Management Is A Universal Phenomenon Commerce Essay

management is a purposive undertaking. It is certain thing that directs group efforts in the direction of the attainment of certain pre – determined goals. It is the method of working with and through other ones to competently achieve the goals of the association, by efficiently utilising limited assets in the changing world. Of course, these goals may vary from one enterprise to another. E.g.: For one enterprise it may be launching of new products by conducting market reviews and for other it may be profit maximization by minimizing cost.

management involves conceiving an interior natural environment: – It is the management which places into use the diverse factors of production. Therefore, it is the blame of management to conceive such situation which are conducive to greatest efforts so that people are adept to perform their task effectively and effectively. It encompasses double-checking availability of raw components, conclusion of salaries and salaries, formulation of directions & guidelines etc.

thus, we can say that good management includes both being productive and efficient. Being effective means doing the befitting task i.e, fitting the square pegs in rectangle holes and aaaround pegs in aaaround holes. Being efficient means doing the task rightly, at least possible cost with smallest wastage of assets.

management can be characterised in detail in following classes :

1. management as a Process

2. management as an undertaking

3. management as a control and respect

4. management as a assembly

5. management as a Science

6. management as an Art

7. management as a Profession

history of mgt

The verb organise arrives from the Italian maneggiare (to handle – particularly tools), which in turn draws from from the Latin manus (hand). The French phrase mesnagement (later ménagement) leveraged the development in significance of the English word administration in the 17th and 18th centuries

historical theories of mgt

Historical Theories of Management

Scientific Management Theory


At the turn of the years, the most prominent organizations were large and industrialized. Often they encompassed ongoing, routine tasks that constructed a kind of goods. The United States highly prized scientific and technical affairs, encompassing very cautious estimation and specification of undertakings and results. management tended to be the same. Frederick Taylor evolved the :scientific management idea” which espoused this very cautious specification and measurement of all organizational tasks. jobs were standardized as much as likely. employees were paid and punished. This approach emerged to work well for associations with assembly lines and other mechanistic, routinized activities.

Bureaucratic Management Theory


Max Weber embellished the technical management idea with his bureaucratic idea. Weber concentrated on dividing associations into hierarchies, establishing strong lines of authority and control. He suggested associations evolve comprehensive and detailed benchmark functioning methods for all routinized tasks.

Human Relations Movement


finally, unions and government regulations answered to the rather dehumanizing consequences of these theories. More vigilance was granted to individuals and their exclusive capabilities in the association. A foremost belief encompassed that the association would prosper if its workers prospered as well. Human Resource agencies were supplemented to associations. The behavioral sciences performed a powerful function in helping to understand the needs of employees and how the needs of the association and its employees could be better aligned. diverse new ideas were spawned, numerous founded on the behavioral sciences (some had title like idea “X”, “Y” and “Z”).

Traits of Progressive Management Development Programs

With the Human Relations action, teaching programs recognized the need to cultivate supervisory skills, for example, delegating, career development, inspiring, coaching, mentoring, etc. Progressive management schools now have students reconsider a wide body of management topics and discover those topics by applying that information in the workplace and mirroring on that submission. Learning undertakings incorporate learners’ real-world undertakings in the workplaces or their lives. allotment encompass reflection and investigation on real-world know-how. discovering is enhanced through extending dialogue and repsonse among learners. Very good schools organise to include types of self-development, too, identifying that the cornerstone for effective management is effective self-management.

productive management development programs help scholars (learners) take a system’s view of their organizations, encompassing reconsider of how foremost functions effect each other. Assignments encompass identifying and addressing consequences of one activities on their whole organization.

Contemporary Theories of Management

Contingency Theory

Basically, contingency idea asserts that when managers make a decision, they should take into account all facets of the current position and proceed on those facets that are key to the position at hand. Basically, it’s the approach that “it depends.” For example, the continuing effort to recognise the best authority or administration method might now conclude that the best style depends on the position. If one is premier troops in the Persian Gulf, an autocratic method is likely best (of course, numerous might argue here, too). If one is leading a clinic or university, a more participative and facilitative authority method is likely best.

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Systems Theory

. systems theory has had a important effect on administration science and comprehending association. A scheme is a collection of part unified to complete an general goal. If one part of the scheme is removed, the nature of the scheme is altered as well. For demonstration, a stack of sand is not a scheme. If one eliminates a sand element, you’ve still got a stack of sand. However, a functioning car is a system. Remove the carburetor and you’ve no longer got a working car. A scheme can be looked at as having inputs, processes, yields and conclusions. systems share feedback amidst each of these four facets of the systems.

