Nanotechnology In Architecture

Historically and geographically human have lived in extremely varied technology or environment and have had to adapt to comfort habitats and thus the architects have had to manage the ideal of design as well as incorporate the evolutionary technology.

A technology has evolved to a level where it is just too complex. Sometimes satisfying the need of the user and sometimes becoming too dangerous when the negative consequences are not taken care of.

For example, the issues of the ”Large scales” in architecture is one such matter which has been partially solved with the help of low cost materials, energy saving…etc. The scientists have developed and are continuing to develop nanotechnology to help architects incorporate more artificial intelligence in construction.

Nanotechnology is a combination of various fields of science like, Bio- technology, Chemistry, Physics, Bio-informatics, etc. There are three chief divisions in Nanotech: Nanoelectronics, Nanomaterials, and Nano-Biotechnology. Worldwide, there is much enthusiasm about nanotechnology as it has application in medicine, electronics, biomaterials, energy etc. It is observed that US, Japan, and Germany dominate the current R&D effort in nanotechnology with a focus on they own expertise and needs (Hyd and spook, 2012).

The use and control of the technology at an atomic or particle scale known as nanotechnology has started to have its impact like never before in materials of constructions and has immense futurist impact in architecture, this application of the nanotechnology and nanomaterials in architecture is NanoArchitecture.

The nano world in technology is a real challenge for today’s designers, it started with an understanding and control of the technology and materials on “one billionth” (10-9) scale. The understanding of these materials, its use in architecture to be profitable for users and its implication on the building (Construction) are some of the key aspect for inquiry in this dissertation. With the perfect solution of this dilemma, the Architects would not only know how big their task is but how it might lead to new ways of thinking ‘architecture’.

After understanding the meaning and origin of this technology, we will study certain aspects that is a must in today’s constructions and then we see the direction where this science is going, we will also look at the ways to incorporate these technologies in our architecture, therefore the question that will guide our research is how does nano (technology, materials, science, concept, form and function) become important to the level of influencing architects (designers).

Nanotechnology is developed in the manner that it is active or passive, this repartition will lead us to a large study but our focus will rely on the relation passive – active nanostructure and application of nanotechnology in a building design and construction.

Passive nanotechnologies, such as nanocoatings, nanoparticles, and nanostructured materials, are already available. Second generation active nanostructures, for example, nanoelectro-mechanical systems, nanomachines, self-healing materials, and targeted chemicals, can evolve their properties, structure and/or state during their operation. This could increase nanotechnology’s impacts and require new approaches for risk assessment.

Active nanostructures are likely to have a different and increased profile of impacts (including benefits as well as potential risks) compared with passive nanotechnologies.


” How does nano (technology, materials, science, concept, form and function) becomes important to the level of influencing architects (designers). ”


Over the years the materials used in buildings (during construction, inside or outside finishes) has been of a large scale, the evolution today have brought into existence the materials on a microscopic scale with even more value to life and building.

They can be metals, ceramics, polymers or composites. Known as nanomaterials, nanocomposites, and manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs), the method of making these materials begins at the molecular or atomic level, sometimes creating new products with extraordinary physical and chemical properties. For example, a carbon nanotube has strength of 150 times that of steel but is approximately six times lighter. Besides strength enhancement, properties can include self-cleaning, super hardness, electrical conductivity, antimicrobial superior thermal resistance and stability, non-flammability, lightweight, anti-corrosion, superior barrier, light emitting and low permeability, among others. Applications in the building industry include use as fire retardants, high performance insulation, protective coatings, equipment lubricants, structural integrity enhancement and monitoring, photovoltaic, stronger tensile cables, and self-cleaning or heat absorbing windows ( CFN, 2011 )… Using these materials which contain extraordinary application in the building can also bring amazing influences to the architect, designer or the design. Therefore apart from attempting to understand the transformation that the nanotechnology brings to our building there is a need to understand by students the uses of nanotechnology for creating better design.


