Natural And Man Made Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

Pollutions are two types. The natural and Man Made. The natural pollution is caused and produced naturally and will not affect our environment because of its regeneration ability. The Man made pollution is being made by humans and have huge affect on our environment and definitely ourselves. The reason of increasing the pollution daily is because of raising of population of the world since it is getting bigger there is need to contact to the environment to provide the necessaries of humans. By developing the new technologies and using them to reach and discover new resources people have had a harmful affect on the planet. It is clear that the small population with new technologies will not affect the environment or if it is affecting it is not that much an can be controlled while huge population by using the technologies will clearly have bad results for the planet.

Pollution is one of the major issue and concern. It has not been happened recently or accidently. It is human`s mistake since long years back and has been beside us since many years ago . We must be clever try hard to save our energies and resources and we have to have a good management and programs to protect the resources that we are using nowadays which we might not have them in coming years. We should use them usefully and try to prevent any type of pollution to our Environment and save the earth and resources for our future and provide a better living place. In General There are 6 ( Six ) types of pollution . Which we are going to discuss about four of them that it is believed to be the major ones.

Air Pollution

Water Pollution

Radioactive Pollution


Radiation is any kind of ionizing and nonionizing radiation that is caused by human activity. Nuclear power generating plants are the well known source of generating radiation; however there is other ways in which radiation is also emitted like: any nuclear devices, medical X rays microwaves and experimental research laboratories. However the amount of radiation that are emitted is considerably less than the nuclear power generator plants but is nuclear plants the amount of radiation al always under the check by the workers and specialists. In case that the radiation level is increasing in nuclear reactors; the specialists will shut down the reactor or decrease the nuclear chain reaction. (Radiation, library.Thinkquest, 2011)

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Radiation has bad effects on both land and human health. The land that is exposed to radiation will not be unfertile and if something grows on the land will have considerably high amount of radiation in the fruits and vegetables which is really bad for human health to consume. Radiation takes hundreds of years to vanish. If a person is exposed to radiation it is very dangerous and can lead to cancer, anemia, burns and vomiting. In some cases the genetic disorders are caused by radiation such as: mutation over long period of time mostly in off springs. The effect of radiation to human health depends on the amount of radiation that the person is exposed to and there is also many more such as: the length of exposure, kind of radiation, age, and the individual’s health and also exposed body parts. Nowadays exposure to radiation is minimal because of technological advancement.” However it can come from damaged nuclear plants, accidents from transporting of nuclear fuel and wastes”. (The effects of radiation, biology-online, 2011)

Nuclear wastes must be stored in heavily shielded sealed containers and be stored in areas away from biological habitats the safest storage sites are in deep caves or abandoned salt mines.

To avoid radiation prevent over exposure to x-rays and CT scans, avoid living near nuclear plants or stay there for too long and stay clear of radioactive materials and elements. Radiation exposure is a real danger. As Japan is battling its worst nuclear crisis. Radiation leakages threaten the health of the entire humanity. ” In Time Magazine, Prof. John K.C. Leung gives advice on radiation exposure – how to avoid radiation exposure. Remember nuclear radiation exposure can travel through clouds. It doesn’t really matter where you are. If the radioactive atomic materials can travel through air, then it can go anywhere.”(According to newsbalita, 2011). John K.C. Leung explains that the general protocol for those who find themselves in danger of exposure to nuclear material should; stay indoors the walls will provide some measure of protection from the radiation, close the windows and doors plus turn off the ventilation system.

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Various people support nuclear experimentation and suggest that by the help of technological advancements and the above safety precautions, radiation pollution/exposure can be controlled and avoided for example according to (biology-online, 2011)”Today, high level exposure is very rare due to the advancement of technology. It could come from defective or badly damage nuclear plants, ammunitions of factories, and nuclear war.” However radiation moves everywhere and it’s hard to contain for example experts say “radiation can travel through clouds. It doesn’t really matter where you are. If the radioactive atomic materials can travel through air, then it can go anywhere” (newsbalita, 2011)

Water pollution

Water pollution is an undesirable change in the state of water, which contains harmful substances. It is an important environmental issue like Air pollution .Water pollution is the physical, chemical and biological properties of water which contains harms other living organisms. Polluted water is unfit for drinking and for other consumption purposes. Since it’s polluted, it harms human beings and other living organism which use water as it contains viruses, bacteria, intestinal parasites and other harmful microorganisms. It also causes diesis such as diarrhea, dysentery, and typhoid. Due to pollutants entire ecosystem gets disturbed infected.

The causes of pollution are disease-causing agents. These are bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms that enter sewage systems and untreated waste, oxygen-demanding wastes which can be decomposed by oxygen-requiring bacteria. Oxygen levels in the water depletes when large amount of decomposing bacteria converts, which becomes the causes of death of other organisms in the water, such as fish.

Another pollutant of water is water-soluble inorganic pollutants, such as acids, salts and toxic metals. Large quantities of these compounds make the water unfit for drink and cause death of aquatic life.

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Nutrients are also water pollutants, they are water-soluble nitrates and phosphates that cause excessive growth of algae and other water plants, which deplete the water’s oxygen supply. It’s dangerous as, it kills fish and might kill child if found in drink water.

Water Pollution Causes

Although certain natural processes may cause some of the water pollution, however, the largest cause of our seas, rivers and lakes getting polluted is the human activity. We use water every day both in our industries and at homes. We get this water from groundwater sources, rivers, and lakes, and after using it, and often contaminating it, most of this water gets back into the rivers, lakes, and oceans. (Water treatment & purification, 2009)

A major problem in developing countries is the disposal of sewage, as there is no adequate sanitation in large areas, thus carrying disease causing bacteria and viruses into sources of water. In countries that are developed, people often flush pharmaceutical and chemical products into their toilet. (Water treatment & purification, 2009)

Air pollution

Substance in the air that cause harm to humans and the environment are known as air pollutants. Pollutants can be in form of solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. In addition, they may be natural or man-made.

“Pollutants can be classified as primary or secondary. Usually, primary pollutants are directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories. Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. They form in the air when primary pollutants react or interact. Example of a secondary pollutant is ground level ozone, one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photochemical smog. Some pollutants may be both primary and secondary that is, they are both emitted directly and formed from other primary pollutants.”

(Pollution & Greenhouse gas)


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