Looking At The Deception Of Macbeth English Literature Essay

Throughout Macbeth things are not always as they seem. Deception in the play is always present, with Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the three witches being the chief instigators of deception. From the very first scene, the deception within Macbeth’s world is clearly defined. “Fair is foul and foul is fair”, say the witches at the beginning of Macbeth. This language of contradiction that Shakespeare uses adds to the play’s sense of moral confusion and quickly introduces the theme of deception to the audience, by implying that nothing is quite as it seems. Also, the play clearly shows how living a life of deceit will ultimately end in disaster.Macbeth, evidently led by his wife, but also by his own ambitions, is guilty of deception many times throughout the play. He deceives his comrade Banquo, King Duncan, as well as his public. From the beginning he welcomes Duncan into his home, knowing that he is about to be murdered. After murdering Duncan he then goes on to kill the guards outside Duncan’s chamber to cover up for himself and make it look as though the guards committed the murder. Lady Macbeth is also one who conveys the theme of deceit in this play. She is very skilled at persuading others, especially her husban

She is telling Macbeth to look and act pure, but to be evil inside. “‘However, Macbeth does not heed Banquo”tms words of wisdom, and allows the witches to further deceive him with words that have double meanings and misleading messages, such as those spoken about Birnam Wood coming to Dunsinane and that “none of woman born shall harm Macbeth”‘. The three witches portray the theme of deception in a different way. Banquo suspects their deception and treachery early on in the play, just after Macbeth has received the title of Thane of Cawdor. The deception once foregrounded as an advantageous quality has now led to this self-deception, craziness, and Lady Macbeth”tms eventual suicide. She schemes and plans right from the beginning to influence Macbeth to kill Duncan and make himself king. “To beguile the time,Look like the time, bear welcome in your eye,Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flowerBut be the serpent under”tmt. They play with Macbeth right from the start by greet him as “‘Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King hereafter”tm knowing Macbeth will go to any lengths to make these prophecies true. Self-deception is the worst kind of deceit, as we can see that the guilt becomes overwhelming, causing insanity. The deceit does take its toll: “O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!”‘, and Macbeth”tms conscience is imprisoned by the build up of denial and self-deception. into believing things that are not true. The illusions, such as the ghost of Banquo and the knife, show that like his wife, Macbeth”tms own self-deception has sent him crazy. She is finally so caught up in deception that she cannot take the stress any more. Macbeth”tms learned evilness and deception also affects him negatively, and the quest to be king is tragic. Macbeth”tms state of mind is also not that of a normal person, as he is trying to go against his nature to convince himself that deception is the only way to be King.

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The Theme of Deception in Macbeth

¡°Fair is foul, and foul is fair.¡± (1.1.11) Things that seem to be good can be evil, and things that seem to be evil can be good at the same time. This paradox is considered to be the main theme of the Shakespearean play, Macbeth. The theme of deception is seen in the play through the characters of Lady Macbeth, Macbeth and Lennox.

Firstly, the theme of deception is found in the character of Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth resolves to have Duncan killed in order to takeover the throne. When Macbeth arrives with the news that Duncan will visit his castle, Lady Macbeth says, ¡°O, never shall sun that morrow see!¡±(1.5.67-68). She knows Duncan will never get to see the sun again because he is going to be killed that night. She is filled with greed and is willing to do anything to accomplish her goals, even assassinate her King. Her intense ambition allows her to be evil and malicious. In the meantime, Lady Macbeth hides her dark intention and appears to be very welcoming as soon as she hears that King Duncan and his entourage are approaching Macbeth¡¯s castle. Lady Macbeth tries to look loyal and humble when she graciously greets Duncan. This can be clearly seen from her comment: ¡°All our service in every point twice done, and

and then done double, were poor and single business to contend against those honours deep and broad where with your Majesty loads our house.¡±(1.6.17-21). She looks and acts pure, but also hides her evil thoughts. This reveals exactly how manipulative and deceptive she can be. In addition, Duncan¡¯s comment to Lady Macbeth, ¡°Fair and noble hostess, we are your guest to-night.¡±(1.6.28-29), clearly demonstrates that Duncan is very impressed with Lady Macbeth¡¯s loyal attitude towards him, so that he reposes absolute trust in her. He is mistaken, however, because the fair hostess turns out to be the wicked woman who kills her noble guest. Lady Macbeth has indeed succeeded in deceiving Duncan in order to commit a perfect murder.

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Many characters such as Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, and Lennox constantly demonstrate the theme of deception throughout the play. They seem to be good in their appearance, but in reality, they might have dark secrets that they want to hide from everyone else. People sometimes act dissimilar to the reality and pretend to be someone else for their own benefit. Accordingly, what people see on the outside is not always what truly it is in reality.

Not only evil characters such as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth deceive others, but Lennox as well displays false loyalty to Macbeth. Lennox tells another Lord that Macbeth is responsible for the murders of Duncan and Banquo with an unsparing sarcasm. Along with th

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