• A general understanding of nano especially toward architecture

• Nanotechnology (materials) applications in buildings

• Concept; form and function derived from “nano”


• The laboratories details of certain materials and nano applications in medical branches will not be part of our research.

• This research dissertation will have some limitation in details like calculations, manufactures process, chemical components.

• Thinking in more detail about how to use nanomaterials in a design context, a first consideration is simply to define ”what is being design?’. But there is a lack of built case studies, so we will rely on existing, futurist, basic concept and reading materials.

• Regarding the size of this matter ”nanotechnology”, we will limit at the level where nanotech is active and very briefly talk about the passive Nanotechnology




This methodology starts with a basic understanding (through various sources) of nano technology specially its applications in the materials and its relation with form and function in architecture.

A. Research Books

B. Online discussions; ancient and actual debates.

C. Study previous paper or dissertations and case studies done on this matter.

D. Literature survey; Consist keep together all info found and relative to the topic and relevant to the research question.



– What is nanotechnology

– Nanoproducts

– Categories (Passive and Active)

– Why this fuss

– Nanotechnology risk

– Sectors application





Solar protection



Scratchproof and abrasion-resistant

Anti-fingerprints Self-cleaning

Easy-to-clean (ETC)

Thermal insulation

Temperature regulation

UV protection


N. Antibacterial

Case studies and examples showing how does certain of these proprieties can be include and what promise does it bring to buildings;

– New architectural readying.

– New creativities in form and functions.



Primary Case study

By consulting an expert in the energy consumption field and materials that relate to it. The reading of the applications in nanotechnology in today’s constructions is more related to Green designers, this part of the design has an impact in the ecology and climate control therefore the green rated buildings has in fact a considerable amount of nanotechnology use in it. This leads us to refer to architects involved in green concepts or sustainability from LEED etc ( Ar Alex Nyembo Kalenga) and also we could make a visit studies on the actual certified Green building “Rajiv Gandhi urja Bhavan at Vasan Kunj – New Delhi” Still in Construction.

A list of questions has guided our study and survey interview in which the answers are include to our conclusion of this research:

1. A personal understanding of Nanotechnology or Nanoarchitecture.

2. If any specific material at a nano scale is used to improve certain aspects in the building, such as:

– Insulation reduction

– Lighting

– Energy storage

– Air purification

– Water management

3. How do you think buildings designed exclusively on scientific principles of Nanotechnology will affect their occupants?

4. Does Nanotechnology have an impact on today’s practicing architects

– If yes; at what scale does it influence them? Any example?

– If not; Why so?

Secondary Case study

The conceptual level derived of the interpretation of nano differs from an architect to another.

1. Two typology of this nano buildings as guided this part of the research:

5. Existing Nano Buildings ( Nano House Initiative, Australia )

6. Futurist Nano Buildings ( Multi-storey Apartment building, 2001 )

2. A list of materials (Function) originated from nanotechnology or concepts that have already been involved to some construction process, structurally or non structurally, environment effect… has been touched on to clarify its impact to architecture.


Hyd and spook (2012, January), “nanotechnology in india”. Retrieved from

Center for Functional Nanomaterials ( 2011). Nanomaterials for architecture and buildings. Brookhaven. Retrieved from


Importance of nanotechnology in architecture


II.1. Fundamental Knowledge


A brick is the smallest building block in construction. Whatever you do, the strength of the building is limited to the strength of the brick. The brick itself is made of minute particles of clay bonded together. One has limited control over how the particle of clay forms. Each particle of clay in turn is formed from molecules joined together in a particular pattern dictated by the forces of nature. What happens if it is possible to arrange these molecules in a pattern that provides greater strength? You get stronger clay and a stronger brick. This results in a much thinner, but stronger wall. This technology of arranging molecules the way we want is a basis of nanotechnology. (Johnzactruba, 2011)

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A strict definition of nanotechnology characterizes it as the manipulation of a matter at the scale of one-billionth of a meter or smaller. The measurement of one-billionth of a meter is identified as one nanometer (nm) (Jeffrey H. Matsuura,1957).

