Motivation Strategies And The Main Key Theories Education Essay

Through this journal I’m going to analysis of motivation strategies and the main key theories that explain motivation will be carried out. The content will focus on an online journal written by Blaire palmer, who is also the author of the whole journal, and palmer gives an insight of what are motivation strategies and the importance of motivation within the workplace. He outlines a great deal of investigation on motivations and refers to theories and ideas of motivation. Furthermore, palmer investigation looks into deeper analyses of motivation strategies, at the psychological factors of motivation and the behavior that links with in motivation. In addition to this, motivation from a business point of view and how employees in business have motives to succeed will also be analyzed in this essay.

The key is to be timely, creative, and authentic and that the motivation or reward matches the interests and goals of the employee, whenever possible.

The two types of motivation are the following:

Intrinsic motivation When people motivated of doing something and either its brings them pleasure, they think it is imperative or they feel what are learning is important.

Extrinsic motivation When student is compelled to do something or act definite way because of factor external to him or her (for request good marks).

In addition to this self-control of motivation is going up increasing of the understanding of emotional intellect, a person maybe be high intellect according more traditional defecation( as considered many Intellect tests) yet unmotivated to dedicate this intellect to confident responsibilities.

There are thought of originate within the individual and may not require external of the behavior. Central drivers could be sparked by deficiency such a desire. This motivates a person to behave in good manner pleasing each others. Additionally, the role of extrinsic reward and stimuli is been seen in the example of training of animals, by given them treats when they present a trick correctly. The treat of motivates of animals to perform the trick always, even later when the treat gone from the method.

There are numerous theories about motivation; it has been known that a reward is presented after the occurrence of an action with the intent to cause the behavior to occur again. This is done by associating positive meaning to the behavior. Studies show that if the person receives the reward immediately, the effect would be greater, and decreases as duration lengthens, therefore, this basically means that the greater the motive the better of reward. It is thought that individuals want to learn a particular r skill and weather to perfect it or not is an option. External factors often come in the form of rewards, such as medals, money and prizes. The pressures from other people can also be extrinsic motivators, such as some young people participate in a sporting event just to please their parents. Intrinsic motivation is a term used for the internal drives to participate or perform well. Such drives or emotional feelings include fun, enjoyment in participating and the satisfaction that can be felt that can be felt in playing a particular game. Personal accomplishment and a sense of pride are also intrinsic factors, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs proposes that individuals have various levels of motivational needs, both physiological and psychological must be fulfilled in a specific order, and individuals continue to attempt to satisfy those needs lower down the hierarchy before progressing to the next level.

The Drive Reduction Theory comes out of the concept from particular biological drives, such as hunger. Therefore, as time goes by, the strength of the drive increases if it is not satisfied by eating, and when satisfying a drive the drive’s strength is decreased. This theory is based on the work from the theories of Sigmund Freud to the ideas of feedback control systems, such as a thermostat. In addition, it is clear that drive reduction theory cannot be an entire theory of conduct, or a hungry human could not prepare a meal without eating the food before they finished cooking it. The ability of drive theory to cope with all kinds of behavior, from not satisfying a drive (by adding on other traits such as restraint), or adding additional drives for “tasty” food, which combine with drives for “food” in order to explain cooking render it hard to test.

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Another theory is Abraham Maslow’s theory, which is one of the most widely discussed theories of motivation. Maslow’s theory suggests that human beings have wants and desires which influence their behavior. Only unsatisfied needs influence our behavior. Since needs are many, they are prearranged in classify of importance, from the basic to the complex, and the individual advances to the next level of needs only after the lower level of need is at least minimally satisfied. The further the progress up the hierarchy, the more individuality, humanness and psychological healthy a person will show. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is Physiology, Safety, Belongingness, Self-esteem, Self actualization. Frederick Herzberg’s theory of motivation explains that there are the two-factor theories which are intrinsic/extrinsic motivation; it concludes that certain factors in the workplace result in job satisfaction, but if absent, lead to dissatisfaction.

Finally Blaire Palmer expands on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, created the existence, relatedness and growth. Physiological and safety, the lower order needs, are placed in the existence category, while love and self esteem needs are placed in the relatedness category. The growth category contains our self-actualization and self-esteem needs.

