Mission Statement Of Mobile Company Telenor Management Essay


Telenor is by far the highly regarded and best considered company of Norway. It shows the History of Norway and the people living there. In the last 15 years the Norway society is linked with the telecommunication and its development has marked the development of Norway. In the start of the telecommunication the Telenor was the driving towards success and it was used to embark success of Telenor. Now Norway is the largest market of telecommunication.

Pioneer in mobile communications:

Telenor is the first company which introduced the mobile communication. In 1966 the manual mobile communication was first time introduced in Norway it was the saviour of NMT system which was automatic and appeared in 1981. Then in 1993 the GSM was introduced which is regarded as the latest technology in Telecommunication. In 1994, Norwegian Telecom was established as a public corporation. One year later, it changed its name to Telenor. In December 2000, Telenor was partly privatized and listed on the stock exchange.

…and expands internationally

Telenor spread far and wide in very short time and become the leading mobile service provider It goes international and now across continent and has it services in around 12 countries. Now the vision of Telenor


Telenor subsists to help out customers get the complete assistance of communication services in their daily lives. Telenor’s vision and values have a specific definition with a clear approach for all their workers and colleagues locating out how Telenor do business at Telenor. They offer a essential guide for taking complete care of their customers. Together they set the standard for how Telenor work in order to create sustainable value for their shareholders, customers, employees and partners.

Mission Statement

Telenor aim on,

Empowering Customers

Local approach – global expertise

Working closely with the shareholders

COMPANY information as of 2009






Fornebu, Norway

Key people

CEO: Jon Fredrik Baksaas, Chairman: Harald Norvik




Telephony and broadband


â-² 92.5 billion NOK

Operating income

â-² 15.0 billion NOK

Net income

â-² 18.0 billion NOK





Telenor’s values are a constant reminder to them of how Telenor should serve all its customers around the world. They inspire to be a driving force in modern communications and customer satisfaction.

1-Explain how applications can be screened from the pool of applications and relate this with your selected organizations procedures. (Criteria P14.1.1)

Applications are shortlisted from pool of candidates based on relevant experience and area of specialization. Short-listing must be completed based on the person specification. New criterion cannot be introduced to consider the candidates at this phase as it would be unfair. It is the Manager’s liability to complete the short-listing and to make certain the process remains free of unlawful inequity. It is enviable that a second person from the board also participates in the short-listing process. This may include the following.

Tests include:

Attitude Test

Common personality test

Emotional stability test(Psychological Interviews)

Telenor is one of the leading recruiters in recent past. The candidates are recommended to create a profile on the website of Telenor. Then the relevant posts are recommended to the candidate’s sp that they can apply online. Telenor provides a facility to the candidates to subscribe an email notification for the relevant area of interest. So whenever any situation is vacant an automatic email is generated to the candidate so he may apply online.

After the applications are received, The HR members of Telenor start sorting out the candidates. The profiles of the managers get the list of candidates who have applied for some specific post. First of they shortlist the candidates by eliminating the candidates with some non relevant area of specialization, after that they pick out the most relevant members and shortlist them. This is the most latest and impressive way of short listing candidates from a pool of candidate.

02-Explain the methods for selection when recruiting employees for organization and relate this with your selected organizations procedures and Explain what selection process is following by your company. (Criteria P14.1.2) and (Criteria P14.1.2)

Methods for Selection:

Following are some of the methods of Selection that most of the organizations use during recruitment process.

Preliminary Interview

Selection Tests

Employment Interview

Reference and Background Analysis

Physical Examination

Job Offer

Employment Contract

Most of the organizations review there current job opening and then design selection process in order to keep the flow. Following points are usually assessed before designing a selection process.

• Make sure that there is a need for that job in the organization and organization have proper funding for it.

• Job description must be updated and have all the issues covered for future requirement.

• The person hired must have all the necessary requirements for its job

• Proper selection process followed

• Fair and square short listing should be done.

• Validate references, qualifications and security clearances

Managers hold the liability for makes sure this agenda is followed. HR is accessible for advice and will assist in general administration of the recruitment process.

