Observations Of Operations Management Albert David Pharmaceutical Production Business Essay

Albert david is a pharmaceutical manufacturing unit that deals in the manufacturing of various products such as tablets which have gelatin and syringes and intervaneous fluids . the company operates in various parts of the Indian subcontinent that includes Kolkata Ghaziabad and Bhopal.

In The operations management project for albert david the main focus will be on the unit in Ghaziabad near the capital of india new delhi. A close look at the operation management process will be closely paid attention towards.the existing sytem, the site plan its advantages and disadvantages will be kept in mind will evaluating the operations management process of the company as big as albert david. The recommendations will be based on the observations that will come across through research and will be concluded by defining the operationmnagement process of the firm in total.


Albert david is a pharmeucitical firm that is based in Kolkata . it is based in the eastern part of the Indian sub continent and has been one of the best Pharma companies in the asian market. In the current fiscal year the company has made a staggering sales turnover of 123 crores and has been ranked at 29th in the Indian market where there are more then 25000 paharmaceutical companies are competing.

The company operates in various pats of the country involved in various manufacturing processes such as.

Various pharmaceutical formulations and bulk drugs in the manufacturing unit in Kolkata .

The infusion and oral solids at the Ghaziabad manufacturing unit.

The Bangalore unit deals with the manufacturing of syringes and needles.

The products are exported to russiazaire Haiti ,Egypt,Vietnam usa,Netherlands and uk.

The manufacturing units are equipped with the best technology and equipments from allover the world there are more the 130,000 retail outlets and a team of 300highly trained pharmacy scientists.

The Manufacturing Unit In Ghaziabad

The manufacturing unit in Ghaziabad was founded in 1981 and has a totala area of 20785.00 sq. mtrs. The total covered area is 7367.28 sqmtrs. The company introduced various products from Ghaziabad unit they introduced soft gelatin capsules and the hard geklatin capsules in 1988 . they introduced amino acid intravenous in corporation with the world famous ajino mo co. inc japan.

Site Layout Plan Of Albert David

Background Of the project

For years and years medicines have played a significant role in the evolution of the human life. They provide effective and critical benefits to the patients. The procurement of the pharmaceuticals is a very important component of the medicine management in today’s business environment specially when the supply chain provides the critical linkage between the patients and the medicine. The effectiveness of a supply chain is very important in this sector as it wioll make sure that the people will get the right amount of medicines at the time when they require it. An effective supply chain shell be integrated in the medical system. The medical industry is such in india that they assumed other things more important then an effective supply chain due to which reason the the specific supply chain project was launched in india in 2001 to ensure effective supply chain and supply chain management.

In the last two years the complaints from the northern region specifically the places near Ghaziabad have increased drastically and the main reason that is coming out is supply chain of the organization. The medicines are not being supplied effectively and the hospitals are getting some medicines in bulk and some not at all. Is it possible that it is because of an ineefective management procedure due to which there is a big mismatch of demand and supply and because of which the whole salers are ot happy. The healthcare system is getting more omplex day by day the demand for medicines has gone up in the past 2 years and is increasing. The manufacturing on the other hand of these medicines has not increased at all and is causing troubles in the supply chain. Inspite of being situated in the industrial area a large number of the the required supplies of medicine is coming from adjoining regions of the country. In order for albert david to ensure effective supply and generous profits they have to make sure that they capitalize on the current need of the market’s demand.

Mergers acquisitions and expansion is one of the main objectives of the organisationin almost every 24 months a expansion plan is inititated to ensure the growt of the firm and gain access to more assets nd manufacturing nits. A major expansion and implementation of a private limited company is on the cards within next three monthsthe ae also expecting large expansion plans in septemeber this year . the organization has been dong mergers and acquisitions in the past to ensure growth and is like a trend in te organization.

Objectives of the Study

As a part of the the analysis of the operation management process there has to be a first hand understanding of the various processes in the pharmeceuticalindustry .

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The objectives are as follows-:

Understand the process involved in the manufacturing of the antibiotics.

Understand and analyse the process involved in the production of glucose and saline solutions.

To analyse the contribution made by the information systems involved in order to attain operational efficiencies.

To understand the functioning of different types of machines and their integration with the help of the latest acquired PLC technology.

Suggesting recommendations in roderto improc=ve the operations models.

Scope of study

There was very limited information in order to understand the operational efficieny of the company as they have not really put I n a lot of information over the internet. The scope of primary research is not possible in this context as cost is a constraint. As the firm in the picture is an pharmaceutical organization it needs to be kept in mind that they do not put much of their information over the internet as the research projects are the secret projects. However the names of the machines and and their manufacturing process could be obtained. Given the understanding of the subject operations management I have tried my level best in order to develop an overall understanding of the operationl process involved in the organization.


The information used is mainly through the medium of internet and learning from various books and journals.

