Need For Extra-curricular activities


Memo of Transmittal

Date:    February 24, 2017

To:    Tiffany Snauwaert, Chair School of Business

From:    Sukhchain Singh and Satinderpal Singh

Subject:    Need for more athletic events in school

Problem:  Selkirk College is a respectable school in the Kootenays region. This school has many branches such as Castlegar, Nelson, Trail etc. In this school, many international students are studying now such as from India, China, Japan and many other countries. They face many problems here like accommodation and work mainly due to which some students feel homesick too. They feel alone and stressed from studies and all the assignment work. In our school, hardly one or two cultural events and other athletics event occurs. Students who are from sports background love games very much, so they miss these types of events here. No doubt, the college always organizes many types of events like Intercultural Festival and small gaming competition, but these are not as big and organised as required and also they are held seldomnly.

Solution: Our school management can make a decision about this. Physical activities can be added to the school curriculum without any academic disturbances and also can offer physical, emotional and social benefits. At every weekend friendly sports events should be held in our gymnasium. We should not force the students to take part in those events. In every semester, there should be one big Sports Event at college and an Annual function should be arranged for students. In these events different kinds of matches like Cricket, Basketball and Badminton should be organised and cultural dances, dramas and many more such things should be held. There should be prizes for top 3 students of classes for appreciation for their hard work.

Conclusion: Schoolbased sports activities can bring out positive reactions and behaviors in students.  An annual function could encourage students to study more when they see their friend’s getting awards for their hard work. So the management should look after this issue and should take effective steps regarding this. I would thanks to Parmider Singh and Sarabjit Singh for their cooperation.

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Table of Contents



List of Illustrations …………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…… 6

Discussion Sections …………………………………………………………………………………. 7-8

Conclusions and Recommendations ………………………………………………………………… 9

Reference …………………………………………………………………………………………….10

List of Illustrations

Page no

Graph 1 Students from different countries and their interest7

Figure 1An example of intercultural events8

Executive Summary

To summarize, I would like to say that we have less extra curriculum activities in our school which are really important for the overall growth of mind and health of students. We should start Yoga, Basketball, Cricket and many more classes at our campus. These classes may be considered individual or team depending on the kind of sport. I did survey and group discussions with many students in the college to discuss this topic and to know their views about these activities. Almost every student wants to see these kinds of extra curriculum activities to be organised in the college. Once in a semester these kinds of events and matches should be organised within different campuses of the college.

So, at the end I hope the management and authorities of our college will also think about this change and they will start these kinds of events in coming days. I really appreciate those students who helped me to represent my views in front of the organization by supporting me.


In this project, I have thrown some light on the issue of organising some extra curriculum activities for students in the college. This is a really important issue for all the students who feel stressed and bored from the studies and also the students who want to show their talent in sports. The college should organise some kinds of sports activities within its different campuses along with some cultural events once in a semester. However, at the end of the semester top 3 students should be awarded. This should be done at a bigger level and students from all courses should be welcomed.

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Due to this change, students will excel in their overall growth both physically and mentally. Moreover, there are many international students who feel homesick and alone in the college. So they will also be benefited from this. Also, students will be motivated by the watching others getting awards for their hard work.

Discussion Sections

I did survey regarding sports and other activities in college. In this survey, I asked to answer in between the rating of 0-10. Like if you strongly agree with the opinion then give 10 and so on according to your level of interest.

My questions were-

  1. Do you miss your functions held in the past?
  2. Do you want to see those functions again in Selkirk College?
  3. How much is it important to organize functions and sports activities in college?
  4. Does it reduce stress level?
  5. Can we learn from this kind of activities?
  6. Can this kind of activities encourage students to study more and give competition to other students?
  7. Is it important for fitness purpose?
  8. Is it reducing homesickness up to some extent for international students?
  9. Do you think it could be great source of fun in this small town?

In results, I got most of the students giving 8-10 for their answers.

Moreover, I did group discussion with students from different countries. Firstly, I did with Indian students. They said they are missing those events which they enjoyed in Indian college and they are willing to enjoy those moments here too. When I discussed this matter with Canadian students they said they would love to see this kind of activities being organised in the college.  I just shared my Indian college event experience with them to explain them little bit. All the Chinese, Japanese students are agreeing and excited to see these functions. Because, we all believe through these events we can learn about different cultures and show our talents.

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Graph 1 Students from different countries and their interest

We can see from this bar chart more than 70% of the students are agreeing to organize these functions and sports activities in this college.


Fig 1: An example of intercultural events


After doing the survey with different types of students, we came to the result that more than 70% of the students agreed with our opinion and they also want to see these kinds of events in the college. We also found that the students are lacking in physical fitness which is affecting their overall growth. So, the authorities should take effective steps in this change for the betterment of the students.


In order to implement these changes the college should start giving free classes and coaching to the students like of Yoga, Cricket, Basketball and many more. The authorities should hire trainers and coaches in the college. Also, the sports department of the college should renovate the playing courts and grounds for the matches.

Moreover, the Student Union department should isolate the students and should promote these kinds of events in the college. Intercultural events like Dance, Dramas should be organised at a bigger level in the college.






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