Selection Method for Telenor

Telenor is a big organization and they have a regular need for employees. Sometimes they have ample time to follow complete selection process but most of the time they have to quickly go through selection process. They have an online portal system which help them speed up the process of selection. They usually announce there posts online and then short list the candidates those who fullfill the criteria and then call them for the interview. If the position is of some important nature then a test is conducted and if there would not be any need for the test then two panel interviews are conducted by the members of the organization HR Team. Hence after that a medical test is being conducted to make sure emotion and physical stability of employees. In this way the selection at Telenor is done.

03-Explain what are the Legal, Regulatory and Ethical, considerations to be considered during the selection process and relate this with your selected organizations procedures. (Criteria P14.1.3)

Every organization has its own roles and procedures to follow to make the work better and goo looking. The legal, regulatory and Ethical issues always remain a concern for the HR members of the organization. So a good recruitment policy must follow following points in order to bring a good ethical recruitment policy.

A good recruitment policy

Complies with government policies

Provides job security

Provides employee development opportunities

Is ethically fair

Ensures its employees long-term employment opportunities

Cost effective for the organization

Recruitment and selection procedures must comply with the Telenor’s Diversity Policy. According to the international labour laws and organization rules and procedures act. Some specific laws are defined to make sure a smooth flow of the work progress in which every employee gets equal opportunity to grow. This procedure incorporates compliance with the following legislation:

• The Sex Discrimination Act 1975

• The Race Relations Act 1976, along with the Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003

• The Disability Discrimination Act 1995

• The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003

• The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003

Additional legislation that requires observance during the recruitment and selection process is:

• The Asylum and Immigration Act 1996

• The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions Order 1975 and Amendment Orders 1986)

• The Data Protection Act 1998

Ethical Issues:

Ethically this is the responsibility of any organization to make sure that the applicants must be handled without any favouritism and they must be given opportunity to show there strength before making the final decision. There must be no personal grudges while doing the recruitment for some post and every cast is given full support.

Telenor’s Point of View

Telenor Pakistan acts responsibly and respectfully towards the people and authorities in different societies and aims to contribute to social and economic development in the local market. This is the essence of our commitment to Corporate Responsibility.

04- Define knowledge, skills and experience and Explain why mix of knowledge, skills and experience is important for a team to fulfil its functions. (Criteria P14.2.1)

Knowledge – Is a body of information applied directly to the performance of a function.

Skill – Is an observable competence to perform a learned professional act.

Experience – Is competence to perform an observable behavior or a behavior that results in an observable product.

Knowledge Skill and Experience are three main factors that help any organization to fulfil its functional needs. It is a common belief that when these three factors are satisfied then we say that the organization is progressing and the employees are suitable fort the growth of organization. A KSE, or Knowledge, Skills, and Experience, is a series of narrative statements that are required when applying to Federal government job openings. KSE’s are used to determine, along with resumes, who the best applicants are when several candidates qualify for a job. The knowledge, skills and Experience (KSE’s) necessary for the successful performance of a position are contained on each job vacancy announcement.

05-Explain the methods of motivating the team members and why it is important (Criteria P14.2.2)

Following are the features that are being used by Telenor to keep there employees and team members motivated. Meanwhile these are the main factors that every big organization uses to keep there employees motivated.

A strong team builder

There are different programmes for the team building which then gives the employees an opportunity to grow as a future leader. The employees feel confident and manage day to day activities according to the desired demands of management. In this way the employees get there own values and results which help them make the way easy.

People management

Telenor development process gives and opportunity to employees to become leader in life they help them learn how to manage people and make some changes in there style of living so that they can adapt the changes of different working environment easily which then provides a proper outcome.

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Global perspective of Motivation:

In all the big organizations there are some of the common features which are adopted by managers to keep their employees motivated, some of them are as follows. Telling consequences, making sure they are having pleasure at work, give them performance incentives. Along-with this they must give those detailed instructions and the short and long term goals are mentioned with deadlines. There must be a team spirit and goal must be recognized. Top management must have trust and respect in their employees and time to time create challenges so the people be creative and constructive criticism should be there to demand improvement –

06-Explain the importance of team member’s relationship and how your selected organizations team member’s relationship helps the organization to achieve their goals. (Criteria P14.2.3)

Every team must have some common interest in there goals so that they may have self assessment to find out there strength and weaknesses. A team may go aboard on a process of assessing to estimate its success and improve its performance. In order to do this the team members must have a constant link between there different levels so that they could find out there strengths and weakness.

