Management and Leadership Concepts on Operations Management



It is required for a worker who enters an organization to have the ability to recognize a leader and an administrator with the goal that it turns out to be easy for him to comprehend the duties of both, at time of any issue he ought to know who to go to. (Candy, 2016)


With a similar goal of driving an organization and utilized by business improvement, a manager and a leader still differ in a number of ways.



Leader is alluded as a person who impacts a group of different people to get a goal for the advancement of an organization. A leader orchestrates with employees in a particular venture.

A man who is in charge of controlling and managing different people while focusing on the goals of the organization.

A leader imagines your fundamental target with his own creation. Urges and affects others to enhance their drives and data for the improvement of the organization. A leader leads his own particular association as well as tries to put his endeavors in different sectors to guarantee the organization is doing great. The leader’s identity ought to be a tenacious one and a strong one.

A manager is responsible for controlling all people to take after their work methodologies and leads with the rationale of getting the most advantages for the organization. This is finished by legitimate correspondence at all levels and common comprehension. A nice supervisor portrays a motivational aura and proper prioritization.

Role of Leader when Working With New Team Members

It is necessary for employees in a company/group to have a person, who pushes them forward to achieve their end goals, so a leader plays a gigantic part in controlling the partners and goads them to stay concentrated. He sets the targets and desires every part to lock in with their most extraordinary capacities. He makes every move to convey the associates closer to each other and breaks the ice among accomplices. The leader is the delegate of gathering or an affiliation, so he is the individual who controls and organizes everyone in the gathering remembering the true objective to improve all. When it comes down to new team members, the leader must ensure that the team members are on track and on-board with the working standards, aims and objectives. For example, a leader would welcome the new team members into the group and brief them about the project at hand. The specifics of their jobs will be left out and he or she will motivate the new members to achieve their tasks efficiently with an added factor of praise and motivation.

Role of a Leader when Working on New Projects

Leader is basically responsible for carrying out all new activities as he is the one behind the masterminding and view of the collaboration. The leader needs to know that this vision obliges him to check the definitive goals which will further be trailed by the wander head. Leader has all the learning and information anticipated that would control and direct the wander. Every last decision taken by the leader will directly affect the last result of the wander. The pioneer ensures that there is honest to goodness correspondence among the accomplices, himself and the manager. He manages them to adjust up to each possible condition as requirements are. The leader will make sure that the new project is on track and keep regular updates. The leader may choose to go out of their way and ask individual team members about the progress in their tasks.

Role of a Manager When Working with New Team Members:

Working with new associates requires more commitment from the administration as compared to the leader; a manager must be in direct contact with each new individual from the gathering freely. He needs to help them and sets destinations for every single individual in the gathering. He sets up relationship among partners and is responsible for setting up mutual correspondence and cooperation. Manager gives suitable course and helps the new comers emphatically. For example, the manager will take over from the leader after his initial briefing and assign specific tasks to each new team member in the group. The manager will then constantly monitor their performances and help them achieve their tasks by answering queries and helping with any confusion that the new team member might have in their mind.

Role of a Manager When Working on New Projects

Manager has a little yet basic influence in new endeavors. The supervisor chooses a group pioneer while setting up the gathering for another wander. For this circumstance, manager ensures that all endeavors in new pursuits are granted profitably and the work should be done before the due date (Candy, 2016). A manager working with a group of people on a new project would have to make sure that each member is on track with their tasks while keeping the big picture in mind. The manager serves as a mediatory between the leader and the team which makes his job more important on a project. 

Consistent hypotheses that have been connected to the parts of pioneers are recorded beneath:



Situation Leadership Theory

The theory says that all the primary part must be done by leader and manager in such a way that all people should simply work remembering the ultimate objective to achieve their total target. In situational activity, the leader should have solid lead to give complete bearing to the new people from the gathering. There are fundamentally four endeavors that are must to be done by the leader. To be specific they are:

  • Telling: where leader coordinates the group however has low strong direct
  • Selling: in this, the leader co-ordinates and backs the gathering
  • Participating: where leader appreciates the venture himself and portrays incredible support
  • Delegating: Where leader neither shows high request conducts nor guides.

Systematic Leadership

It infers that the affiliation must apply new activity system. Right when working with new partners, a director doesn’t consider any individual here yet focus on the target of the affiliation, which infers manager needs to expert new things to make method which incorporates the total effort of the gathering not just one person.

