Online Recruitment Of Manpower Information Technology Essay

Online Recruitment of Manpower is a part of the Human Resource Management System that structures and manages the entire recruitment process. This recruitment service system will primarily focus on the posting and management of job vacancies. However, this will be the initial step towards achieving the longer-term goal of delivering broader services to support recruitment.

This will provide service to the potential job applicants to search for working opportunities and if they choose they may be able to make an application online. It is planned that ultimately all vacancies will be posted online and that this site will offer employers the facility, to post their vacancies online as well as review and manage the resulting applications efficiently through web with the help of Online Recruitment of Manpower. This Recruitment System will also allow Job Provider to establish one-to-one relationships with candidates, by keeping in close communication with them through out the application/interview/hiring process, even allowing the candidates to track the progress of their application. In other words, enables the employer to treat candidates like customers.

1.1 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The primary functions of a software process model are to determine the order of the stages involved in software development and to establish the transition criteria for progressing from one stage to the next.

These include the completion criteria for the current stage and entrance criteria for the next stage. In short, they provide guidance on the order in which a project should carry out its major tasks.

The SDLC model, employed for the software development process of this project is based on Spiral Model. It combines the iterative nature of prototyping with the controlled and the systematic aspects of the waterfall model. The major distinguishing features of this model are:

It creates a risk-driven approach to the software process rather than a primarily document-driven or code-driven process.

It provides the potential for rapid development of incremental versions of the software.

1.2 Phases of the Model:

The Spiral model is a meta-process model. Each phase starts with a design goal and ends with the client reviewing the progress thus far. Analysis and Engineering efforts are applied at each phase of the project with an eye towards the end goal of the project. It is generally employed in projects, which need constant review to stay on target.

There are phases involved in the model software development process. They can be summarized as:

Objective Setting: Specific Objectives for the project phase are identified.

Risk Assessment and Reduction: Key risks are identified, analyzed and information is sought to reduce these risks.

Development and Validation: An appropriate model is chosen for the next phase of the development.

Planning: The project is reviewed and plans drawn up for the next round of the spiral.

The evolutionary process begins at the center position and moves in a clockwise direction. Each traversal of the spiral typically results in a deliverable. Subsequent traversals may then produce more sophisticated versions of the software. There are no fixed phases such as specification or design phases in the model and it encompasses other process models. For example, prototyping may be used in one spiral to resolve requirement uncertainties and hence reduce risks. This may then be followed by a conventional waterfall development.

1.3 Advantages of the Spiral Model:

It maintains a systematic stepwise approach, like the classic life cycle model, but incorporates it into an iterative framework that more reflect the real world.

Estimates get more realistic as work progresses, because important issues are discovered earlier.

It reduces risks before they become problematic and technical risks are considered at all stages.

It is more able to cope with the changes that software development generally entails.

1.4 Disadvantages of the Spiral Model:

Demands considerable risk-assessment expertise.



2.1 Problem Definition

Software may have some problem to run. At first define the problems. The Company’s previous system called existing system. The existing system has some limitation which is found.

2.1.1 Existing System

The Job Providers carries out their activities through various meetings and presentations. The HR-Manager takes the final decisions and assigns the tasks to HR Senior Facilitators. The HR-Senior Facilitators completes the tasks assigned to them with the help of Junior Facilitators.

In the current scenario, all the information and activities relies either on paperwork or on in broken, distributed and isolated automation such as use of Microsoft Excel Sheets. The problem that arises in such a scenario is that the process is too cumbersome and demanding as well.

2.1.2 Limitation of the Existing System

Un-availability of data as and when required.

Exams are conducted manually, hence a mass usage of papers and same questions become repeated for the more than one candidate.

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Highly inconsistent information across the department along with the overhead of redundant data management across department.

Duplication of data gathering and maintenance efforts.

High level of human intervention needed

No system to keep track of the resumes of the candidates.

The costs involved in manual recruiting process include advertising costs,

the cost of hiring a placement agency, administrative expenses and the cost of time.

2.1.3 Proposed System

The proposed system “Online Recruitment of Manpower” developed using ASP.NET, C# and SQLServer 2000 will include all the features carried out by manual system and also add certain additional features so that the package will form a definite improvement. It is proposed to make the system extremely user-friendly with well-designed screens and limited inputs. This Recruitment System is ideally more focused, fast paced and effective. By breaking geographical boundaries, online recruitment gives maximum reach.

2.1.4 Features and Benefits of Proposed System

Online Recruitment of Manpower has all the features and functions required for executing a successful recruitment task, providing exceptional use for recruitment team.

The following are the overview of the features and benefits of Online Recruitment of Manpower:

It is much faster than traditional modes of recruitment.

Softwares are installed for the immediate use of the system effectively and efficiently.

Database to store the candidate’s details securely.

Customizable authentication to control access to database files using assigned user login and password control.

Provides information to the HR team so that they can make judgment about particular situations.

Candidate applications are automatically stored and shortlisted against job description criterion.