The relationship between different team members must be developed so that they may bring out best out of them and keen to work in a friendly environment. The organization must develop a mechanism to make sure that he team members help them eliminate the mistakes and bring best out of them. Only a relationship building can bring some best outcomes from a team.

Telenor have a keen interest to work in team building and they show there interest so that the assessment is done fair and without any mishaps. A prepared teambuilding sketch is a good tool to execute team bonding and thus, team awareness. This is cone in Telenor because of internal assessment of the employees. It is in the vision and Mission of Telenor to bring best outcome through working in team and relating the goals with the incentives. This helps them promote the culture of friendly relationship among employees.

07-How the team members can be motivated to develop their roles during the team assignment and relate this with your selected organizations procedures. (Criteria P14.2.4)

In recent past there was a lot of research being undertaken to make sure how the best possible can be bring out of the employees. The members think that the organizations always pass through five different stages to make their employees motivated.

Stage 1 – First stage is about the team formation and the employees think of some common features among different team members. In this stage the employees cam to know about different challenges and opportunities in the task ahead. Some goals are set and the ambition is defined to make them achieve. In this stage the leader is role model and works with the team for some type of training to keep them motivated.

Stage 2 – when they start working in the team there is some time taken to understand different corners of the mindset. This is the stage where some conflicts develop and the team members think of some way to find out the similarities among them.

Stage 3 – Third stage is the most important where each member try to convey the best message to the others some mutual understanding is developed and the goals are defined with some vision and a purpose of task ahead bring to picture.

Stage 4 – this stage is after effect of self assessment and the team motivation the employees bring some unique features and help themselves to assess the negatives and bring positive out of them. This help the team members to make some progress towards their goal and make some interdependence in behavior.

Stage 5 – This is the final stage of team building where the employees ripe the fruit of their success and this is the time where the performance is measured and the continuous achievement is rewarded. This is the time to celebrate the outcome of the common goals and bring fresh changes to the employees to bring best out of them..

Time and attempt are required to move through the various team expansion stages. Every team will go through all the stages. However the timeline of each stage may be different for each team depending on the person member and their skill levels, the work the team is expected to complete, and team leadership during each stage.

In all the big organizations there are some of the common features which are adopted by managers to keep their employees motivated, some of them are as follows. Telling consequences, making sure they are having pleasure at work, give them performance incentives. Along-with this they must give those detailed instructions and the short and long term goals are mentioned with deadlines. There must be a team spirit and goal must be recognized. Top management must have trust and respect in their employees and time to time create challenges so the people be creative and constructive criticism should be there to demand improvement 

08-Define the empowering concept and explain why empowering the team members is important to develop their own way which enables them to work independently.

Empowerment refers to enlargement of an employee’s job responsibility by giving him the authority of decision making about his own job without approval of his immediate supervisor.

It is multi-dimensional in that it occurs within sociological, psychological, economic, and other dimensions. Empowerment also occurs at various levels, such as individual, group, and community. Social process, since it occurs in relationship to others. Empowerment is a process that is similar to a path or journey, one that develops as we work through it.

Empowering employees is not only important for any organizations progress but also it is necessary to impart them effect of employee’s personal capabilities on the success of organization. It is the strategy which follows the rules of management and philosophy that enables employees to make decisions about their jobs. Employee empowerment brings out of employees to own their work and take responsibility for their results and helps employees serve customers at the level of the organization where the customer interface exists.

Georgia Power Company

Explain the important leadership styles and identify the leadership style of Georgia Power Company. (Criteria P14.3.1)

Managers often show some unique attitudes which result in their management styles and on the basis of these the researchers have developed these 6different management styles.

Coercive Style

It is the mostly used style in which managers have control over there subordinates. This seems to be simple and the management uses it to lead the team because there is only one path to follow in this. Due to lack of autonomy the managers who are new to the system and are not much confident about there senior’s attitude often fails. The most common and obvious drawback of this style is that the managers fail to motivate their subordinates and hence the employees and workers don’t give desired output this style is only applicable where juniors don’t have much knowledge and decision power.