Nano, is a word which does not only mean billionth less but also leaves a billionth of question in mind, because of the complexity to understand its simplicity. It is a world hold by the scientist, chemist and physicians.

Yes nanotechnology is a relatively recent development in scientific research but not new. The level of its study and diversity has involved touching now many sector of life and becoming more and more known by the public.

The concept first was introduced by American physicist Richard P. Feynman (1918-1988). But it is noted that in the 10th centuries the 16th centuries the ruby-red color of many stained-glass windows from the medieval era was a consequence of embedded nanoscale metallic particles within the glass.

There were no scientific understanding of these phenomena at the time, nor were there deliberate attempts to produce what we now know as nanomaterials. Early knowledge relied on craft-based trial and error to achieve effects … we must keep in mind, however, that not all interesting color phenomena are a result of embedded nanomaterials ( Michael F. Ashby, 2009).

The evolution of nanotechnology has been more or less in the domain of chemical, medicine and physics (technique) then it involved to the environment, energy, agriculture, communication and information because of some of its advantage and disadvantage in the society.

The main tools used in nanotechnology are three main microscopes: Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), and Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM). (Jamie Jackson, CIS 121)


Use as gateways to build other nano products, Nanosensors can be chemical sensors or mechanical sensors. Amongst other applications they can be used:

• To monitor physical parameters such as temperature, displacement and flow

• As accelerometers in Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices that can rapidly and remotely detect change in their surroundings like airbag sensors

• For medical diagnostic purposes either as blood borne sensors or in lab-on-a-chip type devices

• To detect various chemicals in gases for pollution monitoring

• Sensors using “carbon nanotube detection elements” are capable of detecting a range of chemical vapors. These sensors work by reacting to the changes in the resistance of a carbon nanotube in the presence of a chemical vapor ( Hawk’s Perch Technical Writing, 2007).

II.1.2.1. Nanotube

Known as well as Carbon Nanotube (CNTs), it is a tube-shaped material or cylindrical nanostructure made of carbon, having a diameter of nanometer scale. Nanotubes form a tiny portion of the material(s) in some baseball bats, golf clubs, or car parts.

Carbon nanotubes are the strongest and stiffest materials yet discovered in terms of tensile strength and elastic modulus respectively. In 2000, a multi-walled carbon nanotube was tested to have a tensile strength of 63 gigapascals (GPa). Since carbon nanotubes have a low density for a solid of 1.3 to 1.4 g/cm3, its specific strength of up to 48,000 kN•m•kg−1 is the best of known materials, compared to high-carbon steel’s 154 kN•m•kg−1.

Standard single-walled carbon nanotubes can withstand a pressure up to 24GPa without deformation. The bulk modulus of super hard phase nanotubes is 462 to 546 GPa, even higher than that of diamond (420 GPa for single diamond crystal) and can produce materials with toughness unmatched in the man-made and natural worlds.

Because of the carbon nanotube’s superior mechanical properties, many structures have been proposed ranging from everyday items like clothes and sports gear to combat jackets and space elevators. However, the space elevator will require further efforts in refining carbon nanotube technology, as the practical tensile strength of carbon nanotubes can still be greatly improved (Wikipedia, 2012).

II.1.2.2. Nanocomposites

The definition of nano-composite material has broadened significantly to encompass a large variety of systems such as one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional and amorphous materials, made of distinctly dissimilar components and mixed at the nanometer scale (Kanatzidis, 2006).

New materials with novel proprieties are generate rapidly through this field. The properties of nano-composite materials depend not only on the properties of their individual parents but also on their morphology and interfacial characteristics.

Although nanoscale reinforcements (or nanofillers) of nanocomposites have different kinds of fillers such as nanofibers, nanowires, nanotubes and nanoparticles etc, their mechanical behaviors have some common features. As the figure shows a potential use of nanocomposites as multifunctional materials (Journal Club, 2008).


