Management Case Study: Construction Industry



Management and Operation


Manager and leaders perform significant role for reaching business objectives of a company. Regarding various tasks, manager has to make decisions and leader has to take the decision for handling and motivating the employees. However, this report is going to be prepared discussing about the roles and characteristics of leaders and manager and how the roles of manager and functions of leaders are applied in various cases. The theories and models using which the leaders lead the employees are also discussed here. Approaches of operations managementare illustrated in this report. Moreover, in the last part of this report, value of operation management and factors affecting the business are explained.

The role of a leader is to input his idears in someone else and let them carry it out,and leader is to visuals what his people are lacking.

The function of and manager is to employee skilful workers providing adequate employees so that the system can function according to the business objectives.



  • Command and control
  • Preserve the system
  • Challenges the system
  • Inspires the followers

For operating the business operations of a company, both manager and leaders have to take various responsibilities. Managers have to manage the operations properly taking appropriate decision and leaders have to lead the employees in an effective manner so that employees are able to conduct the business operations appropriately and effectively. In Ilford on Sea Limited are those who motivate the employees. To conducts the operations of renovation employees are needed to make motivated so that they perform according to the standard (Grashina, 2013).  The company Ilford on Sea Limited has reputations in markets and for this reason; leaders have to make the employees motivated more appropriately lead the employees. The manager of Ilford on Sea Limited takes all types of decisions regarding various operations of Ilford on Sea Limited so that based on the plan when operations will be conducted, it will be easier to reach the business objectives of Ilford on Sea Limited in markets. As the company Ilford on Sea Limited operates the business in construction industry and for this reason, the management of the company has to compete with various companies in markets (Phillips, Joseph 2008). As a result, manager makes effective decisions and operations are operated based on that. However, for conducting the business operations appropriately, both manager and leaders will have certain qualities. They are described in below-

The leaders and manager of Ilford on Sea Limited must be communicative so that they are able to understand employees’ problems and according to their problems decisions can be taken by the management of Ilford on Sea Limited(Horner 2008).  Moreover, the manager of Ilford on Sea Limited can understand about the present situation of business communicating with the employees appropriately. Moreover, for leading the employees of Ilford on Sea Limited, innovative decisions must be taken by the leaders and for this reason, the leaders will be innovative(Render 2006). Decision making is one the tasks for both manager and leader. As a result, both manager and leader will have the skill of decision making under critical situations. To get understanding about the facts of employees both manager and leader must be empathetic about the employees and understand their facts to make the decision regarding their problems.

To apply the role of a leader and the function of a manager, it is advisable to use the situational leadership theory. ….

The situational theory,situtional theory belive in the opinion, on and new occation you develops and new strategy to approach the situation,

The type of management you can apply this to, you can apply this to, for example behavioural leadership theory ,leadership is learnable as people develop leadership qualities over and period of time education and training.

Both leader and manager have great role for operating the business functions of a company. Based on the business purposes the manager and leaders takes the decisions and operate the business operations in markets (Maylor 2010). Leaders of Ilford on Sea Limited makes the employees motivated to perform various functions of the company so that it becomes easier to operate the business operations in markets.  For example- Ilford on Sea Limited serves the customers in construction industry. To operate the functions of repairing and constructions various employees are engaged. Moreover, the employees’ motivation is very much essential to repairs and renovation of kitchen(Lamb, Robert, Boyden 2011).  For operate the functions appropriately the leaders have to lead the employees appropriately. To make the employees motivated, leader of Ilford on Sea Limited uses Maslow’sHierarchy of needs theory. According to Maslow’sHierarchy of needs theory the management fulfill the employees’ needs one after one. Based on their needs, strategies are taken by the leader of Ilford on Sea Limited(Kotler Keller & Kevin 2009). As a result, employees are motivated to operate the functions of renovation and repairing the kitchen.