Systemic power allows the routine reductionist perspective in light of the new connectivist perspective keeping the ultimate objective to more sufficiently approach relationship challenges.

Contingency Theory

The hypothesis concentrates on part of Leader’s personality and the conditions in which he works. Contingency hypothesis communicates that the authority has two essential styles:

  • Task-inspired: fulfillment of assignments
  • Relationship-inspired: interpersonal associations

The speculation depicts three main considerations:

  • Relationship amongst partners and Leaders, their level or trust and assurance on each other.
  • The structure of the wander/undertaking.
  • The position control.
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(McNamara, no date)

Scientific Management Theory

This speculation improves the organization fiscally and with productive work. Its spotlights are on definitive framework for the change. By numerical examination and intelligent approach, changes can in like manner be made in the consistent assignments. This is proficient for the headway of every individual which consolidates all organizations and specialists.

Behavioral Theory

Behavioral theory communicates that there must be some specific personality properties and practices that differ people among leaders and disciples. The conduct of the pioneer must be relentless and a plays a crucial role in the accomplishment of association.

Leadership traits and Styles

Characteristics that make a pioneer not exactly the same as the different people, the consistency and his support to various people can be the refinement. Leadership styles varies from individual to individual however the style must incorporate assurance, obligation and completion.

Analysis of Differentiation between the Role of a Leader and Function of a Manager:


Scientific Theory

Behavioral Theory

Leadership traits and style

Should devise unmistakable systems and attempt to make the operation more practical.

Should focus on his part while trying to make the work intense.

Should be focused and inspirational.


Scientific Theory

Behavioral Theory

Leadership traits and style

Keep track of the work so that it could be completed within the time frame set by the leader.

Should corporate with the associates reliably to get the latest updates.

Should be participative and committed to his duties.

Working with new team mates:


  • Shared Workload
  • Complete Motivation
  • Combination of new mentalities


  • Risks increased
  • Less proficient
  • Decrease in the pace of work
  • Intense need of a good leader

Working on new project:


  • New tactics to be followed
  • Employees should be motivated for a kick start


  • Increase in work load
  • Stress of meeting deadlines

Contingency Approach:

Contingency hypothesis shares its perspectives keeping in mind the target to enhance the approach for the leaders and managers regarding the circumstances with a specific end goal to make it more powerful.

Working with new team mates:


  • Adequate working
  • Open to suggestions and adaptable strategic procedures


  • Risk of failure of new strategies
  • Standard may decline

Working on new project:


  • Change of style could be a positive approach


  • Time administration could be an issue
  • New activities could be a weight with the current ones

(Business Organization and Management – Gutierrez Pura Garcia)

In the midst of the impermanent position in the affiliation, I have found that managing new endeavors and working nearby new accomplices can be a troublesome yet valuable errand. The leader and the part with regular understanding can ensure the effective eventual outcomes of the wander. There can be various frameworks by the leader and he has each one of the rights to change it amidst the operation with a particular ultimate objective to make the wander and operation more supportive. While working with new partners, the likelihood speculation can be associated, as it has more chance to show signs of improvement, Contingency theory works effortlessly when associated with the general circumstance of new partners and furthermore the new pursuit.


Operations management works on planning, designing, handling and overseeing different processes involved.

(Operations Management- Stevenson)

Some crucial approaches to manage operation organization are:

  1. Kaizen Continuous Management.
  2. Total Quality Management.
  3. Just In Time Management System.

Kaizen Continuous Management

Kaizen gathers solid change. It was shown by Masaaki Imai in his book Kaizen: Key to Japans Competitive Success in 1986. It for the most part imparts that a not that entire awful outcome can be obtained from a normal strategy, supplements on joint exertion and teaches to settle the basic driver concerning the issue. Kaizen aims to develop a coherent workplace by creating quality within the practices as well as the processes of business. It aims to bring a change by enforcing good and healthy ideas as well as practices which provide ease to the workers as compared to stress. According to Kaizen, an eased worker is a productive worker. Therefore, a leader would be required help the team do a better job by motivating them and eliminating fears related to workplace or job security. The leader would be required to glue the team together by encouraging them to improve constantly but at their own desired pace. Managers would follow the lead of the leader and pay specific attention to those who need extra help. This would increase the overall productivity of the team and ensure that everyone has played their part on the project. Leaders would be required to become a unifying force while managers would act as mentors.