Existing System

The hierarchy of Albert David can be broadly divided in to three levels. The top managerial group is having executives who makes the decisions about the policies tat are concerned about finance, research and marketing. The industrial production manager is the other managerial worker. Finance manager will take care of the finance department and will control the daily financial activities. The marketing manager will take care of the marketing related issues of the company which involves distribution and the marketing of the finished products to distributors, various wholesalers and direct customers that are the local hospitals. Research manager deals with the quality control and their testing related activities. Albert David is not having a Research & Development department because the research about the constituents of the drugs and compositions is done in its headquarters which is located in Kolkata. The production manager takes care of production department and will take the responsibility of delivering the ordered products within the time.

Mergers acquisitions and expansion is one of the main objectives of the organisationin almost every 24 months a expansion plan is inititated to ensure the growt of the firm and gain access to more assets nd manufacturing nits. A major expansion and implementation of a private limited company is on the cards within next three monthsthe ae also expecting large expansion plans in septemeber this year . the organization has been dong mergers and acquisitions in the past to ensure growth and is like a trend in te organization.

The office and the administration employees will include the administrative assistants, general office clerks, secretaries and records keeping personnel that belong to payroll, sales, raw materials and shipments. Wholesalers, distributors and sales distributors will describe the products osthe company to pharmacists, health service administrators and physicians. These three sources act as a communication channel between their clients and the company.

The majority of the plant workers comes under one of the two occupational groups. Production workers operates the drug producing equipment, install, inspect , maintain and repair the production equipment. The transportation and material moving workers are responsible for package and transportation of the drugs. The workers who come under the assemblers, fabricators and production occupations will perform the assembling jobs that are being assigned to their teams. Different tasks are rotated among themselves rather than training on a single task. The decision of assigning the work that is to be assigned and how they are performed is completely flexible.

The effectiveness of a supply chain is very important in this sector as it wioll make sure that the people will get the right amount of medicines at the time when they require it. An effective supply chain shell be integrated in the medical system. The medical industry is such in india that they assumed other things more important then an effective supply chain due to which reason the the specific supply chain project was launched in india in 2001 to ensure effective supply chain and supply chain management.

The other workers in the manufacturing unit specialize in the certain parts of manufacturing process . such as chemical processing, the setting up of machine setter, machine controllers different sorts of glucose . . various types of manufacturing techniques are used and every worker has been given specific job in order for the manufacturing process to be very specific and qualitative. In order to take care of the quality process there are various supervisors and quality inspectors who keepan eye on the process and measure the quality and control the operational process so that the product is not compromisedin terms of quality. In the RO plant the workers who operate the machines alsoi have the basic job of maintaining pressure and controlling the flow of the of the filtered water towards the final processingunit in order to keep the quality of thematerial suitable for medicinal and pharmaceutical use. The inspectors take crae of the quality process in the best possible way for example the inspectors who examine ampoule check it for discolouration and alien particles in the consistency. . after the drugs are prepared and inspected they are bottled or otherwise packaged by filling machine operators and tenders.

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The quality inspectors are involved in every process and take good care of the process so that it is not compensated in terms of quality of the product.they also monitor the packaging, assembling and cleaning and maintainence of the product and equipments to ensure maximum control on the product manufacturing and ensuring it is taken out of the manufacturing plant safely.

Role Of IT

Information technology has become an integral part of the business environment and imagining the business without the information technology The constant upgrade in information technology, along with increasing global competition, is adding difficulty and hesitation of several orders of scale to the business and trade. One of the most widely discussed areas in recent business literature is that of new organizational network structures that hold survival and growth in an environment of growing complexity.

various types of manufacturing techniques are used and every worker has been given specific job in order for the manufacturing process to be very specific and qualitative. In order to take care of the quality process there are various supervisors and quality inspectors who keepan eye on the process and measure the quality and control the operational process so that the product is not compromisedin terms of quality. In the RO plant the workers who operate the machines alsoi have the basic job of maintaining pressure and controlling the flow of the of the filtered water towards the final processingunit in order to keep the quality of thematerial suitable for medicinal and pharmaceutical use. The inspectors take crae of the quality process in the best possible way for example the inspectors who examine ampoule check it for discolouration and alien particles in the consistency. . after the drugs are prepared and inspected they are bottled or otherwise packaged by filling machine

Effective implementation of information technology would decrease liability by reducing the cost of expected failures and increase flexibility by reducing the cost of adjustment. The businesses reaction to the environment remains to be the vital determinant for its effectiveness. The capabilities and flexibilities of computer-communication systems make them gradually more appropriate to businesses by being able to respond to any specific information or communication requirement.

Information Technology is having impact on all trade industries and businesses, in service as well as in manufacturing. It is affecting workers at all levels of organizations, from the executives to middle management and clerks. Information technology is increasingly becoming a basic factor of all types of technologies such as craft, engineering, routine, and non-routine.