Manager of an organization has to take effective decisions because based on the decision of the manager success of the company actually depend on. For example- Jarvis Construction Group is majorcontactors for local and national government(Heiskanen 2012).  The manager of the Jarvis Construction Group has to make effective contract with the renovation companies for renovating the kitchen of various clients and for this reason, selection of appropriate construction company is very much essential and the manager of the Jarvis Construction Group makes appropriate decision in this regards. As a result, it has been possible for the management to serve various clients of the company(Marsh and Clive 2009). Moreover, regarding the human resources of Jarvis Construction Group the manager has to take appropriate decision. Skilled and competent employees will be hired by the management of the company so that it becomes easier to operate the business tasks. Moreover, the manager of Jarvis Construction Group has to take the decision of setting appropriate compensations so that employees are satisfied to work appropriately in the company and business objectives can be reached.

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Leader takes vital role to operate the business functions of Ilford on Sea Limited. Most of the tasks are operated by the employees and handling the employees’ leaders is responsible. To make the employees motivated and handling employees appropriately leaders follows various theories and styles of leadership (Render 2006). Discussion about that has been made in below-

Classical Scientific and Classical Administration Management Theories

The classcical management advocate and scientific trail and, and the out come was that the produce is more than the formal.

Maslow’sHierarchy of Need Theory:

Figure: Maslow’s Needs theory

Source:(Marsh and Clive 2009)

The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory states there are various levels of employees’ needs and considering that the leaders have to take decisions for motivating the employees. For example- when physiological needs are fulfilled the leaders have to search for safety needs. This is because physiological needs do not work as motivating factors(Render 2006). As a result, to make the employees satisfied the leaders haveto use the factors considering the factors contributions towards motivating the employees of Ilford on Sea Limited. In Ilford on Sea Limited the leaders make the employees motivated considering their needs and for this reason, most of the employees in this organization are motivated to work. Moreover, different types of compensations packages are given to the employees to make them motivated.

Situational Leadership: In Ilford on Sea Limited employees are handled based on the situation. To operate the functions of renovating the kitchen employees are responsible to perform. When there is workload the management of the company has to lead the employees considering the business situations(Lamb, Robert, Boyden 2011). Moreover, for ensuring promt customers services the leader of Ilford on Sea Limited handles the customers. As a result, it has been easier for the leader to direct the employees and perform the business operation in markets.

System Leadership:  The management of Ilford on Sea Limited has set up some rules and regulations for operating business tasks. Policies and procedures are needed to follow bythe employees of the company(Swanson 2011). As a result, all employees are directed based on Ilford on Sea Limited policies and procedures. From the top level to middle level employees performances are restricted. According to policies and procedures operations are being operated and employees are handled to opera the business functions.

Contingency Leadership:This style of leadership is also followed in Ilford on Sea Limited. The leaders face various situations and according to the situations appropriate decision or strategies are formulated so that operation can be performed by the employees appropriately(Deepak 2005). For renovating the clients’ kitchen, the employees are needed to operate tasks carefully and when mismatch is there, the leaders of the company follow this leadership styles to operate the business functions.

Critical to quality, attributes most important to the costomer , defect ; failing to deliver what the costomer  wants ;process  capability what your process can deliver ;variation ;what the costomer  sees and feels ;stable operations ;ensuring consistent, predictable processes to improve what the costomer sees and feels ;design for six sigma ;designing to meet costomer needs and process capability.

Lean production is an approach to production that seeks to minimise waste and inefficiency. In short, it means doing more with less. And lean company will make the very most of its resources. Lean production is based on the principle that ant use of resources that dose not create value for the consumer is waste.

Kaizen is the practice of continuous improvement. The concept was originaly introducd to the west by Masaaki Imai in his book Kaizen; The key to japans  competitive success, in 1986 . today ,kaizen is recognized worldwide as an important piller of an organizations long term competitive strategy.

Ilford on Sea Limited operates the business operations in markets and to serve the customers of the company, various activities are performed by the employees. To operate activities appropriately and effectively the management of the company follows appropriate approaches of operation management(Lamb, Robert, Boyden 2011). In this part, discussion about the key approaches to operation management followed by Ilford on Sea Limited has been made.

Continuous Improvement: The management of Ilford on Sea Limited follows the approach of continuous improvement in enhancing the services. For enhancing the quality of services offered by Ilford on Sea Limited using modern equipments, improvements are made so that it can gain the customers appeal in markets. Moreover, modern facilities are also provided to the customers so that operations can be performed appropriately and effectively(Heiskanen 2012). To improve the quality of services like renovation of kitchen, using modern facilities the management enhance the services. Moreover, the management of Ilford on Sea Limited also recruits skilled and knowledgeable employees to improve the performances of employees(Lamb, Robert, Boyden 2011). As a result, in markets Ilford on Sea Limited has been able to enhance the services in market and has made a good position in minds of the customers of Ilford on Sea Limited.