Models of behavior change

Social-cognitive models of behavior change include the constructs of motivation. We now know that motivation is known as a process that leads to the creation of behavioral outputs. Self-efficacy is supposed to facilitate the forming of behavioral intentions, the development of action plans, and the initiation of action, and it can maintain the translation of intentions into action.

Unconscious motivation

The study of motivation from the psychological perspective is fairly new and extremely complex. Psychologists do not know exactly what motivates individuals to work hard. Human behavior has, however, permitted psychologists to clarify motivation and develop models to support managers in understanding how to get the most out of people. Before entering into the practical motivational tools available to managers, it is very significant to first think about the following key building blocks and patterns.

Many scientists think that important amount of human behavior is energized and directed by unconscious motives. According to a well known psychologist called Freud and other psychologist who agree with the theories of Freud that a large amount of human behavior is the effect of impulses and desires, and thoughts that have been hidden in the unconscious part of the brain, but still influence the behavior. Freud believed that the human mind ha s little , conscious parts that is available for direct examination and a much larger subconscious part that plays an even much significant role in shaping behavior.

Moreover Freud also believed that repressed memories and desires are the origins of many mental problems. This was developed as a process of assisting patients in bringing their unconscious thoughts to reality meaning to consciousness. This improved understanding of the causes for behavior and feelings then would help the patient in modifying the undesired aspects of their behavior.

Some examples of this is projecting or attribute one’s own faults to others. “I feel that it’s made my fault because of her selfishness”. This shows that socially offensive motives may result in outward behavior that is the differing of the repressed tendencies. Another example is of the employee who hates his boss, but overworks him on the job to show that he holds him in high consider.

Insensible motives add to the hazards of interpreting human behavior and, to the extent that they are present, complicate the life of the administrator. On the other hand, knowledge that insensible motives can be lead exist to a more careful assessment of behavioral problems. Although few contemporary psychologists deny the existence of insensible factors, many do believe that these are activated only in times of anxiety and stress, and that in the ordinary course of events, human behavior from the subject’s point of view is logically purposeful.

Controlling motivation

There are many different approaches of motivation controlling and training, but many of these are considered an essential way by critics. To understand how to control motivation it is first needed to understand why many people lack motivation. For instance learners perceive themselves to be in control when they see clear cause-and-effect relationship between their own actions and obtaining desired benefits. This means that a good way to enable learners to feel in control even if they are studying something “because they have to,” is to let them see the cause-and-effect relationship between something they really care about and would freely choose and the topic they are studying in class.

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In addition the extremely direct approaches to motivation, starts in early life. There are great deals of ways which are additional abstract but nevertheless more practical for self-motivation. It is been known critical to continue a list of tasks, with a difference between those which are fulfilled and those which are not, thereby moving some of the required motivation for their completion from the tasks themselves. The viewing of the list of completed tasks may also be considered motivating, as it can create a satisfying sense of achievement. “It’s all because clearly the number one motivator of people is feedback on results.”

Most electronic to-do lists have this basic functionality, although the distinction between completed and non-completed tasks is not always clear (completed tasks are sometimes simply deleted, instead of kept in a separate list).

Moreover other forms of information organization may also be motivational, for instance as the use of mind maps to put in order one’s ideas, and then train the neural network that is the human brain to focus on the given task. The forms of idea notation for example as simple bullet-point style lists may also be sufficient, or even more useful to less visually oriented persons.

Employee Motivation

The employers in any society need something to keep them working. Sometimes the salary of the employee is enough to keep them working. However, when working sometimes the salary does not help to employees to stay in the society. It’s the employees must motivated to work for a company or organization. If the motivation have presented in an employee, might then it can apply for attract negative of quality of the work in general.

Carrying of the employee working at full time ultimate goal of employee motivation. The are many methods keeping help motivated, and some of traditional. There are many methods placing them to motivation in each other. Moreover, friendly compaction its great way to motivation among employees. This is giving a chance of the employees to feel flexible in their working skills and also its competition again their peers. This is not the only employees with result of greater production.


Motivation is of mainly an interest to Educational psychologists because of the crucial role it plays in pupils learning. However, the particular kind of motivation that is studied in the specific setting of education differs qualitatively from the more general forms of motivation studied by psychologists in other areas.

Motivation in education can have several effects on how students learn and how they behave towards subject matter. It can:

Lead to increased effort and energy

Increase initiation of, and persistence in, activities

Enhance cognitive processing

Determine what consequences are reinforcing

Direct behavior toward particular goals

Lead to improved performance.