The advances in Information Technology would result in remarkable decline in the costs of synchronization that would lead to new, concentrated business structures. It enables the business to respond to the new and urgent competitive forces by providing effective management of interdependence.

In the near future businesses would be facing a lack and a redundancy of information called information glut. To solve the information-glut companies will need to introduce methods for selective thinning out of information. Improvements in telecommunications will make it easier to control business units dispersed over different parts of the world. Advances in telecommunications, would result in increased distance-communication. Indirect communication would be preferred for well-structured information for routine, preprogrammed and decision processes.

The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry today is in the front rank of India’s science-based industries with wide ranging capabilities in the complex field of drug manufacture and technology. A highly organized sector, the Indian Pharma Industry is estimated to be worth $ 4.5 billion, growing at about 8 to 9 percent annually. It ranks very high in the third world, in terms of technology, quality and range of medicines manufactured. From simple headache pills to sophisticated antibiotics and complex cardiac compounds, almost every type of medicine is now made indigenously.

Playing a key role in promoting and sustaining development in the vital field of medicines, Indian Pharma Industry boasts of quality producers and many units approved by regulatory authorities in USA and UK. International companies associated with this sector have stimulated, assisted and spearheaded this dynamic development in the past 53 years and helped to put India on the pharmaceutical map of the world.

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The Indian Pharmaceutical sector is highly fragmented with more than 20,000 registered units. It has expanded drastically in the last two decades. The leading 250 pharmaceutical companies control 70% of the market with market leader holding nearly 7% of the market share. It is an extremely fragmented market with severe price competition and government price control.

The pharmaceutical industry in India meets around 70% of the country’s demand for bulk drugs, drug intermediates, pharmaceutical formulations, chemicals, tablets, capsules, orals and injectibles. There are about 250 large units and about 8000 Small Scale Units, which form the core of the pharmaceutical industry in India (including 5 Central Public Sector Units). These units produce the complete range of pharmaceutical formulations, i.e., medicines ready for consumption by patients and about 350 bulk drugs, i.e., chemicals having therapeutic value and used for production of pharmaceutical formulations.

Working conditions

The working conditions of the employees are very important in the organization and the health and safety supervisora take good care of that process

In the last two years the complaints from the northern region specifically the places near Ghaziabad have increased drastically and the main reason that is coming out is supply chain of the organization. The medicines are not being supplied effectively and the hospitals are getting some medicines in bulk and some not at all. Is it possible that it is because of an ineefective management procedure due to which there is a big mismatch of demand and supply and because of which the whole salers are ot happy. The healthcare system is getting more omplex day by day the demand for medicines has gone up in the past 2 years and is increasing. The manufacturing on the other hand of these medicines has not increased at all and is causing troubles in the supply chain. Inspite of being situated in the industrial area a large number of the the required supplies of medicine is coming from adjoining regions of the country. In order for albert david to ensure effective supply and generous profits they have to make sure that they capitalize on the current need of the market’s demand.

Mergers acquisitions and expansion is one of the main objectives of the organisationin almost every 24 months a expansion plan is inititated to ensure the growt of the firm and gain access to more assets nd manufacturing nits. A major expansion and implementation of a private limited company is on the cards within next three monthsthe ae also expecting large expansion plans in septemeber this year . the organization has been dong mergers and acquisitions in the past to ensure growth and is like a trend in the organization.

there are various processe which are used in the organistion in order to achieve maximum operational efficiency .

Production process- in this process the main concern is on quality and is done for very restricted medicines that need to be made specially on order as they have specific requirements . such a process makes the position of the companies operational managers a bit complex as not only they have to take care of the organizational process ut also the specific processes.

Table manufacturing process- this process is mainly used through dispencing in order to do most of the mixing of the liquids and powders by hand . they are done by mixing scoops of the ingredients and then reforming the structure in order to ensure exclusivity of the product.

Mull Station Machine Process- multi station machine (rotary press).The tablet press is a high-speed mechanical device. It ‘squeezes’ the ingredients into the required tablet shape with extreme precision. It can make the tablet in many shapes, although they are usually round or oval. Also, it can press the name of the manufacturer or the product


To conclude the assignement it can be stated that the process used in albert david is a process that is efficient and is very much likely to prove a good quality management system. The operational managers in the organization have shown suitable performance rates by setting up the standard operating procedures which are very useful for the organizations growth. The transformation process of the organization is better then a lot of other organizations in india as they have shown suitable profits in the last 2 years specially in the times of recession. The organizational hierarchy is better and is proving to be really good as they introduced the PLC methodology which divides the processes into smaller processe and pyraminds which in turnare better as they have a better sop(standard operating procedures). The situation is better as the process is longer but is effective. Operations management in the organization now is more effective and the fact that the orgamnisation is a trans national company and through its various plants in india is sending a lot of products to various countries makes it even more better.


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