Mr. Palomar and When My Brother Was An Aztec Analysis

“When My Brother Was an Aztec” is Natalie Diaz’s first accumulation of poems. The book is separated into three parts. The first section of the book is committed to catching cultural depictions of Native Americans and their communities, the second segment is about the drug addicted brother, and the third on the pity and agony that goes with reservation life. On the other hand, Italo Calvino’s “Mr. Palomar” is a novel that comprises a series of short chapters, each in sets of three, which explores Mr. Palomar’s universe. The text is broken into three individual sections. They are Palomar’s Vacation, Palomar In the City and The Silences of Palomar. This novel presents the story of a man who cannot move past his self-made boundaries. It depends on things that our principle character, the middle-aged Mr. Palomar, sees and ponders. This paper will examine the way both the author Natalie Diaz and Italo Calvino uses the scene and overall importance of the scene in text. Also, it will scrutinize similar or different approaches taken by the authors to scene and how do these approaches impact the result.

Poems in the first section of Diaz most specifically address Native American experience and the first section of Mr. Palomar addresses visual experiences. The first section of the book is committed to catching social previews of Native Americans and their groups. There are some poems that juxtapose glimpses of those communities against standard culture, as with “Cloud Watching” and “If Eve Side-Stealer and Mary Busted-Chest Ruled the World,” these and others make a study of the devastated conditions that numerous Native Americans are compelled to live in and around reservations. The outright highlight of the section is “The Last Mojave Indian Barbie.” The gently hidden scrutinize of standard culture’s misleading position toward Native Americans is made entertaining in light of the fact that it is wrapped in the transparent appearance of the tremendously censured doll Barbie. The piece is flippant and shocking, which makes the demonstrations of the youngsters’ toys all more amusing. On the other hand, the reader is acquainted with Mr. Palomar as he endeavors to think about the way of one wave through direct perception. Calvino, in third person, points of interest wonderfully the trouble of doing as such, as the wave itself raises and falls, shifts shapes and dimensions, is converged with different waves, parts from itself and changes, and at last dies along the beach. In Mr. Palomar, Calvino tells us, is trusting that in achieving a reply with regards to the structure of a single waves nature, its development and decimation, he will discover a similarity to the reply with regards to the topic of the piece of the universes nature. He neglects to do as such, is flopped even to diminish his nervousness in endeavoring to do as such, and proceeds onward. The following story being one of endeavoring to accomplish the fitting concordance of detachedness and mindfulness as to a topless sunbather to pass on regard for tradition and regard for her femininity, with the aftereffect of being perceived as a pervert.

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Poems in the second section of Diaz represents another sort of experience and the second section of Mr. Palomar shows components that are anthropological, or cultural in the expansive sense. The reader finds that the second segment takes a more genuine thoughtfulness and altogether refocuses on the brother’s character. His crazy drug addicted behavior is expertly caught in “My Bother at 3am.”. Using non-particular solid subtle elements, Diaz transports the reader to the scene for observing the Brother’s hallucination of the devil, feel the sibling’s fear, and feel his mom’s despondency. It is one of the best poems in the collection. The section finishes up with a formal internment of the sibling in “No More Cake Here.” The poem utilizes sound and imagery to catch the sister’s help and blame at being remembered at her brother’s death. Toward the end, the reader is made uncertain as the sibling returns and tells the sister/narrator that he is not dead. Now, the reader may assume that the brother is a signifier for the wrongs of a modern culture and that the sister infers present day society unnecessarily depleted and too much occupied, making it difficult to oversee troublesome issues. On the other hand, Palomar in his garden attempting to comprehend a blackbird’s whistle and Palomar microscopically looking at the infinity of his lawn; Palomar watching the moon and the planets and the stars (Mr. Palomar Book Review Summary). Palomar getting another point of view on his city from his patio and considering the mass whirling of starlings. Palomar wondering about every one of the assortments of cheeses in a cheese specialists and ending up purchasing a simple cheese bothered as he is called to make his request. Palomar also at the zoo contrasting himself with a giraffe (Mr. Palomar Book Review Summary).

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The poem of Diaz and the novel of Calvino provides new experiences from different aspects. The reader finds the poems of “When My Brother Was an Aztec” are expertly made utilizing imagery, sound, and frame to catch their individual subjects in striking conduct. Likewise, the book functions as a whole. It works as a scrutinize of the issues of poverty and drug addictions confronting standard and Native American society. Diaz is completely fruitful with this, her first collection. Diaz tries different things with structure in a large number of her poems to demonstrate how the association of a poem is just as important as its content. “When My Brother Was an Aztec” takes after a stair-step example to demonstrate that as Diaz and her family take after her brother more distant and further down his dangerous way, there is no real way to return. On the other hand, Mr. Palomar watches and considers questions as various as blackbirds, the sky, a cheddar shop, and the naked bosom of a sunbather. At least twice, be that as it may, Mr. Palomar finds the tables turned on him, turning into the watched instead of the observer (Mr. Palomar Characters). At the end of the novel, Mr. Palomar’s absence of authoritative self-knowledge gets to be distinctly prominent, however then, as the creator proposes, a telescope is most likely not the best instrument for seeing oneself.

Finally, it can be said that “In When My Brother Was an Aztec”, Natalie Diaz looks at memory’s part in human identity. Every poem is layered with different pictures and feelings exhibiting the tumult that imbues familial connections, especially those clashed by social conflicts and drug addiction. On the other hand, Italo Calvino’s Mr. Palomar is a novel, yet in another sense, it is just about a philosophy book, beautiful all things considered as it brags no answers, rather it is basically a series of perceptions and inquiries with respect to them. By this way, both the authors were successful to express what they wanted to say in different form of writings.

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Works Cited

Calvino, Italo. Mr. Palomar. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985. Print.

Diaz, Natalie. When My Brother Was an Aztec. Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon, 2012.Print.

“Mr. Palomar Book Review Summary.” Detailed Review Summary of Mr. Palomar by Italo Calvino. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

“Mr. Palomar Characters –”, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

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