Music Festival Project Plan

Keywords: festival project plan, music festival analysis, music festival plan

Greenwich Park is an ex-hunting park in Greenwich and one of the major solitary green spaces in south east London. One of the royal parks of London, and first and foremost included (in 1433), it covers 74 hectares (180 acres) and is part of the Greenwich World Heritage Site. It rules a beautiful view of the River Thames, Isle of Dogs and the City of London. The park is open from 06:00 for pedestrians (to 07:00 for traffic) all year round and locks at sunset.

When London hosts the Summer Olympic Games in 2012 Greenwich Park will be a place for equestrian proceedings and horse riding and running parts of the current pentathlon events. Summer Paralympic Games in 2012 Greenwich Park will be a place for horse racing. After the sports events, plans are to take out the scene back to its original state. The use of Greenwich Park for the Olympic equestrian events has caused a number of controversies between the London Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 (LOCOG) and several local residents of the area. NOGOE (No to Greenwich Olympic equestrian events) is a social action group, whose members consider in Greenwich Park is not the suitable venue for the 2012 Olympic equestrian events(Pevsner, 2003). NOGOE started a petition to get the equestrian events are moved, as of February 2009, gathered more than 12,000 signatures.

A distinctive feature of business in Greenwich Park today is the gradual but steady transition from the uncivilized forms of business (high rates of reinvestment, payment delays, an immediate trial, etc.) to the modern international forms of using metal tools, and business planning. The current economic situation associated with rapid development of market relations, the companies dictate a new approach to planning. They are forced to search for such forms and models of planning that would ensure maximum efficiency of decision making(Pevsner, 2003).

Most people in this target area are the middle class. This means that their family income is approximately $ 80,000 per year. In addition, most adolescents also have part-time. It is important to note, since all the information shows that more often, these young people prefer to spend their money on music and entertainment items such as CDs, DVD, special editions, mix tapes, films with their favorite artist or group, as well as posters , concert tickets, etc. We at Fusion Festival Incorporated can use the following method to profit from these products: • showcase the most popular artists and groups • After identifying who they are, to order them on the Fusion Festival, as well: there is an autograph signing with the display pictures of their latest films and DVD-ROM drive, or along with special edition CDs and mix tapes, putting them on sale after the sale of posters, t-shirts and other goods, etc. Along with these products artists perform a mini concert at the competitions, such as “win a chance to spend the day with a favorite artist to” make a special edition DVD, which can be sold at a discounted price for all those who participated in the festival(Assael, 1992).

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Strategic context

The project plan is a significant customer deliverable, since a well-organised project would aid various stakeholders in assessing needs, leveraging existing skills, building /acquiring extra capabilities, and with regard to timelines.

Target Audience

The Fusion Festival has similar characteristics to musical festivals. Suburban teenagers of all races are likely to attend these events, but more specifically, below is a thorough analysis of age, race and area: Age Teenagers that are in the age group of 12-19, which represents 22.7% of the School Age, are the ones most likely to attend the Fusion Festival. This is because in middle school, children become widely exposed to musical influence by means of television, radio, internet etc. They are susceptible to popular culture influence because of their age, and rely heavily on their parents to take them, or give then money to attend events such as the one we are marketing. In high school however, these children have aged, they now have part-time jobs and more income at their disposal. They can buy the tickets to the Fusion Festival themselves, or if they cannot, they may still rely on their parents as they did previously.

Key issues

The issues can be summarized as following:

Project plan phases

Existing team capabilities (project team and client team)

Capabilities to be build /acquired (training or sub-contracting)

Integration of efforts

B . Customer Needs


As indicated by the project brief, the customer is targeting revenues of 400,000. Though this is subject to use of audience capacity of 10, 000 people. The customer needs in pricing narrate to the optimal use of project expenses and maximizing revenues(Baker, 2000) (Hoyer, 2001).


Optimisation in quantities for making preparations for audience should be done. This would help in reining in the cost while not compromising the festival experience. The skills brought by sub-contracts would be obliging in achieving this, too.

Product specification

The product condition should be in accordance with the target population. Understanding the target population, their wants and possible pitfalls in managing the concert are important. The team should arrange a list of questions that can be asked to the

customer to realize the rationale behind the festival. Questions relating to past festivals organised /sponsored and examine their result would help the team in designing product specification.

Project delivery

The project delivery would occur on the day the festival commences. Though, a number of milestones want to be set to calculate the work progress and take remedial measures.

C . Objective


End to end project includes the planning, management and promotion of music festival. The team will not only act as advisers, but just be responsible for successful implementation. Sub-contracting work as well lie in the team.


Project team will be responsible for overall management of the festival with the customer care team of consultants (Edmondson, 2002). The project should be completed within eight weeks of the cycle. 1935 profits for the customer at the festival were considered.

