Online Web Application For Selling Computer Products Computer Science Essay

This project report represents the idea of the Online Shopping Website application for Computer products. In this project we are having primary goal of to increase the sale of the Computer product in the market, and to reduce the manual work and increasing the technical support for sellers and buyers to sale or buy product online. The second goal of this site is to maintain the data of buyers, sellers and product.


In the current system all transaction are doing in manual that is very time consuming and it is very difficult for maintenance. They have to maintain all data in books and register that is very difficult to finding any data in those lots of registers and books so it is very time consuming and wasting of money. So to overcoming all these problems we can use Online Shopping for Computer product. The online shopping is the part of internet to do online purchasing and selling product with electronic security, now day this is called as E-commerce. Customer can directly purchase the product online from his/her home through internet. Customer can see many products and details about the products which are not possible in current system. Customer can pay online through credit card there is no need to keep big cash in pocket and physically going to the shop.


The major of website for Online Shopping is sale and purchase computer products and services through the internet. This transaction does with the electronic data exchange over the internet. Customer has to give credit card details for purchase product with secure transmission of data exchange over the internet.

The Online Shopping website has many objectives some of them as follow:

It gives information about various products of different categories.

Customers purchase the products online with the help of internet.

Customer will login on website for shopping.

Customers purchase the product with checking the price of product and can compare the same product with different categories product.

Customer will pay online payment so security is more important so for that the secure transmission layer is used.

After purchasing product customer can have any problem with product so he can give the details about the problem and get solution for that as per require time.

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Data security is more important because customers personal details are stored in the database so the database is access by only authorize person or admin.

I strongly conclude that implementing this type of application is very useful for online users and sellers of product or owner of the site.


In this project we follow the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies use to develop website. I have used Waterfall Model to develop this website. The main steps in this methodology are Requirement, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance. The waterfall model is also called as linear sequential model, in this model all tasks are completed one by one. To use this model the major advantage is very simple and all project development process takes place as per the user requirement.

Figure: Waterfall Model

1.5 SCOPE:

This website is basically for server and deployed on the server site.

The Online Shopping website is basically useful to company for selling computer products worldwide.

This website will be useful for the following areas:

Useful for online selling products for companies.

Use anywhere in the world in any time.

All information about items is stored in system.

Company stores all items details, update items, price, discount etc.

Customer can place online order from any place via internet.

The System reduces most manual work and maintains all information and stores it for future references.

This system will be applicable for company as well as wholesale shops, or any other Organization who wants to sell their products in international markets.

This system will provide more data storage facility.

This system will provide easy maintenance for future references.



Java technology is the most popular and robust technique to develop any kind of projects such as window application, web application etc. J2EE is the java enterprise edition to the develop web application. To developing this website I have used JSP (java server page), Servlet and Java beans which are part of J2EE technology. These technologies basically used to give request and take response on server side.

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Model view controller (MVC) architecture:

Figure: MVC architecture


The model is related with classes which represent the application data, this model responsible for know what the data is, how to create, delete, retrieve and store the data.


It is basically used to show the data and notices in user interface which user wants to change it.


These classes basically provide logic of the application, which is responsible for coordination the data in the model and the view.

About the data base:

The MySQL is one of the popular database for developing server side application or web application, it has more reliability, performance and simple to use. The MySQL database is open source, so it’s saving time and money and it can run on most platforms. It is specifically use to store large amount of data or records, So Online Shopping website use MySQL database to maintaining the data about the products, customers, sales, purchase etc.


This system is purely web based client server architecture

Take time to find the troubles of the online users

Server MIS configuration

Session management

Error handling

Deployment of the application in Apache Tomcat.

MySQL database installation and versions.

Setting the path and class path in java.



Database : MySQL 5.0.

Server   :  Apache Tomcat 4.1

Front End  : JSP/Servlets, J2SDK 1.6, HTML, DHTML, Java Script.

Editor  : Edit plus, Jcreator. 


Processor : Intel P-IV based system

Processor Speed : 2.0. GHz

RAM : 256 MB to 512 MB

Hard Disk : 40GB to 80GB

Key Board : 104 keys


Proposed system (Developing system) and advantages:

The system will reduce manual work which provides easy access and easy working environments.

This system will give easy GUI (Graphical User Interfaces) for registration and fill different forms information.

This system also gives facility to for customers to register their feedback regarding product to company online and get solution for that.

From Company’s ease system Admin can get easily details, add new items, update item or etc.

The system will give robust efficient in all respect & having a strong security features.

Minimal and effective security notifications or messages.

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ItemUML Diagram

Add Item to







Confirmation All Figure 2: Sample UML diagram

In the above diagram the user search the products and add to shopping cart and after adding all products which want to buy then he can the checkout the cart and the system checks the user’s login, credit card and all information for further process and gives confirmation for dealing. (This diagram is sample one, will develop the database for better view).


Distributed database and GUI application

Application deployed in client server architecture.

Service Authentication.

Data capture.


Planning to do unit testing, Integration testing and validation tests.


Online Shopping website run on any environment, this is useful for any computer parts manufacturing company to sale its products online. This application on the internet, user will use this application easily at anywhere in the world.

The feasibility study of the project is follows:

Economic feasibility:

Online Shopping website is maintaining large amount of historical data with using minimum cost and time. With the help of internet the user or seller can ads or sale his products online all over the world without investing any cost. And the website having graphical user interfaces so no need to training for user or employee.


In this phase or approach after the collecting the requirement from client we can analyze the customer requirements, then we can create the planning and decide the objectives of the project and divides the projects development into different phases. These phases divided into task and subtask and it will be complete within given time period.


In this project we are covering how helpful this Online Shopping website to the computer manufacturing company for selling products online, and online purchasing product to the customers. This application manages the all historical data about the products, customers, sellers to the future reference as insert, update, and retrieve the data. It is basically for who don’t have time to go shopping at shop they can buy products easily via internet from home or office.

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