Authoritative Style

This one is the bureaucratic style of leadership most of the researchers don’t like it but this seems to be very effective in some cases as this yields very fruitful results in some situations. The leader often asks its subordinates to come with him and do what is to be achieved and hence in this way the employee gets some advantage to take his own path towards goal.

Affiliation Style

This type of leadership style shows the affiliation in work. Mostly this type of leadership styles fails as the work is sidelined and the negatives are not mentioned which then leads to the poor results and outcomes. The affiliations just show that the work is right in order to motivate employees and not the wrong side of the picture which leads in poor command and control.

The Democratic Style

The research shows that the style is not the same as the name shows like it means some time of democratic nature. This gives workers authority to bring there own views and ideas and shows some flexibility to get the better results just as the democratic leaders do. This has negative effect that the employees feel that there is no clear direction and become confused moreover it would also lead to mix of attitudes from the employees.

The Pace setting Style

Pace setting is unique style in which the leader becomes Example for his colleagues and then shows them the direction to come up with self motivation and thus yield better result. There is a bad thing that the employees would be overwhelmed by the attitude of the leader and would not give his 100%.

Coaching Style

In this type of style everyone is the leader of his own self. This style is by far the best one in which the thing which the employees would have to perform would be defined and they get training to do that tasks. Hence the leader would just have to look after the work and bring positive out of his employees.

The Georgia Power Company has the mix of the leadership styles in 1995 when they first time introduced teams and then tried to make it the part of winning team they tried to develop relationship building in there teams hence they used mix of democratic and Coaching style along with the goal setting theory. The managers tried to make the pace of the work in limit but ensure that the work is done in best interest of the organization.

This management team took a key development step in 1996 by setting expectations for their behaviour and presenting them to their organizations during reviews of the 1996 plant strategic plan. Putting these expectations “on the record” built incentives to act accordingly. Hence they set the goals for there employees which in turn provide them best output to bring out the best results.

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10-Explain the importance of communicating the Visions, Goals and Values to colleagues and how Georgia Power Company apply this concept to achieve their objective? (Criteria P14.3.2)

It would be very difficult for everyone in a carpool to make a decision on whether to turn right, left or go straight at the next intersection if each was headed for a different destination. If they’re all going to the same place, they may have different ideas on which way to turn and exactly how to get to where they’re going. Hence the Visions, Goals ad Values are important for any organization to provide a framework to its employees to relate their path with there goal. This is similar to the one may like the scenic route, another knows about road construction that should be avoided, a third may want to take a shortcut and arrive early, a fourth may need to run an errand along the way. Since their destination is the same, even though there is diversity in their ideas, they should be able to reach a consensus decision on the route to take based on information provided by each. Likewise in a business it’s difficult or impossible to agree on strategic or even tactical decisions if everyone in the business ∼ owners, managers, family members, employees ∼ are not all headed in the same direction, toward the same mission and vision. If a family, a business, or a team doesn’t have a common direction ∼ mission, vision and core values ∼ arguments will occur surrounding nearly every decision and agreements may be impossible. Developing shared mission, vision and values is the first step in laying a foundation for making strategic and tactical decisions that will move the business forward. Having them in place won’t eliminate arguments and disagreements, but at least the disagreement will be about how to best get to the same endpoint as opposed to heading in opposite directions.

At the Georgia Power Company as the plant mangers considered the requirements for the future, he determined that the structure, processes, and the culture of the plant would need to change. Therefore, top management must change how it operated, hence they started to conveying there mission goals and values to broaden capabilities at all levels. Processes were needed to manage decision-making risk and gain consensus on direction. A new organizational structure was one of the early steps in their transformation. The structure provided an “outside in” focus – identifying the operations function as the primary internal customer, and grouped plant activities into several functional areas.

11-Explain how Georgia Power Company teams motivates their colleagues? (Criteria P14.3.3)

In 1995 when Georgia Company started thinking towards team building there main purpose was to make sure that he teams are designed in such a way that they get motivation which would then lead them in future goal setting. The plan managers though that changing the boxes on the organization chart were not sufficient for real change. Then they took the step towards becoming a team when they came together at a facilitated off-site meeting. They clarified individual roles and responsibilities on this new team and began developing teams relationships this was their first step towards employee motivation and hence increasing the relationship among teams.

