Nasa moon landing

Nasa Moon Landing – Fact Or Fiction

Summary Of The Report

July 16, 1969. The United States had been battling the USSR (now known collectively as Russia, Poland, Finland etc) in the Cold War: a competition between them to see whose technology was better. The USSR was successful in sending a man into space, and then travelling around the entire earth first. The United States had to shift into high gear. Were they not capable of catching up with the USSR but also fearlessly rocketing past them and landing on the moon? Did NASA really send the first man to the moon in what will always be remembered in U.S. history? Or was the country duped into believing fraudulent pictures and happenings never actually happened? In this paper, we will find out if the moon landing was a hoax and why Neil Armstrong is famous for his steps on the moon that may, in reality, be just steps taken at a photo studio. We will also take specific examples and analyze them to prove or disprove the various conspiracy theories behind them.


For years, man looks up at the stars and wonders what power they possess or from what great God they were born. The answer to this question has always been a fantasy to man, but the dream is getting closer to reality. The dream to soar in space was realized in the 1960’s but man wanted to further his achievements. Man now wanted to land and walk on the only one of Earth’s natural satellites know as the Moon. The crash in May 26, 1969, of Apollo 10 paved way for the first official attempt at a manned lunar landing. The 363-foot-tall Apollo 11 space vehicle, launched from Kennedy Space Center on July 16, 1969, was the United States’ first lunar landing mission. President John F. Kennedy had made a public commitment on 25 May 1961 to land an American on the Moon by the end of the decade.

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There are many conspiracy theories regarding the 1969 moon landing. It is not possible to look at all of them in this paper. The ones under scrutinizing are the most common and famous ones. They have been roughly categorized as shown below.

Mythbusters-Adam and Jamie, built a replica of the lunar landing site based on the photograph, using reflective sand similar to the kind found on the moon’s surface and a single light source to represent the sun. They took a picture, which turned out to be exactly like NASA’s original. The reason given for the uneven nature of the shadows is the way in which light falls on the natural topography of the moon.

Mythbusters built a large-scale replica of the landing site. They took a picture of the result. The reason for the astronaut being well lit is due to the ambience of the sand. Ambience is the reflective property of the moon sand, which is approximately 7 to 9%.

The Build Team-Kari, Grant and Tori first tested to see which had a more distinct impression the dry sand or the wet one. It was very clear that the wet sand had a more distinct impression. Then, they placed sand, which was similar in composition to the one on the moon, in vacuum and tried to put a footprint on that. It was proven to be very distinct. The reason for this was that, due to its composition, moon soil behaves in a different manner when compared with terrestrial soil.

The Build Team first rotated the flag in normal atmospheric pressure and noticed that the momentum quickly dissipated. However, when the flag was rotated in a vacuum chamber, the momentum didn’t dissipate as quickly and continued to move as if fluttering in the breeze. This proves that the flag could appear to be waving in a “breeze”, while in vacuum.

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The Mythbusters tested the myth by pretending to be astronauts and mimicked the astronauts’ actions while being filmed on a slow-motion camera. On comparison with the original, they looked very similar. Nevertheless, on close comparison, discrepancies became obvious. For a more precise observation, they boarded a reduced gravity aircraft to attain the moon’s exact gravity. Upon comparison of this film with the original, they noted that the movements were more comfortable in microgravity.

Another way to prove that man has really been to the moon is the reflector.

When a laser is fired at the reflector regardless of the angle, it will always reflect back to the source.

This is the ultimate proof of man’s achievement of landing on the moon.


The first step was prompted by the invention of the telescope.Galileo Galileimade good use of this new instrument and observed mountains and craters on its surface.

TheCold War-inspired space racebetween the Soviet Union and the U.S. led to an acceleration of interest in the Moon. Unmanned probes, both flyby and impact/lander missions, were sent almost as soon as launcher capabilities would allow. The Soviet Union’sLuna programwas the first to reach the Moon with unmannedspacecraft. The first man-made object to escape Earth’s gravity and pass near the Moon wasLuna 1, the first man-made object to touch the lunar surface wasLuna 2, and the first photographs of the normally occluded far side of the Moon were made byLuna 3, all in 1959. The first spacecraft to perform a successful lunar soft landing wasLuna 9and the first unmanned vehicle to orbit the Moon wasLuna 10, both in 1966.Moon samples have been brought back to Earth by three Luna missions (Luna 16,20, and24) and the Apollo missions 11 to 17 (exceptApollo 13, which aborted its planned lunar landing).

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Many see the landing of the first humans on the Moon in 1969 as the culmination of the space race. Neil Armstrong,was beyond all doubt, the first person to walk on the Moon as the commander of the American mission Apollo 11by first setting foot on the Moon at 02:56UTC on July 21, 1969.

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