Meaning And Definition Of Personal Development Plan


Every individual has its personal plan, goals in his/her life and he/she develop strategies to accomplish it. It is another debate that he/she attain that target or not but in reality everyone has personal development plans. Even in daily routine life, we have tasks and goals and we also make strategies to get done these responsibilities.

Objective of the task:-

Report format

Main answers

Meaning And Definition Of Personal Development Plan (Pdp)

“A structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development”


Personal development plan uses for career development and growth in life. gives us a road map and frame work to attain our goals in life. If we will call it as backbone of our life then it will not be wrong. It is a self-reflection of individual. While setting up goals, we think that we want to be according to our interest, our abilities and market opportunities. As we decided a goal in our life then we make PDP to attain that goal. While developing PDP, we analyzed our core competencies and come to know our creating skills, capabilities which are helpful for that specific task. We also highlight our weaknesses and also search ways and means to overcome our weakness and be more productive. To attain goal, it is not sufficient to analyze our self only. We also analyze that what kind of resources we can obtain and from where we can have these. We also overcome about threats to meet our goal. As we come to know that each and every aspect which is directly or indirectly supportive or hurdle to attain our goal. Then we develop a very comprehensive strategy to conquer our set goal.

Establish your purpose or direction

Identify your development needs

Identify learning opportunities

Formulate an action plan

Undertake the development

Record the outcomes

Evaluate the review


This is a main advantage of PDP that it always based on SMART Action Plan. Before implementing our strategies towards our desired goal, we can easily realize that our goal is






We can modify our strategies accordingly if we feel that there is something wrong.

There is another important factor which attract most of he individual to develop Personal development plan; it involves different levels of work and activities. This thing lead us in very productive way and with the passage of time we evaluate our selves and if we feel that there is need to acquire more knowledge then we can act accordingly. We also learn from our day to day activities and make our next activity better than the previous. While running towards our goal, we communicate with different kind of people, which gives us a chance to assess by them and by our self also. We get feedback from other people.

PDP bring systems in our life to attain our goal and objectives.

It supports to take personal responsibility to accomplishing tasks and it also gives a pleasure of proud after finishing high quality work. Which is very positive sign towards next task.

It gives us more awareness about your own values, enthusiasm.

And which are relevant to our career growth.

In the next ten years I want to attain these objectives.

THE definition of paradoxical theory of change

“People change not by trying to make themselves into something, or someone which they are not, but by becoming more fully themselves. Change occurs when one becomes what one is, not tries to become what one is not (Beisser,1970,77)”

Personal objective:-

Family:- in next year I am planning to marriage and settle down my personal life.

Home:- I want to live in countryside.

Hobbies and interests:- I am very fond of indoor games and activities. According to me it is the best way to spend happy life with my loved ones.

Wealth:-I will use my wealth for the care of my loved ones and will also help other poor and needy people.

Relationship within and beyond the family:- I want to live a social life. I will develop good relations with my relatives by inviting them at my home and meeting them at their places.

Business objectives:-

To become more self-empowered, we need to know

My values

My goals

My beliefs


My skills

How can I build my rainbow?

It is a vision which is called rainbow. we utilize our skills to build it. We should be a rainbow builder not a rainbow chaser.

“each path is only one of a million paths. Therefore, you must always keep in mind that a path is only a path. If you feel that you must not follow it, you need not stay with it under any circumstances. Any path is only a path. There is no affront to yourself or others in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you to do.” (carlos Castenada)

All my personal life is dependent on my business objectives. That’s why I am very keen to make myself a successful businessman.

Type of work and/or industry sector:- I decided to go for hospitality industry. I will arrange events and also provide consultancy to hotels and other business related to this sector.

Business marketing strategy:- at initial stage, I will work with some consultants or event management companies to enhance my interpersonal skills and learn tactics. As I will well confident then I will took initiative to start my own business.

Spiritual growth and learning:- I will also do some specialization from international school related to my work industry.

Country where I intend to work:- according to current economic condition, Canada is suitable to start this kind of business. Because this country does not have these kind of consultancy services at large scale. There is potential to grow fast as compare to Uk and USA.

Net Worth:- this is a consultancy business. It does not require enough money to start it. It all depends on intellectual capital. So it is not difficult for me to arrange some funds to establish office to run my operations smoothly.