Then they agreed that the role of each leadership-team member should be one of “shared responsibilities with a functional focus”. The top management role was reduced due to this new era of change management. In fact, managers were required to consider the impact of their decisions-not only on the total plant but also on the total operating system of the southern Company.

Hence to motivate the employees each member was given the responsibility to champion specific transformation activities for the leadership team. The team began to have regular one-day session meetings where they discussed and made decisions on the strategic and operational issues. This management team took a key development step in 1996 by setting expectations for their behaviour and presenting them to their organizations during reviews of the 1996 plant strategic plan. Hence it was another step towards building a team and then making them realize there importance in goal setting which in turn helps the get motivated.

12-Elaborate the importance of changes within the organization and how Georgia Power Company implements the change? (Criteria P14.3.4)

The parent organization, Sothern Company, implemented a transformation process to improve the plant’s ability to complete the goals. This transformation process required an emphasis on business results at all levels and creation of an organization culture that could deal with uncertainty and competition. Following were the steps in the process of change at Georgia Power Company.

The structure, processes, and the culture of the plant would need to change.

A new organizational structure was one of the early steps in their transformation

Identifying the operations function as the primary internal customer, and grouped plant activities into several functional areas.

To improve the capabilities of the management team

Thy determined that the structure, processes, and the culture of the plant would need to change. Which shows the main focus was on the future success, for this purpose they formed different teams under the supervision of 9 top managers. These processes were needed to manage decision-making risk and gain consensus on direction. A new organizational structure was one of the early steps in their transformation. They clarified individual roles and responsibilities on this new team and began developing team’s relationships. They agreed that the role of each leadership-team member should be one of “shared responsibilities with a functional focus”. Top managers at the plant could no longer make decisions from only their own departments’ view. In fact, managers were required to consider the impact of their decisions-not only on the total plant but also on the total operating system of the southern Company. Each member took on the responsibility to champion specific transformation activities for the leadership team. The team began to have regular one-day session meetings where they discussed and made decisions on the strategic and operational issues. This management team took a key development step in 1996 by setting expectations for their behaviour and presenting them to their organizations during reviews of the 1996 plant strategic plan. Putting these expectations “on the record” built incentives to act accordingly.

Hence the team building brought positive changes as they found out in 1996 that the performance of these teams were fruitful and they maintained a positive approach towards the future planning. For the assessment of the changes the team also used various assessment instruments to understand and deal with the different individual styles of team members. Each team member discussed his or her assessment in an open forum. Each team member also formulated his or her own development plan based on these and other assessment. These steps made the way for improving team performance and hence they found out positive results.

13-Explain the importance of empowering, and how Georgia Power Company empower their staffs to achieve the organization objectives? (Criteria P14.3.5)

Empowering employees is not only important for any organizations progress but also it is necessary to impart them effect of employee’s personal capabilities on the success of organization. It is the strategy which follows the rules of management and philosophy that enables employees to make decisions about their jobs. Employee empowerment brings out of employees to own their work and take responsibility for their results and helps employees serve customers at the level of the organization where the customer interface exists.

However, at Georgia Power Company plant management knew that simply changing the boxes on the organization chart was not sufficient for real change. In the summer of 1995, the plant manager and nine other employees took their first step toward becoming a team when they came together at a facilitated off-site meeting this was done to bring such changes in the organization which in turn empower the employees and give them decision taking power. They clarified individual roles and responsibilities on this new team and began developing team’s relationships. They agreed that the role of each leadership-team member should be one of “shared responsibilities with a functional focus”. Top managers at the plant could no longer make decisions from only their own departments’ view. In fact, managers were required to consider the impact of their decisions-not only on the total plant but also on the total operating system of the southern Company. Hence in this way the management got the advantage of the empowerment and enabled employees to make decisions in the best interest of the organizations.