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Just In Time (JIT): For operation management, Ilford on Sea Limited has used the approach of Just in time. This approach is alos followed by the management of Ilford on Sea Limited for managing inventory. Based on the approach, the management of Ilford on Sea Limited takes the decision regarding the inventory to serve the customers with renovating the kitchen and so on the management of the company has been able to reduce the costs(Render 2006). This approach actually states that when order will be placed to the company all materials for renovating the kitchen and other things will be collected from the suppliers. As the management of Ilford on Sea Limited is following this approach, it has reduced the costs of operating the business operations in markets and thus profitability has been enhanced.

Total Quality Management (TQM): Total quality management is another approach followed by Ilford on Sea Limited. To maintain the quality of services offered by the company various means are followed by the management. The company Ilford on Sea Limited actually gives musch more attentions for recruiting the skilled and qualified employees for operating the business functions(Heiskanen 2012). As a result, employees are delivering quality of services to the customers and for this reason; it has been easier for the management of the company to serve the customer properly in markets.  Moreover, for maintaining the quality, the management of Ilford on Sea Limited sets standard of performances.  Employees are instructed to operate the renovation programs based on the standard. As a result, operations are provided maintaining quality of products.

All these approaches of operations management are followed by the management of Ilford on Sea Limited. For this reason each operation is properly operated and for this reason customers services have been properly done and the company has gained profitability in markets.

To achieve business objectives of Ilford on Sea Limited the management of the company has to operate the business functions appropriately. Proper decision regarding the operation management can help the business to reach the goal. In markets, to operate the business of Ilford on Sea Limited coordination among the employees is necessary (Lamb, Robert, Boyden 2011). The management has to take the strategy so that employees are encouraged to make coordination among their tasks. Based on their coordination it will be easier to serve the customers with proper services. The management of Ilford on Sea Limited make the decision regarding handling the activities of employees.  A culture has been developed in Ilford on Sea Limited among the employees so that they become motivated to coordinate their business operations among them and operate the functions of renovation.

Moreover, to serve the customers with effectively, collective responsibilities of the employees must be taken so that they can help the company to perform well. By managing the business operation by the management of Ilford on Sea Limited responsibilities to the employees can be given.  Moreover, based on their responsibly employees are charged by the management of the company.Managing the operation effectively, the companycan get efficiency in delivery of services to the customers(Kotler Keller & Kevin 2009). As a result, it has been easier for the management of the company to enhance the performances in markets. To operate the functions of Ilford on Sea Limited, funds are necessary and from various sources funds are collected. Operation manager of Ilford on Sea Limited has to take decision from where funds will be collected and how the funds will be used in business. Following this approach, the management of Ilford on Sea Limited has been able to collect the funds and operate the business in markets.

Moreover, in construction industry, Ilford on Sea Limited has to compete with other companies. Managing the business operations in markets, the management of the company can serve the customers appropriately and effectively(Maylor 2010). Different strategies are formulated by the management so that it can compete in marketplace and enhances the profitability in markets. So, from this discussion it can be said that operation management is very much essential for reaching the business objectives of a company in markets

Why the operation manage is important to keep the on the expectation on the flowing level both workers and the products..

Decision making is very much essential to reach the business objectives. Moreover, appropriate plan can reduce the costs of operating the business in markets. The management of Ilford on Sea Limited makes the decision considering various issues and aspects. Various factors that are affecting the business operations of Ilford on Sea Limited are also considered by the management of the company(Phillips, Joseph 2008).  Understanding the factors and their impacts, appropriate decisions are made by the management of the company to reach the business objectives. Discussion about the factors and their impacts are illustrated in below-

Political Factors: Due to political unrest in the country operations of Ilford on Sea Limited are hampered. New government is formed and new rules and regulations are passed and the management of the company has to take decision based on the rules and regulations otherwise it will be difficult to conduct the business operation in markets of the country(Horner 2008). Moreover, sometimes employees face various difficulties to operate the business operations. As a result, operations are hampered in markets. So, Ilford on Sea Limited takes the decision considering the political issues of the country UK.