Psychological profile:- As I will be effected by direct and indirect stakeholders in my business life so I will also take care of others expectations

Weakness:- to be a successful business man. I will evaluate my weaknesses timely and try to convert them into my strengths.

Exit strategy:- I will also prepare backup plan that in case I could not run effectively my business then what else I have to do.



It is a strategy which is supportive to manage our time. We dedicate time to our daily tasks and assignment. All our activities are based on specific time frames and we organized them according to our preferences.

Every individual has time management in his/ her life. Without time management he/ her can’t do any single task. It is separate debate that they make good time management strategies or not. But everyone has time management strategies.

Due to time management, all the jobs can be properly arranged and we can have enough time for our other tasks and jobs. We allocate time to each task according to its requirement. While allocating time, we remove the irrelevant tasks and only do important jobs within that timeframe.


There are some main advantages of effective time planning which contribute a lot in our day to day tasks.

We spend time on those activities which we like. We feel happy to doing these things but most of the persons cannot do it because they don’t adjust their tasks according to time so they cannot get time to dedicate their wishes and become more happy.

We should spend time on results rather than efforts. A huge number of persons claim that they spend a lot of time on specific task but it result they got nothing. They should realize their self that is that effort was right, task was result based? Is that task required so much time? Time should be dedicated according to tasks and its procedures and in some cases according to importance of result obtained by task.

Time must be spend on right time to accomplish task more effectively and efficiently. As a person feel that he can’t concentrate properly then he has to take some rest and when feel good then produce with best of his abilities.


“A process that involves defining the organization’s goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrated and coordinate organizational work.”(Robbins .P.S & Coulter .M, 2001)


It is tool to develop right objectives. By using this technique we can develop a strategy which is based on





Time bound

If gives the overall picture of our goal that how specific my goal is? Can I do it or not? It is relevant to skills and interests.

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SMART technique plays a very tremendous role in developing a plan.

It helps to set positive goals so we can waste time by developing and changing our goals with passage of time.

It also helps us to set specific goals so we can easily evaluate the results that what we attain and what kind of loss we gained.

It helps us to set realistic goals so we can develop our strategies accordingly and meet our objectives.

By using this technique, people set goal according to levels without any risk of failure.

It also help to establish a frame work of small goals. By setting small goals we can attain it by putting minimum efforts and we learn a lot to upgrade our self for future tasks.


we set our tasks according to our priorities and its involvement with the next task. Sometimes tasks are interlink with each other. So it is better to finish first task rather than rushing towards second/ next task. By setting priorities, we not only save our time for next task but also at the same time we prepare our self for next task with is directly related to previous task and has more important as compare to previous one.


Sometimes we made an effort to accomplish a task but in result we could not obtain we got nothing. It does not mean that we wasted time; although we did not attain the require result but we learnt the reasons of failure and we will use it for future references.

Some times we dedicate more time to less productive work; it is time wastage because we have to allocate time according to its results.


Meaning & Definition

The assignment of responsibility and accountability for specific outcomes or achievements to a specific individual or organisation unit. The delegation can be temporary or permanent. (Derek Stockley)


By delegating work to subordinates, it make work more easy for everyone and participants show their interest in it. while delegating task to someone, there must be delegation of limited authority related to that task. This authority is may be limited and it depends on delegation authority. This activity also leads staff development and their interpersonal skills. It also leads to job satisfaction. All employee of the organization feels that they are important for organization and they take organization as their own business and act for the progress of organization. After delegating some work, managers have enough time to do some productive work. Managers also evaluate the performance of their staff by assigning these kinds of tasks.


It is important for a person to perform multi tasks at a time. So he/ she delegate some tasks and assignments to other people who work for him. Not only sender transfer his/ her but also he/ she also transfer authorities for the completion of specific task. Other person act in same manners by putting himself in the shoes of first person.

Transforming of authorities leads to encourage and motivate team morale. Sometimes delegations are permanent and temporary. Permanent delegations are depending on organizational structure; to dedicate authority of finance to take care of budgeting on companies behalf. And temporary delegation is related to development projects.


Meaning & Definition

“The emotional and physical wear and tear of life. It may be thought of as your body’s response to life itself” (Buhler P.)

Type Of Stress Come Across In PDP

While developing Personal development plan; the individual has a fear that what is he/ she trying to achieve;

Is it possible?