14-Explain how objective setting techniques and process help to plan or analyse work activities. (Criteria P14.4.1)

Management by Objectives (MBO) is a process of defining objectives within an organization so that management and employees agree to the objectives and understand what they are in the organization. The purpose of objective setting is to determine key achievement results, desired by an enterprise or other group in support of its vision and/or mission, to determine key achievement results for a change project to measure progress and/or to evaluate accomplishments, and to facilitate goal setting. The benefit of objective setting is that common objectives facilitate consensus and provide a focus for taking action. Objectives also provide a way to measure progress (“…if you do not know where you are going, how do you know when or if you got there…”). The more wider the participation in setting the objectives, the greater the commitment and motivation to achieve them. Accountability to the objectives’ measures is also enhanced.

At the Georgia Power Company each member took on the responsibility to champion specific transformation activities for the leadership team. The team began to have regular one-day session meetings where they discussed and made decisions on the strategic and operational issues. This management team took a key development step in 1996 by setting expectations for their behaviour and presenting them to their organizations during reviews of the 1996 plant strategic plan. Putting these expectations “on the record” built incentives to act accordingly.

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15-Discus the delegation techniques which can be used to motivate colleagues when negotiate assignments. (Criteria P14.4.2)

Delegation skill is the ability to effectively assign task responsibility and authority to others. Or, in other words, delegation skill is your ability to get things done by using work and time of other people.

Effective delegation is a critical survival skill for managers and supervisors, and this is what many delegation training resources are about. Yet, what is less often emphasized is that understanding delegation skill and knowing how to use it right is an important personal time management skill. No matter if you have subordinates or bosses, if it is at work or at home.

Delegation Techniques necessary in negotiation in order to motivate the colleagues motivated;

1 Define the task

First of all the negotiator should define the task and should have arguments for that in his mind.

2 Select the individual or team

The negotiator must make the necessary arguments in his mind that the individual or the team that is required to do the task would be the best choice for him to meet everybody’s needs.

3 Assess ability and training needs

Every manager must make sure that he person who would be assigned the task would be capable to do the task and he must ne capable of giving the proper output.

4 Explain the reasons

In order to motivate the employee the manager must have a solid reason to ask him do the work that would make the mind of colleague clear.

5 State required results

All the desired results and exception must be stated at the start of the process to make the employee work accordingly.

6 Consider resources required

The resources required to complete the specific tasks should be determined in advance and this must be in accordance with the employee who is going to perform that task otherwise there might be some negative outcomes.

7 Agree deadlines

The managers and the employee must have a proper deadline set to complete the task that would give a vision to finish the task in specific time and also provide the opportunity to improve in remaining time.

8 Support and communicate

While negotiating the employee must have managements proper support and commitment and they must help the employee to speak his concern in that matter.

9 Feedback on results

There must be proper feedback on the results because that would give employees a view of there work and in future they would improve there performance accordingly.

Georgia Power Company had the positive approach and the managers started working on the every aspect of the transformation process. The delegation required was essential for the success of the organization so the plan was designed to complete the work.


16-Explain the importance of evaluation of activities and review of development needs. (Criteria P14.4.3)

The team also used various assessment instruments to understand and deal with the different individual styles of team members. Each team member discussed his or her assessment in an open forum. Each team member also formulated his or her own development plan based on these and other assessment.

There are three parts to the process of evaluation: asking questions, observing, and measuring achievement and monitoring change. This final part must be undertaken during the activity process as activity isn’t static and it should affect mood, motivation, wellbeing or sense of achievement. Measuring and monitoring changes: where changes have been observed this will enable action to be taken to adapt the individual components of an activity. This can be developed from monitoring the outcomes. From an organisational point of view, the evaluation process will enable managers to assess the involvement and development needs of staff, plan for future resources and allow the home’s budget to be balanced efficiently. Evaluation will help to determine whether the programme is meeting the requirements of new guidelines for regulatory assessment and other policies. Considerable information will be gathered over a period of time and will be evaluated to improve future programmes..

17-Explain the different performance evaluation methods of colleagues. (Criteria P14.4.4)

Evaluating an employee’s performance is an important task for a manager or owner of a company. Determining how you will evaluate each of your employees is very important. Each employee should know what is expected of him and what his goals are for the upcoming evaluation period.

