Main Objectives Of Government Economic Policy Economics Essay

An innermost matter in macroeconomics is whether or not markets, left alone, routinely convey in relation to long run economic equilibrium.  If the at no cost function of market army in due course resulted in a complete service level of national income with stable prices and economic growth, there would be no need for government intrusion in the macro economy – no need for fiscal monetary swap rate and supply side policies. The realism is with the intention of all governments intrude during the macroeconomic policies in a tender to complete convinced policy objectives and get better the generally recital of the economy.

Main Objectives of Government Economic Policy:

Sustained economic growth

Stable prices (low down inflation)

A high level of employment

A increase in common living standards

Sustainable situation on the poise of payments

jingle government finances

Demand Management

Demand organization occurs when the government attempts to manipulate the altitude and growth of AD thus the levels of national income, employment, rate of inflation, growth and the balance of payments site

Reflationary policies seek out to raise AD and raise the level of intended expenditure near the level of potential GDP

Deflationary policies decrease AD in the incident of aggregate demand consecutively in advance of AS and affectation inflationary risks to an unsustainable shortfall on the balance of payments

We will focus on fiscal and monetary policies as the main instruments of demand management

The Main Problems of Managing the Macroeconomics

The government’s mission of administration the economy is made complicated by several factors some of which are discussed below:

Inaccurate economic data: every of the focal macroeconomic indicators are issue to a fringe of fault. They rely on statistical data composed from tax income and surveys and data is habitually revised various months after its first liberate

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Conflicting policy objectives:  A policy of inspiring aggregate demand may diminish idleness in the short term but commence a time of elevated inflation and worsen the current account of the balance of payments. Choices include to be made between objectives i.e. there live trade-offs between them

Selecting the right policy instrument: Every macroeconomic objective requires a take apart policy instrument: The usual ‘rule of thumb’ is that one main policy instrument should be assign to one policy objective. Thus, for example, interest rates may be assigned as the main instrument for maintenance control of inflation, even as fiscal policy instruments such as change to the tax system strength are to be paid to achieve a quantity of supply-side objectives such as mounting the labor supply, boost incentive, and raise outlay and escalating production. At hand are quite deep-seated disagreement flanked by some economists as to which policies are most effectual to meet a convinced objective

Uncertain time lags when running a policy: change in economic policies are issue to unsure time lags e.g. a change in interest rates is predictable to take some 18-24 months to work its method entirely during the entire economy to strain through to a change in prices. The length of the time lags can change in excess of the years as the reaction of consumers and businesses to policy actions alter

External shocks: Startling outer shocks to economy such as the proceedings immediate Sept 11th 2001 and goods prices can upset economic forecasts and get the economy various distances from the expected corridor. The Government may under-approximation the potential collision of an economic stun to whichever the demand or supply-side of the economy and consequently relate also modest of a policy rejoinder.

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The main policies of economic management

Fiscal Policy

Fiscal policy involves the use of government spending, taxation and borrowing to influence both the outline of economic commotion and as well the level and growth of aggregate demand, output and employment.

Monetary Policy

Monetary policy involve the make exploit of of interest rates to be in charge of the level and rate of growth of aggregate demand in the economy.

The effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on the economy

There are some differences in the economic effects of monetary and fiscal policy, on the opus of output, the effectiveness of the two types of policy in assembly the government’s macroeconomic objectives, and as well the time lags implicated for fiscal and monetary policy changes to get outcome. We resolve each of these in turn:

Effects of Policy on the Composition of National Output

Monetary policy is time and again seen as something of a blunt policy instrument – affecting all sectors of the economy although in different conduct and with a uneven impact.

On the contrary, fiscal policy can be besieged to change certain groups (e.g. increases in means-tested benefits for low income households, reductions in the rate of corporation tax for small-medium sized enterprises, investment allowances for businesses in certain regions)

Reflect on as an example the effects of by either monetary or fiscal policy to achieve a known raise in national income since actual GDP lies below potential GDP (i.e. there is a negative output gap)

(i) Monetary policy expansion

Lower interest rates resolve lead to an increase in consumer and business capital spending both of which increases national income. As investment spending results in a larger capital stock, then incomes in the future will also be higher through the impact on LRAS.

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(ii) Fiscal policy expansion

An extension in fiscal policy (i.e. an increase in government spending) adds frankly to AD but if financed by higher government borrowing, this may result in higher interest rates and lower investment. The netting result (by adjusting the increase in G) is the matching increase in recent income. Though, seeing as investment spending is lower, the assets stock is lower than it would have been, so that prospect incomes are lower.

Time Lags of Monetary and Fiscal Policies

Monetary and fiscal policies vary in the speed through which every takes effect

Monetary policy in the UK is bendable and crisis rate changes can be made in between meetings of the MPC, whereas changes in taxation take longer to sort out and realize. As capital investment requires plan for the future, it may take some time before decreases in interest rates are translated into increased investment spending. Usually it takes six months – twelve months or more before the effects of changes in UK monetary policy are felt.

The collision of increased government expenditure is felt as soon as the spending takes place and cuts in direct and indirect taxation nosh during into the economy quite speedily. Nevertheless, extensive time may pass between the decision to assume a government expenditure programme and its realization. In current years, the government has undershot on its planned spending, somewhat because of troubles in attracting ample spare staff into key public navy such as transport, education and health.

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