In start he/she has the fear of failure which causes stress. If any individual fails to manage PDP properly, he/ she have to face the following kinds of stress;

Low morale

Poor communication

Poor productivity

Poor quality work

Work stoppages

High level of tardiness

Personal competencies

Intrinsic to job

Job environment

Role in organisation

Relationship at work

Organisational structure and climate

Organisational change

Career development

Work life balance


It is very important to immediate reaction for any problem. Because later reaction may cause bigger problems. As any problem occur, then we have to analyse it that what are the basis of this problem and how we can overcome this? We must have to adopt alternatives to solve any problem. It is better to discuss with other about a problem so we can find out better solution for this problem.

Decision Making

For decision making, we use RATIONAL MODEL OF DECISION MAKING. This model involves following steps;

Identification of the problem:-

At initial stage, there is a need to identify the kind of problem. Is it creating hurdles to attain organizational goal and tasks. Is it due to negligence of employee or some managerial decisions are behind it?

Development of the alternatives:-

Before deciding any solution, it is important to develop different alternatives which can be rectify this problem.

Evaluation of alternatives:-

It is also important to also test the merits and demerits of all alternatives that which is more suitable to this problem.

Selection of alternatives:-

After evaluating; with mutual understanding of managers and subordinates, one alternative must be decided to solve the problem.

Implementation of an alternative:-

As we selected an alternative, we should implement in as early as possible to get rid of problem as early as possible.

Furthermore, these above cited steps can be used according to situation and problem and it also depend upon decision making scenario of organization.


If the communication has following characteristics then it will be considered as effective communication.




Sufficiently comprehensive

Presented in the most appropriate format (picture, graph, text)

Well written & well proofed

Brief as possible


Communication plays a very tremendous role in the accomplishment of the specific goal. Through communication with other persons which are directly or indirectly related to his goals, he can perform in better ways. He can learn different and easy ways to complete a task. In PDP, person also communicates with himself. He asks question himself that either he can do this task or not? How can he do it? By keeping records of his activities, he can communicate with previous work and learn from it. By communicating with it co-workers; he can establish a productive team.

Benefits In Active Communication And Questioning PDP

It is important for all management levels to communicate with each other. Top level management is responsible to develop strategies and they forward their decisions downwards to other management levels for implementation. If there will be any gap then the execution of those plans may be collapsed.

It is the social responsibility of an organization to make a smooth and trustworthy communication system between its stakeholders. It has to share all the aspects about its company to its stakeholders because they are the real people who are directly and indirectly linked with the organization.

Developing smooth relationship with owners:-

Owners are the main investors and they have the right to know each and every thing about company. Now it is the responsibility of the company to share all aspects; good and bad, right and wrong, true and false with its investors to get their confidence. If company losses to win investor’s confidence then investors will withdraw their money and company will be in trouble and may be collapsed.

Developing smooth relationship with Employees:-

Employees are the main workforce who are making impossible to possible. Company’s Human Resource policy should be informed to everyone so that fear of losing job should be minimized. So they can work with more enthusiasm and proficiency.

Developing smooth relationship with Suppliers & other trading partners:-

Before making a business trade with any of the supplier, company must have to settle down its payment and deliveries policy. It is better to write consent regarding trade matters so that both the parties can be trustworthy more for each other.

Developing smooth relationship with Customers & Local Communities:-

By announcing company’s policy and annual audited reports, it can win customer’s trust because they are the main people who indeed run company. To get good repute in market, Company must have CSR Policy and it should make proper announcement that how company is fulfilling its Corporate Social Responsibilities.


While developing personal development plan different kinds of conflicts can be occur. These conflicts may be personal clashes with some. It may be due to availability of resources. It can be fear of failure of PDP. If a person is not good in communication then conflict occur that how he/she will communicate with others.


Everyone has some ambition in his/ her life and he acts accordingly to attain his ambition. Some persons establish a personal development plan which shows the right path towards his goals and very soon that person got success. But on the other hand, a person without any PDP could not achieve his goal and he wasted his time and energy. May be he succeeded to achieve his goal but without PDP, he has to put a lot of time and energy to attain his task.

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Establish business

Arrange capital

Market condition, limitation of capital

Own funds, banks

1 year

Use latest technology

Hire, purchase



After 3 months of start

Enhance my skills of management

join courses on Management

Time and money

Websites, colleges, friends

Before starting business

Implement strategies

Implement in real time situations

Fear of failure,

Suggestions from friends and consultant

First 3 months of business



Every organization recruits different kind of people having different skills. All workers work in groups and teams and by using their skills, it attain the given target. Professional skills can be knowledge of specific field or it can be technical knowledge.