Just in Time Management

Just in time Management would like to amplify the sufficiency through which stock is directed. Keeping stock can be disadvantageous to the relationship for a couple reasons in this way it is favorable for the relationship to keep adequately simply stock with a specific extreme goal to keep the period spouting. The technique also centers in enhancing operational association at the provider level and the affiliation level where the provider to maker correspondence ability is broadened.

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With just in time management, the company would aim to keep as much less stock at hand as possible. This automatically would mean or lead to more cash on hand for the company and more credit for other uses. Keeping the inventory empty requires constant monitoring of demand and this creates a certain pressure on the team working on the project. Constant monitoring and update in real time can be extremely difficult to achieve. The leader would be required to push the team on each task making sure that the team performs at its optimum level. The leader would be required to stay one step ahead of the game at all times which might lead him to put extra pressure on the team. The manager in this scenario would be required to delegate the tasks efficiently and help the team hand in hand if required or if any slacking is noticed. The manager would have to play a crucial double role of a higher authority as well as a team member as required by the situation.

Total Quality Management

Total quality management wears out the standard of consistently assessing and investigating operational association methodologies to guarantee that the capability of an alliance is continually overhauled from inside the connection. This alteration in quality is judged by the reaction from the clients that is refined through client criticism. TQM is an outstanding procedure since it handles an even secures of correspondence not in any way like other association approaches that work through a vertical chain of correspondence. The leader would be required to commit to the task at hand and make sure all steps of the way are laid out in an orderly fashion. The manager would be required to increase the overall performance by empowering employees and taking their inputs on the project into account. It would also include recognising any and all significant inputs presented by team members.

(Operation Management by Jay Heizer)

  • Operations management is the framework that joins the association of the broad number of operations got a handle on by the alliance. This joins evaluating and isolating the techniques performed by the connection and ensuring that they are performed in the best course as would be wise.
  • Viewing operations management as the centralized governing mechanism for a company translates its role in business operation. For example, operations management defines designs and implements inter-office communications utilized every day, such as business and financial forms. It also designates tasks to departments, supervisors and subordinates. This coherence leads to a more focused and targeted production approach and helps to improve the overall efficiency of the business.
  • While operations management is focused on the making of things furthermore benefits in an alliance, its criticalness to the general association can’t be had a poor feeling of. Right when an alliance’s operations are truly dealt with, the segments of every single other division are smooth, and when a connection’s operations are coordinated despicably, all phenomenal work environments drive forward.
  • With operations management, the whole process is being monitored constantly. This includes inventory management as well where the probability of waste is maximum. An inventory must be kept as empty as possible to ensure more cash on hand or credit for use. It also ensures less material waste within the company and leads to a more coherent and easier management. Therefore, operations management not only improves the overall efficiency but also reduces waste.
  • Quality can entail the overall excellence of all operations and policies of the company as a whole. For example, it can determine how employees perceive the company’s ability to provide for and protect staff in order for them to focus solely on satisfying the clientele. Operations management includes this definition of quality and makes sure that not only the desired output is up to the mark but that all processes are being taken care of to their maximum potential.

(Operations and Supply Chain Management- F. Robert)

The principle factors could be:

Factors Influencing the Operations Management

  1. Worldwide Competition
  2. Customer Service
  3. Monetary Challenges
  4. Quality
  5. Modernization of the technical world
  6. Service sector’s growth
  7. Lack of operations resources
  8. Social obligatory issues

There are distinctive parts that can affect the Operations organization and fundamental power of an alliance. The style of movement, the wastefulness of work, accessibility or inaccessibility of advancement and honest to goodness culture can all effect the Operations administration and basic activity of a connection.

Customer service provides feedback to the team which is necessary for constant improvement that may be missed by the management. This therefore becomes a crucial part for operations management. As customers provide their feedback, it is discussed and added to the loop of constant improvement within the company.

Worldwide competition and monetary challenges go hand in hand. For a company to take on other companies, it needs to invest its finance to better people and technology. This automatically entails that within the global village today, other competitors would provide fierce competition to challenge this change. Consequently, a company must decide of how much monetary resources it wants to invest with a thorough analysis of its payback and profit in regard to taking on the competition as well as the fruitfulness of it in the current market being held by the company.