Inputs would encompass resources such as raw materials, cash, technologies and people. These inputs proceed through a method where they’re designed, organized, inspired and controlled, ultimately to meet the organization’s goals. Outputs would be goods or services to a market. Outcomes would be, e.g., enhanced value of life or productivity for customers/clients, productivity. repsonse would be data from human resources carrying out the method, customers/clients using the goods, etc. repsonse furthermore comes from the bigger natural environment of the association, for example, leverages from government, humanity, economics, and technologies. This overall system structure applies to any scheme, including subsystems (departments, programs, etc.) in the general organization.

systems theory may appear quite rudimentary. Yet, decades of management teaching and practices in the workplace have not pursued this idea. Only lately, with tremendous alterations opposite organizations and how they function, have teachers and managers come to face this new way of looking at things. This understanding has brought about a important change (or paradigm shift) in the way management investigations and advances organizations.

The effect of systems idea in administration is that writers, teachers, advisors, etc. are assisting managers to gaze at the organization from a broader viewpoint. Systems idea has conveyed a new viewpoint for managers to interpret patterns and events in the workplace. They recognize the various components of the association, and, in specific, the interrelations of the parts, for example, the coordination of centered management with its programs, technology with constructing, supervisors with employees, etc. This is a foremost development. In the past, managers normally took one part and concentrated on that. Then they moved all attention to another part. The difficulty was that an association could, e.g., have a magnificent centered administration and magnificent set of educators, but the agencies didn’t synchronize

Chaos Theory

As chaotic and random as world events appear today, they appear as chaotic in organizations, too. Yet for decades, managers have acted on the basis that organizational events can always be controlled. A new idea (or some say “science”), chaos idea, recognizes that events indeed are rarely controlled. numerous chaos theorists (as do systems theorists) mention to biological systems when interpreting their idea. They propose that systems routinely proceed to more complexity, and as they do so, these systems become more volatile (or susceptible to cataclysmic events) and should expend more energy to maintain that complexity. As they consume more power, they search more structure to sustain stability. This trend extends until the scheme divides, blends with another convoluted scheme or falls apart solely. This tendency is what many see as the tendency in life, in organizations and the world in general.


• Animism

The notion of animism is not now broadly utilised in anthropology and tends to be referred to more as a historical curiousness for what it can notify us about anthropological thought in the 19th years than for what it can state about the convictions of persons in the up to date world.

• Diffusionism

Diffusionism is the term utilised by anthropologists and sociologists to account for the disperse, through time, of facets of culture-artistic traditions, language, melodies, myths, devout beliefs, communal association, technological ideas-from one humanity or assembly to another.

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• Evolutionism

Evolutionism is a movement in anthropology and sociology which was much in vogue in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It mentions to ideas of change in which development is seen to proceed through stages of increasing complexity and diversification. It is closely related to the concept of progress and expertise, which is most prevalent in capitalist humanity.

• Functionalism

‘functionalism’ refers to a variety of theories in the human sciences, all of which supply explanations of phenomena in periods of the function, or reason, they purportedly assist.

• Marxist anthropology

It developed out of two motives: the need to assess anthropology’s chronicled connection with colonialism, arising out of a discontent with earlier functionalist paradigms for the study of societies; and to perform social investigation with a larger sense of political and financial perspectives.

• Postmodernism

Anthropology in general has been examined as a especially sympathetic arena of the human sciences inside which to chase the postmodernist agenda, particularly with regard to matters of ‘otherness’, critiques of the programmes of the Enlightenment and elaborations of the idea of culture

• Primitivism

Primitivism, in anthropology, mentions to a body of considered that there live remote and exotic ‘primitive’: peoples whose ways of life and technologies are considered to display assessed compare to those of modern societies.

• Relativism

The conventional heritage relativism that most anthropologists, British or American, take to work with them is a blend of two notions: first, that insofar as there are behavioural differences between various populations of persons, these differences are the outcome of heritage (sometimes societal) variation rather than anything additional; and, second, that such dissimilarities as do live are warranting of respect and understanding in their own terms. MORE

• Structuralism

Structuralism is the approach which seeks to isolate, and decode, deep organisations of significance, coordinated through systems of signals inherent in human demeanour (language, ceremonial, dress and so on.

• Syncretism

Syncretism is the method of mingling distinct philosophies, convictions or traditions of conviction and practice, producing in hybrid types.

• Totemism

J.F. McLennan (1869) posited a worldwide reverence for the ‘mystical power’ of dwelling things, arguing that ‘there is no race of men that has not arrive through this primitive stage of speculative belief.


Management has been described as a communal process involving responsibility for economical and effective designing & guideline of operation of an enterprise in the fulfillment of given reasons. It is a dynamic process comprising of diverse elements and undertakings. These undertakings are distinct from operative purposes like trading, finance, purchase etc. Rather these undertakings are widespread to each and every manger irrespective of his grade or rank.

distinct experts have classified functions of management. According to George & Jerry, “There are four fundamental functions of management i.e. designing, coordinating, actuating and controlling”. According to Henry Fayol, “To organise is to forecast and design, to coordinate, to order, & to control”. Whereas Luther Gullick has granted a keyword ‘POSDCORB’ where P stands for Planning, O for Organizing, S for Staffing, D for administering, Co for Co-ordination, R for describing & B for making allowance for. But the most broadly accepted are functions of management granted by KOONTZ and O’DONNEL i.e. designing, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and commanding.