Meaning & Definition Of PDP

“Professional Development Plan is the continuous process of acquiring new knowledge and skills that relate to one’s profession, job responsibilities, or work environment. It plays a key role in maintaining trained, informed, and motivated employees, regardless of job classification.”


Action speaks louder than decisions

Professional development plan is the reflection of organization’s mission, vision and goal. By making a comprehensive plan, all staff members know the importance of their individual work and all perform in same direction.

It is the decision of the individual that what kind of Professional development plan he/she is going to develop. May be she/he want to fast moves and establish plan accordingly. It also seems like to ride in the derby race. Or she/he may be thinking to develop a slow motion strategy like to pull a coal cart and attain their goal.

PDP is a program which is not only beneficial for only company but also it is for enhancing employee professional skills. They seek knowledge from other resources and implement in their work and produce effective results.

Designing goal and objective

It is the most important activity for the management to set proper goal and objectives for organization. They clearly stated that what is company’s vision, mission and goal. In other words, they decided whole road map for business activities and put efforts to accomplish it.

For Team Goal & Objective:-

Business goals cannot be achieved individually. For this purpose, management establish teams. It also identifies goals and objective for every team. All staff members work together as a significant player of team and produce effective results.


While setting goals and objectives; management make sure the following aspects. Is these goals and objectives are





Time bound

Application for professional goal and objective:-

D.I.P.T is a tool which businessmen use to develop a PDP.





There are different kinds of application used by different organizations. There is not any set standard or list of application. Every company use different tools for professional development of their staff. Some ways are briefly discussed here.


The coaching process has 5 stages;






It is an on-going process which contributes not only for organizational strength but also it contributes a lot for employee professional growth. It is the responsibility of organization to arrange coaching seminars and training session to enhance interpersonal skills of its employees. It is win-win situation for both the employees and organization.

For attaining company’s objective, it must have to produce good leaders instead of good workers. A proper training and coaching brings a tremendous change in organization. It results the following outcomes;

Enriched organizational competitive advantage

Improve efficiency

Pleasure for work and job satisfaction

Innovative environments

Enhanced judgment styles

Developing good teams

Positive results for employees and organization


It is not easy for anyone to select and achieve success in the same occupational field which he/she studied or experienced before. May be he/she is very lucky enough. Mostly careers are decided and chosen due to some incidents in life and because of some influences. These influences may be from family, social or favourable market forces.


There are different kinds of obstacles to attaining occupational goals and objectives. It may be from

Lack of resources:- the person has established his/ her professional objectives according to his/ her occupation and expertise. But there is lack of financial resources to attain his/her target. May be he/she could not found anyone who is interested to spend in this occupation.

Lack of interest:- if occupational goals are imposed by family or someone else then there are chances of failure due to lack of interest. Interest factor should be consider as most important resource to gaining professional goals and objectives.

Lack of expertise in specific field:- market forces are favourable for any kind of business or may be government made very flexible policies for specific sector. Most of the persons rush towards that sector and some of them face failure. The main reason of failure is they don’t have enough knowledge and expertise in that specific field.

Lack of Family support:- If individual takes initiative to choose occupation of his/her own choice and family discourages this decision. Then there will be no moral and financial support from family members.

Threat from Market forces:- a person wants to join an occupation according to his field of study and expertise but market forces give vey tough time to retain in this occupation.

Legislation involvement:- government sets standards and boundaries for occupations and it makes laws accordingly.

There are some other obstacles which also create hurdles in PDP like World events, the economy etc.


It is an essential activity for every business. To know the exact picture about on-going process it is recommended to have a review and monitor plan. Sometimes it is necessary to know to attain more financial resources and human resources then we do review of our current strengths.

Importance of review and monitor:-

It is important to review and monitor all organizational activities. This action point out the following outcomes;

Organization is on right path to attain its goal

Is there progress supported by current strategies and activities?

It also increases interest of all stakeholders.

Identify the need to add on more resources for better progress.

Help to prepare smooth procedures to attain organizational goal.


It totally depend on organizational strategies that when it decided to go for review of activities. It can be after completion of one task or it may be after some specific time frame. This review plan is subject to change according to organization’s needs.