With a monetary investment, quality also becomes a major issue since the company would want a positive change in terms of its quality if it chooses to invest in it. Quality is one of the core elements of operations management and a no-compromise policy is applied in large multinational companies. Therefore, quality is one of the crucial factors on which other factors depend on and decisions are made by the management.

The leader has a commanding part on operations management. The association must be fit for taking split second choices in the wake of breaking down the dangers required in settling on that choice. The structure of a connection moreover regulates how the choice is made and who is attempted and genuine once the choice has been made. All choices made must be according to the vision and statements of purpose of a relationship since these portray the authoritative values and rouses agents to do a similar thing.

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Innovative advances and specialist limits can comparatively affect the Operations organization and central activity. New progressions may require new gifted work to be selected and new developments may comparatively incite to two or three operators being laid off. Appoint limits then again may help them to climb the dynamic walk of association which can incite masters to improve their aptitudes which will profit the alliance also.

An operation administrator goes up against errands anticipated that would enhance capability and help with the headway of the alliance.

One of the commitments of an operations director is to review work limits and comprehend what gear updates would enhance productivity. This joins the hoarding operations, office limits, for example, the PC structure and office gear and changes to the building itself. The operations supervisor understands which fixing changes will overhaul affiliation ampleness, profits related game plan for understanding the developments and after that shows the data to the official social event for thought.

Enhanced correspondence inside an alliance can develop profit. Right when data can get starting with one office then onto the accompanying rapidly and certainly, it can animate the pace at which the affiliation can work and guards that uncommonly basic get-togethers get the data they should be significant. An operations pioneer or director is in charge of ensuring that the devices basic to bolster competent correspondence inside the alliance are set up. For instance, he may set up a sufficient PC bookkeeping structure that learns current stock and sends that data to the social occasion office to keep up thing levels for satisfying requests.

The operations supervisor is in charge of charging and wage gathering. By investigating compensation total methods, the operations official can make procedures for get-together pay rapidly to ensure the affiliation has money close by. This reinforces the affiliation’s capacity to build up its operations and driving force buying supervises merchants. For instance, an enhanced wage through an updated pay gathering technique can affect merchants to make more noteworthy credit extensions and expansion the measure of materials the affiliation can buy to make thing.

Operational supervisors work with the HR division and departmental administrators to grow more gainful courses for representatives to finish their organizations. Dissecting work points of confinement is one of the various errands that an operations supervisor plays out every day. Over the navigation of looking into the capacity of the work technique, the operations manager picks ways that the specialist can build adequacy. The operations manager then builds up an arranging program, in conjunction with the departmental supervisor that the specialist can attempt to enhance his own specific capability. (Harvard, 1999)

Some key segments could be:

The style of force can acknowledge a fundamental part on how operations are coordinated. An untidy pioneer would go for individual great conditions and no idea would be paid to the concentrations and goals of a connection. Then again, a capable pioneer would reasonably appreciate all choices made by the alliance, guaranteeing that every choice is made to the best of different leveled limits.

Inefficient work including heads would not be able to perform and complete attempts in a given measure of time. This would depict a wasteful connection and operational administration where either the pro or the heads are not performing up to their potential. This would additionally prompt to a general overlap of operational administration. A time tested pioneer would ensure that the experts are incited and on track with the given errand. Honest to goodness structure supervises how correspondence between divisions happens. Applying Kaizen to this chain of thought, a phenomenal authoritative culture will in actuality get marvelous outcomes from every level of association.

Operations administration goes for controlling every single part of the systems required in order to guarantee that the operations happen in the most ideal way. This fuses fortunate and made dispersal out of commitment, able utilization of foul materials and work and balanced examination of all segments that effect the reasonability of yield. The objective is to ensure that procedures helpfully change over the duties to stock or associations with scarcest disaster. At long last, the part of the concerned authority can’t be distorted. The power of the authorities must push the specialists to satisfactorily partake in their assignments and stay before date-book to keep the surge of data smooth and fortunate. In such way, the style of association may move from individual to individual or relationship to alliance. For instance, applying the probability theory would help the pioneer to reliably overview variables and reasons affecting Operations organization and keep the staff stirred and skilled on each meander.


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