention, because they have expressed his profound need of becoming King; which will guide him (unknowingly) to his death. But somehow, Macbeth still has some concerns that make him confused because of his conscience. Also, maybe he is thinking of the results that are bound to strike that will result in something bad happening to King Duncan. In logic and human kindness, when someone does some thing good to anyone, automatically they suppose to alternative that good things to them by saying or doing; which is an expression of appreciation for them. This happens to Macbeth when he meets King Duncan in the Palace and before he meets Lady Macbeth.

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“More is thy due than more than all can pay”


“The service and the loyalty I owe,

In doing it, pay itself. Your highness’ part is to receive our duties.” [13] 

Macbeth knows that Duncan is a kind king and good man. Duncan gives Macbeth his thankfulness and admiration. Unfortunately, Macbeth exploits his kindness and Duncan does not know both of what Macbeth hides behind his speech and what will happen to him. How painful when someone gives lots of good things to anyone and by contrast he/ she receive the opposite. It is the epitome of all that is deceitful and untrustworthy, and perhaps Macbeth’s future disposition regarding his guilt and sorrow is a result of how his conscience has come to terms with what has happened.

3. Lady Macbeth

Not only do the witches urge Macbeth, but also Lady Macbeth encourages him to murder King Duncan by his action. When Lady Macbeth reads his letter she becomes happy and very enthused at the idea of become a queen sometime in the future, because she will be his associate to achieve her greatness. “She learns of the witches’ prophecies” [14] . She thus begins contemplating what the future will bring to her.

Lady Macbeth

“Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be

What thou art promised” [15] 

Now when Lady Macbeth meets her husband, she seeks to demonstrate the concept of being a king in his mind. She is aware of his deep longing and desire, so she manipulates his feelings in order to obtain her sole accomplishment; becoming queen. “The main function of Lady Macbeth is to keep this vision alive within him by any means at her disposal.” [16] . She is selfish because she does not stop consider how vain her acts have reach vast extremities. She has not pondered the idea of considering her husbands or at least considering the consequences of her plan. Also, Lady Macbeth loves to see herself as of being part of something important or grander because of her goals to achieve greatness. She takes the situation seriously and starts to push him to take the action in order for her to strive for greatness herself, and for him to achieve his destiny.

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Lady Macbeth

“As we shall make our griefs and clamour roar

Upon his death?


“I am settled, and bend up

Each corporal agent to this terrible feat” [17] 

Macbeth loses control of himself. Hence, Lady Macbeth gains the success to have power over her husband; as a result he makes a decision to kill the king Duncan. Lady Macbeth is really confident about what she does, and she is comforted with the idea of finally being a queen. Although, Macbeth faces the prophecies of the three witches and his Lady, he is responsible for the fate of his decisions and actions. Nevertheless, his decision will not intercede to his crime.

The Turning point and the resolution of Macbeth

Inside Macbeth’s castle, the King Duncan is sleeping in his bed. Macbeth is talking with his friend Banquo and waiting for the suitable moment to murder the King of Scotland. However, Banquo has an underlying feeling that some thing evil will happen.


“I dreamed last night of the three Weird Sisters;

To you they have showed some truth”


“I think not of them:

Yet when we can entreat an hour to serve” [18] 

Macbeth ignores Banquo and avoids the truth. He orders the servant to sleep. After that the bell rings, which declares Macbeth has killed the king Duncan by the use of his dagger. He meets with his Lady and starts to regret what he has done. Macbeth said: “This is a sorry sight” [19] Now Macbeth is feeling guilty and he faces his real fate. He did not realize that the consequence of his actions would result in his deep regret and sorrow. Gradually, his madness and hallucinations overcome him. “The bloody daggers will be placed in the hands of the guards who will be blamed for the death of Duncan as a crime of drunken insanity” [20] Macbeth can no longer sleep or rest knowing that he ended the life of a man that had done no wrong to him, and seemed to be very trusting of Macbeth. He will always seeing the dagger that ended King Duncan’s life before his eyes. He knows that he will inevitably lose everything and so shall his Lady as well. “Still it cried ‘sleep no more’ to all the house” [21] . After time has revealed the destruction of what could have been avoided, and the unfortunate death of his wife, he falls in an abyss of remorse.


“She should have died hereafter

To the last syllable of recorded time,

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools” [22] 

We can understand by this quote how Macbeth feels sorry for himself, because he discovers how he has been an utter fool. In one way or another, he is prepared for his death, because believes that he deserves nothing more than such a fate due to his unfortunate wrongdoings.

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