NMA BCAR & Site Stage Procedures

Stage Pre Start /Site clearance

Applicable B.Regs

Preparation of site. C1 The ground to be covered by a building shall be reasonably free from vegetable matter.

Dangerous substances. C3 Reasonable precautions shall be taken to avoid danger to health and safety caused by substances (including contaminants) found on or in the ground to be covered by a building.

“Contaminant” includes any substance which is or could become flammable, explosive, corrosive, toxic or radioactive and any deposits of faecal or animal matter;

D1 “All works to which to which these Regulations apply shall be carried out with proper materials and in a workmanlike manner”

B.Regs Compliance

Soil investigation undertaken with testing for possible soil contamination

TGD C 2.2 In all cases, appropriate site investigations should be undertaken to check for the presence of contaminants. Contamination may arise from sources outside of the site e.g. landfill (see par. 2.18).

Ground Clearance/ Removal of deleterious materials

Table 1 TGD C Sites likely to contain contaminants

Asbestos works

Chemical works

Gas works, coal carbonisation plants and ancillary by-product works

Industries making or using wood preservatives

Landfill and other waste disposal sites or ground within 250 metres of such sites

Metal mines, smelters, foundries, steel works and metal finishing works

Oil storage and distribution sites

Paper and printing works

Railway land, especially the larger sidings and depots

Scrap yards

Sewage works, sewage farms and sludge disposal sites


Table 2 Possible contaminants

Signs of possible contaminant

(a) Vegetation (absence of, metals, metal compounds, poor or unnatural growth) organic compounds, gases

(b) Surface materials (unusual metals, metal compounds, oily colours and contours may and tarry wastes, asbestos (loose),indicate wastes and other fibres, organic compounds residues) (including phenols), potentially combustible material including coal and coke dust, refuse and waste

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(c) Fumes and odours (may flammable, explosive and indicate organic chemicals asphyxiating gases, including at very low methane and carbon dioxide, concentrations) corrosive liquids, faecal, animal and vegetable matter (biologically active)

(d) Drums and containers various (whether full or empty)

Remedial Measures

TGD C 2.5 If the presence of contaminants is confirmed, appropriate remedial action should be undertaken and, except in the case of Radon, (see par. 2.7), and the local authority should be informed.

TGD C 2.6 Where the most hazardous conditions arise, only the total removal of contaminants can provide a complete remedy. In other cases, alternative measures may reduce the risks to acceptable levels. Where there is a risk of gas accumulating, appropriate measures must be taken in the design and construction of the building. In all cases, action should only be undertaken with the benefit of expert advice.


Compliance with HSA procedures


Resolution removal by insured operatives (many contractors insurances do not include asbestos) to licenced facility with certificates

Organic Material

TGD C 1.3 Turf and other vegetable matter should be removed from the ground to be covered by the building at least to a depth sufficient to prevent later growth.

TGD C 1.4 Where the ground to be covered by the building contains tree roots or readily compressible material (even if it contains no organic material) which could affect the stability of the building, building services (such as below ground drainage) should be sufficiently robust or flexible to resist or accommodate movement. Joints should be made so that roots will not penetrate them.

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Health & Safety

Read preliminary H & S File regarding risks on existing site including

  • Deleterious materials e.g. asbestos
  • Weil`s disease from presence of rats in undergrowth, culverts .drains
  • Known underground and over-ground services





Foul drainage

Surface water drainage

  • Risk of unknown underground services
  • If working on existing building

Are live services safely terminated?

Are secure site boundaries in place?

  • Risk of work adjoin existing walls/structures


Non B Regs. / H&S

Are legal boundaries resolved and clear?

Are the status of boundary walls clear/ who owns them?

Are the walls party walls?

Has a conditions survey of adjoining properties, roads, footpaths been undertaken

Have easements and wayleaves been established e.g. access to ESB sub-station


Preliminary only. Will be in spreadsheet format

  • Soil Investigation report at Design Stage , which remedial actions identified by C & S Engineer, reviewed by PSDP which necessary actions in Preliminary Health & Safety Plan
  • Certified removal by insured specialist of all deleterious materials in accordance with all applicable Health & Safety and Environmental Regulations to a licenced final facility.
  • Certificate required for safe disposal to LCC approval of non asbestos waste
  • Certificate required for safe disposal to H & S Regs &   LCC approval for asbestos waste
  • Confirmation by Contractor of removal of all deleterious materials
  • Inspection Reports by C & S Engineer
  • Inspection on site by Architect to see that material is removed
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