Management by Objectives (MBO)

It is the approach that organizations use in order to evaluate performance to sort out the outcome of the events taking place. This process starts with goal setting and finishes with evaluation. It tells the difference in desired state and actual state. The process shows the commitment of employees and there aim to increase their performance along with monitoring and side by side correcting difference. The focus is not just measuring the performance, but also providing time to time feedback so that employee gets an opportunity to enhance his performance by changing the particular parts which are concerned.

Critical Incident Method

The managers usually specify the particular incidents during the particular time period and then on the basis of these behavioral actions, they evaluate performance over a specific period of time.

Graphic Ratings Method

This is one of the conventional ways to evaluate an employee’s routine. The manager keeps a ratings form where the employee’s behavior and behaviour are rated on definite precise parameters outlined in the form. Based on these ratings a final appraisal is prepared by the manager.

Weighted Checklist Method

In this case, the manager who is intimately familiar with the jobs under evaluation prepares a comprehensive checklist of what constitutes an effective or ineffective behavior on the job. Each item on the checklist has a different weightage depending on its significance and impact on the company’s goals. This helps to achieve a more objective and quantified appraisal of individual performance.

Performance Ranking Method

In this method, each employee’s performance is not evaluated in isolation, but in comparison to other employees. The performance is ranked for the entire group of employees from best performer to the worst performer. In this case, the appraiser compares individual performances to determine the benchmarks of performance, and then rates each individual based on those benchmarks.

360 Degree Performance Appraisal

The 360 degree performance appraisal method employs several approaches to estimate personage performance. The manager makes review of an employee based on firm factor and also makes judgment between show of different employees. These processes also contain private comment of employees and supervisors. later, all the data is put together and analyzed to have a comprehensive performance evaluation of an employee.

The main purpose of evaluating performance at Georgia Power Company was to make sure smooth flow of the teams created. This was also important because if the performance were not evaluated then the organization would have been at stake of collapse. It is always important because in transformation process the factor of risk is always there.

18-Explain the factors affecting the quality of performance and how these factors provide clear and constructive feedback on performance to colleagues. (Criteria P14.4.5)

There are number of ways to assess and calculate training and learning. Following are the factors which effect the performance of the employees in an organization.

Job Fit

Employees must be skilled enough to act upon a job in order to assemble potential. The best fit for a job is acknowledged by skills, knowledge and attitude towards the work. If an employee is in the wrong job for any of these reasons, results will suffer.

Technical Training

Employees can bring skills to a place but there are likely to be internal, company- or industry-specific behavior that will necessitate additional training. If a process necessitate a new software package it’s impractical to anticipate employees to just outline it out; they should receive sufficient training.

Clear Goals and Expectations

When everyone understands the targets and anticipated outcomes, it is easier to take stepladder to get there and quantify act along the way. Organizations without obvious goals are more likely to spend time on tasks that do not impact results.

Tools and Equipment

Just as a driver needs a auto in operating condition, employees must have the tools and apparatus necessary for their specific jobs. This includes physical tools, supplies, software and information. Outdated equipment, or none at all, has a detrimental affect on the bottom line.

Morale and Company Culture

Confidence and company culture are both difficult to define but employees will be able to report when they are poor or positive. Poor morale exists when there is significant whining, crabby and people just don’t want to come to work. On the constructive end, the workplace is eager by a intellect of purpose and teams that actually want to work together.

Hence these factors must be addressed to make sure smooth flow of work and moreover these must be scheduled to proper time frame to check the performance of the employees.

19-Explain the relationship between personal development of colleagues and organizational performance and how personal development helps to deal with organizational performance issues. (Criteria P14.4.6)

Because one of the plant’s strategies was to improve the capabilities of the management team, the team worked with an outside consultant to identify strengths and weaknesses. The consultant observed each of the team members in work situations and provided specific personal feedback and suggestions over an extended period of time. Each team member reviewed his or her assessment with the group and asked the reactions and recommendations. The consultant also provided feedback on group processes and worked in concert with an internal consultant to improve teamwork processes.

The team found several tools to be helpful in its operation and development. One was a common work plan that served multiple purposes.

To ensure integration of their efforts and to track team results;

To establish member accountability;

To facilitate the delegation of traditional plant manager tasks; and

As a catalyst to surface strategic issues. Each team member took responsibility for the accomplishment of particular parts of the work plan.

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