Plans can be monitor by following ways.





New or better measures are needed.

Documentation is poor

Requirements are not clear

Performance monitoring is weak or ineffective.

Oversight responsibility is poorly handled or not well defined.

Problem or opportunity suggests gap in existing product or process.

Key factors creating gap can be narrowed to a few root causes.

Basic design of the process or product is adequate for current needs.

No immediate need or capacity for major overhaul/redesign.

No current product or process.

Current product of process not adequate for business needs, market, strategy.

Multiple factors must be changed to close gap.

Risk are manageable.


Concern over new products development cycle time

Establish measures of current process cycle time to improve management and identify issues.

Identify one or two key factors slowing down time-to-market and apply focused changes to get products ready fasster.

Conduct an end-to-end review and realignment of new product development practices to reduce cycle time, cut developments cost and improve product success on the market.


Past due accounts receivable increasing

Initiate bi-weekly review involving accounting and sales management

Short term: hire collection firm to bring in payments.

Mid-term: gather data to confirm severity of the problem and look for patterns that suggests a cause. Implement solution to reduce past due accounts

Form joint sales and accounting design team to review and revamp contracting and invoicing to reduce payment cycle time, save money, and improve customer satisfaction with billing process.

Importance of self-Review

As individual is a person who developed a PDP from scratch. He can assess his/her strategies in better ways. He can do SWOT Analysis not only for business but also for himself/herself. He/she can see the true picture of efforts and outcomes. It is better to go for self-review after some specific period instead of waiting for whole completion of task. It also saves times and person learn from his//her previous actions. Individual also share his/her experience with other and get opinion. He/she also learn from business gurus while consulting and sharing their self-review results.

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My prerequisites

How can I meet those prerequisites

Period to attain prerequisites

Challenges in current job

What do I want to be in 2 years

What do I want to be in 5 /10 years

How do my activities relate to my goal?

What kind of adjustments I need

What else I can do?

Collection of information

Need to develop a team

Effect of PDP on other strategic plans

Additional resources to acquire

Ways to evaluate PDP


Learning organization:-

“where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to learn together.” (Peter Senge)

According to Pedler, Boydell and Burgoyne’s definition of learning organization is as follows;

“an organization which facilitates the learning of all its members and continually transforms itself.”


Kolb’s learning style is reflecting four stages of learning. These stages are also the initial phases of personal and professional learning.

Concrete experience

Reflective observation

Abstract conceptualization

Active experimentation

Concentrate experience:-

There is a need to evaluate own experience or to look for someone else experience. This is how we can get more realistic information and upgrade our activities more smoothly.

Reflective observation:-

Our actions reflect our observations. These actions may be directly related to our thoughts or may be indirectly. But still we will not give a real picture to our observations till then we will not sure that we are doing right or wrong.

Abstract conceptualization:-

Sometimes concepts look very interesting and result oriented. But it is necessary to abstract these concepts into real form then we can evaluate its feasibility.

Honey and Mumford’s learning style:-

This style looks very close to Kolb’s learning style. It also has four ways of learning which is very much similar to Kolb’s theory of learning.

Having an experience

Reflecting on it

Drawing their own conclusions (theorizing)

Putting their theory into practice to see what happens


VAK stand for




According to this theory there are three kinds of persons which learns from different ways.


by visualising pictures, graphs and other things of this kind, individual can easily grasp required information.


The auditory persons prefers to abstract information from lectures and habitual of reading loudly and also believe on sharing ideas.


These individuals prefer practical work instead of listening solutions from others.

In 2001 Fleming added another aspect in VAK and it converted into VARK.


There are some people who learn more from writing and reading.

Adsells Publicity services (Pvt) Limited

Company’s introduction:-

It is serving in advertising sector in last 56 years in Pakistan. It is first ISO Certified print and fabrication company in Pakistan.

Personal development Plan at Adsells:-

Research and development:-

As this company is the converter of 3M and we can see a lot of influences of 3M strategies in this company. It encourages its employees for innovation and for this Purpose; it established R&D and allocate funds also.

Training Sessions:-

It arranges training sessions with the passage of time. There is an important thing that management gives importance to all department either marketing, production or human resource etc. all the department are supportive by training sessions and new technology.

Retention Policy:-

Human Resource department has very clear retention policy for all employees. All employees show keen interest in their jobs because they have proper surety about their jobs.