Such mechanical property improvements have resulted in major interest in nanocomposite materials in numerous automotive and general/industrial applications. These include potential for utilisation as mirror housings on various vehicle types, door handles, engine covers and intake manifolds and timing belt covers. More general applications currently being considered include usage as impellers and blades for vacuum cleaners, power tool housings, mower hoods and covers for portable electronic equipment such as mobile phones, pagers etc (Professor J.N. Hay, 2001).

The inorganic components can be three-dimensional framework systems such as zeolites, two-dimensional layered materials such as clays, metal oxides, metal phosphates, chalcogenides, and even one-dimensional and zero-dimensional materials such as (Mo3Se3-)n chains and clusters. Experimental work has generally shown that virtually all types and classes of nanocomposite materials lead to new and improved properties when compared to their macrocomposite counterparts.

Therefore, nanocomposites which combine new nanomaterials with more traditional ones such as steel, concrete, glass, and plastics, can be many times stronger than standard materials and promise new applications in many fields such as mechanically reinforced lightweight components, non-linear optics, battery cathodes and ionics, nano-wires, sensors and other systems.

– On the market there already a nanocomposite steel that is three times stronger than conventional steel.

– Before long, nano-reinforced glass might be used for both structure and enclosure.

– In the some student projects in the nanoSTUDIO at Ball State University, nanotube structural panels create transparent load-bearing curtain walls free of columns and beams, quantum dots make walls and ceilings light up or change color with the flip of a switch, and nanosensors in building components create smart environments that constantly adapt to their environment and users.


M. C. Roco, one of the driving forces behind the NNI, has developed a more detailed typology of nanotechnologies. He identifies four generations of nanotechnologies: passive nanostructures, active nanostructures, systems of nanosystems and molecular nanosystems (J. Clarence, 2009)

( Fig04: For generation of nanotechnology development, Center for Responsible Nanotechnology )

Each generation of products is marked by the creation of commercial prototypes using systematic control of the respective phenomena and manufacturing processes. Products may also include components which correspond to different generations. Today’s rudimentary capabilities of nanotechnology for systematic control and manufacture at the nanoscale are expected to evolve significantly in both complexity and the degree of integration by 2020.

II.1.3.1 Passive to Active nanotechnology

It has been suggested that an important transition in the long-run trajectory of nanotechnology development is a shift from passive to active nanostructures.

Such a shift could present different or increased societal impacts and require new approaches for risk assessment. An active nanostructure ”changes or evolves its state during its operation,” according to the National Science Foundation’s (2006) Active Nanostructures and Nanosystems grant solicitation.

Passive: (steady function) nanostructures

Behaviour: inert or reactive nanostructures which have stable behaviour and quasi -constant properties during their use.

Potential risk: e.g. nanoparticles in cosmetics or food with large scale production and high exposure rates.

Active: (evolving function nanostructures)

Behaviour: the nanostructures’ properties are designed to change during operation so behaviour is variable and potentially unstable. Successive changes in state may occur (either intended or as an unforeseen reaction to the external environment).

Potential risk: e.g. nanobiodevices in the human body; pesticides engineered to react to different conditions.

Categories of active nanostructures are:

• Remote actuated active nanostructures, such as light-actuated embedded sensors;

• Environmentally responsive active nanostructures, such as responsive drug delivery;

• Miniaturized active nanostructures, such as synthetic molecular motors and molecular machines;

• Hybrid active nanostructures, or uncommon combinations of materials, such as silicon-organic ;

• Transforming active nanostructures, such as self-healing materials. (M.C. Roco, 2004, 2007)

Tour estimates the time it will take to commercialize each of these types as 0-5 years for passive nanotechnologies, 15-50 years or more for active nanotechnologies and 7-12 years for hybrids (J. Clarence, 2009)

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The advantages of using nanomaterials in construction are enormous. When you consider that 41 percent of all energy use in the United States is consumed by commercial and residential buildings, the potential benefits of energy-saving materials alone are vast (Dr. Pedro Alvarez of Rice University, 2010) and when we have to evaluate the energy used by buildings in the rest of the world the result will surly show that the use of the nanomaterials in buildings will be of an anxiety necessity.