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Time limitation along with lack of certain skills within own and customer teams exist.

Timescale and cost

The project will be implemented within eight weeks of the cycle. The cost of the project, including team fees and operating expenses should leave a margin for 30 clients.


The important targets to meet are 35 profitability and timeliness in implementation of phases and the entire project. A variety of milestones have been assigned accordingly.


Client wins cash and will contribute to the cause of a festival or a brand that the client supports (Baker, 2000). For the team experience will help build your experience in the design and conceptualization of events, establishing control over operational issues and strategic objectives.

Possible risks

Other events of national and local values can influence the form and the Festival, the success of its market competition. Some of these events, conferences, trade fairs, etc., can contribute to support the Festival, other, competing for space, customers and finances, require more attention to them in order to minimize any negative of their influence. The economy of the festival, the presence of the audience members, collection centers and housing tourist market – all factors that can represents the opportunities or danger. The festival will be directed to overcoming or reducing the influence of possible hazards. It will provide a variety of artistic programs and a wide range of participants(Assael, 1992).

Preparation Originally

Festival began as a new event scheduled for the period between the end of Passover and the beginning of traditional summer period, to attract visitors to their area in this quiet time (Edmondson, 2002). Council and subsequently Director saw the potential Festival, his opportunity to become something more than just an event, as it offers programs that meet different tastes and purposes. The festival has become a project for the entire territory of the Highlands and Islands.

Negative points

One of the main obstacles may not only be limited opportunities for young people to become participants and spectators Festival events, but also the inability of many schools and high schools become places meetings. Families with school-age children will also not well represented among the guests in this time of year(Hoyer, 2001).

Length of the festival

The festival starts on Friday, will continue for two weeks and ends on Saturday, including thus three Fridays and Saturdays. Density of program activities will be determines the budget, as well as in consultation with local programs to determine the level of activities that can “sustain” the territory. This will affect the duration of the festival in future.

Religious aspect

On the territory of the festival is an agreement that its activity is not will be distributed on Sundays during services.

Venue of the Festival

Park is almost rectangular in plan with a side of 1000 meters by 750 meters and is familiarize with the long sides lying GCC SSE. In what direction is to follows N to S for convenience. It is situated at grid reference TQ390772. Park stretches along the slope and at two levels. At the lowest level (closest to the museum, the Queen’s House, and behind them, the Thames) lies to the north, after a steep walk up the hill, there is a flat space, which is essentially a closed extension of the plateau Blackheath. Festival Central Square area, which will develop the festival are selected for their willingness to participate, subject to availability of the arts infrastructure of the people working there, the ability of local sources of funding to support creative teams(Pevsner, 2003).

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Marketing Techniques

In the musical and entertainment industry, many marketing techniques are available. Fusion Festival Incorporated believes that the most appropriate way to market our event is by television commercials, radio advertisements, flyers and internet websites. Outlined below is a detailed analysis of the above suggestions:

Television Commercials

According to our research, teenagers on average spend 21 hours a week watching television. This is why Fusion Festival Incorporated proposes that within these 21 hours, put commercials advertising the event. At Fusion Festival Incorporated, we believe the most suitable time to air these commercials would be after school and on the weekends from 4pm-10pm (Pevsner, 2003).

Radio Advertisements

Teenagers rely heavily on radio stations to introduce the new popular songs. This is why it would be beneficial to put Fusion Festival ads during popular teenaged radio shows such as Z103.5s:

•Morning Show

•Top 7 at 7

•4pm Hour

•Drive at 5

•Top 9 at 9


The intention for this particular marketing technique is more towards high school students. It would involve having a Fusion Festival staff member going to local high schools and passing out flyers, which promote the upcoming events(Hoyer, 2001).


On all marketing techniques listed, there will be a clear indication that the Fusion Festival has a website at On this website, teenagers will be able to find event listings, price information, seasonal discounts, artist line up etc, along with links to other musical websites.

Time of Marketing

At Fusion Festival Incorporated, we intend to market this festival all year. This event is indoors, meaning, in the winter there will be heating, and in the summer, there will be air-conditioning. Our hope is, because of our affordable prices, most teenagers will choose to go to the Fusion Festival instead of going to malls, movies etc on their Friday nights and weekends.

Problems That May Be Encountered

Security problems may arise such as thefts fights, etc. To solve this problem, metal detectors will be on the front doors and security guards will check everyone entering the building. In addition, to prevent theft, numerous security guards will constantly walk the premises.


Throughout the research and data collected, it is apparent that there will be a great amount of success generated by marketing The Fusion Festival. There is a 53% expected profit, which is an enormous amount compared to the cost of funding for the project. The marketing techniques used are suitable for the targeted audience; teenagers aged 12-19 in UK, and the budgeting allows a cost efficient way to maximize profits, which will make this project a success.

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