It allows the hiring manager to screen out unqualified candidates in an

automated way, which saves over 65 percent of the hiring time.

One can track the progress that the candidate is making in various stages

of the hiring process

Reduction in the costs of hiring – there will be between 50 – 60 percent decrease in the cost of hiring.

Reduction in the time to hire – the result of targeting candidates accurately in an online environment means less ‘Paper; administration’ and more time ‘face-to-face’ with the candidate.

2.2 Feasibility Analysis

Feasibility study is conducted once the problem is clearly understood. Feasibility study is a high level capsule version of the entire system analysis and design process. The objective is to determine quickly at a minimum expense how to solve a problem. The purpose of feasibility is not to solve the problem but to determine if the problem is worth solving. The system has been tested for feasibility on the following points:

Technical Feasibility

Economical Feasibility

Operational Feasibility

2.2.1 Technical Feasibility

The project entitles “Online Recruitment of Manpower” is technically feasible because the project was developed in high end technologies of software Visual Studio 2005 and IIS Web Servers using the .NET Framework has two main components: the common language runtime and the .NET Framework class library. The common language runtime is the foundation of the .NET Framework. The class library, the other main component of the .NET Framework, is a comprehensive, Ranging from traditional command-line or graphical user interface (GUI) applications to applications based on the latest innovations provided by ASP.NET.

2.2.2 Economical Feasibility

The proposed system needs the software of Java and Web Server. Java Development Kit is the free downloadable software from the economic point of view. The cost to conduct system investigation and the cost of hardware and software of application is feasible. Since the proposed system obeys all the above three factors, the project developed in this system is feasible leading to positive results for the organization. There is no need to spend huge amounts on developing this system. Even free downloadable web servers also available from various vendors. Hence developing the proposed system is economically feasible.

Economic Feasibility is measure that the proposed system has for gaining sufficient benefits in the economy.

Economically, this project doesn’t raise any problems. The resources required for this project is minimum.

2.2.3 Operational Feasibility

The operational feasibility is measured by the usage of the system after implementation and resistance from the user. The system involves all the factors that are essential in achieving the Operational Feasibility. This system is proved for its operational feasibility in the presence of the user who is actually going to use the system. This feature that will meet all the organizational requirements is achieved after conversation with the user of the system.

As the system is developed using the state of art, high calibrated, powerful functions, it is very much operational with current technologies and practices.

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In addition, the interface provided makes the User/Administrator more comfortable.

2.3 Formal Description:

The Web-based HR Recruitment System is broadly divided into 3 modules. They are:

HR Module

Applicant Module

System Administrator

2.3.1 HR Module

In this System, HR performs some operations which help him to recruit the best candidate for the company. And these operations are mainly under five broad headings and we can call it as Sub Modules of HR.





Change Password


In this system HR Admin team creates vacancies and new user. Creation of vacancies is based on department name and no. of openings. At the time of creation, particular vacancy is given a unique ID. Whoever has created the vacancy only that particular HR Admin has the rights to close the vacancy. Candidate applying for a particular vacancy needs some specified qualifications. Based on these qualifications HR team will takes the applied candidates. This is how a new applicant is created.


In this sub module the HR Admin can view Applicant, Vacancy, and Shortlisted. Applicant details consists entire information about the applicant like name, e-mail id, address, mobile no., qualifications, experience etc. This information helps HR Admin to easily shortlist the candidate.

The HR team can view the vacancy details which are already created by other HR Admin and the vacancy details consist of vacancy code, vacancy title, department name and no. of openings, owner of the vacancy, date of close/open and status.

Based on the requirements of the vacancy, suitable candidates are shortlisted. All the details of these candidates are placed in shortlisted table, from here HR Admin can view the details of the applicant.


In case of any necessary changes HR Admin is given the privilege to edit the details of vacancy. HR Admin can change all the details of vacancy like vacancy title, vacancy code, date of creation of vacancy, no. of openings etc…, but he cannot close the vacancy which is not owned by him.


In order to make HR Admin job easier in viewing particular applicant or vacancy details this sub module is used. The time to search is reduced by categorizing the search based on applicant number and vacancy number.

Change Password:

Periodically changing the password helps the HR to maintain secrecy over his own id. It’s a form of self-security. Change Password provided by this system allows him to keep up his privacy of password.

2.3.2 Applicant Module

Applicant is a job seeker who applies for the available vacancies. For the Job Seeker the options available in the system would be mainly under four broad headings and we can call it as Sub Modules of Job Seeker.





Changing Password


An applicant is eligible to apply for the vacancies once he gets registered where in he fills all his details which are required for the company. After entering all information the system gives activation link & password via him/her email address.


A Jobseeker can create his/her Resume. Jobseeker fill his/her personal details , professional experience , academic qualification & Skills.


The applicant can view his own profile which was entered by him at the time of create resume.


Applicant can change his/her details such as profile and resume. In this sub module he can edit his/her personal details which were already entered and he also has the privilege of updating resume.