For theoretical reasons, it may be befitting to separate the function of management but virtually these purposes are overlapping in environment i.e. they are highly inseparable. Each function blends into the other & each sways the performance of others.



According to Koontz & O’Donell, “PLANNING is concluding in advance what to do, how to do and who is to do it. PLANNING connections the gap between where we are to, where we want to proceed. It makes likely things to occur which would not else occur”. PLANNING is deciding in accelerate what to do and how to do. It is one of the basic managerial functions. Before doing certain thing, the supervisor must formulate an concept of how to work on a specific task. therefore, PLANNING is nearly attached with creativity and discovery. But the supervisor would first have to set objectives, only then will a manager know where he has to proceed. Planning hunts for to bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to go. PLANNING is what managers at all grades do. It requires taking decisions since it engages making a choice from alternate techniques of activity.

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Importance of PLANNING:

ƒ˜ PLANNING presents directions

ƒ˜ PLANNING reduces the dangers of doubt

ƒ˜ PLANNING reduces overlapping and wasteful undertakings

ƒ˜ PLANNING promotes innovative ideas

ƒ˜ PLANNING facilitates decision making

ƒ˜ PLANNING sets up measures for controlling

PLANNING method:

ƒ˜ Setting Objectives

ƒ˜ Developing Premises:

ƒ˜ recognising alternative techniques of activity

ƒ˜ assessing alternative techniques

ƒ˜ Selecting an alternative

ƒ˜ Implement the PLAN

ƒ˜ Follow-up action


one time the PLANs have been laid down and objectives particular therein, the next step is to organize assets in a kind which leads to the accomplishment of objectives. Organizing can be characterised as a method that initiates implementation of PLANs by clarifying occupations and working relationships and competently establishing assets for attainment of recognised and yearned results or goals. The management function of organising double-checks that efforts are directed in the direction of the attainment of goals laid down in the PLANNING function in such a kind that resources are used optimally and people are adept to work collectively and competently for a common reason. Thus, it is in the context of productive management that the association function earns due importance. It is a means for converting PLANs into action.

Importance of organising:

ƒ˜ assists in specialization

ƒ˜ Clarity in working relationships

ƒ˜ Optimum utilization of assets

ƒ˜ Adaptation to change

ƒ˜ productive management

ƒ˜ Development of staff

ƒ˜ Expansion and development

Organizing process:

ƒ˜ Identification and division of work

ƒ˜ Departmentalization

ƒ˜ allotment of duties

ƒ˜ setting up describing connections


Directing refers to the process of instructing, directing, therapy, motivating and premier people in the association to accomplish its objectives. Directing integrates persons in the direction of accomplishment of widespread objectives. Through directing, managers not only notify the persons in the association as to what they should do, when they should do and how they should do but also glimpse that their instructions are implemented in correct perspective. Very often, this becomes important component in the effective and effective functioning of the organization.

Directing as a function of management is concerned with instructing, directing and motivating people in the organization to accomplish its objectives. It involves overseeing people at work, making provision for the essential facilities and creating a work natural environment, whereby employees may present to the best of their abilities.

It comprises of handing out instructions and instructions by a better to his subordinates. It furthermore encompasses the process of m9otivation subordinates and supplying authority with an comprehending of their hopes, beliefs and demeanour pattern. Through the administering function managers convey about a balance between one-by-one concerns of employees and the concerns of the organization as a whole. Directing is a function of all managers of the association. It is an ongoing activity of managers.

significance of directing:

ƒ˜ It Initiates Actions

ƒ˜ It Ingrates Effort

ƒ˜ Means of Motivation

ƒ˜ It Provides steadiness

ƒ˜ contending up with the alterations

ƒ˜ Efficient Utilization of assets


Managerial command suggests the estimation of accomplishment against the benchmark and the correction of deviations to guarantee attainment of objectives according to plans (Koontz and O’ Donnel) controlling is one of the important functions of a manager. In alignment to request PLANed results from the subordinates, a supervisor needs to workout productive command over the undertakings of the subordinates. In other phrases, controlling means double-checking that undertakings in an organization are presented as per the PLANs. controlling also double-checks that an organization’s resources are being utilised competently and efficiently for the accomplishment of predetermined goals. controlling is, therefore, a goal-oriented function.

significance of controlling:

ƒ˜ Accomplishing organizational goals

ƒ˜ Judging accuracy of standards

ƒ˜ Making efficient use of assets

ƒ˜ advancing worker motivation

ƒ˜ Ensuring alignment and control and respect

ƒ˜ Facilitating coordination in activity

Controlling method:

ƒ˜ Setting presentation standards

ƒ˜ Measurement of genuine presentation

ƒ˜ Comparison of genuine presentation with measures

ƒ˜ Analysing deviations

ƒ˜ Taking corrective activity

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