Mission And Vision Statement To Carry Out Success Commerce Essay

Company have there own mission and vision statement to carry out business to success. Making a statement is important and helpful attention. With the help of Statements company can used to develop a clearer position in the market place, for strategic planning and quickly qualify the job candidates. A clear vision provides a summary for the development of purpose and strategy of the organization. And a clear mission is what to do to reach to the success of an organization. In this assignment I have tried to demonstrate by giving an example of a company that how mission and vision is important for the company, how company get benefited using such practices and how they are communicated and implemented in different programs.


The world is now changing around us. We must look ahead to continue to thrive as a business over twenty years or beyond. We must look ahead; understand the trends and forces that will shape our business in the future. We have to ready for tomorrow today. Mission and vision statements are now organizational imperatives. No business now dares venture into the marketplace without a concise statement of its mission and vision.

Missions and visions must guide in behaviour and decision making; otherwise, they are just empty words. Mission and vision statements that exist only on paper are a great leading sign of an organization that will struggle in times of great opportunity never mind times of stress. In this Assignment we will discuss the meaning of Vision and mission and how they are communicated and how they are implemented in different programs.

Vision Statement:

A vision statement is about what the Organisation wants to become. It is a nightmare for a company that what it will become after 10 years or 20 years. It should vibrate with all members of the organization and help them feel proud, excited, and part of something much bigger than themselves. A vision should enlarge the organization’s capabilities and image of itself. It gives shape and direction to the organization’s future. Visions range in length from a couple of words to several pages. We should recommend shorter vision statements because people will tend to remember their shorter organizational vision.

Vision of GrammenPhone:

“WE ARE HERE TO HELP”. We exist to help our customers get the full benefit of communications services in their daily lives. We want to make it easy for customers to get that what they want, when they want it. We want to reach up to 20 million Internet Subscribers by 2020.” (Web 1)

Mission Statement:  

A Mission Statement identifies a starting point or current state of business. Mission is a precise description of what an organization does. It is more specific than vision. It provides more guidelines for developing plans that can be implemented to fulfil the vision. It should describe the business the organization is in. It is a definition of “why” the organization exists currently. Each member of an organization should be able to verbally express this mission.

Additionally, each person needs a mission for his or her life. The alignment of our life mission with our organization’s mission is one of the key factors in whether we are happy with our work and workplace. If they are incongruent, we are likely dissatisfied with our work choice.

Mission Of GrammenPhone: “The company’s prime target is to remain the choice of two out of three new customers as their most preferred mobile telecom and data service provider.” (Web 1)

Company Values:

Every organization has its own values. Values are character that are considered worthwhile; it’s represent an individual’s highest priorities and deeply held driving forces. Values are so essential, embedded and invisible that we experience all the downstream effects without knowing the true cause. Value statements are grounded in values and describe how people want to behave with each other in the organization. The statements about how the organization will value customers, suppliers, and the internal community. Value statements describe actions which are the living performance of the fundamental values held by the most individuals within the organization.

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Grammenphone Values:


We are sensible. Everything we produce should be easy to understand and use. Because we never forget we are trying to make our customers’ lives easier.


We are creative. We bring energy and imagination to our work. We want to be a partner in the development of our community. We are passionate about our business, customers and our country.


Everything we set out to do should work. If it does not, we are there to put things right. We are about delivery, not over promising – actions not words.


We accept and respect the local culture. We are respectful and professional in regard to all our connections, both internally and externally. We are open, helpful and friendly.” (Web 1)

Benefits of having Mission and Vision Statement:

Vision and mission-making work can serve you in carrying out your leadership role, unifying your efforts and building alignment and loyalty among employees. However, far more important than having mission and vision statements is having a clear mission and vision! (By Daniel Robin)

The benefits of having mission and vision all starts with establishing core values. Core values are what get you up out of bed in the morning; a strong work ethic, a desire to contribute the need to support to family, respect to all fellow workers and subordinates within the company. They are permanent and do not change over time.

Once we have gleaned what company’s core values are than company can move to establish to its vision. Vision is a long term goal. It can embrace business as well as personal life. And mission flows from vision. It’s a written statement that provides a clear sense of direction to all of stakeholders in the business. It embraces the commitment of the company to staff, customers and the community at large. It should be a shared set of standards and beliefs that all staff buy into and live every day. (Web 3)

How they are communicated?