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Economic Factors:UK Economic condition is good enough and in this economic condition the management has been able to collect the resources. For example- financial resources are collected appropriately by the management of the company. As a result,  the company is operating the business operation properly in  UK markets. The company faces difficulties when there is economic recession(Marsh and Clive 2009). As a result, considering that the management of Ilford on Sea Limitedmakes the decisions. For effective decisions taken by the management, the business performances of Ilford on Sea Limited are being enhanced in markets of the country.

Social Factors: Needs of society and their culture are needed to consider delivering services to

Corporate and social responsibilies is to guide the company to the expectation of the people,so particular product for particular culture that help the company, generate what the needy wants and when they get it that put a smile on face.

the customers otherwise the company will not get appeal of the customers(Horner 2008). For this reason, the management of Ilford on Sea Limited makes the decision considering social issues and aspects appropriately.

Technological Factors: Modern technology is being developing day by day and for delivering effective services to the customers, the Ilford on Sea Limited has to use modern technology. Modern equipments are being used to serve the customers(Werf 2010). For this reason modern technological advancement is being considered to make the business decision of Ilford on Sea Limited.

Legal Factors:UK government has imposed some rules and regulations. Ilford on Sea Limited has to follow those rules and regulations to operate the business properly(Marsh and Clive 2009). To make the decision of Ilford on Sea Limited, the management follows all types of rules and regulations so that operations in markets are not hampered and the company can reach the business objectives.

Environmental Factors: Natural disasters and many other climates can hamper the business operations of Ilford on Sea Limited(Werf 2010). As a result, when the management of Ilford on Sea Limited makes the decision considers about the environmental issues properly so that it can operate the business in markets properly.

The responsibility of operation management:Responsibilities one of them are, to make sure they are not polluting the environment, to make sure their waste, the one needed to be recycul is recicul because if their environment is polluted that could cause disvaluation to propertys that could incresese the health problem, that could also affect the tourisim, if the company is openen a new branch to make sure the area is conducive for their machineries and employers.e.t.c

To conclude, it can be said that the manager and leaders perform significant role for developing the performances of the company in markets. Effective decisions taken by the manager can reach the business objectives. Formulating appropriate strategies the management of the company can lead the business operation properly in markets and enhance the operation so that business objectives can be reached. Leader leads the employees so that they become motivated to perform well in markets. To make the decision in business of a company, the management must consider about the environmental factors affecting the business organization of the company.

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Maylor, (2010). Project Management, 4th edition ; Pearson Education

Phillips, Joseph (2008). “Quality Control in Project Management”. The Project Management Hut

Werf, T, 2010. The Deposit System For Electronic Publications. The Hague: KoninklijkeBibliotheek,

Horner, D., 2008. Accounting for Non-Accountants: A Manual for Managers and Students Kogan Page

Render B. (2006) Operations Management (Prentice Hall, 2003) ISBN: 013018604X

Marsh and Clive, 2009. Mastering financial management Harlow; Financial Times: Prentice Hall.

Heiskanen, A. (2012). Sedimentation and recycling in aquatic ecosystems. Helsinki: Finnish Environment Institute.

Hill, T. (2011). Hill’s manual of social and business forms. Chicago: Hill Standard Book Co.

Lamb, Robert, Boyden.(2011). Competitive strategic management. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall

Kotler, P. Keller, L. Kevin (2009). “1”. A Framework for Marketing Management (4th ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall.

Kotler, P. & Keller, L. Kevin (2012). Marketing Management 14e. Pearson Education Limited 2012

Swanson, et al., 2011.Foundations of Human Resource Development. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Deepak (2005). Patterns of Effective Project Management in Virtual Projects: An Exploratory Study. Project Management Institute.

Add one paragraph explaining the role of a leader and the function of a manager. Put in a table of two columns comparing the characteristics of manager and leader

Explain situational theory and the styles of management

Explain these theories, and apply the case scenario

Add six sigma, lean production, and Kaizen

Why and how operations manage is important in achieving organisational objectives

Add corporate social responsibility

Add ethical consideration. Focus on the effect of operations management (pollution, degradation of environment, decreasing of property

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