However, as students are not always internally motivated, they occasionally need located motivation, which is found in ecological setting that the teacher produces to keep them motivated and encourages them to be motivated.

Motivation has been found to be an essential area in treating Autism Spectrum Disorders, as in Pivotal Response Therapy. Motivation is also an important factor in the concept of what motivates the adult learner.


At the lower level it show such physiological needs money is a motivator it’s also effects the stuff when they reach the latest of short period, especially in according in two factor of model of motivation. When it reaches the high level it shows some of hierarchy, and respect and empowerment sense of powerful of motivator than money. As the both of theory of motivation theory X and theory Y pertaining of theory of leadership express.

Maslow has the money of the lowest level of the hierocracy it shows better need motivators to stuff. McGregor places the money his Theory X category and it show some poor motivator. Praise and recognition placed in the theory Y and show some stronger motivator than money.

Motivated employees always find way to get better job.

Motivated employees are more quality oriented.

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Motivated workers are more creative.

From analyzing Palmer journal of “create individualized motivation strategies”, it has further broadened the understanding of motivation strategies and the performance, with which begins with an ability to understand that individuals in a workplace are not necessarily to be blamed if their performance or motivation is not what the supervisor envisions. Instead of assuming laziness or unskilled or unwilling to perform the task at hand, the wise manager seeks to understand why the workers are not performing to the companies expectations. While it may be that the workers do not possess the requisite skills, which can be remedied through training, there may be other factors involved which are more complicated and which reach to the heart of effective management. Also the theories that the article presented such as Herzberg identified elements which cause job dissatisfaction and classified them as hygiene factors. It is identified that job satisfaction he classified them as motivator factors, and therefore, Herzberg believed that they should be called hygiene factors basically because they are essentially preventive, for instance, they prevent or minimize dissatisfaction, but do not give satisfaction.

The style of leadership practiced by an individual is, in effect, the managerial behavior of that individual, and managerial behavior can have profound effects on the performance of the organization. In addition to this, the organization, particularly its structure and its mission, may affect the leadership styles adopted by its leaders and managers.

This journal states that in the mid‑1950s two theories of motivation which have received wide attention and acceptance, and those of Maslow and Herzberg which, neither of these theories has proven valid in all organizational environments and situations, however, each has made major contributions to the development of a variety of techniques for the motivation of individuals within organizations. It is further understood that aims, purpose and values between staff, teams and organization is the most fundamental aspect of motivation strategies within the workplace. The better the position and personal association with organizational aims, the better the platform for motivation. Where people find it difficult to align and associate with the organizational aims, then most motivational ideas and activities will have a reduced level of success.


After consideration of the journal, it is believed that Maslow’s theory is an important model for achieving individual goals and motives. Motivation is driven by the existence of unsatisfied needs, and then it is worthwhile for a manager to understand which needs are the more important for individual employees. In this regard, Maslow developed a model in which basic, low-level needs such as physiological requirements and safety must be satisfied before higher-level needs such as self-fulfillment are pursued. In this hierarchical model, when a need is mostly satisfied it no longer motivates and the next higher need takes its place. Even though Maslow’s hierarchy lacks scientific support, it is quite well-known and is the first theory of motivation to which many people they are exposed.

There are several points that go with motivation which are:

Setting a major goal, but follow a path. The path has mini goals that go in many directions. When you learn to succeed at mini goals, you will be motivated to challenge grand goals.

Finish what you start. A half finished project is of no use to anyone. Quitting is a habit. Develop the habit of finishing self-motivated projects.

Learn how to learn. Dependency on others for knowledge supports the habit of procrastination. Man has the ability to learn without instructors. In fact, when we learn the art of self-education we will find, if not create, opportunity to find success beyond our wildest dreams.

Harmonize natural talent with interest that motivates. Natural talent creates motivation, motivation creates persistence and persistence gets the job done.

Increase knowledge of subjects that inspires. The more we know about a subject, the more we want to learn about it. A self-propelled upward spiral develops.

Take risk. Failure and bouncing back are elements of motivation. Failure is a learning tool. No one has ever succeeded at anything worthwhile without a string of failures.

All these seven points are all important in achieving your goals, especially in an organization to make the business a success; therefore, in achieving these motives a reward would also be achieved later on.

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