Nanotechnology thus has profound potential because it can free us from some traditional limits and offer us useful new capabilities. Nanotechnology can change some of the physical rules that have traditionally confined us. It can also free us from some of the limitations that have long been placed upon us by size ( Jeffrey H, 1957).

The key is to understand the specific risks and implications of the product before it is widely used. This way we can ensure that nanotechnology evolves as a tool for sustainability rather than as an environmental liability (Dr. Pedro Alvarez of Rice University, 2010).

Benefices and profit with the nanotechnology is now in the hand of everyone and architects are with no doubt going to shape this realm to another level.

e.g.: Solera enables seamless integration of natural daylight into the design and function of buildings. Well daylighted spaces deliver substantial and measurable benefits to sustainability, energy efficiency and human performance. This series of products provide architects with solutions to solve the challenges traditionally associated with daylighting techniques including solar heat gain, cost, complexity and glare.

Other materials such as brick… have already showed us the changes that it has done to the industries, life, designers, builders…

In the early days, paint was available in a limited variety of colors for you to choose. Now most of the paint shops have mixers that allow the users to choose the color they require. The manufacturers have to produce and stock only a few basic colors, reducing production and inventory costs at much greater satisfaction to the consumer. The future of nanotechnology will be the personal nano-factories, like the paint mixers, that allow you to produce any material that you require. The shops have to carry only stock in molecular form.

Advances in nanotechnology are moving at an exponential rate. It will eventually encompass every field of human activity including energy. (Johnzactruba, 2011)

Disadvantages of Nanotechnology: Safety hazards with nanomaterials, Some studies detected possible cancer-causing properties of carbon nanotubes, Some nanomaterials bounded with other materials or components (Jamie Jackson, CIS 121)


It is obvious to find out that except from the greatness and impressive opportunities that nanotechnology offers, the risks are associated with it as well. And these risk touch-up on Health, environment, Industry…

Because of the size of the particles, nanomaterials may enter human and other living bodies and disrupt body-functions. Some nanoparticles may also be non-biodegradable thereby posing a new threat to the environment. Therefore it is crucial to examine and estimate the risk for regulating the production, use, consumption and disposal of these materials. (Hyd and spook, 2012).

For example, Health effects of several insulating materials are a concern;

1. The fibers released from fiberglass insulation may be carcinogenic, and fiberglass insulation now requires cancer warning labels.

2. There are also claims that the fire retardant chemicals or respirable particles in cellulose insulation may be hazardous (Dr. George, 2007).

“The risk most talked about is the ability of nanotech carbon tubes to potentially cause asbestosis-type illnesses,” (Mike Childs, 2012)

Manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs); and nanocomposites are being considered for various uses in the construction and related infrastructure industries. To achieve environmentally responsible nanotechnology in construction, it is important to consider the lifecycle impacts of MNMs on the health of construction workers and dwellers, as well as unintended environmental effects at all stages of manufacturing, construction, use, demolition, and disposal.

Emphasis in industries; In India, late industry participation has also begun in this area, and there is an emphasis on fostering public-private partnerships (PPP). Nonetheless government support to this sector remains crucial for three reasons:

1. Nanotechnology is a capital-intensive technology and is in an embryonic phase, thus industry would not be able to sustain the research effort needed for the establishment of scientific and technological infrastructure.

2. The state is required to define the regulatory framework. In 2010-11 this process was initiated.

3. The state ,particularly in the developing country context, can set the agenda and resist the tendency to uncritically follow international trends in research that do not address their developmental needs.