Real target for employees:-

It allocates real time and achievable targets and give reward also. This activity also leads staff in very positive direction.

Effective communication:-

Every employee know the hierarchy of reporting. So there are very less chances of conflict for who is reporting to whom.

Professional development Plan at Adsells:-

Encourage teamwork:-

It is a company which believe on team work. All departments are interlinking with each other and all work in supportive manners for each other’s.

Critical review targets:-

Use latest technology:-

Listen subordinates:-

Enterprise solution of Pakistan:-


It is an IT company which is providing services in telecom and networking sector in Pakistan.

Personal development Plan at ESP:-

Enhance interpersonal skills:-

Company encourage staff members to complete tasks at their own. There is very low involvement of supervisor. Supervisor only brief about task and let other do at their own. This action put pressure on employees to do the best and it also enhance their interpersonal skills.

Encourage staff to participate:-

As it is an IT company and it needs innovation. It involves employees for brain storming. As company gets any project, management call meeting of all team members they sit together and develop strategy how to accomplish the project by using most effective and efficient tools.

Sending employees abroad for training:-

Company believes that employees are their assets. It spends money on their growth. Often it sends their employees Singapore for getting training on latest IT tools and it also encourage employees to participate in world IT competitions.

Professional development Plan at ESP:

Formulate and solve IT problems:-

By mutual understanding of all employees, company formulate strategy to solve IT problems. It give first preference to solve IT problems because it is core hub of business as it will turn off then whole activities of organization will shut down.

Friendly environment to work:-

Company has provided very friendly environment to employees. There is very less paper environment. All employees are treat each other in very friendly ways and happy to help others.

Superior group of colleges:-


It is the fastest growing educational institutive in Pakistan. It is providing educational services about all sectors such as commerce, IT, medicine, law etc.

Personal development Plan at Superior Group of Colleges:-

Arranging seminars:-

As all the staff members are very educated but still management arrange very informative seminars where it invites scholars to participate. College staff grasp ideas from them and use them in their teaching techniques.

Research and development:-

College has separate forum for teachers and other staff members for Research and development. By brain storming teacher develop new teaching skills.

Professional development Plan at Superior Group of Colleges:-

Teachers training programs:-

College often invites foreign teachers to provide teaching training to its current teachers. It also send its teachers abroad for training sessions.

Delegating authority:-

Management has dedicated certain authority to teachers which encourage and support them to deal with college problems. This action does not only support them to solve college problems but also it give them thought as owner of the college.

Definition of CPD

CPD is defined as ‘any process or activity that provides added value to the capability of the professional through the increase in knowledge, skills and personal qualities necessary for the appropriate execution of professional and technical duties, often termed competence.’ (Professional Associations Research Network.)

The Importance of CPD

It follows from the above that CPD is important. Professional organisations‟ Codes of Conduct increasingly cite CPD as mandatory or obligatory, maintaining professional standards & demonstrating Professional Competence & Integrity in the Public Interest, as a duty to the Relevant Authority (clients, or employers), & as a Duty to the Profession.

There is agreement amongst professional organisations as to the growing importance of CPD. However, perhaps because of such a changing scene, there is variety in how the importance of CPD is perceived & stated. Briefly, CPD is not compulsory, but it is expected of & is to be viewed as obligatory on qualified, professional members. Opinion is divided as to whether CPD is mandatory, some saying CPD is mandatory within a model code of conduct (the code itself being voluntary).

Why do we need CPD?

Obligation & Compulsion

Employability & Career Advancement

Professional registration

Rapid changes in the evidence base, the technology and the skill requirements of the profession make CPD in psychology a career long process through which professionals remain up-to-date by augmenting and enhancing their competence.

CPD is not new, it is a continuation of what is needed to keep up-to-date, informed and well-trained in order to deliver quality work in which the public can have confidence. Whilst there is clearly an ethical obligation for individual psychologists to undertake CPD there are also many advantages for those who employ and utilise the services of Chartered Psychologists. The learning gained from CPD activities has benefits for clients as well as the individual psychologist, their employing organisation and the Society.

CPD for professionals (not just psychologists) is increasingly being viewed as an indicator of continuing competence to practice and so the focus is not just in inputs, but perhaps more importantly, on outcomes and reflective evaluation, both the application of learning to practice and the identification of what has been learnt through practice.

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