Mission and Vision are significantly communicated each other adopted by the staff within the Organization. The vision that company sets for the future and the mission that company sets to reach towards vision and its success. It should be adopted by staff within the organization to clear their mind of Company goals. And the implementation requires a large commitment from executives and senior managers, where the planning is occurring in a department or in a complete organization. The statement should be placed in every possible location in the company where employees can have a look and clear of it. If the employees are not clear about their mission and vision, the planning implementation process will be fail. It’s as simple as that. So the Executives must lead, support and follow-up showing them the live results of planning process that what they are going to do. (Web 4)

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For example of GrammenPhone, They are training their employees to get to know their extreme purpose. The driving force behind Grameenphone’s continued success over the years has been its professionally competent and dedicated team of people working for the Company. The Directors are proud to have such a competent team working for the Company in meeting the challenges in a dynamic business environment. Grameenphone also put in place a number of initiatives to build a strong corporate culture, upgrading existing skills of its employees and developing future leaders. Grameenphone believes in investing in human capital and empowerment of employees in order to improve the productivity. (Web 1)

Why Company follow such practices?

Company always follow such practices cause without mission and vision they will not be able to know where is the destination and what they are looking for. Without mission and vision practices Company can not think to move a step ahead. Making a statement memorable and inspiring is optional, but a helpful intention.  If these conditions are being met, then you can go forward with communicating this important information to everyone in the organization and, if appropriate, the outside world. Such written statements can be used to develop a clearer position in the marketplace and for strategic planning. Throughout the practices we will be able to know the business goals and aspirations as an organization. In many industries, changing markets and customers periodically require companies to revaluate their strategic mission. A sound mission and value statement is brief, memorable and sensible, as well as inspiring. It serves to focus employees on the highest objectives of the company, and thus becomes a keystone of corporate strategy. (web 6)

Effective Implementation of Mission and Vision through different program:

How the Organization will move forward it depends on Company’s Strategic Plan by clearly understanding of its vision and mission. Strategic planning implementation is at the heart of how to make change of any kind happen in your organization. We can start by answering why our organization might want to embark on a strategic planning process and implementation. Want to be one of the organizations, in which employees understand the mission and goals?

Where mission and vision statements have succeeded imperially there has always been a top to bottom clear support for the program. The uncertainty of an organization’s leadership is understandable. By their very nature, mission and vision statements will bring about change and change is always accompanied by additional costs and risks. Rather than fear it, management must embrace that concept. Some management tools fail to affect any change; but here is one that will almost certainly do so if properly implemented. Therefore the focus should be on ensuring that this tool is properly aligned and used so that the benefits overshadow the costs, instead of fearfully leaving it to rust in the dust.

Without total honesty and clarity, the process is hopeless from the start. Everyone must feel comfortable with the objectives and must be willing to make the necessary commitments to achieve them. Ultimately, results come from investments of time and money, not from feel-good discussion groups. It is preferable for a vision to be pared back and achievable than to be so unrealistic that it has lost all credibility before even being posted on the wall.

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Total commitment is also essential. An organization’s progress is the aggregate result of countless decisions made every moment. What mission and vision statements do is provide a prepared reference for everyone to use as a benchmark when making decisions. These decisions may be as ordinary as how the receptionist answers the phone to whether the board approves opening a new branch office in another state. With clear, realistic objectives guiding them, everyone finds that often the decisions are already made for them. (Web 5)

Example of Grammenphone,

An increasing percentage of the future growth will now come from the rural areas. And that is why we will immediately give special attention to developing the rural market and cater to their needs. This is the foundation for the continued growth in the market and although it comes with some challenges, Grameenphone remains committed to the rural people of Bangladesh and we dare to see the potential. Grameenphone’s continued vision and strategy is to provide quality mobile phone and data services at affordable prices to both urban and rural users. The company will continue to make fresh investments to increase the network capacity in order to cater for the projected large customer intake.

The challenges of having such statements in a climate constant change:

In this Globalization era everything is changing rapidly. Business, Culture, Society and even climate also changing over time and every body have to move forward with the constant changes. Businesses are changing by its own structure and have to be more competitive to stay and survive in the market. Effective leaders ensure that people understand and committed to the vision through-out the organization. Vision is the driving force for motivation and achievement. A vision must be positive not negative cause it reflects ambition. And if the vision has no mission, it will remain in the air like a good idea without application. A vision is more internally driven where mission is more externally. If the vision is being achieved we can feel it, if the mission is being achieved we can measure it. A realistic vision and mission statement always support to achieve the organizational goals.


Mission and vision Statement is very crucial for a company to make a move it to the right directions. If Company understands the core values of mission and vision and based on that where they want to see their position in future. Vision and mission is often confused and sometimes the executives sometimes make it confusion. Many executives are frustrated in their attempts to realize their full value. Some companies have spectacularly failed to live up to the aspirations contained in their mission or vision statements. Unless the vision is clearly communicated and integrated unto organizational practices, it is likely to have little effect as some of the world premiere organizations have turned to committed to strong vision into unparallel success. A good mission should be distinctive, memorable and relevant to all employees within the organizations so that they can move forward to success their vision over the time period. Above all, Company should make always simple and concise Mission and vision statement so that it can be easily understood by top to bottom level in the organization and by keeping it into their head they can work or move ahead to the success.

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