Dr. George, 2007. Insulation, nanotechnology for green building. Retrieved from page 12

Dr. Pedro Alvarez of Rice University (2010, January). Future Cities: Nanotechnology promises more sustainable buildings, bridges, and others structures” Retrieved from

Hawk’s Perch Technical Writing (2007). Carbon nanotubesand applications. Retrieved from

Hyd and spook (2012, January), “nanotechnology in india”. Retrieved from

Jamie Jackson, CIS 121: Computer Programming II (C++).” Nanotechnology and the Development of Computer Circuits” retrieved from <jjackson-nano.ppt>

Jeffrey H. Matsuura, (1957). Nanotechnology regulation and policy worldwide. why all the fuss about nanotechnology?. Artech house, boston-london.

Journal Club ( 2008, may ). Mechanical Behaviors of Polymer-matrix Nanocomposites. Retrieved from

J. Clarence davies, PEN( 2009, April) Oversight of next generation NANOTECHNOLOGY

Johnzactruba, (2011, may). Applicationof nano technology for energy, Retrieved from

Kanatzidis, (2006, may). Nanocomposites. Retrieved from

Michael F. Ashby, Paulo J.Ferreira, Daniel L. Schodek, (2009) ”Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design”, a brief history of materials, elsevier Ltd. pg 29

Mike Childs, 2012, march technology making the splash.

M.C. Roco (2004, 2007), shift to active nanostructures is hypothesized. Retrieved from

Professor J.N. Hay and S.J. Shaw (2001, September). Nanocomposites: proprieties and applications. Retrieved from

Wikipedia ( 2012, november). Carbon nanotube. Retieved from


Importance of nanotechnology in architecture


( Fig05: Analysis of Nanotechnology from an Industrial Ecology Perspective Part I: Inventory & Evaluation of Life Cycle Assessments of Nanotechnologies.)

III.1. Environmental application

Environmentally, Nanotechnology also has the potential to help our environment.

Example: It controls pollution through “source reduction.” This is a method of eliminating toxic waste at its source, with the understanding that releasing the waste into the environment is the last resort. Source reduction can be achieved by cleaning up existing processes or by reducing consumption of resources where such consumption creates pollution.

III.1.1. Insulation

The impact of the improvement of insulation reductions is counted by billions of pounds annually. Ref table

(Fig06: Potential sources of EU CO2 emission reductions )

Nanoscale materials hold great promise as insulators because of their extremely high surface-to-volume ratio. This gives them the ability to trap still air within a material layer of minimal thickness (conventional insulating materials like fibreglass and polystyrene get their high insulating value less from the conductive properties of the materials themselves than from their ability to trap still air.) Insulating a nonmaterial may be sandwiched between rigid panels, applied as thin films, or painted on as coatings (Dr. George, 2007)

– Nanogel panels; Aerogel

This material as an incredible ability and capacity such as strength, it can take its own load 2000 times reminding that it has only 5 percent solid and the rest is filled with air only an are also applicable on fabric architecture or structures.

Because nanoporous aerogels can be sensitive to moisture, they are often marketed sandwiched between wall panels that repel moisture. Aerogel panels are available with up to 75 percent translucency, and their high air content means that a 9cm (3.5″) thick aerogel panel can offer an R-value of R-28, a value previously unheard of in a translucent panel. Architectural applications of aerogel include windows, skylights, and translucent wall panels (Dr. George, 2007)

They are also transparent and have a low refractive index, making them useful as light-weight optical materials. In addition to it even translucent skylights and membranes aare now incorporating lumiraâ„¢ aerogel.

(Fig07: Aerogels offer supper insulation) (Fig08: nanogel panels provides transluscency and insulation)

– Thin film Insulation;

This thin film of nanocoating insolation is apply on glass and fabric as well like curtains, partitions fabrics or temporary constructions because it can reduce the temperature at 2 degree to 3 degree Celsius during summer also reduce air conditioning by improving blockage of ultraviolet (UV) rays.x ” Stainless steel nanofilm”.