Change Password:

As any other user the applicant also can maintain his share of privacy by getting an access to change his password after he has made a login into his homepage.

2.3.3 System Administrator

System administrator is the one who allots login IDs and passwords for the HRs, Interviewers and also for the registered applicants. The following are the options for the system administrator:

Create user

Delete user

Change password

Create user:

In this sub module administrator assigns IDs and passwords depending on the type of user (HR/Interviewer/Applicant) .With these IDs and passwords respective users can login to their respective accounts.

Delete user:

Here administrator deletes those IDs which are no longer under use.

Change Password:

It allows the administrator to change his password for his security.

2.4 Test Cases Attempted Versus Successful

The first step in discussing test execution results is to expect that you have done a thorough job of test planning. If you have unintentionally omitted certain application functions or business activities or structural components or performance aspects of application from test planning, then test coverage will be inadequate. No amount of test execution planned coverage will give test results for the “un”-covered testing. The extent of “un”-covered testing usually becomes apparent when customers start calling Help Desk with defects that eluded testing. One planning key to successful test results analysis is the clear definition of success for each test case. It is common for a test case to have a number of expected results.

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Table 1: A test schedule with first-week outcomes

Table 2: Analysis of first- week test execution outcomes

2.5 Defect Discovery Focusing

The metrics used to track the incremental discovery and correction of software defects can be leveraged for valuable test analysis beyond one-by-one defect review and backlog analysis. Consider the cost/benefit t trade-off from adding one more column of information to the defect-tracking record: the identification of the code that contained the defect.

Table 3: Defect tracking log with code earmarks



3.1 Software Requirements

Operating System : Windows XP

Backend : SQLServer 2000

Framework : .NET Framework 2.0

Language : ASP.NET, C#.NET, JavaScript

3.2 Hardware Requirements

Processor : Pentium 4

RAM : 512MB

Hard Disk Drive : 2GB

Monitor : Philips color monitor

Keyboard : 104 Standards

Mouse : A4tech

Server : IIS



4.1 Use Case Design for Jobseeker

Apply for Vacancies

Check Status

Change Password



Create / Edit Resume

Figure 1: Diagram design for jobseeker

4.2 Use Case Design for Admin

Create Job

Edit Job Details

Search & view jobseeker for a job

Create New Employee

Change Password



Figure 2: Diagram design for admin

4.3 Activity Diagram of HR

Below some activity of diagram of human resource which indicate data flow. These diagrams are connectivity between employee and jobseeker.

4.3.1 Data Flow Diagram 1




Give details

Get applicant details

Get vacancy details

Get employee detail

Gives details and resume

Get Job openings

Get Vacancy detail

Reports of selected applicants

Figure 3: Context Level 1 DFD for Online Recruitment of Manpower

4.3.2 Data Flow Diagram 2



Valid id/pwd




User id & password
















Give detail

Valid id/pwd


Get status

Figure 4: Context Level 2 DFD for Online Recruitment of Manpower

4.4 Activity Diagram of Employee



Create Job

View Sort List

View Jobseeker Details


Check Authen…


Update/delete Job

Figure 5: Activity diagram of employee

4.5 Activity Diagram of Jobseeker


Apply Job


Create/ Update Resume

View Status




Check Authen…

New User



Figure 6: Activity diagram of jobseeker

4.6 Sequence Diagram for Entire System

Job Seeker




Login (User id& pass)

Invalid id or pass



ID & pass

Login (User id& pass)


Id & pass

Invalid id or pass


Create job ()

Edit/ delete job ()

Create resume ()

Update/delete resume ()

Apply for job ()


Sort list ()

Sorted list () ()



Sorting list

Figure 7: Sequence diagram for entire system

4.7 ER Diagram




Job Seeker









Fathers Name

Mothers Name















Job Title



App deadline


Req Qualification

Req experience


Job location


Sort list

Figure 8: ER diagram for whole system



As a software engineer I have presented a comprehensive overview of “Online Recruitment of Manpower” techniques and processes. In compiling the survey I have tried to be comprehensive to the best of my knowledge, as matured in project and study of this fascinating topic include more traditional techniques.

The main contributions I intended to offer to the readers: on one side, by putting into a coherent framework all the many topics and tasks concerning the software testing discipline, we hope to have demonstrated that online recruiting is not a simple activity deserving a first-class role in software design and development, in terms of both resources and intellectual requirements. On the other side, by hinting at relevant issues and open questions, I hope to attract further interest from academy and industry in contributing to evolve the state of the art on the many still remaining open issues.

In this project, Online Recruitment of manpower of the K. Ali International Ltd. has evolved to an engineering discipline, as the standards, techniques and tools cited throughout the chapter demonstrate. However test practice inherently still remains a trial-and-error methodology. I will never find a test approach that is guaranteed to deliver a perfect product, whichever is the effort I employ. However, what I can and must pursue is to transform testing from “trial-and-error” to a systematic, cost-effective and predictable engineering discipline.

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