Heat absorbing films can be applied to windows as well. Windows manufactured by Vanceva incorporate a nanofilm “interlayer” which, according to the company, offers cost effective control of heat and energy loads in building and solar performance superior to that of previously available laminating systems. By selectively reducing the transmittance of solar energy relative to visible light, they say, these solar performance interlayers result in savings in the capital cost of energy control equipment as well as operating costs of climate control equipment. Benefits include the ability to block solar heat and up to 99 percent of UV rays while allowing visible light to pass through (Dr. George, 2007).

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– Insulating coating;

Insulating nanoparticles can be applied to substrates using chemical vapor deposition, dip, meniscus, spray, and plasma coating to create a layer bound to the base material. Other types of nanoparticle coatings can also be applied by these methods to achieve a wide variety of other performance characteristics, including nanocoating such as:

– Self cleaning coating. – UV protection. – Anti-stain coatings.

– Depolluting surfaces. – Scratch-resistant coatings.

– Anti-fogging and anti-icing coatings. – Antimicrobial coatings.

– Anti-corrosion coatings. – Moisture resistance.

“Insulating coating” known also has “The Insulating paint” with fact that it can be spray or paint and its design ability is to solve insulating problems, to trap air at the molecular level.

Industrial Nanotechnology, the makers of Nansulate HomeProtect Interior paint, advertise that the average surface temperature difference when applied correctly is approximately 30 degrees Fahrenheit for three coats. For Nansulate HomeProtect ClearCoat, they claim an average surface temperature difference of approximately 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Nansulate PT is being applied to aluminum ceiling panels in the new Suvanabhumi International Airport in Bangkok, the world’s largest airport (Dr. George, 2007)

III.1.2. Lighting

Nanotechnology has promises in energy conservation in lighting materials such:

– Quantum dot lighting;

– Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) and Light Emitting Diode (LED);

OLED is a LED in which the emissive electroluminescent layer is a film of organic compound which emits light in response to an electric current. This layer of organic semiconductor material is situated between two electrodes. Generally, at least one of these electrodes is transparent. OLEDs are used to create digital displays in devices such as television screens, computer monitors, portable systems such as Mobil phones, handheld games consoles (Wikipedia, 2012).

Flexible organic light emitting diode (FOLED); A flexible organic light emitting diode, is a type of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) incorporating a flexible plastic substrate on which the electroluminescent organic semiconductor is deposited. This enables the device to be bent or rolled while still operating. Currently the focus of research in industrial and academic groups, flexible OLEDs form one method of fabricating a rollable display.

III. 2. Construction

Back to the building materials, the nanothecnology started having an impact in the construction process with Nanotech steel, which is stronger, repels corrosion, withstands cold temperatures and has high plasticity; translucent concrete, which allows light into a building; self-cleaning glass, which breaks down organic material on its surface; and nanotech gypsum dry wall, which is stronger, lighter, more durable and more water-resistant than its non-nano counterpart (Michael F., 2009)

All these are originated by also the fact that the constructors as well as the architect has to face now a days with the green design concept that characterize all the recent design process, it is determine by the reduction of foot prints, uses of less energy, low cost materials… therefore implementing the nanotechnology can lead to a half success of these matters promising renewable energy source, less expensive water filtration systems and lots more.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports in its draft white paper on this subject that nanotechnology could reduce worldwide energy consumption by as much as 14.6 percent, which will decrease carbon emissions and save billions of dollars per year.

In the market, the nanotechnology can be seen by the improvement made in certain materials that is use also in building construction.

Use of nanoparticles in the construction materials, Bricks, concrete blocks, and steel I-beams could all be made of nanoparticles in the future, according to a study published in the American Chemical Society’s journal, ACS Nano.

” Certain nanomaterials can improve the strength of concrete, serve as self-cleaning and self-sanitizing coatings, and provide many other construction benefits.” (Dr. Pedro Alvarez of Rice University, 2008)

One of the products more widely discussed was Aerogel, a translucent nanotech gel that is 97 percent comprised of air. In its propriety form, it could be used in glass, glazing, pipe insulation and more, making materials lightweight, hydrophobic, thin and an effective thermal and acoustic insulator (Johnzactruba, 2011).

It is to admit that the nanotechnology in a building has been put into practice more and in an elaborated manner by the green designers. To get certified they buildings or design by LEED, GRIHA … to reduce the heat, to respond to this global climate changes that is affecting today the ecology system of the earth and its occupant.

These designers has the big amount of nanotechnology use in the building materials, materials that reduce waste and toxic outputs as well as dependence on non-renewable resources (Jamie Jackson,CIS 121)

How great is this, Should we say nanotechnology brought us a solution to sustainable designs?

With the advent of electricity, structural cast iron and steel, malleable and extrudable sheet metal, reinforced concrete, plate glass, thermal insulation, plastics and countless other synthetics used for connecting, laminating or waterproofing, architects and builders were liberated from the constraints of the masonry bearing wall but now as the table bellow shows the benefits about Manufacture of nanomaterials will surely structurally or not, build the constrain of tomorrow’s architects.

(Fig10: MNMs used in constructions)


III.2.1.1. Concrete;

Self-healing concrete works because it can bend. When it’s strained, many microcracks form instead of one large crack that causes it to fail. Here, a specimen is bending as a force of five percent tensile strain is being applied. Regular concrete would fail at .01 percent tensile strain (Dina, 2010).

Nano particles only allow small cracks to form, the particles mend themselves when they encounter water and the hydrogen in the water helps the particles form the broken hydrogen bonds. Cracks will repair themselves when water is added.

Strengthened Concrete has 500% the tensile strength of the normal concrete. Carbon nano tubes are added to the concrete mixture.

III.2.1.2. Steel;

Benefits in Steel, is that the combination of the steel and nano-particles improves the strength and increases the melting point, allows for increased flexibility and increases the shine of the steel and the same combination would be very useful in bridges because of the better corrosion protection.

III.2.1.3. Wood

Nanotechnology promises to improve the structural performance and serviceability of wood by giving scientists control over fiber-to-fiber bonding at a microscopic level and nanofibrillar bonding at the nanoscale. It could also reduce or eliminate the formation of the random defects that limit the performance of wood today (Dr. George 2007). And allow wood to become even more multifunctional than it is today;

– Nanoscale, UV absorber will protect the wood substrate from degrading UV radiation and will increase the lifetime of the coating. These products are most interesting in harsh outdoor environements (Nanovations, 2006).

– Nanosensors to identify mold, decay, and termites, quantum dot fiber tagging, natural nanoparticle pesticides and repellents, self-cleaning wood surfaces, and photocatalytic degradation of pollutants are all envisioned by today’s wood engineers (Dr. George, 2007)

III.2.1.4. New structural materials

Named “buckypaper”, it is Stronger Than Steel, Harder Than Diamonds: Working with a material 10 times lighter than steel but 250 times stronger — would be a dream come true for any engineer. If this material also had amazing properties that made it highly conductive of heat and electricity, it would start to sound like something out of a science fiction novel. Yet one Florida State University research group, the Florida Advanced Center for Composite Technologies (FAC2T), is working to develop real-world applications for just such a material.

Buckypaper is made from carbon nanotubes amazingly strong fibers about 1/50,000th the diameter of a human hair that were first developed in the early 1990s. Buckypaper owes its name to Buckminsterfullerene or Carbon 60, a type of carbon molecule whose powerful atomic bonds make it twice as hard as a diamond (Florida State University, 2005).

The nanotubes in buckypaper can be used as electrodes for bright organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). They can be lighter, more energy-efficient, and allow for a more uniform level of brightness than current cathode ray tube (CRT) and liquid crystal display (LCD) technology. They could be used to illuminate surfaces in buildings which also serve to support the structure.


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